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William R King 《Omega》1984,12(6):529-538
The notion of a ‘strategic issues’ is rather pervasive in the field of planning in both conceptual [5, 19] and practical contexts. For instance, sometime ago the Wall Street Journal [41] reported that at least 50 large firms have created positions of ‘issues management director’; a dramatic increase in the number of such positions. ‘True’ strategic issues have a readily apparent importance to any organization; yet the process of identifying such issues and of integrating them into strategic planning and management is not well developed. Most treatments of strategic issues deal only with specific segments of the overall process through which relevant issues may be initially identified and finally translated into appropriate strategy [e.g. 5, 17]. This paper demonstrates that it is practical to develop a comprehensive process of ‘strategic issue management’ (SIM) that will facilitate the systematic identification, assessment and analysis of such issues. Such a process can ensure that issue-related factors are fully integrated into the formulation and implementation of strategy and plans. As such, SIM is a process whereby strategic issues may become an integral element of strategic management.  相似文献   

Are firms competing in a new world of frictionless e-commerce or is the Internet a pricer’s paradise? It is not safe, at the moment, to say that the Internet is lowering online prices, decreasing price dispersion and increasing online customer price sensitivity.The strategic issue for firms pricing on the Net is avoiding the ‘commodity trap’ and taking advantage of the ‘other side’ of information transparency. Firms should increasingly rely on finer segmentation of their customers and resort to dynamic and smart pricing, product and price versioning and bundling. Multichannel and customer lifetime value pricing will become strategic issues.  相似文献   

There has been tremendous Western interest in the ‘Japanese’ model of manufacturing, particularly in the motor industry in recent years. Western vehicle assemblers profess to be developing closer, higher trust relations with their suppliers to support practices such as just-in-time production and total quality. Comparatively little work has been carried out into the relations between first tier suppliers and their suppliers. This paper reports a study into the relations between a UK ‘first tier’ supplier to the European vehicle industry and 29 of its suppliers, and describes how the Japanese manufacturing model is making itself felt beyond the first tier suppliers.  相似文献   

From an organisational point of view, corporate research and development (R&D) has always been viewed as one function. That view, however, has undergone some changes in the last few years, and many major corporations have changed their R&D organisation or re-thought their overall structure on the basis of their technical competencies.With the example of the pharmaceutical industry, in which R&D has a particularly strong role to play, Vittorio Chiesa reports on a survey of nine major pharmaceutical firms which have recently instigated such changes. Among the changes are a separation of the ‘research’ and ‘development’ activities organisationally and sometimes physically. The author puts forward explanations for this trend and weighs the advantages and disadvantages.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the ability of logistics to achieve its aim of efficient and effective interfunctional co-ordination is hindered by the particular paradigm to which it unwittingly adheres. We begin by defining and setting out the objectives of both ‘traditional’ and ‘non-traditional’ forms of logistics, and demonstrate that there is doubt about whether even the newer form can achieve proper interfunctional co-ordination or gain widespread acceptance in the practitioner community. In order to understand why, it is suggested that an analysis is required of the theoretical assumptions upon which contemporary logistics is based. Despite recent developments in logistics it may be that it is some unquestioned paradigm, upon which all logisticians hitherto have relied, which is preventing genuine progress being made. A paradigm analysis is conducted which reveals that both traditional and non-traditional logistics are ‘functionalist’ in nature. It is argued that the main problems faced by logistics derive from this. Logistics suffers from the failings of functionalist thinking and its ambitions will continue to be frustrated unless it is able to achieve an ‘epistemological break’ from functionalism. Logisticians must look towards other paradigms in order to progress. Logistics is in need of its own revolutionaries.  相似文献   

The ability to cope with an increasingly open European Market, enhanced mobility between nation states and the threat of competition from the Far East will be highly prized organisational skills in the third millenium. Many commentators have argued that ‘Europeanisation’ (broadly defined) is an irreversible process and companies will have to cope proactively with this or perish. However, in this article we argue that many of these predictions are based on an uncritical acceptance of the ‘internationalisation’ thesis, and on subjective assessments of possible future trends — rather than on sound empirical research within strong theoretical frameworks. Accordingly, this article takes a critical look at some widely-held assumptions about internationalisation, Europeanisation and the (potential) development of European Human Resource Management (EHRM). It then goes on to suggest a framework of research which will be more able to capture future developments in EHRM and thereby facilitate more robust exchanges on strategic HRM with those companies operating in a European setting.  相似文献   

This article begins with the premise that there is continuous and accelerating change in the Western World in the nature of work and how it is organized. An important contributory force is information technology — itself changing rapidly.When the dynamics of the external environment of organizations are added to changes in IT, we will see new forms of organizations evolving in the business world, such as the ‘starburst’ and ‘internal market’ structures.Michael Scott Morton supplies a diagram to illustrate the framework of research which the ‘1990s’ program at MIT is following — how to balance the dynamic tension between external forces and the internal dimensions of organizations to reward shareholders adequately. He refers to one of Peter Senge's ideas in The Fifth Dimension which is central in creating an organization which learns how to innovate constantly: System Thinking — the search for systemic patterns. It reinforces Scott Morton's argument, and seems a particularly appropriate discipline in a continuously turbulent business environment.  相似文献   

