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设计合理的薪酬机制用以最大程度的激励销售人员一直是学界关注的议题。早期的研究焦点在于激励销售人员进行最优努力分配;近期的研究则更注重最优薪酬形式及成分参数的确定,以激发最优努力水平,并对异质销售人员薪酬设计和销售人员控制理论有了新的发展。未来的研究则需在模型的现实性和解释力度方面继续改进。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国的房地产业已从崛起迈入新的历史发展时期。随着市场经济的深化改革,伴随而来的城市化对房地产业产生了旺盛的需求。本文在分析房地产行业目前薪酬存在的弊端及改进意义的基础上,旨在探讨科学合理的薪酬制度的设计前提、设计原则和设计宽带薪酬制度,以发挥薪酬吸引和稳定高素质人才的关键作用,提高企业核心竞争力,在市场竞争中立于不败之地。本文围绕当前我国房地产行业现状和销售人员特征,分析讨论了房地产销售人员薪酬组成问题,并提出了有效的薪酬组成模式。  相似文献   

李佳 《经营管理者》2011,(7X):381-381
销售人员在企业经营管理中处于关键地位,对企业目标的实现非常重要。一个房地产企业能够吸引、激励并留住销售人员,在很大程度上取决于其的薪酬设计与管理是否合理、科学。如果薪酬管理得当,就能很好地激励员工,如果运用不当,则会导致销售人员积极性下降,严重的还会导致企业人才流失,市场下降,甚至影响到企业的生存与发展。为了降低房地产的销售人员流失率,提高其工作绩效,就需要进行合理的销售人员薪酬设计与管理。本文围绕当前我国房地产行业现状和销售人员特征,分析讨论了房地产销售人员薪酬组成问题,并提出了有效的薪酬组成模式。  相似文献   

浅谈销售人员薪酬管理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
建立并完善销售人员的薪酬设计,制定有效合理的薪酬制度是一项复杂而系统的工程,并随着企业的发展而变化,对实现企业市场目标具有重要意义。  相似文献   

要使销售工作具有吸引力,最关键的制度是科学合理的薪酬制度。本文提出了基薪加业绩薪点并与产品销售价格水平挂钩的新薪酬制度的设计思路。  相似文献   

国内外对销售人员销售绩效影响因素的归纳多种多样,研究者们的认识有重合也有不同。本文综合已有文献的多种观点,将其概括为三大层面:个人因素层面、组织环境层面和组织对个人的作用层面。每个层面又包括了多项具体因素。  相似文献   

薪酬无论对于员工还是管理者来讲都是一个永恒的话题,而薪酬激励更是企业与员工双方都十分关注的热点问题。薪酬在现代人力资源管理中,并非只是交易要素,还是一把管理上的"双刃剑"。就是说,用的好,它就能留住人、激励人、吸引人,如若用不好,就会造成人才流失,给企业带来严重的人才危机。  相似文献   

<正>制定科学的绩效考核办法单纯用月回款额(量)考核销售人员存在以下问题:①造成区域市场之间提成分配不平衡。由于区域市场之间客观上存在差异,容易形成好的市场趋之若鹜,差的市场无人问津,影响了整个营销团队的团结。②导致销售人员急功近利,忽视市场运作的基础工作,对销售工作的长期发  相似文献   

目前在实践中,中国企业针对销售人员的薪酬方案是多种多样的,如何建立完整的薪酬制度,有效激励销售人员,引导他们向企业的发展目标共同努力是值得思考的问题。本文分析了目前中国企业销售人员薪酬制度存在的问题,并针对性地提出了解决建议。  相似文献   

随着经济的快速发展,各企业间的竞争日趋白热化,由于销售人员直接接触企业的终端客户,其言行举止专业素养直接代表着公司的形象与声誉,所以销售人员对企业竞争的成败起着重要的影响因素,许多企业仅以"销量论英雄"使得销售人员过分重视短期利益,出现虚报产品性能,售后服务差的现象,忽视了维持客户关系,渠道管理等软性目标建设,阻碍了企业长期战略目标的实现,有些企业对销售人员的绩效考核流于形式,大大挫败了优秀员工的销售积极性,因此如何针对销售人员建立一套公平,自由,合理分配的考核体系成为摆在众多企业面前的难题。对销售人员考核应基于定量考核和定性考核两个方面,两方面如"手心""手背"缺一不可。  相似文献   

Despite its connotations of non‐compliance, illegality, social exploitation and marginality, the informal sector is a substantial contributor to economic life in developing countries and, increasingly, in more technologically advanced activities. Its prevalence in developed economies has also become more widely recognized. In light of its significance, this paper reviews research on the informal sector from a management and organization scholarship perspective, rather than from an entrepreneurship view, as has been the focus until now. It sets out the atypical management practices that are inherent in the sector, explores the under‐researched relationship between formal and informal firms, and highlights definitional, conceptual and other limitations in extant research. As a step in resolving these issues, the authors present a conceptual model of formality and informality in a three‐dimensional framework that highlights an organizational infrastructure dimension, a view of firms operating along a continuum, and a multi‐level analytical context. Building on this, the authors detail opportunities for enhanced appreciation of in situ management and organizational practices in the informal sector and outline tools for pursuing a management and organization scholarship agenda. Overall, the authors argue that management scholarship has great potential to improve understanding of the informal sector, and that the informal sector provides opportunities to advance management theory, research and practice.  相似文献   

