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Correspondence to Narda Razack, Assistant Professor/Field Education Coordinator, School of Social Work, Atkinson College, York University, 4700 Keele St., North York, Ontario M3J 1P3, Canada. E.mail: nrazack{at}yorku.ca Summary Transnational alliances and changing global realities have resultedin a proliferation of material relating to diversity and socialwork practice. More recently the focus has rested on anti-oppressionand multicultural social work. Although there is growing acceptanceof the need to be sensitive to diverse populations, the struggleoften lies in pedagogical and practice considerations. Coursesdealing with oppression have emerged and the emphasis has beento encourage student and teacher to examine their own biasesand understand their ethnicity and culture while seeking todevelop a framework for sensitive practice. Issues relatingto power and subjugation are highlighted along with an understandingof history and present realities. Pedagogical and practice strugglesneed to be addressed on a consistent basis to ensure that theslippage towards a more didactic approach is not adopted inorder to avoid dealing with sensitive material and issues. This article represents a synthesis of my experiences of developinga half credit course on anti-discriminatory practice and teachingit over a period of five terms. The guidelines and approachesused for teaching this course include journals, reflective papers,coalition groups and small group discussions. These approachesare discussed, together with an examination of the locationand struggles of staff and students, and ongoing challengesto effect social knowledge production that is premised on ananti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive framework for practice.Excerpts from student journals, my observations, and feedbackfrom student evaluations are utilised to promote a criticalreflection of pedagogical and practice concerns necessary forsustaining an anti-oppression framework for social work practice. The ways in which groups, individuals, and ideas come to bemarginalized in a given culture, society, and/or place has muchto do with what is considered to be knowledge and who is consideredto possess it, who is perceived as knower and who is known (Edgerton,1993, p. 222). Curricula are revised but rarely transformed from the insideout (McGee, 1993, p. 281).  相似文献   

Correspondence to Gayla Rogers, Faculty of Social Work, The University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive N.W., Calgary, AB Canada, T2N 1N4. Summary Canadian social work educators, in recognizing the importanceof preparing students for anti-oppressive practice, can lookto developments in the United Kingdom for direction and guidance.Recent changes to education policy statements in Canada haveincluded the requirement that social work students graduatewith the knowledge, values and skills to be ethnically sensitivepractitioners. The Canadian equivalent to practice teaching,the field practicum, is an ideal venue to learn about multi-culturaldifferences, oppression, and how to combat institutional andindividual racism, sexism and ethnocentrism. However, such learningmust be explicitly and purposely developed. Thus, guidelineshave been suggested to promote the establishment of an ethnicallysensitive, anti-discriminatory practice teaching process. This paper discusses how concepts and practices derived in Britaincan be applied in a Canadian context to help course instructors,tutors, practice teachers and students build effective learningexperiences for the multi-cultural realities and struggles oftoday. These guidelines can be used by both Canadian and Britishsocial work courses and include questions to be raised at keypoints throughout the practice teaching process to ensure thefocus and attention to ethnically sensitive, anti-discriminatorypractice is maintained. The guidelines were derived from a synthesisof British concepts and practices combined with a review ofselected North American and British literature and the experiencesof two practice teaching projects in one social work coursein Canada. The projects involved practice teaching placementswith a community development project that had a multi-culturaland multi-racial focus and the experience of a native studiesconcentration with a practice teaching component. From a Canadianperspective this combination facilitates a step forward andprovides a framework which has a timely practical application.  相似文献   

This commentary provides an examination of the articles within this issue with a focus on common themes throughout. Each article is briefly reviewed in the context of how it contributes to four overarching themes of current intergenerational research. The articles within this issue also have implications for developing policy that fosters intergenerational relationships. This commentary concludes with a discussion of the complex issues that arise in creating such policy and utilizes Allport's (1954) "contact hypothesis" as a framework to guide future policy work addressing the myriad of issues within the realm of intergenerational relationships.  相似文献   

