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The learning transfer system inventory (LTSI) is an empirically derived self-report 16-factor inventory designed to assess individual perceptions of catalysts and barriers to the transfer of learning from work-related training. Although a good deal of research has been done addressing various dimensions of the LTSI's construct validity, minor discrepancies in factor solutions in several studies together with problematic fit of some items suggest that further construct validity research is needed. Using data collected in 17 countries and utilizing 14 different language versions of the LTSI, the research objectives for this research were to (1) determine the number and nature of common factors involved to account for the pattern of correlations among the measured variables in LTSI version 3 using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and (2) test via confirmatory factor analysis the validity of the factorial structure of the LTSI that emerged from the EFA and scale refinement efforts. Results provided strong support for the five- and 11-factor structure of the program-specific and training-general domains of a 48-item LTSI.  相似文献   

承销商与某家会计师事务所形成固定组合共推IPO的现象一直以来备受争议.该文将与承销商形成固定搭配的会计师事务所定义为承销商的“御用会计师”,并选取IPO核准制实施之日至2011年12月31日所有IPO的公司为样本,对“御用会计师”现象究竟是承销商与审计师之间合作的结果还是发行公司、承销商以及审计师三方合谋的产物进行了检验.研究发现,御用会计师能够显著地抑制发行公司IPO时的盈余管理程度.同时,这种制约效果随合作次数的增加而加强,在约6次左右达到最大值.研究结论表明,御用会计师是承销商和会计师事务所多次博弈有效合作的结果,这种合作关系能减少中介机构之间联合生产的交易成本,降低公司IPO时的盈余管理程度,有利于促进资本市场的健康发展.  相似文献   

The concept of Value is one that has opened onto many reflections throughout history, leading to the emergence of a plurality of visions, some converging, but most diverging. Nowadays, the word `Value' is frequently used, but with a definition which varies with every discipline. This makes it a polysemous and transverse notion. In this article, we present several visions anddefinitions, which have appeared in philosophy, sociology, economics, finance, marketing, management and design. Our multidisciplinary approach is not intended to select or discard any definition, but firstly we wish to enhance the polysemy of the word Value and the similarities and differences between disciplines. Secondly, we wonder if the fuzzy meaning of Value in all these disciplines is due to a confusion with the notion of `interest'. Following this idea, we propose a model of agents and interactions of the economic environment.  相似文献   

工作-家庭冲突研究:国际进展与展望   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在过去的几十年内,工作和家庭角色的内容和结构发生了很大的变化.工作-家庭研究文献有很多主题,其中工作-家庭冲突得到最广泛的研究.本文从工作-家庭冲突的概念和维度、工作-家庭冲突的前因、后果和调节变量以及工作-家庭冲突的干预策略等方面对该领域的研究进行了全面评述,并对未来的研究框架提出了建议.  相似文献   

Emergence of conflicts-of-interests and of disputes in organizations, especially within and among work team systems, is inevitable. Cooperatives are self-governing organizations with democratic characters aimed at meeting the members’ needs and promoting social equity. Yet, internal organizational conflicts arise as conflicts-of-interests develop. Such conflicts can cause serious damages to the parties involved as well as harm the reputation of cooperatives as social and economic entities that tend to pursue social justice and fair distribution of income in society. This paper addresses conflict management in contemporary cooperative organizations. It is based on a preliminary research performed on factors causing conflicts in various types of cooperatives in Iran by analyzing 253 complaints made in 224 housing, consumer, transportation, producer procurement, and credit cooperatives within the central province of Tehran. It also offers some suggestions to improve conflict management within cooperative organizations.
Davoud MojtahedEmail: Email:

反映在结构因素、关系因素和认知因素三个维度上的高管团队内部社会资本为决策信息的交换和共享提供了机会、意愿和能力,有利于团队内部形成建设性的冲突模式,促进决策效果的提高.本文以团队冲突为中介变量,建立了高管团队内部社会资本与决策效果的关系的理论框架,提出了研究命题,并对企业高管团队内部社会资本的培育提出建议.  相似文献   

