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In this paper, we consider p(p2) and q(q2) independent treatment and control populations respectively, such that an appropriate probability model for the data from ith(jth) treatment (control) population is a member of absolutely continuous location and scale family of distributions which have common scale parameter and possibly differ in location parameters. For example, there may be p newly invented drugs/varieties of seeds/components which have to compete with their existing q standard competitors in terms of their average responses. A newly invented drug/variety of seed/component is said to be good (bad) if the distance of its average response from the largest (smallest) average response of q control populations is more (less) than δ1(δ2) units, where δ1 and δ2 are positive constants to be specified by the experimenter. In this setting a selection procedure is proposed to select simultaneously two subsets SU and SL of the p treatment populations such that the subset SU contains all the good treatments and the subset SL contains all the bad treatments with probability at least P1, where P1 is a pre-assigned value. The proposed procedure was applied to normal and two parameters exponential probability models separately and the relevant selection constants have been tabulated. The implementation of the proposed methodology is demonstrated through a numerical example based on real life data. The authenticity of numerically computed critical constants have been verified through simulation. Further, if we define the ith treatment population as bad (good) if the distance of its average response from the largest (smallest) average response of q control populations is less (more) than δ3(δ4) units, where δ3 and δ4 are to be specified by the experimenter such that δ4>δ3>0, then we have proposed a simultaneous selection procedure to select SU and SL and a sample size is determined so that the probability of omitting a good (bad) treatment population from SU(SL) or selecting a bad (good) treatment population in SU(SL) is at most 1P1.  相似文献   

Various subset selection methods are based on the least squares parameter estimation method. The performance of these methods is not reasonably well in the presence of outlier or multicollinearity or both. Few subset selection methods based on the M-estimator are available in the literature for outlier data. Very few subset selection methods account the problem of multicollinearity with ridge regression estimator.In this article, we develop a generalized version of Sp statistic based on the jackknifed ridge M-estimator for subset selection in the presence of outlier and multicollinearity. We establish the equivalence of this statistic with the existing Cp, Sp and Rp statistics. The performance of the proposed method is illustrated through some numerical examples and the correct model selection ability is evaluated using simulation study.  相似文献   

Let X1,,Xn be i.i.d. observations, where Xi=Yi+σnZi and the Y’s and Z’s are independent. Assume that the Y’s are unobservable and that they have the density f and also that the Z’s have a known density k. Furthermore, let σn depend on n and let σn0 as n. We consider the deconvolution problem, i.e. the problem of estimation of the density f based on the sample X1,,Xn. A popular estimator of f in this setting is the deconvolution kernel density estimator. We derive its asymptotic normality under two different assumptions on the relation between the sequence σn and the sequence of bandwidths hn. We also consider several simulation examples which illustrate different types of asymptotics corresponding to the derived theoretical results and which show that there exist situations where models with σn0 have to be preferred to the models with fixed σ.  相似文献   

We present inverse problems of nonparametric statistics which have a smart solution using projection estimators on bases of functions with non compact support, namely, a Laguerre basis or a Hermite basis. The models are Yi=XiUi,Zi=Xi+Σi, where the Xi’s are i.i.d. with unknown density f, the Σi’s are i.i.d. with known density fΣ, the Ui’s are i.i.d. with uniform density on [0,1]. The sequences (Xi),(Ui),(Σi) are independent. We define projection estimators of f in the two cases of indirect observations of (X1,,Xn), and we give upper bounds for their L2-risks on specific Sobolev–Laguerre or Sobolev–Hermite spaces. Data-driven procedures are described and proved to perform automatically the bias–variance compromise.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop uniform bounds for the sequence of distribution functions of g(Vn+μn), where g is some smooth function, {Vn,n1} is a sequence of identically distributed random variables with common distribution having a bounded derivative and {μn} are constants such that μn. These bounds allow us to identify a suitable sequence of random variables which is asymptotically of the same type of g(Vn+μn) showing that the rate of convergence for these uniform approximations depends on the ratio of the second derivative to the first derivative of g. The corresponding generalization to the multivariate case is also analyzed. An application of our results to the STATIS-ACT method is provided in the final section.  相似文献   

Suppose items can be purchased from one of k-suppliers and it is required to purchase from the one with the smaller failure rate or equivalently from the one with the larger mean-time-to-failure. It is assumed that data d, in the form of the times-to-failure for n1,,nk items from suppliers 1,,k, respectively is available. There are two suggested selection criteria studied in this paper and when comparing only two suppliers they reduce toP(θ1<bθ2|d)andP(Y1>cY2|d),where b and c are prespecified practical constants; θ1 and θ2 are the respective mean failure rates; Y1 and Y2 are the predicted times to failure for individual items purchased from each supplier.In addition partial prior information about the k-suppliers collectively is assumed to have been elicited. This situation is modelled using the hierarchical Bayesian approach, which easily facilitates interpreting the elicited partial prior information as constraints on the hyperpriors, i.e. hyperpriors that are known only to be contained in families with specified properties. In this paper these properties are assumed to be in the form of specifying certain quantiles arising from the elicited information. Minimum and maximum values of the above selection criteria are obtained and are used to indicate whether or not the elicited prior information is useful. Specific examples are given for comparing two suppliers but generalisation to k-suppliers follows easily.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the following linear errors-in-variables regression model: ξij=xi+δij,ηij=yi+εij=θ+βxi+εij, with independent identically distributed errors (εij,δij),(j=1,2,,ni;i=1,2,). The strong and weak consistency for the LS estimators β? and θ? of the unknown parameters β,θ in this model are obtained, which weaken some known conditions and improve some known results.  相似文献   

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