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For an edge weighted undirected graph G and an integer k > 2, a k-way cut is a set of edges whose removal leaves G with at least k components. We propose a simple approximation algorithm to the minimum k-way cut problem. It computes a nearly optimal k-way cut by using a set of minimum 3-way cuts. We show that the performance ratio of our algorithm is 2 – 3/k for an odd k and 2 – (3k – 4)/(k 2k) for an even k. The running time is O(kmn 3 log(n 2/m)) where n and m are the numbers of vertices and edges respectively.  相似文献   

Given a set S of starting vertices and a set T of terminating vertices in a graph G = (V,E) with non-negative weights on edges, the minimum Steiner network problem is to find a subgraph of G with the minimum total edge weight. In such a subgraph, we require that for each vertex s S and t T, there is a path from s to a terminating vertex as well as a path from a starting vertex to t. This problem can easily be proven NP-hard. For solving the minimum Steiner network problem, we first present an algorithm that runs in time and space that both are polynomial in n with constant degrees, but exponential in |S|+|T|, where n is the number of vertices in G. Then we present an algorithm that uses space that is quadratic in n and runs in time that is polynomial in n with a degree O(max {max {|S|,|T|}–2,min {|S|,|T|}–1}). In spite of this degree, we prove that the number of Steiner vertices in our solution can be as large as |S|+|T|–2. Our algorithm can enumerate all possible optimal solutions. The input graph G can either be undirected or directed acyclic. We also give a linear time algorithm for the special case when min {|S|,|T|} = 1 and max {|S|,|T|} = 2.The minimum union paths problem is similar to the minimum Steiner network problem except that we are given a set H of hitting vertices in G in addition to the sets of starting and terminating vertices. We want to find a subgraph of G with the minimum total edge weight such that the conditions required by the minimum Steiner network problem are satisfied as well as the condition that every hitting vertex is on a path from a starting vertex to a terminating vertex. Furthermore, G must be directed acyclic. For solving the minimum union paths problem, we also present algorithms that have a time and space tradeoff similar to algorithms for the minimum Steiner network problem. We also give a linear time algorithm for the special case when |S| = 1, |T| = 1 and |H| = 2.An extended abstract of part of this paper appears in Hsu et al. (1996).Supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grants CCR-9309743 and INT-9207212, and by the Office of Naval Research under Grant No. N00014-93-1-0272.Supported in part by the National Science Council, Taiwan, ROC, under Grant No. NSC-83-0408-E-001-021.  相似文献   

Let G be a finite undirected bipartite graph. Let u, v be two vertices of G from different partite sets. A collection of k internal vertex disjoint paths joining u to v is referred as a k-container C k (u,v). A k-container is a k *-container if it spans all vertices of G. We define G to be a k *-laceable graph if there is a k *-container joining any two vertices from different partite sets. A k *-container C k *(u,v)={P 1,…,P k } is equitable if ||V(P i )|−|V(P j )||≤2 for all 1≤i,jk. A graph is equitably k *-laceable if there is an equitable k *-container joining any two vertices in different partite sets. Let Q n be the n-dimensional hypercube. In this paper, we prove that the hypercube Q n is equitably k *-laceable for all kn−4 and n≥5. Dedicated to Professor Frank K. Hwang on the occasion of his 65th birthday. The work of H.-M. Huang was supported in part by the National Science Council of the Republic of China under NSC94-2115-M008-013.  相似文献   

A k-chordalisation of a graph G = (V,E) is a graph H = (V,F) obtained by adding edges to G, such that H is a chordal graph with maximum clique size at most k. This note considers the problem: given a graph G = (V,E) which pairs of vertices, non-adjacent in G, will be an edge in every k-chordalisation of G. Such a pair is called necessary for treewidth k. An equivalent formulation is: which edges can one add to a graph G such that every tree decomposition of G of width at most k is also a tree decomposition of the resulting graph G. Some sufficient, and some necessary and sufficient conditions are given for pairs of vertices to be necessary for treewidth k. For a fixed k, one can find in linear time for a given graph G the set of all necessary pairs for treewidth k. If k is given as part of the input, then this problem is coNP-hard. A few similar results are given when interval graphs (and hence pathwidth) are used instead of chordal graphs and treewidth.  相似文献   