Stereotypes about gender and emotional expression tend to be imprecise and misleading. They fail to acknowledge situational, individual, and cultural variations in males' and females' emotional expressiveness. They also tend to generalize across emotional intensity and frequency, as well as across different modalities of emotional expression, e.g. verbal vs. behavioral modalities. Moreover, they tend to exaggerate the extent of gender differences in emotional expression. I argue that when gender differences in emotional expression do occur, they can be traced to social processes such as dissimilar gender roles, status and power imbalances, and differing socialization histories of males and females. These processes may predispose some males and females to express emotions differently in some cultures and in some contexts. To support this argument, I present data from two studies, one showing that the amount of time fathers spend with their children relates to the gender stereotypic nature of their children's emotional expressiveness; and the other showing that gender differences in emotional expressiveness are culturally specific in a sample of Asian international, Asian‐American, and European-American college students. Finally, I note the potentially destructive limitations imposed by stereotypes on males' and females' interpersonal functioning as well as on their mental and physical health.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Elizabeth L. Sullivan, School of Health and Community Studies, De Montfort University, Kents Hill, Milton Keynes MK7 6HP, UK. E-mail: esulliva{at}dmu.ac.uk Summary There is great public interest in issues of discrimination andprejudice and, while this interest leads to changes in publicand professional behaviour and sometimes to legislative changes,it is not at all apparent that these changes achieve the statedintention, which is to eliminate negative and oppressive discrimination.It is argued that current methods of education for anti-discriminatorypractice, while successful in terms of imparting understandingand competence in relation to structural and societal issuessuch as racism, power and inequality, may be less successfulat the individual level of personal attitudes. An argument isput forward which suggests that anti-discriminatory practice(ADP) education may sometimes result in hidden or unrecognized,unmeasured, and possibly unwanted learning outcomes. This isdiscussed in relation to social work education, and two possibleunforeseen outcomes are proposed: first, the individual mayshift the focus of prejudice from one subject to another, secondly,the individual may unrealistically interpret their attitudesas anti-discriminatory, despite evidence to the contrary. Inaddition, it is suggested that social workers may hold conflictingdiscriminatory attitudes towards a single subject, dependingon whether they see themselves, at that time, as an individualor as a professional.  相似文献   

2008年是值得铭记的一年,同样2009年也是具有历史意义的一年,迈过改革开放30年的光辉历程,我们将迎来新中国60周年华诞.  相似文献   

亓光  王晓冬 《学术交流》2006,(12):64-67
能源法哲学是人们对人类与能源沟通的价值原则和依据以及对人类与能源沟通中产生的知识体系的反思,它揭示了能源法运作的基本规律,说明了能源法的目的和意义,描述了达成上述目的和意义的原则与方法。能源法哲学既关注能源是什么,又关注能源法是什么并具有逻辑和语言的证明性。但是,能源法哲学并不是单向度的理论体系,它既需要用哲学的观点和方法对能源法的根本性问题进行理性反思,又需要强调能源法的一般性和普遍性的法律价值。因此,在“能源法的哲学”和“哲学的能源法”的视野下,当代能源法哲学应该通过体系的理论性和现实性为人类社会揭示如何实现美好的能源生活的可能。  相似文献   

Objective . By critically examining the deficit model, this research attempts to grasp the multifaceted relationships between education and public attitudes toward science. Methods .It analyzes a series of nationwide surveys of public attitudes toward science conducted over a decade. Results . First, respondents' levels of education and levels of scientific knowledge make independent contributions to public attitudes toward science. Second, college (and postgraduate) majors have very weak effects on public attitudes toward science. Third, education is a much weaker predictor of public attitudes toward controversial scientific research, compared to its strong influence on science in general. Conclusions . Although education may indeed enhance public support for science in general, it may not help much to reduce tensions around politicized, controversial scientific research. For scientific controversies, gender might be a more important variable than education.  相似文献   

