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The increasing diffusion of mobile phones with internet access (Smartphones) enables more and more consumers to use the mobile internet. In addition, there is a continuing integration of location-based services (LBS). By means of Global Positioning Systems or WiFi-triangulation LBS provide context-aware information to consumers. This leads to a convergence of online and offline worlds. The usage of LBS delivers additional information to consumers (e.g. alternative offers or detailed product information). Therefore LBS do have an influence on consumer behavior. Particularly during the search process, information about prices or geographic distances, that are relevant for the purchase, are of importance. This study analyzes the relevance of location-based internet search empirically. Search costs are estimated on an individual level in a choice-based conjoint analysis using two different products. As a result, location-based internet search is considered to be very relevant for search and influential on consumer behavior. The study shows different consumers preferences and different search costs depending on the product. To conclude the study, the implications are discussed. The major contribution of this study is that it shows that offline and online search do have a mutual impact on each other. Furthermore, search costs are measured in a mobile context.  相似文献   

In this article, organizing is understood as a playful enactment of working processes by the involved actors. These “games” are determined by four logics of function and emerge as three action patterns. The combination of these two parameters results in a typology of actors in organizing. Dramatological insights into processes of organizations are demonstrated in two examples. The text includes ethical implications how fair games can be played.  相似文献   

Supervision in the fire services is not too common. This article will first describe the multifunctional field of work of the emergency services as well as their job requirements. Then the article will show possible starting points for supervision, and the difficulties in its acquisition and execution. Concludingly there will be a special example of supervision with psychotraumatherapeutic approaches.  相似文献   

Coaching und Work-Life-Balance   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
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Representatives of coaching hold that coaching and psychotherapy largely overlap regarding concepts and methods. Therefore, they recommend to adapt from established psychotherapies like behavioral therapy or psychoanalysis scientifically proven concepts and successful treatments. However, psychological and neurobiological personality and effectiveness research demonstrates that the established psychotherapies reveal clear deficits in their working concepts and interventions. In general, the trustful relationship between client/patient and coach/therapist, called “working alliance” or “therapeutic alliance” turns out to be the most effective factor. There is no other form of interventions that is equally effective in all clients or patients. Thus, any coach must be capable of sufficiently identifying the mental state of the client, his/her unique personality, type and strength of his/her deficits and the available resources. Each treatment must occur in parallel at three different levels, i.?e. the mental state and memories, behavior and the manifestations of deficits and problems in the body state.  相似文献   

Assuming an infinite forecast horizon, residual earnings valuations provide in theory identical results independent of the accounting methods used. In practice however there is used a detailed planning period, covering a few years, after which simple growth models are applied. How suitable residual earnings are for the use in such a simple growth model, is substantially dependent on the nature of the accounting. Thereby the accounting obtains an impact on the valuation and accordingly on the length of the detailed planning period, necessary for an accurate valuation. In this paper these contexts are analyzed using the example of pension obligations. The amount of the pension obligations and the resulting residual earnings are substantially affected by the distribution method used. Concerning the two most important distribution methods, the projected unit credit and the projected benefit valuation method, it is analyzed in which way these methods respond to changes of the value structure-i. e. a modification of the amount of the pension-and to changes of the quantity structure-i. e. a modification of the number of employees within the pension plan. In particular it is examined which period of time both methods need-after a surprising change of the value or quantity structure-to generate residual earnings, which allow a valuation of the pension obligations with a simple growth model.  相似文献   

In this paper, we suggest a wage scheme that accounts for the hierarchical structure of an enterprise. We employ concepts of cooperative game theory and modify the van den Brink (2008) approach. Besides results on how the hierarchy affects wage differentials between levels of the hierarchy, we deal with the allocation of employees to the different levels.  相似文献   

The discussion about Management Derailment (MD) has been intensifying in the past few years. We want to contribute to this discussion by considering MD in connection with System Derailment, a topic that is often the subject of debates on economic and business ethics. The current debate is characterized by the notion that in order to increase profits, companies employ more and more ethically questionable and sometimes illegal practices. In particular, we propose that socially irresponsible corporate governance corresponds with morally derailed members of the (a) top management, and (b) with mid and lower management. Specifically, we ask if moral derailment by top managers (“bad management”) can also lead to economic derailment (“mad management”), while ongoing work pressures for mid and lower managers can also be linked to their moral and individual derailment (“sad management”).  相似文献   

Feuer und Flamme     
In times of high complexity and unpredictable future conditions, the Burnout phenomen increases dramatically. We show in our study “fire and flame” the high ambivalence of companies’ answers on this topic. 52 managers from the top and middle management level as well as HR experts were interviewed between May and August 2008. During our interviews we evaluated the leadership skills that are necessary to prevent Burnout from the beginning.  相似文献   