王兴棠  李杰 《管理科学》2020,23(9):61-75
随着全球化程度加深,与国外企业进行研发合作逐步成为国内企业参与创新驱动发展战略的重要途径.从中间品贸易视角出发,通过构建谈判博弈模型,分析探讨影响产业链下游企业进行国际研发合作内生性选择的因素.研究发现,只有在研发溢出效应比较小的时候,产业链下游企业才会选择进行国际研发合作.但如果研发溢出效应过小,下游企业的国际研发合作行为会导致本国社会福利水平下降.进一步研究发现,上游市场垄断势力增强以及最终品贸易成本下降均会对产业链下游企业的国际研发合作产生促进作用.  相似文献   

团队冲突、冲突管理与绩效关系的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在组织研究领域,冲突一直被视为重要的团队交互过程变量.然而.关于团队冲突与绩效的关系存在很多争议,且以往的研究很少同时考虑团队冲突和冲突管理行为,这就忽视了冲突管理对团队冲突的潜在引导作用.通过对76个工作团队的冲突、冲突管理行为和绩效的实证研究,发现冲突管理和冲突的交互作用对团队绩效的影响显著.竞争型冲突管理行为会导致关系冲突的增加,进而导致团队绩效的降低;回避型冲突管理行为和关系冲突显著负相关;任务冲突与团队绩效之间显著正相关.本文的研究结果对于企业管理人员发挥任务冲突的正面效用、降低关系冲突的负面影响有一定的启示.  相似文献   

In the digital era, cooperation has become a new way of firm operation, but only rarely have studies investigated how internal cooperative mechanisms among departments affect firm performance evaluation. Grounded on resource-based view theory, a two-stage network structure model of a hotel (i.e. operations stage and marketing stage) is presented, illustrating how a hotel consumes internal resources and obtains competitive advantages and market profits. A DEA-based bi-objective model is put forward to evaluate the hotel performance from the perspective that the two internal stages cooperate with each other. To solve the proposed model, an extended augmented weighted Tchebycheff metric and a new algorithm are used. An empirical analysis using data from 68 Taiwanese international tourist hotels in 2011 was conducted, and the results corroborated the theorems and remarks about the proposed model. This study offers a comprehensive benchmarking tool to improve hotel decision-making.  相似文献   

In the September-October 1986 issue of Physician Executive, we discussed the application of strategic business units (SBUs) to health care. SBUs are those corporate entities that market similar products to one or more target populations with similar characteristics. Examples of SBUs in health care are obstetrics, cardiology, orthopedics, etc. When the services within each SBU are linked together, they might resemble a vertically integrated health care system. In the case of obstetrics, a woman may have contact with physicians, a hospital, home care nurses, house-cleaning services, birthing teachers, and maternity clothing boutiques. Each of these are products/services within the SBU of obstetrics. Strategy development by SBU implies an external focus on the marketplace in terms of the specific mission of the SBU (clinical specialty). It also implies responding to the needs of consumers for whom the historical and present divisiveness between hospitals and physicians is immaterial and irrelevant. In this article, we will focus on ways to stabilize the relationship between hospitals and physicians within an SBU context in order to compete more successfully as a team in today's health care environment.  相似文献   

针对大量现实博弈与Nash均衡预测相背离的现象,抛开"共同理性"假设,提出了Nash均衡理论的另一个隐性前提"博弈的封闭性假设",进而引入"潜在参与人"的概念,扩展了博弈参与人的范围,从理论上指出开放环境下策略偏离者的支付增益可能导致博弈结果偏离原Nash均衡;然后举例说明,将随机扰动引入标准复制子动态,对一个两阶段重复囚徒博弈偏离预期均衡的原因进行剖析;最后基于CAS理论和多主体系统的建模思想,应用仿真实验进一步分析和验证了以上结论.  相似文献   

