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This paper deals with an empirical Bayes testing problem for the mean lifetimes of exponential distributions with unequal sample sizes. We study a method to construct empirical Bayes tests {δ* nl + 1,n } n = 1 for the sequence of the testing problems. The asymptotic optimality of {δ* nl + 1,n } n = 1 is studied. It is shown that the sequence of empirical Bayes tests {δ* nl + 1,n } n = 1 is asymptotically optimal, and its associated sequence of regrets converges to zero at a rate (ln n)4M?1/n, where M is an upper bound of sample sizes.  相似文献   

A batch of M items is inspected for defectives. Suppose there are d defective items in the batch. Let d 0 be a given standard used to evaluate the quality of the population where 0 < d 0 < M. The problem of testing H 0: d < d 0 versus H 1: d ≥ d 0 is considered. It is assumed that past observations are available when the current testing problem is considered. Accordingly, the empirical Bayes approach is employed. By using information obtained from the past data, an empirical Bayes two-stage testing procedure is developed. The associated asymptotic optimality is investigated. It is proved that the rate of convergence of the empirical Bayes two-stage testing procedure is of order O (exp(? c? n)), for some constant c? > 0, where n is the number of past observations at hand.  相似文献   

Let X 1, X 2,…, X n be independent exponential random variables with X i having failure rate λ i for i = 1,…, n. Denote by D i:n  = X i:n  ? X i?1:n the ith spacing of the order statistics X 1:n  ≤ X 2:n  ≤ ··· ≤ X n:n , i = 1,…, n, where X 0:n ≡ 0. It is shown that if λ n+1 ≤ [≥] λ k for k = 1,…, n then D n:n  ≤ lr D n+1:n+1 and D 1:n  ≤ lr D 2:n+1 [D 2:n+1 ≤ lr D 2:n ], and that if λ i  + λ j  ≥ λ k for all distinct i,j, and k then D n?1:n  ≤ lr D n:n and D n:n+1 ≤ lr D n:n , where ≤ lr denotes the likelihood ratio order. We also prove that D 1:n  ≤ lr D 2:n for n ≥ 2 and D 2:3 ≤ lr D 3:3 for all λ i 's.  相似文献   

A clarification is given of the main result (1.1) in Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods 34:753–766. The term {1 + 6a(r ? a)}1/3 is to be understood as sgn(1 + 6a(r ? a)) | 1 + 6a(r ? a)|1/3. The result is expressed in a more user-friendly form. An issue is raised regarding the common usage of the expression x 1/n when n is even.  相似文献   

The maximum of k functions defined on R n , n ≥ 1, by f max (x) = max{f 1 (x),…, f k (x)}, ? x ? R n , can have important roles in Statistics, particularly in Classification. Through its relation with the Bayes error, which is the reference error in classification, it can serve to compute numerical bounds for errors in other classification schemes. It can also serve to define the joint L1-distance between more than two densities, which, in turn, will serve as a useful tool in Classification and Cluster Analyses. It has a vast potential application in digital image processing too. Finally, its versatile role can be seen in several numerical examples, related to the analysis of Fisher's classical iris data in multidimensional spaces.  相似文献   

Let X 1, X 2,… be a sequence of independent and identically distributed random variables, and let Y n , n = K, K + 1, K + 2,… be the corresponding backward moving average of order K. At epoch n ≥ K, the process Y n will be off target by the input X n if it exceeds a threshold. By introducing a two-state Markov chain, we define a level of significance (1 ? a)% to be the percentage of times that the moving average process stays on target. We establish a technique to evaluate, or estimate, a threshold, to guarantee that {Y n } will stay (1 ? a)% of times on target, for a given (1 ? a)%. It is proved that if the distribution of the inputs is exponential or normal, then the threshold will be a linear function in the mean of the distribution of inputs μ X . The slope and intercept of the line, in each case, are specified. It is also observed that for the gamma inputs, the threshold is merely linear in the reciprocal of the scale parameter. These linear relationships can be easily applied to estimate the desired thresholds by samples from the inputs.  相似文献   

Asymptotic behavior of the number of independent identically distributed observations in a left or right neighborhood of k n th order statistic from the sample of size n, for k n /n → α ? [0, 1], is studied. It appears that the limiting laws are of the Poisson type.  相似文献   

Let X 1,X 2,…,X n be independent exponential random variables such that X i has hazard rate λ for i = 1,…,p and X j has hazard rate λ* for j = p + 1,…,n, where 1 ≤ p < n. Denote by D i:n (λ, λ*) = X i:n  ? X i?1:n the ith spacing of the order statistics X 1:n  ≤ X 2:n  ≤ ··· ≤ X n:n , i = 1,…,n, where X 0:n ≡ 0. It is shown that the spacings (D 1,n ,D 2,n ,…,D n:n ) are MTP2, strengthening one result of Khaledi and Kochar (2000), and that (D 1:n 2, λ*),…,D n:n 2, λ*)) ≤ lr (D 1:n 1, λ*),…,D n:n 1, λ*)) for λ1 ≤ λ* ≤ λ2, where ≤ lr denotes the multivariate likelihood ratio order. A counterexample is also given to show that this comparison result is in general not true for λ* < λ1 < λ2.  相似文献   