The program “Mentoring for female junior executives at schools” in Hamburg has the goal of recruiting more female executives for schools in Hamburg. As a headmaster of a high school the author has attended this program as a mentor. She discusses the following questions: What are the differences between mentoring and coaching? Where are the limits of mentoring? When is coaching the better method? The main result is, that the mentor has to be very attentively of his position as a member of the organization. He has to decide, if he can advise the mentee for example in conflicts with superiors or if a coach could do a better job. A missing link in the mentoring program is the analysis of the culture of organizations, because this is an important factor for a successful start into the new function.  相似文献   

Focussing on energy as a highly activated affective state offers new opportunities to promote well-being at work and job performance. In this paper, I will describe current research on recovery, affective work events and characteristics of work tasks linked to energy. The practical implications for promoting energy at work are discussed.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  Zur Bewertung von Investitionsprojekten mit mehrperiodigen Zahlungen werden die erwarteten Zahlungen mit geeigneten Kapitalkosten diskontiert. In dieser Arbeit wird gezeigt, dass die erwarteten einperiodigen Renditen nur unter bestimmten Annahmen die geeigneten Kapitalkosten darstellen. Wenn zwischen den einperiodigen Renditen Autokorrelation auftritt, ist ein zus?tzlicher Korrekturterm bei der Ermittlung der Kapitalkosten zu berücksichtigen. Im Falle unkorrelierter Renditen entspricht der stochastische Prozess der Renditen dem Prozess der Risikoaufl?sung.
Summary  In this paper it is argued that the discount rates used for the computation of the present values of an investment project with cash-flows to be realized over several years have to be adjusted when the one-period returns of the investment project are autocorrelated. The formula of the correct discount rate is deduced. In the case of uncorrelated returns of the investment, the stochastic process of the returns and of the cost of capital are closely related to the process of the arrival of information over time.
Ich danke zwei anonymen Gutachtern für wertvolle Verbesserungsvorschl?ge an einer früheren Version des Aufsatzes sowie dem Verein zur F?rderung der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Lehre und Praxis am Finanzplatz Hannover e.V. für seine Unterstützung.  相似文献   

The article analyses the structuring of incentive systems from a business ethics point of view. The focus is on examining the impact of different types of social preferences on wage compensation. Besides the structuring of incentive systems, especially the effects of different types of social preferences on firm profits are analyzed. The paper systematizes important determinants for the impact of social preferences on the structure of the incentive system as well as firm profitability and provides an overview over the literature employing formal models based on a possibly general modeling approach.  相似文献   

To feel out of depth in a working environment has been publicly known as Burnout Syndrome for a long time. As the opposite to Burnout, working far beneath one’s capabilities has now been publicized by recent scientific surveys as the Boreout Syndrome. Both phenomena in chronic existence can cause health problems and extend into the private part of our lives and should therefore be taken very seriously. Coaching can help to find new ways to deal with these syndromes in a professional environment as well as private life situations.  相似文献   

Media and emotionsWhy do we cry, get scared and laugh in cinema? Some psychological foundations of media perception are explained. Among those are Piaget’s perspective overtaking and the theory of mind — a believe of what others believe. These theories make clear, why we not only accept sudden changes in perspective, but why they are absolutely essential for the ability to follow a story. Emotions are essential for the empathy in fictional stories. Describing the basic emotions fear, sadness, repulsion, anger and happiness we can understand how emotions are triggered and how those triggers are used in film and TV to evoke certain moods.  相似文献   

If we work on the assumption, that the self basically influences our social perception and our way of thinking, feeling and acting, it is obvious that it has a key position in the coaching process. So self-reflection during coaching sessions is absolutely no luxury or symptom of weakness, but self-development and fostering professional competencies are in a reciprocal relationship. This thesis is theoretically explained in this article and thus a cognitive theory of the self is offered which might serve as a helpful basis for coaching that aims at problem-solving as well as self-development.  相似文献   

Women and mediaWomen in the past decades established themselves like in all public fields also in the field of journalisme and media, including leading positions. The larger presence of women as editors, however, not visibly changed the reporting regarding gender-democratic aspects. We cannot state that traditional role assignments were lastingly overcome. With supervision and coaching of media professionals there seems to be a need of a very specific consulting for women. A need of consultation, which might still require a deeper and a more realistic view of the world, a changed perspective regarding women and men in the society. This does not happen automatically, on instruction or by political correctness. To develop this changed perspective and represent it in public, is obviously not easier to women than to men. A way to learn it would be to conceive journalistic and editorial quality under the criterion of gender democracy and diversity.  相似文献   

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