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也门石油   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
也门是世界上最贫穷的国家之一,为了发展国民经济,1990年南北也门统一后,政府从1995年开始实施经济改革,不断改善投资环境,吸引外资,同时努力加大对石油的勘探与开发力度,逐步使也门从一个长期贫油的国家发展成为中东地区新兴产油国.近年来,石油已成为也门经济的支柱产业.1999年石油产值约占国民经济总产值的70%,石油出口占总出口量的95.8%,我国已连续多年成为也门石油的最大进口国.  相似文献   

也门与阿拉伯海湾国家息息相关。自古以来,它们拥有相同的地域环境、语言文化、宗教信仰和传统习俗、相似的历史命运。自20世纪发掘石油以来,海湾国家的经济迅猛发展,也门也得到这些国家的财政援助。两伊战争爆发后,海湾六国为寻求安全成立了海湾合作委员会。海湾战争期间,也门与海湾国家关系恶化。经过多年努力,双方又恢复了友好关系,经贸交流也有了进一步发展,也门还积极申请加入该委员会,并且被接纳为其下属部分机构成员。也门最终能否成为其第七成员国而融入海湾大家庭,值得我们关注。  相似文献   

俄罗斯国家统一考试作为中学毕业考试和高校入学考试的结合体,是俄罗斯教育领域改革的重要举措,自2001年试点,至今已近20年。此项改革一直在不断完善,俄罗斯社会各界既对国家考试制度表示认可,也对其存在的许多问题及未来发展充满担忧,为此,俄罗斯教育部门不断出台各项改革措施,以使国家考试制度真正达到"1+1> 2"的效果。面临各方面的问题,"年轻的"国家考试制度任重而道远。  相似文献   

也门与阿拉伯海湾国家息息相关.自古以来,它们拥有相同的地域环境、语言文化、宗教信仰和传统习俗、相似的历史命运.自20世纪发掘石油以来,海湾国家的经济迅猛发展,也门也得到这些国家的财政援助.两伊战争爆发后,海湾六国为寻求安全成立了海湾合作委员会.海湾战争期间,也门与海湾国家关系恶化.经过多年努力,双方又恢复了友好关系,经贸交流也有了进一步发展,也门还积极申请加入该委员会,并且被接纳为其下属部分机构成员.也门最终能否成为其第七成员国而融入海湾大家庭,值得我们关注.  相似文献   

在也门现代民族国家构建进程中,政治伊斯兰运动经历了从政权异见派转变为政治参与者的发展过程,逐渐形成了多元化和激进化的特点。政治伊斯兰运动的崛起对当前也门国家重构产生了重要影响。当前,也门政治危机仍在持续,以胡塞武装为代表的激进政治伊斯兰势力呈现迅速发展之势,但也门现代历史中维持国家政局稳定的经验表明,"融入—温和化"模式对也门未来政治重建和社会转型仍具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

也门是阿拉伯世界的重要国家之一,在中东地区发挥着独特作用。当前也门变局已成为构成西亚北非动荡的重要组成部分,并有可能对中东格局、地区力量对比、阿拉伯世界发展前景,以及域外大国角逐态势等产生深远的影响。  相似文献   

目前,也门的人口约1400万,其中1000多万分布在北方的萨那、塔兹、荷台达各省;400万人分布在南方的亚丁、哈达拉毛等省。1973~1975年,也门进行了历史上第一次人口普查,掌握了人口的结构.分布、增长的情况,以及人口的社会、经济与健康状况.60~70年代,也门没有出现人口爆炸问题,也门保持了较稳定的人口增长,与经济社会发展的矛盾并不突出.阿拉伯海湾国家依靠巨额石油收入掀起了大规模的经济建设,这促使也门劳工大量输出,他们为也门的经济发展带来源源不断的外汇资金。80年代,也门社会开始面临人口问题的挑战,1986年北方和1988年南方的人口统计结果表明,人口增长过快已与经济发展构成了突出的矛盾.海湾战争爆发后,100多万也门劳工从海湾国家回流到国内,他们与从非洲近邻不断涌入的难民与劳工汇合,加重了也门的人口与经济负担.1990年南北也门统一后,制订长远的也门人口政策被提上了日程。  相似文献   

朱海滔 《职业》2013,(22):74-76
在2013年财富全球论坛的热点话题圆桌讨论会上,杜邦公司董事长兼首席执行官柯爱伦指出,现在的大学教了很多科学知识,但缺乏很多软性技能的培训和教育,很多大学毕业生缺少雇主看重的软技能。软技能的表现在现代企业员工仅拥有硬技能,不足以生存和发展。企业为更好地向客户提供产品和服务,期望他们的员工既有硬技能又具备软技能。成功的员工,常常将硬技能与软技能完美地统一于一身,从而脱颖而出。那么,究竟什么是软技能,它与硬技能有什么区别呢?  相似文献   

