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This presentation aims at addressing an apparent minor discrepancy between citations in Shevelov’s A Prehistory of Slavic (1964) and his Historical Phonology of the Ukrainian Language (1979). Shevelov (1964: 403) cites Russian селезень ‘drake’, also occurring in Ukrainian, and gives an Old Irish form selg, glossed as ‘hunt’, as a cognate. In Shevelov 1979: 94, however, Old Irish selg, unglossed, is offered as a cognate for Ukrainian селез?нка ‘spleen’ id., and other related Slavic forms, see also Trautmann 1923: 256, Pokorny 1959: 900–901, 987, Vasmer 1964–1973: III: 594–595, while his comment on Russian селезень cites no other cognates. For Old Irish selg itself, which, like селезень and селез?нка has two meanings, see Lewis &; Pedersen 1961: 18, 33; Thurneysen 1946: 139, Vendryes 1974: S-80–S-81.

Superficially, this would provide a very rare example of East Slavic *TolT reflexes developing to *TeleT, and not the regular, and expected *ToloT, but such examples should be treated with caution, cf. Shevelov loc. cit. Indeed, a glance at proposed Indo-European cognates of селез?нка/selg ‘spleen’ shows a degree of irregular development that points to a need for closer scrutiny by scholars, cf. Greek σπλ?ν, Avestan sp?r?za, etc., raising the question: what has happened to the Slavic *-p-? In contrast to Celtic, Slavic preserves Indo-European *p under most circumstances, and therefore one would expect it to be preserved in any cognate of the Greek and Avestan forms cited above. By simply juxtaposing Old Irish selg here, without further comment, Shevelov loc. cit. introduces a note of confusion for those interested in Slavo-Celtic cognates, and it is the purpose of this paper to disentangle such confusion, and to account for a situation whereby Slavic and Goidelic appear to use the same forms for the concepts of ‘duck’/‘hunting’ and ‘spleen’.  相似文献   

This comment argues that differences between clinical and normal populations, between clinical data and sociological data, and differences in social class and cultural settings should be taken into account in order to understand the varying psychological dynamics behind self representations. Research from the Nordic countries indicates that young women's relationships with their mothers and fathers are becoming more similar. The daughters appreciate their mothers' ability to combine independent lives of their own with care for children and family, and fathers are to a higher degree than before perceived as warm and caring figures. This may imply that the gender-differentiated psychological roles of the mother and the father in the heterosexual nuclear family are becoming less distinct. If chinks undermine not only the merged attachment but also gender as such, this question arises: What ways and to what extent are the new psychological dispositions Susie Orbach describes actually gendered?  相似文献   

This paper investigates trends, patterns and determinants of intermarriage (and partnership) comparing patterns among men and women and among different ethnic groups in Britain. We distinguish between endogamous (co‐ethnic), majority/minority and minority/minority marriages. Hypotheses are derived from the theoretical literatures on assimilation, segmented assimilation and opportunity structures. The empirical analysis is based on the 1988–2006 General Household Surveys (N = 115,494). Consistent with assimilation theory we find that, for all ethnic minority groups, the propensity to intermarry is higher in the second generation than in the first. Consistent with ideas drawn from segmented assimilation theory, we also find that substantial differences in propensity to form majority/minority marriages persist after controls for individual characteristics such as age, educational level, generation and length of residence in Britain, with men and women of Indian, Pakistani or Bangladeshi background having higher propensities to form endogamous partnerships. However, we also find that opportunity structures affect intermarriage propensities for all groups alike, with individuals in more diverse residential areas (as measured by the ratio of majority to minority residents in the area) having higher likelihood to form majority/minority partnerships. We conclude then that, beginning from very different starting points, all groups, both minority and the majority groups exhibit common patterns of generational change and response to opportunity structures. Even the groups that are believed to have the strongest community structures and the strongest norms supporting endogamy appear to be experiencing increasing exogamy in the second generation and in more diverse residential settings. This suggests that a weak rather than a strong version of segmented assimilation provides the best account of British patterns.  相似文献   

The growth of community-based not-for-profits in the Anglo-Americanworld has been mirrored by weakened political demands and adiminished set of critical political perspectives. Nevertheless,significant efforts in Anglo-American communities still existand provide examples of community-based organizing that havenot lost sight of the goals of social and economic justice.This article explores practice examples that demonstrate theexistence and possibilities of politically oppositional communityorganizing in the current difficult and complex political economy.These examples present effective, if imperfect, community initiatives.The three discussed – The Fifth Avenue Committee, ACORN,and Immigrant Worker Centres – offer alternatives to contemporaryforms of community practice moderated by economic globalizationand the policies of neo-liberalism. The article ends by drawinglessons from these experiences and their potential in the contemporarypolitical economy.  相似文献   

Women's priorities have often been ignored in the design of human settlements, the location of housing, and the provision of urban services. New forms of urban partnership are needed to develop participatory processes which include women and men at all stages of urban development. Participation is most commonly associated with political participation or activity. The author gives an overview of the "gendered city", then looks at how men and women benefit and contribute to urban life, through examples of opportunities for making a living and for using urban resources and services. She then moves away from participation as entitlement to consider participation as empowerment, looking at some problems faced by women in public office and grassroots organizations. The paper concludes in arguing that a gender perspective will not inform urban policy and planning processes automatically. Sections discuss gender and poverty in the city, making a living in the city, urban planning as a gender issue, getting around the city, access to resources and services, violence in the city, women's participation in urban governance, women's representation in public office, community organization and advocacy, men and gender issues, and forging linkages through participation.  相似文献   