Anti-dumping (AD) laws in the EC are intended to establish ‘fairness’ between trading partners. But there are negative effects, in particular, firms with weak firm specific advantages can shelter behind AD laws; they can even follow shelter-based strategies and lobby for protection.Alan Rugman and Michael Gestrin explain how shelter can be used as a management strategy, and how AD laws have grown up in the EC since 1979 to affect sectors of industry and geographic regions. They conclude by pointing out that a shelter-based strategy by a strong firm can undermine the very competitive pressures in its home market that made it internationally competitive in the first place.  相似文献   

Zeph-Yun Chang   《Omega》1985,13(6):501-506
An empirical study of 69 firms in Hong Kong identifies the characteristics of industrial R&D activities. Results of the study show that R&D intensity is highest in the manufacture of professional equipment, electronics, scientific, photographic and optical goods; the type of R&D activities is mainly confined to product research and development, and R&D strategies are mainly the ‘follow-the-leader’ strategy complemented by the ‘me-too-strategy’. Through the analysis of the results, recommendations have been made for the promotion of industrial R&D activities in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

Managers are regrettably ignorant of the fact that their business organisations are ‘designable’. But recently, concepts such as business re-engineering and systems thinking, coupled with advances in methods of quantifying business systems, have enabled managers to scrutinise their business systems afresh.Ann van Ackere, Erik Reimer Larsen and John Morecroft use a well-known logistical system — the ‘beer game’ — to illustrate these re-engineering concepts and tools in a multi-stage production and distribution system involving a single brand of beer. This business game raises the fundamental question of why it is so difficult to match shipments and factory production to consumer demand.The authors conclude that such re-design concepts and tools can be applied successfully to full-scale business problems. Systems thinking, modelling and continuous time simulation can provide the framework for carrying the design process from mapping all the way through to redesign. The most effective CEOs of the future will be those who are competent to create corporate design in which employees are allowed to succeed.  相似文献   

Disruptive innovations often engage in a fierce battle with incumbent technologies for hegemony. Past studies on technological innovations are silent about factors that extend the duration of the ‘era of ferment’—that is, the period during which competing technologies fight for dominance. We argue that complexity of the underlying technology, ecological and institutional dynamics may permit coexistence of competing technology regimes. The paper illustrates such coexistence by discussing the persistence of disparate technologies in steel making and kidney disease treatment. We conclude that the process of ‘creative destruction’ can be delayed in certain settings.  相似文献   

The corporate ‘diversity statement’ is a new tool increasingly used by large companies to promote diversity management policies on their websites. Through an examination of these on-line texts, we identify how companies construct the meaning of ‘diversity’ through its dimensions. Few companies actually define diversity. However, dimensions of diversity cover a wide-ranging set of individual differences, not just gender and race but other visible and less visible differences that might lead to discrimination in the workplace. By comparing statements from 241 top companies in eight countries (Finland, France, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK), we reveal how the definition of ‘diversity’ and its dimensions as used on websites varies across Europe.  相似文献   

Many executives are currently striving to develop world-class manufacturing operations to ensure that they remain competitive in increasingly global markets. To do this, they are adopting a range of practices, from organisational changes such as empowerment and teamwork to the use of techniques such as pull production. Their goal is to substantially improve performance: faster cycle times, reduced manufacturing costs and greater customer satisfaction.The question of how far companies have moved towards world-class manufacturing is at the heart of the ‘Made in Switzerland’ project, a major benchmarking study of Swiss manufacturing practice and performance. The study was carried out in 1995 by IMD faculty and researchers working with consultants from IBM Switzerland. It is part of the internationally-based ‘Made in Europe’ project comprising similar studies in the UK, Germany, The Netherlands and Finland.The central hypothesis of the studies is that the adoption of best practice leads to high performance. The objective is to establish a benchmarking database for participating manufacturers around the world. The studies, which are highly structured, examine six areas of manufacturing practice and performance in detail and assess the relationship between them at individual plants. The areas covered in the study are quality, organisation and culture, concurrent engineering, logistics, lean production and manufacturing systems.Plants in each country are grouped according to their position on the practice and performance indices and then studied in order to pinpoint the issues and challenges facing the manufacturers within that group. Less than three per cent of the 800 plants currently on the ‘Made in Europe’ database are considered ‘world-class’. Yet for manufacturers striving to reach this level of performance, this small minority can provide some valuable insights for the way ahead.This article discusses many of the issues raised by the analysis described above, with particular reference to the ‘Made in Switzerland’ study. In the first section, it looks at the key lessons arising from the Swiss study and what insights these can provide for manufacturers, not only in the Swiss market, but across Europe. In the second section, it looks at how the study can be used for benchmarking and provides manufacturers with some general recommendations to help them focus their improvements and move closer to becoming world-class.  相似文献   