"9·11"事件以来,极端组织在也门的发展十分迅速,使也门逐渐成为极端组织新的"策源地"。从国内方面看,也门政局长期动荡、派系林立、部落势力坐大、社会经济发展缓慢、部落暴力文化盛行等因素为极端组织的发展提供了社会土壤。从国际方面看,也门周边长期动荡、美国主导的反恐联盟投入严重不足及反恐手段功利化,使极端组织的发展难以得到有效遏制。从极端组织自身来看,"基地"组织的策略改变增强了其生存能力,它与"伊斯兰国"组织争夺领导权的斗争进一步刺激了也门极端组织的发展。也门极端组织的发展不仅挑战也门政权的政治合法性,使经济和社会形势进一步恶化,政治对抗和教派冲突不断激化,而且导致也门反恐形势更趋复杂,严重影响地区安全局势。  相似文献   

随着大国战略竞争加剧和全球政治多极化发展,海湾阿拉伯国家在全球网络安全治理格局中的地位逐渐不容忽视。本文考察了六个海湾阿拉伯国家在国际网络安全规范之争中的定位及其网络安全治理实践,认为海湾阿拉伯国家选择了一条符合中间地带利益的网络安全治理道路。在国际网络安全治理平台,海湾阿拉伯国家呈现出介于网络大国之间的混合性立场。在国内层面,海湾阿拉伯各国的制度框架为本国国家权力的行使保留了较大灵活性;在区域层面,非正式合作和次国家层面的对话协调机制正成为海湾阿拉伯国家区域网络安全合作的主要形式。对政治、文化和社会安全的考虑,地区竞争和冲突新形式的出现,经济和数字化转型催生的安全漏洞及对网络安全的巨大需求,以及国际层面的联盟关系及其变化,是影响海湾阿拉伯国家在国际网络安全规范之争中立场的重要因素。  相似文献   

When considering reunification, child welfare caseworkers are faced with the difficult challenge of predicting which caretakers will be able to provide a safe environment for their children once they return home. Unfortunately, although an increasing number of studies have examined maltreatment recurrence during investigation and following case opening, little is known about the factors that predict maltreatment recurrence following reunification. Using a case-control design and information gathered from a child welfare administrative database and client case records, the current study examined the factors that predict short-term (i.e., within 60 days) maltreatment recurrence among 174 families with children returning home from their first stay in substitute care. From a variety of child, caretaker, placement, family environment, and service provision characteristics, seven variables uniquely added to the prediction of maltreatment recurrence: 1) child age, 2) caretaker mental illness, 3) number of placements, 4) type of placement, 5) length of time in placement, 6) number of children in the home at reunification, and 7) the interaction between household structure at reunification and the presence of siblings returned home with the index child. The implications of these findings for child welfare practice and future research are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Over the past decade an interest in fathers and their contributions to family stability and children's healthy development has heightened the attention paid within the child welfare field to identifying, locating, and involving fathers. The article presents findings from analyses of data on nonresident fathers and child welfare case outcomes for foster children. Using data available from a telephone survey of child welfare caseworkers, together with administrative data on case outcomes, a positive association between nonresident father support and reunification outcomes for foster children is shown. The sample of foster children with nonresident fathers who provided financial support, nonfinancial support, or both types of supports, were far more likely to experience a reunification outcome than children whose fathers did not provide these supports. The findings demonstrate associations between support and reunification but cannot demonstrate causality given the cross-sectional nature of the dataset. More research is needed to better understand the nature of nonresident father support in the lives of foster children, and the quantity and quality of interactions between mothers, nonresident fathers, and their children.  相似文献   

Whilst child protection systems are concerned with removal of children from their families in the interests of safety, the capacity of child welfare systems to return children safely to their families of origin is of central importance. The multidimensional standardised assessment tool, the North Carolina Family Assessment Scale—Reunification (NCFAS-R) was used by practitioners to assess family strengths and needs in case planning and reunification decision making. The current paper examined (1) whether NCFAS-R domain ratings at intake and closure differ by characteristics of parents and children; and (2) whether reunification is predicted by NCFAS-R score at closure.  相似文献   