陈艳  孙峰 《唐都学刊》2006,22(6):66-69
和谐首先是人们精神心理秩序或状态的和谐宁静。构建“和谐社会”不仅是政治和法律的事情,而且也是道德伦理的事情。习俗作为社会“隐性制度”的一个重要方面,对建构和谐社会中的道德具有举足轻重的作用。习俗是社会物质生活和精神生活约定俗成的模式化的生活方式,以其所独具的社会调控功能而成为制约社会发展的一种特殊的文化要素。习俗与道德具有密切关系,道德教育要发挥其应有的功能,起到引导人们有意识地选择优良习俗而摒弃、批判陋俗的作用。  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr Ronit D. Leichtentritt, Bob Shapell School of Social Work, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel. E-mail: ronitl{at}post.tau.ac.il Summary Sixteen social workers in Israel were interviewed about theirexperiences with and attitudes towards various forms of euthanasia,as well as the meanings they ascribe to them. Using phenomenologicalanalysis, seven themes were identified, emphasizing individual,interpersonal, organizational, social and therapeutic considerations,and suggesting a holistic and integrative structure of the phenomenon.The themes were arrived at by identifying distinctions and similaritiesbetween different forms of euthanasia. Two themes suggestingsimilarities were revealed: ‘diminishing the value oflife’ and ‘a call for help’. Three themeswere found to distinguish between passive euthanasia (withholdingand withdrawing life-sustaining treatment) and active forms(active euthanasia and assisted suicide): ‘legality’,‘social acceptance’ and ‘concern for the sickand dying’. The last two themes distinguished betweenwithholding treatment and assisted suicide, on the one hand,and withdrawing treatment and active euthanasia, on the other:‘the involvement of others as executor’ and ‘thepublicity of the act’. Further research and training isrequired to better inform social workers in this ethical area.Given their unique position, social workers should activelyparticipate in legal, social and therapeutic discussions concerningend-of-life decisions, for the benefit of clients, their familiesand health-care providers.  相似文献   

International education is a thriving industry, but relatively little is known about its consequences for the social integration of international scholars in educational institutions or the wider community. This article reviews research on attitudes toward international students as a key component of intercultural relations and a significant marker of social cohesion. An organizational framework for the investigation of these attitudes is proposed with threat mediating the influences of personal and situational factors on attitudinal outcomes. Broader contextual factors are also seen to exert influence on the process of attitude development and maintenance. A model derived from this framework is then tested with student, teacher, and community samples. A "tipping point" in attitudes toward international students as a function of the proportion of international enrolments in educational institutions is also explored. Finally, the applicability of the findings for promoting social cohesion in educational institutions and the wider community is discussed.  相似文献   

The paper proposes an alternative approach to the ontology of social institutions by systematizing various normative institutional influences and identifying processes that distinguish between conforming and violating behaviour. The prevailing – cost-based model – suggests that an agent's conformity to a specific institutional rule can be represented by a single measure – cost. The model is limited in its explanatory potential since it accounts for varieties of institutional behaviour in terms of single parametrical changes in the agents' utilities. The central argument shows that normative attitudes represent a distinctive normative structure capable of explaining crucial aspects of institutional behaviour. These attitudinal aspects provide the structure necessary for understanding institutional normativity and its violations.  相似文献   

The drivers of public support for redistributive policy have stimulated academic debate around the world. The majority of studies use cross‐country surveys conducted in the Organisation for Economic Co‐operation and Development countries to contribute to the debate on whether self‐interest or social values have more influence on public attitudes towards redistribution. Drawing on a phone survey conducted in 2013, this study advances the discussion by investigating public attitudes towards redistribution and social policy changes against the backdrop of buoyant government revenues in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong welfare model, best seen as a parallel to the liberal welfare state, is selective and residual. Contrary to the usual assumption, the social values hypothesis, viewing poverty as societal problems instead of individual reasons, has been supported in the Hong Kong context. It lends support to greater redistribution in a residual welfare state. The policy implications of the findings are also discussed.  相似文献   

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