HC Edey 《Omega》1974,2(6):723-731
Company accounts are at present drafted in an uneasy compromise between different objectives. It is not yet generally appreciated that no single figure or set of figures can sum up the whole financial state of an enterprise. The basic tools of financial management are short and long-run cash projections and the reports of actual flows which monitor these. The problem in drafting annual accounts so that they will help shareholders and others to make decisions is that financial reality requires a look into the future and this in turn calls for subjective judgement. But the more realistic are the accounts in this sense, the less susceptible are they to objective audit. Inflation adds a further level of distortion, but the effects of this can be brought out in a relatively simple way by making corrections based on movements in a general index of prices. Although there are considerable practical difficulties it seems likely that a more fundamental improvement would be the introduction of a ‘current value’ or modified ‘replacement cost’ approach to ordinary accounting in addition to (but not in place of) the general index inflation correction.  相似文献   

The paper develops integrated production, inventory and maintenance models for a deteriorating production system in which the production facility may not only shift from an ‘in-control’ state to an ‘out-of-control’ state but also may break down at any random point in time during a production run. In case of machine breakdown, production of the interrupted lot is aborted and a new production lot is started when the on-hand inventory is depleted after corrective repair. The process is inspected during each production run to examine the state of the production process. If it is found in the ‘in-control’ state then either (a) no action is taken except at the time of last inspection where preventive maintenance is done (inspection policy-I) or (b) preventive maintenance is performed (inspection policy-II). If, however, the process is found to be in the ‘out-of-control’ state at any inspection then restoration is done. The proposed models are formulated under general shift, breakdown and repair time distributions. As it is, in general, difficult to find the optimal production policy under inspection policy-I, a suboptimal production policy is derived. Numerical examples are taken to determine numerically the optimal/suboptimal production policies of the proposed models, to examine the sensitivity of important model parameters and to compare the performance of inspection and no inspection policies.  相似文献   

The revolution in retailing: from market driven to market driving   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The first image aroused by ‘retailing’ for many of us, especially those of us who are somewhat older, is that of the corner grocery store. Not so long ago retailing was, and it still is in some parts of the world, a fragmented, local, unsophisticated, traditional business run by vulnerable owner-operators. Yet, here we are talking about a revolution in retailing. Why? What has changed? Fundamentally retailers have grown up over the past 25 years into large, global, technology-intensive, powerful, fast-growth corporations managing their own brands. Several retailers have become the darlings of their stock markets. Hennes and Mauritz, the specialty clothing retailer, has been the top performer on the Stockholm Stock Exchange over the past 10 years. Royal Ahold in the Netherlands, Home Depot and Wal-Mart in the Unìted States, Carrefour in France and Marks and Spencer in the United Kingdom have generated spectacular returns for their stockholders. How have they done this? The leading retailers through consolidation, global expansion, technology push and innovative formats, among other approaches outlined in Figure 1, have been ‘market driving’ rather than ‘market driven.’ They have shaped consumer behavior, transformed the market place, and redefined the rules of engagement with their competitors and suppliers.  相似文献   

Y Levanon 《Omega》1980,8(6):647-654
A case study of a discrete multiobjective problem using the ‘Indifference Band’ approach is presented. An outranking relation among the various alternatives was obtained and compared with the management's own ranking. It was found that the ‘Indifference Band’ approach can be used in ranking procedures.  相似文献   

This article examines performance evaluation systems of fifteen multinationals — five German, five UK and five US — and how they relate to corporate strategy or mission statements in each case. The technique of analysis used is the multilayered case study approach, and includes ‘face-to-face’ interviews.The results, by authors Jeffrey Coates, Edward Davis, Stephen Longden, Raymond Stacey (Aston University) and Clive Emmanuel (University of Glasgow), are very instructive. The cases show a consistent use of missions/strategies, objectives and performance measures within the companies, but wide variation between them. Detailed tables are presented which show clearly the range of variation between the companies and countries concerned.  相似文献   

Performance rating and comparison of a group of entities is frequently based on the values of several attributes. Such evaluations are often complicated by the absence of a natural or obvious way to weight the importance of the individual dimensions of the performance. This paper proposes a framework based on nonparametric frontiers to rate and classify entities described by multiple performance attributes into ‘performers’ and ‘underperformers’. The method is equivalent to Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) with entities defined only by outputs. In the spirit of DEA, the weights for each attribute are selected to maximize each entity’s performance score. This approach, however, results in a new linear program that is more direct and intuitive than traditional DEA formulations. The model can be easily understood and interpreted by practitioners since it conforms better to the practice of evaluating and comparing performance using standard specifications. We illustrate the model’s use with two examples. The first evaluates the performance of employees. The second is an application in manufacturing where multiple quality attributes are used to assess and compare performance of different manufacturing processes.  相似文献   

The Interim Report of the Coal Industry Examination was published in June 1964, representing the result of Tripartite discussions between the Government, the National Coal Board and the unions. One of the principal conclusions of this report was that the government endorsed the Board's long-term ‘Plan for Coal’ as a broad strategy for the industry. It is perhaps appropriate, therefore, to review at the present time the kind of considerations which needed to be taken into account in drawing up a long-term ‘Plan for Coal’.  相似文献   

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