本文将资产配置的方法推广到限价指令簿市场上.在投资者效用函数符合指数效用的假设下,考虑了限价指令簿中委托的执行概率,将限价指令簿的边际订单递交纳入到资产配置的框架中.首先,推导出投资者在限价指令市场上对市价委托指令和限价委托指令配置的解析式,从而将资产定价模型与限价指令簿的微观结构理论模型统一到一个模型中.其次,还证明了传统的单资产CAPM是本文模型在只能递交边际市价委托时的一个特例.  相似文献   

Inevitably as the role of the medical director expands, it will directly affect power structures already existing in the hospital hierarchy, including department chiefs, other administrators, and the chief of staff. This article will attempt to define the roles of the medical director and the chief of staff, explore possible conflicts, and provide suggestions to help avoid confrontation. Finally, an attempt will be made to look into the future direction of the medical director's position.  相似文献   

在PAWLAK提出的冲突系统中,局中人对争端的态度只有3种:肯定、否定或中立。这样的冲突系统提供的信息过于抽象,很难从该模型中了解局中人产生冲突的原因,更无法找到大多数局中人一致同意的方案。经深入研究,认为现实生活中的某些冲突系统,其局中人应具有自己的方案,而整个冲突系统应有领域专家提供的方案。同时,各争端之间可能存在相互制约关系。根据这些特点,在PAWLAK冲突系统模型的基础上,引入每个局中人的信息系统和可行方案、领域专家为冲突系统提供的信息系统和可行方案,以及冲突系统中各争端的约束条件和冲突系统的可行方案,从而得到一个新的基于粗糙集的冲突模型。同时,给出了一个求冲突系统可行方案的算法,并以实例说明新模型能较好地刻画现实在生活的某些冲突系统。  相似文献   

Complex interpersonal conflicts are inevitable in the high speed, high stakes, pressured work of health care. Poorly managed, conflict saps productivity, erodes trust, and spawns additional disputes. Well managed, conflict can enhance the self-confidence and self-esteem of the parties, build relationships, and engender creative solutions beyond expectations. Just as thoughtful differential diagnosis precedes optimum treatment in the doctor-patient relationship, management of conflict is greatly enhanced when preceded by careful assessment. In the first of two articles, the authors present a diagnostic approach, the Conflict Management Checklist, to increase self-awareness and decrease anxiety around conflict.  相似文献   

对来自106个团队的283名知识工作团队成员的调查结果进行研究分析,结果表明,变革型领导风格的4个维度,即德行垂范、个性关怀、愿景激励和领导魅力均能促进合作型冲突管理方式,但是只有德行垂范和个性关怀能够抑制竞争型冲突管理方式;团队心理安全在变革型领导和团队冲突管理方式之间起到部分中介作用.此外,合作型冲突管理方式对团队绩效有正向影响,竞争型冲突管理方式对团队绩效有负向影响.  相似文献   

BM Wainstein  HS Sichel 《Omega》1976,4(4):417-436
An on-the-shop-floor experiment is carried out to determine the price-quality relationship for a number of toiletries. Three different and distinct demand curves are obtained. A heuristic model to describe these curves is constructed. The implications of this model for the profit-orientated businessman are then analysed.  相似文献   

自回归条件方差-偏度-峰度:一个新的模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出一个新的自回归条件方差一偏度一峰度模型:GJRSK-M模型,讨论了模型的识别、定阶、估计等技术,运用该模型实证研究了中国股市的高阶矩波动特征,利用样本外预测方法研究了GJRSK-M模型与现有高阶矩波动模型在预测能力方面的差异.研究结果表明:中国股市的条件方差、条件偏度和条件峰度都具有波动持续性和杠杆效应,GJRSK-M模型具有比现有高阶矩波动模型更强的预测能力.最后提出了将高阶矩波动模型运用于金融风险管理研究的思路.  相似文献   

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