A sample of 189 single, college women were randomly assigned by blocks to four experimental conditions that varied imagined-diaphragm-insertion during sexual activity: (a) Diaphragm-Inserted-Before, (b) Diaphragm Inserted-During, (c) Diaphragm-Inserted-During (Measurement control), and (d) No- Diaphragm-Control. Imagining inserting a diaphragm reduced subjectlve sexual arousal during coital imagery. Imagining interrupting sexual activities to insert a diaphragm tended to produce surprise and guilt. Imagining inserting a diaphragm led high-sex-guilt women to feel more shame, anger, guilt, distress, disgust, and surprise. High-sex- guilt predicted decreased subjective sexual arousal and positive affects and increased negative affects during precoital and coital imagery. When high-sex-guilt women imagined inserting a diaphragm, this decreased both subjective sexual arousal and affective guilt. Results were discussed from the perspective of Mosher's (1980) involvement theory.  相似文献   

Family therapy is moving increasingly toward evidence‐based practice and competency‐based training. This article explores what might seem to be an unlikely link between social constructionist supervision, which is based on dialogic and fluid processes of meaning‐making, and the increasing reliance on discrete core competencies in the education and training of family therapists. We propose an alternate approach to competencies for supervision with therapists in training that, among other things, invites accountability and provides evaluative props. The approach we propose is based on a set of orientations that we hope reflect the dialogic and contextual nature of social constructionist practice and supervision. These orientations consist of reflexivity and attention to power, fostering polyphony and generativity, collaborative stance, and focus on client resourcefulness. Ideas and questions for supervisors and therapists in training to address the orientations are articulated.  相似文献   

This article takes as its point of departureconcepts derived from couple therapy to betterunderstand collusive relationships in organizations. Aswe examine these dysfunctional workplace relationships— these interpersonal gridlocks —four main types of collusive superior subordinateinteraction patterns are identified — thenarcissistic, the controlling, the paranoid, and thesadomasochistic — and the consequences of each such dyad in organizationsare explored. In conclusion, the paper presents a numberof recommendations on how to recognize the presence ofsuch collusive arrangements (taking leadership behavior as a point of departure) and suggestspreventive steps that can be taken.  相似文献   

BEIJING: Taking Pedicabs to Weddings It is a fashion among young people in Beijing to take pedicabs to their weddings and bridal chambers. Today's hip young Beijingers no longer crave extravagant weddings aimed at attracting the gazes of  相似文献   

Innovation is stated to be one of the most powerful engines for economic growth in firms, markets and nations today. It is therefore not surprising that policy-makers would like to see innovations as a benefit of publicly spent money; making innovations an additional aim of public procurement (public procurement for innovation). The aim of the paper is to analyse the impact of a science organization's procurement practices on innovation. The intention is also to show how different and contradicting goals and expectations regarding public procurement are described and acted upon by the science organization and its suppliers, and to what extent the outcome of public procurement is innovation. Empirically, the study addresses how the European Organization for Nuclear Research, i.e. CERN, works with procurement; and how their procurement in turn affects CERN's suppliers. Based on a large case study in which more than 100 interviews were conducted over a time period of 8 years, the study contributes to the understanding of the limitations CERN’s procurement rules put on interaction and on innovation. The understanding of the implications of restricting interaction, but also the understanding of the reasons why these rules are put into place, and the dilemmas that follow, are all important contributions.  相似文献   

Dans cette communication sur les origines de classe et diverses formes de résistance chez les élèves des écoles secondaires en Ontario, l'auteur met en doute la tendance chez de nombreux chercheurs à généraliser certaines méthodes qui les font conclure que l'origine de classe est un des principaux facteurs déterminants de la participation aux sous-cultures 'anti-école'. Alors que ces chercheurs donnent à entendre que les taux de participation sont proportionnels aux différences entre classes sur le plan de la réussite scolaire, l'auteur applique diverses mesures de la résistance à un important échantillon d'éleves sans trouver de rapport de proportionnalité entre les résultats scolaires et la resistance selon la classe sociale. La presentation des données s'accompagne d'une analyse des facteurs structured et culturels qui pourraient contribuer à obscurcir les liens entre les origines de classe et la résistance chez les éliéves ontariens.  相似文献   

Drawing on qualitative research with 28 young people in Australia, this article explores children and young people's views and experiences of participation in decision-making while in out-of-home care. It initially examines the value of participation, before focusing on two key questions. First, do young people feel they had the opportunity to participate in decisions made about their lives during their time in out-of-home care? Second, on which issues do children and young people in care want to have a say?  相似文献   

We design a lab experiment to specifically examine whether a preference for favorable inequality and behindness aversion, as well as egalitarian preferences, affect competitive choices differently among males and females. Using data on approximately 2,000 subjects, we find that selection into competitive environments is negatively related to egalitarian preferences, with smaller negative impacts of being egalitarian on females’ choice to compete. Further, behindness aversion and preference for favorable inequality affect willingness to compete in opposite ways. The willingness to compete is negatively affected by behindness aversion, while a preference for favorable inequality positively influences willingness to compete. Interestingly, when we disaggregate behavior along gender lines, we find that compared to behindness averse males, behindness averse females are more likely to enter the competitive environment. In contrast, there is no significant gender difference in the impact of preference for favorable inequality on competition. Our results suggest that the observed gender difference in competitiveness can stem from male-female differences in distributional preferences and selected personality traits developed during one’s lifetime.  相似文献   

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