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采用统计分析、耦合协调度分析、相对指数分析、OLS回归分析等方法,建立城市竞争力的指标体系,构建包括科技创新、金融服务、产业体系、营商环境、营商成本、人力资源、基础设施、生活环境等要素的耦合协调度。研究结果表明:经济竞争力排名越高的城市,其耦合协调度也越高;经济竞争力排名越低的城市,其耦合协调度也越低,经济竞争力与耦合协调度存在高度相关性。耦合协调度处于优质协调和良好协调的城市主要集中于美国和加拿大等国家的金融科技创新城市和区域性金融科技创新城市;耦合协调度较低的城市主要集中在墨西哥等不发达国家的城市。影响北美洲城市竞争力的驱动因素不同,各地应因地制宜,抓住城市发展的关键驱动因素,补短板、强弱项,协调城市经济发展,促进城市经济竞争力的提高。  相似文献   

城市综合竞争力是城市经济、文化、政治、社会、环境等综合发展能力的集中体现。生活品质包括经济生活品质、文化生活品质、政治生活品质、社会生活品质、环境生活品质"五大品质"。因而,进一步提升杭州城市综合竞争力与杭州生活品质之城建设相辅相成、互为一体。文章在对杭州城市发展进行SWOT分析的基础上,从促进生活品质之城建设的角度来探讨如何进一步提升杭州城市综合竞争力,并就此给出相关对策建议。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,天津市经济曾经一度辉煌,但要实现更好更快的跨越式发展,实现经济“二次飞跃”却面临着产业竞争力、企业竞争力、环境制度、基础条件等因素的制约,应当在突出特色经济、提高城市知名度、促进民营经济发展、弘扬创业精神等方面狠下功夫,以提高天津的城市辐射能力,完善天津的经济中心功能,促进环渤海经济一体化进程。  相似文献   

本文选取了4个一级指标、15个二级指标,构建了一个多层次的服务业竞争力评价指标体系,并运用因子分析法对广东省各市服务业竞争力进行评分、排序和分组。结果显示,全省21个市可分成服务业竞争力强、一般、较弱三类城市,第一类包括深圳、广州,第二类包括珠海、佛山、东莞、中山、惠州,第三类包括江门、韶关等14个城市,各类城市的服务业发展不协调,服务业竞争力的高低与经济发展存在一定的正相关性,最后结合各类城市发展状况提出相关的建议。  相似文献   

金永亮 《城市》2012,(3):37-39
当前,总部经济已成为城市竞争力的重要标志和经济发展的新热点。美国纽约、新加坡、英国伦敦、日本东京等国际性大都市是世界性大公司总部的所在地,巨大的集聚效应使得这些城市成为世界经济、金融中心。  相似文献   

雷仲敏  付诗谣 《城市》2012,(5):3-13
近年来,城市竞争力研究引起了国内外城市经济学界的广泛关注.从城市角度来看,所谓竞争优势从一定意义上讲就是一个城市具有比其他城市更强的创造社会财富的能力或效率.从城市经济的角度来看,社会财富的生产能力或效率,在很大程度上取决于城市间产业发展技术和水平的差异.由此可见,提升产业竞争力是提升城市竞争力的关键.然而,目前国内关于城市产业竞争力研究在理论范式、研究方法、分析模型等方面均存在着一定的歧义.笔者就此问题进行了必要的梳理,以期推动该项研究工作的深入.  相似文献   

正一、引言在现代全球竞争中,文化已经成为城市的核心竞争力,对诸多产业的发展都具有基础性的环境孕育作用,已经成为西方国家实现城市复兴、提升城市综合竞争力的重要途径。近年来,西方国家积极开展如"欧洲文化之都"等文化创新活动,欧洲许多经济衰退的老工业城市正是借助文化创新的力量实现了复兴。过去我国的发展长期过度关注经济的增长,而忽视了文化创新,逐渐导致城市发展魅力消失、竞争力衰竭。当前,提升  相似文献   

金永亮 《城市》2011,(11):38-40
服务业发展水平高低是衡量城市竞争力的重要标志。加快发展城市服务业,对优化经济结构、增加就业机会、改善人民生活、提高城市竞争力具有重要意义。“十二五”时期是我国服务业大发展的重要时期,《国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划纲要》提出,要把推动服务业大发展作为产业结构优化升级的战略重点。笔者以广州市为样本,为城市服务业发展模式提供一些思路性的建议。  相似文献   

