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In this article, the parameter estimators in singular linear model with linear equality restrictions are considered. The restricted root estimator and the generalized restricted root estimator are proposed and some properties of the estimators are also studied. Furthermore, we compare them with the restricted unified least squares estimator and show their sufficient conditions under which their superior over the restricted unified least squares estimator in terms of mean squares error, and discuss the choice of the unknown parameters of the generalized restricted root estimator. 相似文献
A Monte Carlo simulation is used to study the performance of the Wald, likelihood ratio and Lagrange multiplier tests for regression coefficients when least absolute value regression is used. The simulation results provide support for use of the Lagrange multiplier test, especially when certain computational advantages are considered. 相似文献
Frequently a random vector Y with known distribution function is readily observed. However, the random variable of interest is a transformation of Y say h(Y), and sample values of h are expensive to evaluate. The objective is to estimate the distribution function of using only a small sample on Y. Four estimators are proposed for use when Y is discrete. A Monte Carlo study of the estimators is presented This estimation problem frequently arises when Y is a parameter in a mathematical programming problem and h(Y) is the optimal objective function value. Two examples of this type are presented. 相似文献
In this paper we address the problem of estimating the parameters of Pareto II distribution based on generalized order statistics. The estimators based on order statistics and record values are shown to be special cases of these estimators. 相似文献
P.A. Scarf 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2013,42(8):2185-2201
Estimation is considered for a class of models which are simple extensions of the generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution, suitable for introducing time dependence into models which are otherwise only spatially dependent. Maximum likelihood estimation and the method of probability weighted moment estimation are identified as most useful for fitting these models. The relative merits of these methods, and others, is discussed in the context of estimation for the GEV distribution, with particular reference to the non - regularity of the GEV distribution for particular parameter values. In the case of maximum likelihood estimation, first and second derivatives of the log likelihood are evaluated for the models. 相似文献
The Barrodale and Roberts algorithm for least absolute value (LAV) regression and the algorithm proposed by Bartels and Conn both have the advantage that they are often able to skip across points at which the conventional simplex-method algorithms for LAV regression would be required to carry out an (expensive) pivot operation. We indicate here that this advantage holds in the Bartels-Conn approach for a wider class of problems: the minimization of piecewise linear functions. We show how LAV regression, restricted LAV regression, general linear programming and least maximum absolute value regression can all be easily expressed as piecewise linear minimization problems. 相似文献
Liang Wang 《Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation》2018,88(4):629-645
As an applicable and flexible lifetime model, the two-parameter generalized half-normal (GHN) distribution has been received wide attention in the field of reliability analysis and lifetime study. In this paper maximum likelihood estimates of the model parameters are discussed and we also proposed corresponding bias-corrected estimates. Unweighted and weighted least squares estimates for the parameters of the GHN distribution are also presented for comparison purpose. Moreover, the likelihood ratio test is provided as complementary. Simulation study and illustrative examples are provided to compare the performance of the proposed methods. 相似文献
This paper is concerned with estimation of location and scale parameters of an exponential distribution when the location
parameter is bounded above by a known constant. We propose estimators which are better than the standard estimators in the
unrestricted case with respect to the suitable choice of LINEX loss. The admissibility of the modified Pitman estimators with
respect to the LINEX loss is proved. Finally the theory developed is applied to the problem of estimating the location and
scale parameters of two exponential distributions when the location parameters are ordered. 相似文献
ANNA H. PERSSON LENNART BONDESSON NICLAS BÖRLIN 《Scandinavian Journal of Statistics》2006,33(3):541-559
Abstract. In forestry the problem of estimating areas is central. This paper addresses area estimation through fitting of a polygon to observed coordinate data. Coordinates of corners and points along the sides of a simple closed polygon are measured with independent random errors. This paper focuses on procedures to adjust the coordinates for estimation of the polygon and its area. Different new techniques that consider different amounts of prior information are described and compared. The different techniques use restricted least squares, maximum likelihood and the expectation maximization algorithm. In a simulation study it is shown that the root mean square errors of the estimates are decreased when coordinates are adjusted before estimation. Minor further improvement is achieved by using prior information about the order and the distribution of the points along the sides of the polygon. This paper has its origin in forestry but there are also other applications. 相似文献