Given a simple, undirected graph G=(V,E) and a weight function w:E→ℤ+, we consider the problem of orienting all edges in E so that the maximum weighted outdegree among all vertices is minimized. It has previously been shown that the unweighted version of the problem is solvable in polynomial time while the weighted version is (weakly) NP-hard. In this paper, we strengthen these results as follows: (1) We prove that the weighted version is strongly NP-hard even if all edge weights belong to the set {1,k}, where k is any fixed integer greater than or equal to 2, and that there exists no pseudo-polynomial time approximation algorithm for this problem whose approximation ratio is smaller than (1+1/k) unless P = NP; (2) we present a new polynomial-time algorithm that approximates the general version of the problem within a ratio of (2−1/k), where k is the maximum weight of an edge in G; (3) we show how to approximate the special case in which all edge weights belong to {1,k} within a ratio of 3/2 for k=2 (note that this matches the inapproximability bound above), and (2−2/(k+1)) for any k≥3, respectively, in polynomial time.  相似文献   

In a graph G, a vertex dominates itself and its neighbors. A subset SeqV(G) is an m-tuple dominating set if S dominates every vertex of G at least m times, and an m-dominating set if S dominates every vertex of GS at least m times. The minimum cardinality of a dominating set is γ, of an m-dominating set is γ m , and of an m-tuple dominating set is mtupledom. For a property π of subsets of V(G), with associated parameter f_π, the k-restricted π-number r k (G,f_π) is the smallest integer r such that given any subset K of (at most) k vertices of G, there exists a π set containing K of (at most) cardinality r. We show that for 1< k < n where n is the order of G: (a) if G has minimum degree m, then r k (G m ) < (mn+k)/(m+1); (b) if G has minimum degree 3, then r k (G,γ) < (3n+5k)/8; and (c) if G is connected with minimum degree at least 2, then r k (G,ddom) < 3n/4 + 2k/7. These bounds are sharp. Research supported in part by the South African National Research Foundation and the University of KwaZulu-Natal.  相似文献   

Approximation Algorithms for Bounded Facility Location Problems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The bounded k-median problem is to select in an undirected graph G = (V,E) a set S of k vertices such that the distance from any vertex v V to S is at most a given bound d and the average distance from vertices V\S to S is minimized. We present randomized algorithms for several versions of this problem and we prove some inapproximability results. We also study the bounded version of the uncapacitated facility location problem and present extensions of known deterministic algorithms for the unbounded version.  相似文献   

The problem of monitoring an electric power system by placing as few measurement devices in the system as possible is closely related to the well-known domination problem in graphs. Following a set of rules for power system monitoring, a set S of vertices is defined to be a power dominating set of a graph if every vertex and every edge in the system is monitored by the set S. The minimum cardinality of a power dominating set of G is the power domination number γ p (G). In this paper, we investigate the power domination number for the generalized Petersen graphs, presenting both upper bounds for such graphs and exact results for a subfamily of generalized Petersen graphs.  相似文献   

For k??1 an integer, a set S of vertices in a graph G with minimum degree at least?k is a k-tuple total dominating set of G if every vertex of G is adjacent to at least k vertices in S. The minimum cardinality of a k-tuple total dominating set of G is the k-tuple total domination number of G. When k=1, the k-tuple total domination number is the well-studied total domination number. In this paper, we establish upper and lower bounds on the k-tuple total domination number of the cross product graph G×H for any two graphs G and H with minimum degree at least?k. In particular, we determine the exact value of the k-tuple total domination number of the cross product of two complete graphs.  相似文献   

Inspired by phylogenetic tree construction in computational biology, Lin et al. (The 11th Annual International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2000), pp. 539–551, 2000) introduced the notion of a k -phylogenetic root. A k-phylogenetic root of a graph G is a tree T such that the leaves of T are the vertices of G, two vertices are adjacent in G precisely if they are within distance k in T, and all non-leaf vertices of T have degree at least three. The k-phylogenetic root problem is to decide whether such a tree T exists for a given graph G. In addition to introducing this problem, Lin et al. designed linear time constructive algorithms for k≤4, while left the problem open for k≥5. In this paper, we partially fill this hole by giving a linear time constructive algorithm to decide whether a given tree chordal graph has a 5-phylogenetic root; this is the largest class of graphs known to have such a construction.  相似文献   