王琳 《城市》2008,(5):72-75
进入21世纪.世界各国均注意到城市精神、创新氛围、价值取向等文化软实力已成为提升城市竞争力的重要因素.同时深切关注文化与经济合流发展的重大趋势.以及文化硬实力对城市竞争力所作出的重要贡献,因此.许多发达城市均采取了“文化立市”的重大战略措施.以应对21世纪的国际文化竞争。  相似文献   

付云鹏  马树才  宋琪 《城市》2014,(2):62-67
正一、引言及文献综述城市作为政治、经济和文化中心,其发展状况直接影响着区域经济的发展。日趋激烈的全球化竞争迫切要求我们建设起一批具有全球竞争能力的城市和城市群。因此探讨城市综合竞争力在当前形势下具有非常重要的理论和现实意义。城市竞争力是一个城市所具有的由各种发展要素综合形成的整体实力的综合体现,是在社会状况、经济结构、  相似文献   

Development policies and programmes rest on assumptions about what constitutes power and how to change power dynamics. However, they rarely consider local understandings of power. In this article we ask how these common assumptions correspond with socially and culturally specific ideas about what power is, who can hold power, and how power can be transferred, in rural communities in Kenya's lake region. We find that men and women are constantly negotiating for power in the household, within the bounds of their gendered limitations. And the predominant zero‐sum conception of power may undermine common development approaches to empowerment. However, the results also highlight some exceptions to this conceptualization, as well as the value of taking a whole‐family approach to empowerment.  相似文献   

A discrepancy measure of job-related alienation, labeled power discrepancy, is introduced. Power discrepancy was measured by the difference between the amount of job-related power workers feel they are able to exercise on their present jobs and the amount of power they feel they should be able to exercise. Three types were derived: workers whose perceived power was less than the amount they felt that they should have (deficit power); workers with as much perceived power as they felt they should have (balanced power); and workers whose perceived power exceeded what they believed they should have (surplus power). It is found that power deficit increases with the degree of functional specialization at work and that power deficit is the most common experience regardless of the extent of functional specialization. Instrumental work orientation and isolation from organizational goals is the most pronounced among workers with deficit power. Workers with surplus job-related power are on a par with those with a balance between perceived and desired power in terms of consummatory work orientation and commitment to organizational goals. Among workers with less job-related power than they feel they should have, instrumental work orientation and isolation from organizational goals are higher among less affluent, younger, and loss educated workers. Introduction of a measure of the importance of work-related power did not help in explaining this last finding.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the effects of a conductor's power‐based leadership on orchestra quality. The structure of power‐based leadership and the hypotheses were tested with a sample of musicians from German orchestras. Confirmatory factor analyses verify four types of power‐based leadership of the conductor vis‐à‐vis the musicians: (1) expert/referent power, (2) informational power, (3) legitimate power through position, and (4) impersonal and personal reward and coercive power. The relative importance of the four forms of power‐based leadership on artistic quality was tested using structural equation modeling (SEM). The results supported the hypotheses that expert power and referent power have the strongest positive impact on artistic quality than all other forms of power‐based leadership under study. Contributions to theories of leadership and power, research methods, and practice are discussed.  相似文献   


The increasing relevance given to soft power by Western and Chinese academics and more importantly their public officials has prompted some African scholars to examine the utility of soft power in the African context. Whilst the literature on South African foreign policy and regional powerhood has paid attention to this issue in recent years, there are few studies on Nigeria’s soft power. Against this backdrop, this article examines whether or not Nigeria is a soft power state. It argues that whilst the country possesses remarkable soft power resources, particularly in Africa, this has not been optimally deployed to achieve the desired outcomes. The article highlights the constraints to Nigeria’s soft power capacity and concludes that Nigeria is at best a potential soft power state. It therefore, urges public officials to pay more attention to the utility of soft power in their foreign policy process and challenges Nigerian academics to take a cue from their counterparts abroad and begin to engage their country’s soft power.  相似文献   