Sharing economy firms have been able to achieve global levels of success at an unprecedented pace. In this study, we focus specifically on internet-based firms that allow rent appropriation from temporary utilization of underutilized assets. By looking at these firms' main characteristics and the current dynamics revolving around their internationalization process, we develop a framework to guide future research drawing from a business ecosystems perspective. The business ecosystem approach is a promising theoretical lens to assess this phenomenon due to its more holistic view of multisided network effects and multiple stakeholders' participation that can vary across nations. We note that the sharing economy phenomenon has spurred worldwide adoption of platform businesses which, in turn, creates a great opportunity for future research to extend current theories by exploring why, when, and how these firms expand into new countries. We argue that further research on sharing economy firms and its interactions with different national ecosystem configurations can provide important insights to theory as well as relevant information to managers and policymakers.  相似文献   

Ambidexterity is of central importance to the competitive advantage of the firm, yet to date there is limited understanding of how it is managed. The theorization of ambidexterity is inadequate for complex, practical realities and, in turn, this hinders the way in which it can aid the management of ambidexterity in practice. This paper asks: What are the mechanisms for achieving ambidexterity? The authors use a systematic review to develop a research framework which integrates intellectual capital resources (organizational, social and human capital) across various levels of analysis (organization, group and individual). This review extends understanding of the generic mechanisms (i.e. temporal, structural and contextual ambidexterity) that dominate the literature. This allows for a more fine‐grained understanding of how ambidexterity is achieved and enables avenues for further research to be identified.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the literature on the effects of distance arising from country differences on outcomes at the firm and subsidiary level. It provides some clarity on what has been learned so far about distance by answering four questions: Which distance? Why does distance matter? What outcomes are affected by distance? and What aggravates or alleviates the effects of distance? Based on the review of the literature, a set of future research suggestions are developed, intended to direct attention to research questions that the authors believe are among the most pressing questions in distance research and that may have the potential to advance the field substantially.  相似文献   

This paper examines the time dimensions of organizational learning. While several recent studies have addressed aspects of time in relation to organizational learning, the topic of time has received little attention in reviews of the field, and this promising domain of research is fragmented. The objective of this paper is to bring these dispersed conceptualizations and findings together and to provide a more solid conceptual foundation for the time dimensions of organizational learning as a new research avenue. Three sets of mechanisms are discerned: concerning time as duration; the timing of organizational learning; and the role of the past, present and future in organizational learning. Each of these perspectives offers unique insights, which when integrated can help map new directions for future research.  相似文献   

International business scholars are increasingly focusing on the unique advantages of being foreign, or assets of foreignness (AOFs). Although scholars have identified a broad range of AOFs, it is unclear why they exist. In this paper, we bring together extant yet disparate literature and integrate insights from the institution-based view, resource-based theory, and transaction cost economics to advance theory of the underlying sources and workings of AOFs. In doing so, we elucidate the conceptual underpinnings of AOFs as well as their relation to multinational enterprise (MNE) success, complementing scholarship regarding the liability of foreignness. Critically, we also distinguish AOFs from related concepts, such as ownership advantages, explaining how and why they differ conceptually. We put forth several testable propositions that stem from our synthesis of theory in this research stream, bolstering the conceptual foundations of the drivers, dynamics, and longevity of AOFs. Finally, we draw attention to under-researched aspects of AOFs, thereby propelling a theory-based agenda for future research on AOFs and, consequently, MNE success.  相似文献   

This paper critically reviews existing contributions from the field of cultural leadership studies with a view to highlighting the conceptual and methodological limitations of the dominant etic, cross‐cultural approach in leadership studies and illuminating implications of the relative dominance and unreflective use of the English language as the academic and business lingua franca within this field. It subsequently outlines the negative implications of overlooking cultural and linguistic multiplicity for an understanding of culturally sensitive leadership practices. In drawing on lessons from this critical review and the emergent fields of emic, non‐positivist cultural leadership studies, this analysis argues that the field of cultural leadership studies requires an alternative research agenda focused on language multiplicity, which enables the field to move towards emic, qualitative research that helps to empower individual cultural voices and explore cultural intra‐ and interrelationships, tensions and paradoxes embedded in leadership processes. The paper concludes by offering suggestions on methodological approaches for emic cultural leadership studies that are centred on the exploration of language as a cultural voice.  相似文献   

Sustainability has become a pervasive issue for the luxury sector, gaining traction with brand managers, scholars, policy‐makers, the media, and academia. The purpose of this paper is to examine the state of sustainable luxury research in marketing and consumer behaviour by critically reviewing and synthesizing the growing but fragmented body of scholarly work on sustainable‐luxury marketing. The paper critically assesses where, how and by whom research on sustainable luxury is being conducted, and it identifies gaps for future investigation. The paper reviews research published between 2007 and 2018 within major peer‐reviewed English‐language scholarly publications in business, marketing, ethics, fashion, food and tourism journals. The research is identified using the keywords sustainable luxury, green luxury, eco‐luxury and organic luxury. Three core themes emerge from this review: (1) consumer concerns and practices; (2) organizational concerns and practices; and (3) international and cross‐cultural issues. The review confirms that research on sustainable luxury is significantly underdeveloped. This paper provides the first critical and comprehensive assessment and categorization of the emergent literature streams on sustainable luxury. The authors argue for a broader, deeper and more critical research agenda on the relationship between sustainability and luxury. Potential avenues for future research on sustainable luxury are proposed, with calls for theoretical and cross‐cultural reflections that tackle broader systemic and institutional issues within the field.  相似文献   

Scholarly interest in job search has grown significantly over the years and can be located in diverse research streams: namely, economics, sociology and industrial/organizational psychology. This paper reviews these bodies of literature and makes a case for integration by proposing a multidisciplinary approach to understanding job‐seeking behaviors. To this end, the paper categorizes the respective literatures on the basis of common themes located in a conceptual multidisciplinary model of job search behaviors and outcomes. This model provides a more focused understanding of the job search literature and how it has developed in the related disciplines. Based on the review and conceptual model presented, the paper draws attention to several key areas for future research to advance the field further.  相似文献   

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