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陈维民  李光全 《城市》2015,(10):10-17
21世纪是经济全球化的世纪,深刻地影响并引领着不同国家、不同地区的一体化发展,而这种影响和引领作用主要是通过那些在全球化网络中居控制和枢纽地位的国际大都市传导的。随着我国成为世界经济大国和贸易大国,我国的发展越来越需要更广阔的空间,世界经济的振兴也更需要我国的表现。进一步扩大开放,加快城市国际化进程,更紧密地融入世界经济体系已经成为未来我国城市发展的大趋势。随着国家“一带一路”战略的实施和多边、双边自由贸易安排的持续推进,全方位开放格局已基本形成,更需要有条件的区域性中心城市走向世界,成为我国经济紧密融入世界经济体系的联系纽带。  相似文献   

金钟范 《科学发展》2014,(9):110-112
在经济全球化过程中,跨国母子企业所在地城市之间形成各种经济要素的流动和交流,城市之间的相互依存和相互作用扩大,形成跨国乃至世界性城市体系。一些城市在世界城市体系中与其他城市联系相对较多而居比较重要地位,其中一部分又进一步发展成为全球城市,表现出潜能提高、"权力"提升等发展趋向。因此,上海未来发展战略取向要包含增进与世界其他国家城市联系,最终落脚点是成为兼具向外矢量特征的世界经济中心。  相似文献   

吉林建城已有四千多年历史,是一个比较大的政治经济中心,各项社会事业和工业经济、农业经济保持着稳定发展状态。在吉林城市发展过程中,来自不同国家,有着不同文化背景的跨文化交际问题逐渐引起了人们关注。跨文化交际对吉林城市发展的国际合作、城市文化软实力提升有着一定促进作用。本文将详细阐述跨文化交际的具体促进作用,提出关于培养跨文化交际的对策,旨在进一步推动吉林市社会文化和经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

年猛  王垚 《城市》2020,(3):38-46
为尽快建设成为立足西南、面向全国、辐射南亚东南亚的区域性国际中心城市,昆明应把握交通区位优势、资源环境优势及政策汇集优势,在外商投资稳步增长、对外交流合作不断深化及区域合作日趋紧密的基础上,通过双向开放、对接国家发展战略和推进区域一体化发展,全面提升对外开放水平和国内区域发展地位,最终形成融入国内、联通周边以及接轨国际的大开放格局。  相似文献   

长期以来,经济外交在俄罗斯的外交政策中占有重要地位,是俄罗斯中东政策的重要组成部分。冷战结束后,俄罗斯与中东国家的关系一度走向沉寂。普京执政以后,伴随着国家实力的恢复,俄罗斯对中东国家的经济外交目标逐渐清晰,形成了以能源和金融合作为主导的政策体系。乌克兰危机后,为缓解国际油价下跌和西方制裁的双重压力,俄罗斯利用其在中东地区的历史遗产和战略资源,充分发挥经济外交的优势,从全球、地区和双边三个层面全力塑造与中东国家的关系,中东国家在俄罗斯外交中的地位不断提升。近年来俄罗斯深度介入叙利亚危机等地区热点问题,对中东国家的经济外交目标也做了调整,即在实现经济利益的同时,更加注重以能源合作为手段塑造俄罗斯的大国地位。中东地区日渐成为俄罗斯对抗西方经济制裁、影响国际能源市场、提升大国地位和地区影响力的战略要地。  相似文献   

形成国家民族利益观念、确定外交政策的优先权及其实现的方式和手段,在国际政治中选择可能合作伙伴,是俄罗斯未来发展所面临的重要问题。青年是国家的未来,分析青年人关于国家民族和利益等问题的观点,是判断俄罗斯未来发展趋势的重要方法。本文综合1994年11月和1995年11月莫斯科大学社会学系所进行的两次咨询调查,研究俄罗斯青年关于国家的内外政策的观点。两次调研的不同之处是,1995年的调研除选择了19%的莫斯科外交学院高年级的青年学生和58%的国立莫斯科大学的高年级的学生以外,还选择了6%莫斯科法学院的学生以及门%莫斯科和…  相似文献   

邢华  都乐洋  那子晔 《城市观察》2021,74(4):105-116
在推动国内国际双循环发展体系构建的背景下,城市网络研究对促进区域协同发展、推动国内大循环体系建设具有重要意义.本研究以创业板企业子母公司城市分布联系表征城市网络,依据社会网络分析方法,借助社会网络分析软件Ucinet量化分析,研究了2004—2019年全国城市网络发展现状和变化趋势,并分析了城市网络形成的影响因素.研究结果表明:(1)全国城市网络呈现复杂化、连通化、多层次的发展特征;(2)全国城市网络重心由东南沿海逐步向中西部地区倾斜;(3)经济实力显著影响城市在全国城市网络中的地位;(4)区域协同发展导向推动全国城市网络演进.  相似文献   