Definitions of sea power in reputable studies can be classified into two broad categories: sea power as a form of military power at sea, and sea power as the capacity at or from the sea to influence others’ actions or conditions. Despite the differences in definitions of sea power, the relevant literature written by international relations scholars, maritime historians, and naval affairs experts is abundant and has primarily focused on grand strategies, military strategies, and military doctrines. This paper briefly introduces an exceptional monograph on the logistic foundation of British maritime ascendancy, but it has not sufficiently explored the political processes of sea power. This paper thus utilises the concepts of politics, elite coalition, and power source to highlight the importance of studying the political processes behind the creation, maintenance, enhancement, and even corrosion and destruction of sea power. Specifically, building on the logistics of maritime ascendancy, this paper suggests that it is not only essential to examine how the state co-ordinates all required resources for its sea power, but that it is also necessary to evaluate how elite coalitions amenable to sea power are organised and sustained.  相似文献   

Research is clear that power differentials between women and men shape women’s human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) risks; however, little research has attempted to examine power differentials within same-sex male (SSM) couples and whether these influence sexual risk outcomes. To produce the first quantitative scale that measures power in SSM relationships, the current work was a Phase 1 qualitative study that sought to understand domains of relationship power and how power operated in the relationship among 48 Black, White, and interracial (Black–White) SSM couples recruited from San Francisco and New York. Interview domains were focused on definitions of power and perceptions of how power operated in the relationship. Findings revealed that couples described power in three key ways: as power exerted over a partner through decision-making dominance and relationship control; as power to accomplish goals through personal agency; and as couple-level power. In addition, men described ways that decision-making dominance and relationship control could be enacted in the relationship—through structural resources, emotional and sexual influence, and gender norm expectations. We discuss the implications of these findings for sexual risks and HIV care and treatment with SSM couples that are focused on closing gaps in power.  相似文献   

We develop a theoretical framework to examine how government organization affects its power and size. The framework abstracts from distortions that arise from the means of government finance and separates government power into two dimensions—pure coercive power and pure pricing power. A government can exert its coercive power to shift the demand for its services outward and grow too large. It can simultaneously exert its pricing power to restrict output along a given demand curve to earn rents. Consequently, neither size nor rents alone are reliable indicators of the extent to which government provision of services is nonoptimal.  相似文献   

Research in network exchange theory and status characteristics theory that distinguishes power from influence has proven productive, but leaves open the question of whether a causal relationship exists between these two central, sociological concepts. Past research has found that structural power in exchange increases expectations for competent performance of the power user on a subsequent cooperative task. However, once the power advantage has been removed, previous research has failed to find increased influence of power users, perhaps because those subjected to power use react negatively to perceptions of the high-power actor as selfish or greedy. In society, the results of power used on relatively few people can be observed by many who may not react negatively to the power use because they are not directly exploited. Thus we predicted that observers of power processes would form high expectations for the competence of, and be influenced by, power users. An experimental study supported the predictions: A partner who had been in a high-power position had more influence over observers than did a partner who had been in a low-power position. An interaction was found such that the high-power partner had more influence over observers of power in strong-power networks, but not in weak-power networks.  相似文献   

In past research on status and power, the two variables have often been confounded. Within an experimentally induced organization, status and power were separated and their effects on a series of dependent variables were examined. A three-factor design using high and low levels of power and status and norms prescribing defernce to high status or to high power was created. Differing predictions for deviation from the prescribed norms of self-interest theory and equity theory were contrasted. The data indicate that a low power, high status individual who is in an organization which rewards high power will deviate from the prescribed norms in order to increase his rewards. Status affected subjects' self-perceptions and interacted with power to affect conformity to prescribed norms and perception of partner.  相似文献   

The relationship between power, governance and value creation/capture is a central concern in global value chain (GVC) research. In the context of calls to develop a more expansive view of power in GVCs, we argue for retaining a focus on bargaining power, but shifting the conceptualization of bargaining power from the dyad to the network. We advance two arguments. First, we elaborate an exchange theoretic model in which skew of value capture is a function of the degree of power asymmetry inherent in the ratio of buyers to suppliers. Second, we explain how this model can be expanded to consider the role of external factors, such as the institutional and normative contexts in which exchange occurs. Rather than see these factors as contending forms of power, we treat them as forces that can affect value skew by either attenuating the bargaining power of lead firms or by moderating the distributional effects of power asymmetries between exchange partners. We conclude that an exchange theoretic approach to bargaining power in GVCs provides a parsimonious framework for explaining how inter-firm governance shapes the distribution of value capture in global production.  相似文献   

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