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Since adopting a policy of reform and opening, Chinese society has seen tremendous changes. What opportunities does this social reality bring to social science? How may to social science serve it? Studying these  相似文献   

本文根据西方发达国家社会政策的发展过程,提出了社会政策时代的概念,指出社会政策时代是现代社会社会福利发展的某种形态,它具有以下主要特征:第一,社会公正的理念被普遍认可;第二,覆盖面较宽的诸多社会政策出台;第三,社会政策被制度化地有效实施。文章指出各国的社会政策时代可能具有不同的表现形式,中国的科学发展观具有深刻的社会政策意涵。作者认为,从社会发展的需求和政府制定社会政策的现状来看,中国有望在不久迎来社会政策时代。在这一过程中,政府的社会政策能力将受到考验,文章认为,中国政府要加强社会政策能力建设。  相似文献   

社会资本是涵义宽泛、内容不确定的学术概念。本文通过中国1999年五城市调查资料的分析,以社会资本的网络特征为视角,建构了关于社会资本构成、来源及作用的理论框架。借助"春节拜年网"的测量,作者发现: (1)城市居民的社会网络构成和社会资本总量存在显著的差异; (2)领导干部、企业经理、专业人员及其他白领阶层拥有优势的社会网络和较高的社会资本积累,小雇主和工人的社会资本处于相对劣势的地位; (3)社会资本的优势者,其个人和家庭收入较高,自我社会经济地位的评估亦高。  相似文献   

Long regarded as a 'laggard' among welfare states in advanced industrial countries, the USA may be emerging as a 'leader' in the reformation of social programmes and the relationship between government, the market economy, and civil society. The dissemination and impact of this new orthodoxy is realized, in large part, through discursive practices. Fiscalization and marketization are two processes central to this growing influence of American social policy. Fiscal and market discourse, while not new, have increased in acceptance and influence, and are changing the welfare state from within by altering perceptions of issues, vocabularies used and programme reforms adopted.  相似文献   

阳妙艳 《社会》2009,29(4):195-218
一、概述 Social Forces 1创刊于1922年,是社会学界公认的权威杂志.Social Forces为季刊,每年逢3月、6月、9月和12月出刊,每期一般刊登研究性论文12~20篇和书评10~20篇.SocialForces主要关注社会学的探讨与研究,同时也涉及社会心理学、人类学、政治学、历史学和经济学等学科领域的重要问题.综观2007年Social Forces,其刊文主要呈现出以下四个特点.  相似文献   

A metrics‐based assessment can predict reasonably well the overall outcome of the Research Assessment Exercise 2008 for social work and social policy and administration in terms of research environment, but not in terms of research outputs. It is not possible to replicate peer review of the research outputs using existing data. It is sometimes argued that citation counts provide an alternative approach that might help research assessment, but it is one fraught with difficulties. Academics did not, in fact, routinely chose to submit their most cited work. At least in this subject, metrics are more suited as handmaiden to peer review than its replacement.  相似文献   

Chinesesocietyisnowintheprocessoftransitionfromtraditionaltomodern,fromagriculturaltoindustrial,fromruraltourban,andfromsemi-closedtoopen.Themiddleofthenextcenturywillwitnessthecompletionofsuchatransfor-mation,andtheemergenceofamodernyetstillChinesenation…  相似文献   

全能政府向有限政府的转化和市场经济的发展,使社会组织获得了生长的契机,在社会建设中发挥着不可替代的作用.社会转型带来的全面变革使传统社会组织管理中的问题日益凸显.北京市以“枢纽型”社会组织建设为契机,对传统社会组织管理体制进行了分类负责模式的探索.  相似文献   

Drawing upon insights from historical institutionalism, this article critically examines the origins of social enterprise and its emergence into the mainstream policy arena. It begins by relating the social enterprise idea to major non‐state/non‐private institutional traditions, including the European social economy, US non‐profits and the UK charitable sector, and places it within the specific field of economic and social welfare. In so doing, the article contests the idea that social enterprise is a new phenomenon in the social welfare field and proposes instead that the supposed ‘novelty’ of social enterprise as an organizational form and a subject of public policy lies primarily in the nature of the socio‐political and economic context of the 1980s–1990s, during which time it became ‘en vogue’. The process of institutionalization of social enterprise and its ascension into the mainstream policy arena is examined in more detail in the case of England during the time New Labour was in office and beyond, and lessons are drawn from this experience concerning both the role that social enterprise plays or is expected to play as a vehicle to address economic and social needs, and how this is intertwined with both a dominant neo‐liberal discourse, as well as alternative perspectives that emphasize more equalitarian and sustainable development paths. The article concludes with some reflections in relation to the apparent consensus that seems to exist around social enterprise as a legitimate subject of public policy and the resulting social enterprization of public services which is currently taking place in England.  相似文献   

Thereformofthesocialsecuritysystemthatbeganin 1986hasnowenteredacriticalstage .Itisofgreatpracticalsignificancetoanalyzethemajorproblemsencounteredinordertoprovideadviceintermsofpolicy making .I.TheProgressMadeinInnovationsintheSocialSecuritySystemandItsE…  相似文献   

中国现代化的特定条件决定了村庄内生秩序的重要性。村庄秩序能否内生,不仅与村庄之外的宏观经济形势和治理制度安排(如村民自治制度)有关,而且与村庄内部结构状况密切相关。本文通过对村庄社区记忆和经济社会分层的考察,对村庄做了类型学的划分,并以此为基础对村庄内部结构展开了分析。我们的结论是,在那些传统关系网络瓦解的村庄,难以通过村民自治的方式获得秩序。  相似文献   