Minimum m-connected k-dominating set problem is as follows: Given a graph G=(V,E) and two natural numbers m and k, find a subset SV of minimal size such that every vertex in VS is adjacent to at least k vertices in S and the induced graph of S is m-connected. In this paper we study this problem with unit disc graphs and small m, which is motivated by the design of fault-tolerant virtual backbone for wireless sensor networks. We propose two approximation algorithms with constant performance ratios for m≤2. We also discuss how to design approximation algorithms for the problem with arbitrarily large m. This work was supported in part by the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong under Grant No. CityU 1165/04E, the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 70221001, 10531070 and 10771209.  相似文献   

Finding an anti-risk path between two nodes in undirected graphs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Given a weighted graph G=(V,E) with a source s and a destination t, a traveler has to go from s to t. However, some of the edges may be blocked at certain times, and the traveler only observes that upon reaching an adjacent site of the blocked edge. Let ℘={P G (s,t)} be the set of all paths from s to t. The risk of a path is defined as the longest travel under the assumption that any edge of the path may be blocked. The paper will propose the Anti-risk Path Problem of finding a path P G (s,t) in ℘ such that it has minimum risk. We will show that this problem can be solved in O(mn+n 2log n) time suppose that at most one edge may be blocked, where n and m denote the number of vertices and edges in G, respectively. This research is supported by NSF of China under Grants 70525004, 60736027, 70121001 and Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China under Grant 20060401003.  相似文献   

Let G be a nontrivial connected graph of order n and let k be an integer with 2??k??n. For a set S of k vertices of G, let ??(S) denote the maximum number ? of edge-disjoint trees T 1,T 2,??,T ? in G such that V(T i )??V(T j )=S for every pair i,j of distinct integers with 1??i,j???. Chartrand et al. generalized the concept of connectivity as follows: The k-connectivity, denoted by ?? k (G), of G is defined by ?? k (G)=min{??(S)}, where the minimum is taken over all k-subsets S of V(G). Thus ?? 2(G)=??(G), where ??(G) is the connectivity of G, for which there are polynomial-time algorithms to solve it. This paper mainly focus on the complexity of determining the generalized connectivity of a graph. At first, we obtain that for two fixed positive integers k 1 and k 2, given a graph G and a k 1-subset S of V(G), the problem of deciding whether G contains k 2 internally disjoint trees connecting S can be solved by a polynomial-time algorithm. Then, we show that when k 1 is a fixed integer of at least 4, but k 2 is not a fixed integer, the problem turns out to be NP-complete. On the other hand, when k 2 is a fixed integer of at least 2, but k 1 is not a fixed integer, we show that the problem also becomes NP-complete.  相似文献   

Given a k-connected graph G=(V,E) and V V, k-Vertex-Connected Subgraph Augmentation Problem (k-VCSAP) is to find SVV with minimum cardinality such that the subgraph induced by V S is k-connected. In this paper, we study the hardness of k-VCSAP in undirect graphs. We first prove k-VCSAP is APX-hard. Then, we improve the lower bound in two ways by relying on different assumptions. That is, we prove no algorithm for k-VCSAP has a PR better than O(log (log n)) unless P=NP and O(log n) unless NPDTIME(n O(log log n)), where n is the size of an input graph.  相似文献   

A set S of vertices in a graph G is a paired-dominating set of G if every vertex of G is adjacent to some vertex in S and if the subgraph induced by S contains a perfect matching. The maximum cardinality of a minimal paired-dominating set of G is the upper paired-domination number of G, denoted by Γpr(G). We establish bounds on Γpr(G) for connected claw-free graphs G in terms of the number n of vertices in G with given minimum degree δ. We show that Γpr(G)≤4n/5 if δ=1 and n≥3, Γpr(G)≤3n/4 if δ=2 and n≥6, and Γpr(G)≤2n/3 if δ≥3. All these bounds are sharp. Further, if n≥6 the graphs G achieving the bound Γpr(G)=4n/5 are characterized, while for n≥9 the graphs G with δ=2 achieving the bound Γpr(G)=3n/4 are characterized.  相似文献   