Individuals in the dependency system believe that it is important to have parties present at early decision-making hearings without much empirical support. This paper examines how involvement of mothers, fathers, and their respective legal representatives at early decision-making hearings (i.e., preliminary protective, adjudication, disposition, and first review) influences reunification in juvenile dependency cases. Cox proportional-hazard models indicate the likelihood over time of returning children to the parents they were removed from was significantly higher when the mother and the mother's attorney was present at early decision-making hearings. Results also indicate that the presence of the father significantly increased the likelihood of returning children to the parents they were removed from at only two specific case events. The presence of the father's legal representative was a significant predictor of reunification at the disposition hearing only. Implications for theory and policy are discussed.  相似文献   

Substance abusing mothers comprise a significant proportion of caregivers in public child welfare, and achieve low reunification rates. Unfortunately little is known about treatment options intended to facilitate recovery and increase reunification. This study focuses particular attention on the relationship between specific treatment modalities (e.g., residential and outpatient), recovery from substance abuse and family reunification. Analyzing a sample of 160 mothers and their substance exposed infants, the findings clearly identify the benefits of residential treatment in terms of both treatment progress (directly) and family reunification (indirectly), but only when residential services are delivered in combination with transitional services.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the nature and predictors of family reunification patterns in Australia. Using a large representative sample, this study extends previous studies based on older, often smaller samples and encompasses a period in which kinship care comprised a substantial proportion of out-of-home care placements. Analyses were based on a sample of 468 children who entered care for the first time in the State of Tasmania between January the 1st 2006 and December 31st 2007. Administrative data and case-worker interviews were used to obtain information concerning children's demographics, family backgrounds and placement movements over 2–4 years. The results showed that around 50% of children had gone home after 2 years, but that 79% of returns occurred in the first 6 months. Reunification was slower for younger children, those in kinship care, and amongst children from families affected by poverty, substance abuse and for a cluster children with the highest prevalence family risk factors. The study contributes to international knowledge concerning the importance of assessing the multiplicity of risk factors in family reunification research and the implications of kinship care for the increased stability, but higher retention, of children in out-of-home care.  相似文献   

2009年下半年以来,也门基地组织的恐怖活动对国际社会尤其对美国造成了严重威胁,引起了国际社会的广泛关注。也门北部的胡塞主义者叛乱和基地组织在也门的重新发展壮大,是国际反恐怖阵营的主要关注点。由于经济落后、社会不稳等因素,再加上传统的尚武文化,也门很难在短期内摆脱恐怖主义问题的困扰。虽然美国面临来自也门的严重恐怖主义威胁,但由于受困于伊拉克和阿富汗战场,美国不可能在也门开辟反恐第三战场。  相似文献   

Using a mixed methods approach, this study examined reunification processes and outcomes among Vietnamese immigrant families involved in the child welfare system. A quantitative design was used to describe characteristics and reunification outcomes of Vietnamese immigrant children and families who are involved in family reunification services. Qualitative methods were used to explore factors that may influence reunification outcomes among Vietnamese families.The quantitative portion of the study included an exploratory design using administrative data from one county in the Northern California. The quantitative sample (N = 32) included children entering the foster care system for 8 or more days between January 1, 2001 and December 31, 2007 from child welfare administrative data (CWS/CMS) which was merged with eligibility data (CalWIN) in order to obtain parent and child place of birth to determine country of origin. The qualitative study included an exploratory design using interview data from child welfare workers (N = 8) and Vietnamese immigrant parents who had successfully reunified (N = 7).Quantitative results indicated that the most common type of maltreatment leading to entry into care was caretaker absence or incapacity, an abuse category that is often used in cases of parental substance abuse. 53.8% of Vietnamese immigrant children in the quantitative sample reunified with their parents, which is close to the national rate of reunification. Qualitative findings pointed to the importance of the following factors within reunification: acculturation-related issues, parental substance abuse, child welfare worker cultural competency and issues related to service availability and effectiveness. Implications for social work practice and policy are discussed.  相似文献   

Child maltreatment cases involving substance abuse have increased. Estimates reveal that between 40% and 80% of all families involved with child protection have substance-abuse issues. Only 12%-20% of substance-abusing families regain custody of their children. Little is known about the factors that contribute to substance-abusing women regaining or losing custody of their children. Using the Multiple Embedded Case Study method, this study illuminates the experiences and feelings of mothers struggling to overcome addiction and highlights the main differences between women who regained custody and those who permanently lost custody of their children. In this study, 50% of the women lost custody and 50% regained custody of their children. The women who lost custody of their children tended to be in survival mode, characterized as going through the motions, engaging in acting-out behaviors, and failing to follow treatment recommendations. The women who regained custody of their children tended to thrive, characterized as having internal motivation, taking responsibility, and engaging the material. This study advances our knowledge of the factors contributing to reunification. Understanding these factors can lead to the development of practices that increase the likelihood of reunification for families struggling to overcome addiction.  相似文献   

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