We study the behavior of bivariate empirical copula process 𝔾 n (·, ·) on pavements [0, k n /n]2 of [0, 1]2, where k n is a sequence of positive constants fulfilling some conditions. We provide a upper bound for the strong approximation of 𝔾 n (·, ·) by a Gaussian process when k n /n↘γ as n → ∞, where 0 ≤ γ ≤1.  相似文献   


This article deals with a distribution associated with a pure birth process starting with no individuals, with birth rates λ n  = λ for n = 0, 2,…, m ? 1 and λ n  = μ for n ≥ m. The probability mass function is expressed in terms of an integral that is very convenient for computing probabilities, moments, generating functions, and others. Using this representation, the kth factorial moments of the distribution is obtained. Some other forms of this distribution are also given.  相似文献   

Let X ? (r), r ≥ 1, denote generalized order statistics based on an arbitrary distribution function F with finite pth absolute moment for some 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞. We present sharp upper bounds on E(X ? (s) ? X ? (r)), 1 ≤ r < s, for F being either general or life distribution. The bounds are expressed in various scale units generated by pth central absolute or raw moments of F, respectively. The distributions achieving the bounds are specified.  相似文献   

A design d is called D-optimal if it maximizes det(M d ), and is called MS-optimal if it maximizes tr(M d ) and minimizes tr[(M d )2] among those which maximize tr(M d ), where M d stands for the information matrix produced from d under a given model. In this article, we establish a lower bound for tr[(M d )2] with respect to a main effects model, where d is an s-level symmetric orthogonal array of strength at least one. Non isomorphic two level MS-optimal orthogonal arrays of strength one with N = 10, 14, and 18 runs, non isomorphic three level MS-optimal orthogonal arrays of strength one with N = 6, 12, and 15 runs and non isomorphic four level MS-optimal orthogonal arrays of strength one with N = 12 runs are also presented.  相似文献   


We give a sufficient condition for the exponential decay of the tail of a discrete probability distribution π = (π n ) n≥0 in the sense that lim n→∞(1/n) log∑ i>n π i  = ?θ with 0 < θ < ∞. We focus on analytic properties of the probability generating function of a discrete probability distribution, especially, the radius of convergence and the number of poles on the circle of convergence. Furthermore, we give an example of an M/G/1 type Markov chain such that the tail of its stationary distribution does not decay exponentially.  相似文献   


Through simulation and regression, we study the alternative distribution of the likelihood ratio test in which the null hypothesis postulates that the data are from a normal distribution after a restricted Box–Cox transformation and the alternative hypothesis postulates that they are from a mixture of two normals after a restricted (possibly different) Box–Cox transformation. The number of observations in the sample is called N. The standardized distance between components (after transformation) is D = (μ2 ? μ1)/σ, where μ1 and μ2 are the component means and σ2 is their common variance. One component contains the fraction π of observed, and the other 1 ? π. The simulation results demonstrate a dependence of power on the mixing proportion, with power decreasing as the mixing proportion differs from 0.5. The alternative distribution appears to be a non-central chi-squared with approximately 2.48 + 10N ?0.75 degrees of freedom and non-centrality parameter 0.174N(D ? 1.4)2 × [π(1 ? π)]. At least 900 observations are needed to have power 95% for a 5% test when D = 2. For fixed values of D, power, and significance level, substantially more observations are necessary when π ≥ 0.90 or π ≤ 0.10. We give the estimated powers for the alternatives studied and a table of sample sizes needed for 50%, 80%, 90%, and 95% power.  相似文献   

Let X1:n ≤ X2:n ≤···≤ Xn:n denote the order statistics of a sample of n independent random variables X1, X2,…, Xn, all identically distributed as some X. It is shown that if X has a log-convex [log-concave] density function, then the general spacing vector (Xk1:n, Xk2:n ? Xk1:n,…, Xkr:n ? Xkr?1:n) is MTP2 [S-MRR2] whenever 1 ≤ k1 < k2 <···< kr ≤ n and 1 ≤ r ≤ n. Multivariate likelihood ratio ordering of such general spacing vectors corresponding to two random samples is also considered. These extend some of the results in the literature for usual spacing vectors.  相似文献   


In this paper, we show that an arbitrary tree structured quasi‐birth–death (QBD) Markov chain can be embedded in a tree‐like QBD process with a special structure. Moreover, we present an algebraic proof that applying the natural fixed point iteration (FPI) to the nonlinear matrix equation V = B + ∑ s=1 d U s (I ? V)?1 D s that solves the tree‐like QBD process, is equivalent to the more complicated iterative algorithm presented by Yeung and Alfa (1996).  相似文献   

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