The problem of estimation of a cumulative distribution function (cdf), bounded by two known cdf's, is considered. An estimator satisfying the desired restriction has been obtained by suitably adjusting the empirical cdf. Consistency of the adjusted estimator has been established and its mean square error (MSE) has been shown to be smallerthan that of the empirical cdf. The new estimator has been comparedwith the empirical cdf for some special cases. 相似文献
Ranked set sampling is applicable whenever ranking of a set of sampling units can be done easily by a judgement method or based on the measurement of an auxiliary variable on the units selected. In this work, we derive different estimators of a parameter associated with the distribution of the study variate Y, based on a ranked-set sample obtained by using an auxiliary variable X correlated with Y for ranking the sample units, when (X, Y) follows a bivariate Pareto distribution. Efficiency comparisons among these estimators are also made. Real-life data have been used to illustrate the application of the results obtained. 相似文献
Ramesh C. Gupta 《Statistics》2013,47(4):551-554
Some relations between the exponential, the Pareto and the Power function distributions and their order statistics are given. These relations are employed to obtain some characterization theorems of Pareto and Power distributions. 相似文献
In this paper we consider the problem of estimation of the fundamental frequency of a periodic function, which has several applications in Speech Signal Processing. The problem was originally proposed by Hannan (1974) and later on Quinn and Thomson (1991) provided an estimation procedure of the unknown parameters. It is observed that the estimation procedure of Quinn and Thomson (1991) is quite involved numerically. In this paper we propose to use two simple estimators and it is observed that their performance are quite satisfactory. Asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators are obtained. The large sample properties of the estimators are compared theoretically. We present some simulation results to compare their small sample performance. One speech data is analyzed using this particular model. 相似文献
J.K. Ghorai 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2013,42(12):1239-1248
A sequence of empirical Bayes estimators is given for estimating a distribution function. It is shown that ‘i’ this sequence is asymptotically optimum relative to a Gamma process prior, ‘ii’ the overall expected loss approaches the minimum Bayes risk at a rate of n , and ‘iii’ the estimators form a sequence of proper distribution functions. Finally, the numerical example presented by Susarla and Van Ryzin ‘Ann. Statist., 6, 1978’ reworked by Phadia ‘Ann. Statist., 1, 1980, to appear’ has been analyzed and the results are compared to the numerical results by Phadia 相似文献
In the presence of covariates information, assuming the linear relationship between a transformation of survival time and covariates, we propose a new estimator of survival function and show its consistency. In addition, a comparison of the proposed estimator with the product-limit estimator introduced by Kaplan and Meier (1958) is performed through Monte Carlo simulation studies. We illustrate the proposed estimator with the updated Stanford heart transplant data. 相似文献
In this work we propose a technique of estimating the location parameter μ and scale parameter σ of a distribution by U-statistics constructed by taking best linear functions of order statistics as kernels. The method has been illustrated for estimating the location and scale parameters of type-I extreme value distribution. We have computed the asymptotic relative efficiencies of the proposed U-statistics with the appropriate maximum likelihood estimators based on samples drawn from each of type-I extreme value, logistic and normal distributions. In all cases very high asymptotic relative efficiencies are obtained. 相似文献
In this paper, we consider the estimation of the probability density function and the cumulative distribution function of the inverse Rayleigh distribution. In this regard, the following estimators are considered: uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimator, maximum likelihood (ML) estimator, percentile estimator, least squares estimator and weighted least squares estimator. To do so, analytical expressions are derived for the mean integrated squared error. As the result of simulation studies and real data applications indicate, when the sample size is not very small the ML estimator performs better than the others. 相似文献
The parameters of Downton's bivariate exponential distribution are estimated based on a ranked set sample. Parametric and nonparametric methods are considered. The suggested estimators are compared to the corresponding ones based on simple random sampling. It turns out that some of the suggested estimators are significantly more efficient than the ones based on simple random sampling. 相似文献