张小英 《城市》2018,(1):25-34
在当今经济全球化背景下,供应链日益成为产业组织的一种主流生产模式.广州作为我国五大国家中心城市之一、 亚太地区重要的区域性全球城市之一以及珠三角城市群的核心城市,从全球供应链整合视角探讨建设枢纽型网络城市,加快融入全球供应链体系,强化广州在全球供应链体系中高端环节把控和枢纽地位,对更好地引领粤港澳大湾区加快融入全球供应链体系,更好地服务国家供应链安全战略具有重要意义.笔者基于全球供应链体系视角,阐述全球供应链体系内涵特征,预判全球供应链体系未来发展趋势,分析广州在全球供应链中的价值和功能,提出广州打造全球供应链体系枢纽节点的对策建议.  相似文献   

陈恭 《科学发展》2014,(11):105-112
开展面向未来30年上海城市发展愿景研究,首先应分析研究展望上海城市发展愿景的依据、维度及其约束条件。中国未来的经济发展水平、未来融入全球化的程度,以及未来中国在世界经济和全球治理中的地位和作用,甚至包括国内区域发展格局和中央对上海的战略定位,都将对上海未来的发展产生重大影响。从中国国内的现实情况来看,长三角城市群已经初具全球城市区域的形态,未来很有可能以上海为核心城市构成全球城市网络型大都会。同时,上海城市发展应超越经济的量的增长,着眼于代表国家竞争全球文明的话语权。上海作为东西方文明交汇点上的城市,更强调文明的传播与交融,更关注本土文明的世界贡献,因而更可能获得世界的接受和认可。  相似文献   

俄罗斯与伊斯兰会议组织的交往与合作   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
伊斯兰会议组织(OIC)是伊斯兰国家政府间国际政治组织,其目的是发展伊斯兰国家间的合作,其中包括统一各国在国际政治舞台上的立场。俄罗斯不是伊斯兰国家,也不是伊斯兰会议组织成员国,但这并不妨碍双方的交往与合作并成为观察员国。俄罗斯近年与伊斯兰会议组织交往十分密切,合作领域非常广泛,这有其深刻的国际国内原因和安全利益考量。  相似文献   

郑德珵  孙路  刘璟 《城市观察》2010,(4):125-133
广州被中央定位为五大国家中心城市之一,明确了广州的城市定位和发展方向。广州必须进行经济发展方式的转变和投资,以实现国家中心城市所具备的指标。因此,如何解决巨额投资资金来源急需探讨。本文分析广州融资体系的现状,提出广州需建立一个传统模式和资本市场新模式双结合的现代融资体系。  相似文献   

In this article we examine several determinants of the population growth of national capital cities. Two competing explanations are outlined: The first views state participation in the economy as the major determinant of capital city population growth, while the second position views world‐system position as the major determinant of capital city growth. Results of three analyses of cross‐national data suggest more support for the world‐system position than for the state intervention position.  相似文献   

Recent changes in Moscow's urban structure combine the post-Soviet and the early Soviet aesthetical and ideological patterns in a very contradictory way. The master plan of 2004 with its vision of the ‘‘new capital’’ of the year 2020, is essentially orientated along the lines of its 1935 predecessor. Striking similarity of the mechanisms of the visual celebration of Moscow as a capital city of Russian Federation is, however, based on the opposite economies. The goals of a representative architecture in Moscow are being intertwined with the demands of a new economic settings for architectural planning. The choice of architecture from the 1930s and 1950s as a pattern of orientation for some buildings planned for the most prominent spaces in Moscow is seen here as an oscillation between traditionalism and modernism, considered in the context of political discourses and urban policy.  相似文献   

The paper concentrates on three aspects that played a role in shaping the capital of Slovakia: the importance of a name given to the territory illustrating how renaming came to play a crucial role in creating a capital of Slovakia, an successful example of how to nationalise a place and a past; the second part of the paper describes the barriers in acceptance of Bratislava as the capital city of Slovakia among its citizens; the final part deals with ideological incentives in demolition and construction the town and its monuments. The main argument says that the route of Bratislava to the position of the capital of Slovakia was atypical, the majority of its population did not want this status, the actors of the national revolution—the Slovaks did not regard it as their centre, and it did not even have a definitely fixed Slovak name. Nevertheless, Bratislava succeeded gradually made its own history of ‘all Slovakia’. The democratic revolution of 1989–1993 confirmed the functioning of Bratislava as the centre of Slovakia, both in the actual political revolution and in the creation of democratic institutions. As a matter of fact, Bratislava could not be considered a ‘big city’ especially in comparison to Vienna, Prague or Budapest—with nearly half of million inhabitants belongs to rather small cities in East Central Europe and sometimes is characterised as a ‘provincial large city’.  相似文献   