This paper solves the problem of increasing the edge-connectivity of a bipartite digraph by adding the smallest number of new edges that preserve bipartiteness. A natural application arises when we wish to reinforce a 2-dimensional square grid framework with cables. We actually solve the more general problem of covering a crossing family of sets with the smallest number of directed edges, where each new edge must join the blocks of a given bipartition of the elements. The smallest number of new edges is given by a min-max formula that has six infinite families of exceptional cases. We discuss a problem on network flows whose solution has a similar formula with three infinite families of exceptional cases. We also discuss a problem on arborescences whose solution has five infinite families of exceptions. We give an algorithm that increases the edge-connectivity of a bipartite digraph in the same time as the best-known algorithm for the problem without the bipartite constraint: O(km log n) for unweighted digraphs and O(nm log (n 2/m)) for weighted digraphs, where n, m and k are the number of vertices and edges of the given graph and the target connectivity, respectively.  相似文献   

Suppose S is a subset of a metric space X with metric d. For each subset D⊆{d(x,y):x,yS,xy}, the distance graph G(S,D) is the graph with vertex set S and edge set E(S,D)={xy:x,yS,d(x,y)∈D}. The current paper studies distance graphs on the n-space R 1 n with 1-norm. In particular, most attention is paid to the subset Z 1 n of all lattice points of R 1 n . The results obtained include the degrees of vertices, components, and chromatic numbers of these graphs. Dedicated to Professor Frank K. Hwang on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Supported in part by the National Science Council under grant NSC-94-2115-M-002-015. Taida Institue for Mathematical Sciences, National Taiwan University, Taipei 10617, Taiwan. National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Taipei Office.  相似文献   

We study a new coloring concept which generalizes the classical vertex coloring problem in a graph by extending the notion of stable sets to split graphs. First of all, we propose the packing problem of finding the split graph of maximum size where a split graph is a graph G = (V,E) in which the vertex set V can be partitioned into a clique K and a stable set S. No condition is imposed on the edges linking vertices in S to the vertices in K. This maximum split graph problem gives rise to an associated partitioning problem that we call the split-coloring problem. Given a graph, the objective is to cover all his vertices by a least number of split graphs. Definitions related to this new problem are introduced. We mention some polynomially solvable cases and describe open questions on this area. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

In the map verification problem, a robot is given a (possibly incorrect) map M of the world G with its position and orientation indicated on the map. The task is to find out whether this map, for the given robot position and its orientation in the map, is correct for the world G. We consider the world model of a graph G = (V G, E G) in which, for each vertex, edges incident to the vertex are ordered cyclically around that vertex. (This also holds for the map M = (V M, E M.) The robot can traverse edges and enumerate edges incident on the current vertex, but it cannot distinguish vertices (and edges) from each other. To solve the verification problem, the robot uses a portable edge marker, that it can put down at an edge of the graph world G and pick up later as needed. The robot can recognize the edge marker when it encounters it in the world G. By reducing the verification problem to an exploration problem, verification can be completed in O(|V G| × |E G|) edge traversals (the mechanical cost) with the help of a single vertex marker which can be dropped and picked up at vertices of the graph world (G. Dudek, M. Jenkin, E. Milios, and D. Wilkes, IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation, vol. 7, pp. 859–865, 1991; Robotics and Autonomous Systems, vol. 22(2), pp. 159–178, 1997). In this paper, we show a strategy that verifies a map in O(|V M|) edge traversals only, using a single edge marker, when M is a plane embedded graph, even though G may not be planar (e.g., G may contain overpasses, tunnels, etc.).  相似文献   

Let G=(V,E) be a graph without an isolated vertex. A set DV(G) is a k -distance paired dominating set of G if D is a k-distance dominating set of G and the induced subgraph 〈D〉 has a perfect matching. The minimum cardinality of a k-distance paired dominating set for graph G is the k -distance paired domination number, denoted by γ p k (G). In this paper, we determine the exact k-distance paired domination number of generalized Petersen graphs P(n,1) and P(n,2) for all k≥1.  相似文献   

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