Correspondence to Department of Social Work, Exeter University, St Luke’s Campus, Heavitee Rd., Exeter EX1 2LU. E-mail: w.j.o.jordan{at}exeter.ac.uk Summary This paper explores the extent to which social work can be saidto have espoused a consistent and distinctive set of principlesand values, particularly against the background of adaptationto the changing ideological agendas of government over the past25 years. Against the context of globalization, it traces aquickening pace of individual rather than collective progressas the touchstone of public policy, with an increasing relianceon coercive measures to discipline those who fail to make thenecessary or successful efforts on their own behalf. Socialwork's roots in nineteenthcentury individualism leaves it particularlyvulnerable to co-option into this agenda but, the paper argues,approaches which pay lip-service to autonomy, choice and empowerment,which actually deal in rationing, risk assessment and enforcement,will end in frustration and failure. A way forward exists ina renewed emphasis upon the social dimension of problems andtheir resolution, together with a re-investment by social workersin the notions of membership, mutuality and democratic solidaritythrough which individual well-being can be negotiated.  相似文献   

ⅠBothsocialexistenceanddevelopmentarepartofthedynamicprocessofhistoricalevolution.Socialmobility,orachangeinstatuswithinthestructureofsocialrelations,isacommonphenomenonwithinthiscomplexprocess.Socialmobilityisavariablewithinthestructureofsocialrelations…  相似文献   

Duringtheearly1980s,thedriveforreformandopeningtotheoutsideworldwasundoubtedlyaboontothedeve1opmentofwomen'sstudiesinChina.MostofthestudiesmadeinthepastdecadehavebeenrelatedtothenewproblemsraisedbyChina'seconomicreformsandsocialchange.Ⅰ.EstablishingtheIn…  相似文献   

As China's market-oriented economic reforms deepen, an urgent task lying ahead of us is to develop, standardize and improve the system of social security. What, however, is meant by a unified, standardized and perfect social security system? How can we institute such a system? These questions remain urgently in need of study.This then was the setting of a national seminar on "The Theory and Practice of Social  相似文献   

Correspondence to: Sarah Banks, Community and Youth Work Studies Unit, Durham University, 45, Old Elvet, Durham DH1 3HN, UK. E-mail: s.j.banks{at}durham.ac.uk Summary This paper examines the ethical implications of recent changesin social work, particularly in relation to the conception ofsocial workers as professionals guided by a code of ethics.These changes include the fragmentation of the occupation, theincreasing proceduralization of the work and the growing focuson consumer rights and user participation. Some people haveargued that codes of ethics are becoming increasingly irrelevantin this climate, in that they assume a unified occupationalgroup and are based upon professionals' definition of valueswithout consultation with service users. On the other hand,it has also been maintained that it is ever more important toretain and strengthen codes of ethics in order to maintain professionalidentity and to defend the work of the profession from outsideattack. This paper explores the relevance of a code of professionalethics for social work, focusing particularly on the BritishAssociation of Social Workers' code, in the context of the changingorganization and practice of the work. It considers two alternativeapproaches: the ‘new consumerism’ which focuseson the worker's technical skills (rather than professional ethics)and consumer rights (as opposed to professional obligations);and a ’new radicalism‘ which stresses the worker'sown personal or political commitment and individual moral responsibility(as opposed to an externally imposed code of professional ethics).It is concluded that the changes in social work do threatenthe notion of a single set of professional ethics articulatedin a code, and that, in some types of work, this model is lessappropriate. However, there is still mileage in retaining anddeveloping a code of ethics, not as an imposed set of rulesdeveloped by the professional association, but as part of adynamic and evolving ethical tradition in social work and asa stimulus for debate and reflection on changing and contradictoryvalues.  相似文献   

Social Sciences in China Press is an immediate branch of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,editing and publishing four journals in Chinese in addition to English edition of Social Sciences inChina.  相似文献   

Social Sciences in China Press is an immediate branch of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, editing and publishing four journals in Chinese in addition to English edition of Social Sciences in China.  相似文献   

This cross‐sectional quantitative study expands the knowledge on the level of involvement of social work academics (SWAs) in social policy formulation processes, and the factors associated with this. SWAs are an interesting case for exploring the academia–policy nexus because they are affiliated with a profession in which the discourse regards social policy as a target of intervention. The study took place in Israel, where social work is strongly embedded in academia and enjoys relatively high professional status. The study drew upon a sample, which consisted of 57 per cent of all SWAs in Israel, and employed questionnaires developed specifically for the study. The findings show that the highest levels of involvement were in activities characterized by more active, public sphere routes of influence within the policy arena that were undertaken in conjunction with traditional social work partners. Social work scholars engaged in these activities more during the initial stages of the policy process. These forms of policy involvement reflect the dual impact of academia and the social work profession upon SWAs. Associated with level of involvement were individual factors, which included academic rank, perception of the social role of academia, perceived individual policy role, and perceived policy competencies. By contrast, factors linked to institutional support for policy engagement were not found to be associated with policy involvement.  相似文献   

This paper aspires to understand the true picture of current social life in the Chi-nese countryside through an investigation of social capital in rural Shandong involving a questionnaire survey and personal interviews. The authors divide the investigation into five parts: general mood of society, public participation, philosophy of life, sense of trust and safety, and network of relations and then, with the Parsons model analytical approach and the “traditional-modern” dual analytical frame…  相似文献   

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