This is an analysis of recent trends in internal migration within and emigration from the former Soviet Union. The study focuses on domestic social tensions and interethnic conflicts affecting migration. The author concludes that continued growth of the rural population, particularly in Central Asia, combined with growing unemployment, declining living standards, and economic stagnation will mean that Russia will have to repatriate a considerable proportion of Russians from other republics. Consideration is also given to a predicted demand for immigration from the non-Russian population of Central Asia. This is a translation of a Russian article in "Migratsiia naseleniia", Moscow, Russia, Russian Academy of Sciences, 1992, pp. 6-31.  相似文献   

This study shows that the position of cities in the world economy has diverged from national economies. Using data from 2016, we evaluate a network of 12,802 cities formed by the location decisions of 24,355 firms in terms of their point centrality, and show that the inter-city and inter-national systems have measurably decoupled, disrupting the previously-observed pattern in which the most powerful cities in the world city system were located in core countries, "mid-level" cities were in the semi-periphery,and the least powerful cities were in peripheral countries. Our findings support predictions that globalizing cities would diverge from national economies and that globalization would generate a new global geography that transects long-standing cleavages in the world system.  相似文献   

Integrating world cities into production networks: the case of port cities   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this article we analyse the location patterns of firms that provide specialized advanced producer services (APS) to international commodity chains that move through seaports. Such activities can take place in world cities or in port cities. The analysis of APS location patterns in port cities provides a good opportunity to integrate the study of world cities into the framework of Global Production Networks. Based upon our empirical findings, we conclude that while port-related APS activities predominantly follow the world city hierarchy, a number of port cities stand out because they act as nodes in global commodity flows and as centres of advanced services related to shipping and port activities. Based on these empirical findings we address future avenues of research.  相似文献   

Odessa has often been branded a “Jewish city.” Much like their counterparts in New York and Warsaw, Odessa’s Jews have historically played a fundamental role in the city’s demographic makeup, economic life and culture. But Odessa is unique among Jewish cities because it has been mythologised as a city of sin, a frontier seaport boomtown whose commercial prosperity and balmy climate attracted legions of adventurers, gangsters and swindlers seeking easy wealth and earthly pleasures. Old Odessa was the Russian Jew’s golden calf – gilded, wicked and ostentatious in its intemperance. Odessa’s carnivalesque environment was fertile ground for the blending of different cultures, and the Jews spearheaded this process, adopting a Yiddish‐inflected Russian as their language for celebrating their profligate city. By the 1917 Revolution the foundations had been laid for the emergence of Isaac Babel, Leonid Utesov, Mikhail Zhvanetskii and the many other Jews who subsequently left Odessa for Moscow and the Soviet interior. They would go on to disseminate the Odessa myth using literature, comedy and music, and their immense popularity ensured that Odessa was indelibly marked as a Jewish city of sin, inhabited by comical rogues whose colourful escapades were rooted in an idiom of Jewishness.  相似文献   

In this article I assert that global cities are critical nodes in Global Commodity Chains because it is from them that producer services are provided. I explore forward linkages of producer service firms in Mexico City, showing that there are important service flows to companies responsible for the globalization of the 'Mexican' economy. Based on this finding I also indicate reasons why Mexico City is 'on the map' of global cities and of Global Commodity Chains. I argue that both access to local knowledge and close contact to clients are key factors. A third issue dealt with is the position of Mexico City in the geography of governance of commodity chains. The analysis suggests that it is useful to break up global city functions into the management of the world economy and into its command and control, because Mexico City is certainly a place for the former, while the scope of influence exercised from the city is rather limited.  相似文献   

融资租赁是连接金融资本、商业资本和产业资本的纽带,是与银行信贷、证券并驾齐驱的三大融资工具之一,在当前经济趋于下行的经济环境下,上海建立融资租赁交易平台,将有助于在融资租赁行业大发展的浪潮中抢占先机,形成上海产业转型和拉动经济增长的重要抓手,加快国际金融、贸易和航运中心建设。上海构建全国性的融资租赁交易平台,在资金、机构、人才、物流、平台等方面具有综合资源优势。上海融资租赁交易平台应具有提供市场信息、撮合市场交易、登记公示物权、提供配套服务、规范市场行为、制定交易规则等基本功能。  相似文献   

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