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In this paper, we introduce a new distribution generated by gamma random variables. We show that this distribution includes as a special case the distribution of the lower record value from a sequence of i.i.d. random variables from a population with the exponentiated (generalized) exponential distribution. The properties of this distribution are derived and the estimation of the model parameters is discussed. Some applications to real data sets are finally presented for illustration.  相似文献   

The main aim of this article is to determine the distribution of the number of palindromes of a fixed length in a DNA sequence. Palindrome in DNA is a part of the DNA sequence which is equal to its complementary sequence read backwards (C ~ G, A ~ T). We examine the general case where the distribution of the nucleobases is arbitrary. Further, we determine conditions in which Normal approximation can be used. Special attention is given to coding and non-coding regions in DNA and to the distribution of bases in those parts of DNA.  相似文献   

In this work, we analyze the long-range dependence parameter for a nucleotide sequence in several different transformations. The long-range dependence parameter is estimated by the approximated maximum likelihood method, by a novel estimator based on the spectral envelope theory, by a regression method based on the periodogram function, and also by the detrended fluctuation analysis method. We study the length distribution of coding and noncoding regions for all Homo sapiens chromosomes available from the European Bioinformatics Institute. The parameter of the tail rate decay is estimated by the Hill estimator ?α. We show that the tail rate decay is greater than 2 for coding regions, while for almost all noncoding regions it is less than 2.  相似文献   

Control charts have been popularly used as a user-friendly yet technically sophisticated tool to monitor whether a process is in statistical control or not. These charts are basically constructed under the normality assumption. But in many practical situations in real life this normality assumption may be violated. One such non-normal situation is to monitor the process variability from a skewed parent distribution where we propose the use of a Maxwell control chart. We introduce a pivotal quantity for the scale parameter of the Maxwell distribution which follows a gamma distribution. Probability limits and L-sigma limits are studied along with performance measure based on average run length and power curve. To avoid the complexity of future calculations for practitioners, factors for constructing control chart for monitoring the Maxwell parameter are given for different sample sizes and for different false alarm rate. We also provide simulated data to illustrate the Maxwell control chart. Finally, a real life example has been given to show the importance of such a control chart.  相似文献   

C. R. Rao pointed out that “The role of statistical methodology is to extract the relevant information from a given sample to answer specific questions about the parent population” and raised the question “What population does a sample represent”? Wrong specification can lead to invalid inference giving rise to a third kind of error. Rao introduced the concept of weighted distributions as a method of adjustment applicable to many situations.

In this paper, we study the relationship between the weighted distributions and the parent distributions in the context of reliability and life testing. These relationships depend on the nature of the weight function and give rise to interesting connections between the different ageing criteria of the two distributions. As special cases, the length biased distribution, the equilibrium distribution of the backward and forward recurrence times and the residual life distribution, which frequently arise in practice, are studied and their relationships with the original distribution are examined. Their survival functions, failure rates and mean residual life functions are compared and some characterization results are established.  相似文献   


For a discrete‐time closed cyclic network of single server queues whose service rates are non‐decreasing in the queue length, we compute the queue‐length distribution at each node in terms of throughputs of related networks. For the asymptotic analysis, we consider sequences of networks where the number of nodes grows to infinity, service rates are taken only from a fixed finite set of non‐decreasing sequences, the ratio of customers to nodes has a limit, and the proportion of nodes for each possible service‐rate sequence has a limit. Under these assumptions, the asymptotic throughput exists and is calculated explicitly. Furthermore, the asymptotic queue‐length distribution at any node can be obtained in terms of the asymptotic throughput. The asymptotic throughput, regarded as a function of the limiting customer‐to‐node ratio, is strictly increasing for ratios up to a threshold value (possibly infinite) and is constant thereafter. For ratios less than the threshold, the asymptotic queue‐length distribution at each node has finite moments of all orders. However, at or above the threshold, bottlenecks (nodes with asymptotically‐infinite mean queue length) do occur, and we completely characterize such nodes.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper we discusse the stationary sequence of random variables which are formed from an independent identically distributed sequence, according to the moving-average model of ordern. Some properties of the process are considered. The joint bivariate exponential distribution is given, as well as the distribution of the sum.  相似文献   

Summary.  In many areas of pharmaceutical research, there has been increasing use of categorical data and more specifically ordinal responses. In many cases, complex models are required to account for different types of dependences among the responses. The clinical trial that is considered here involved patients who were required to remain in a particular state to enable the doctors to examine their heart. The aim of this trial was to study the relationship between the dose of the drug administered and the time that was spent by the patient in the state permitting examination. The patient's state was measured every second by a continuous Doppler signal which was categorized by the doctors into one of four ordered categories. Hence, the response consisted of repeated ordinal series. These series were of different lengths because the drug effect wore off faster (or slower) on certain patients depending on the drug dose administered and the infusion rate, and therefore the length of drug administration. A general method for generating new ordinal distributions is presented which is sufficiently flexible to handle unbalanced ordinal repeated measurements. It consists of obtaining a cumulative mixture distribution from a Laplace transform and introducing into it the integrated intensity of a binary logistic, continuation ratio or proportional odds model. Then, a multivariate distribution is constructed by a procedure that is similar to the updating process of the Kalman filter. Several types of history dependences are proposed.  相似文献   

Consider a sequence of independent observations which change their marginal distribution at most once somewhere in the sequence and one is not certain where the change has occurred. One would be interested in detecting the change and determining the two distributions which would describe the sequence. On the other hand if no change had occurred, one would want to know the common distribution of the observations. This study develops a Bayesian test for detecting a switch from one linear model to another. The test is based on the marginal posterior mass function of the switch point and the posterior probability of a stable model. This test and an informal sequential procedure of Smith are illustrated with data generated from an unstable linear regression model, which changes the linear relationship between the dependent and independent variables  相似文献   

This article considers computational procedures for the waiting time and queue length distributions in stationary multi-class first-come, first-served single-server queues with deterministic impatience times. There are several classes of customers, which are distinguished by deterministic impatience times (i.e., maximum allowable waiting times). We assume that customers in each class arrive according to an independent Poisson process and a single server serves customers on a first-come, first-served basis. Service times of customers in each class are independent and identically distributed according to a phase-type distribution that may differ for different classes. We first consider the stationary distribution of the virtual waiting time and then derive numerically feasible formulas for the actual waiting time distribution and loss probability. We also analyze the joint queue length distribution and provide an algorithmic procedure for computing the probability mass function of the stationary joint queue length.  相似文献   

When the probability of selecting an individual in a population is propor­tional to its lifelength, it is called length biased sampling. A nonparametric maximum likelihood estimator (NPMLE) of survival in a length biased sam­ple is given in Vardi (1982). In this study, we examine the performance of Vardi's NPMLE in estimating the true survival curve when observations are from a length biased sample. We also compute estimators based on a linear combination (LCE) of empirical distribution function (EDF) estimators and weighted estimators. In our simulations, we consider observations from a mix­ture of two different distributions, one from F and the other from G which is a length biased distribution of F. Through a series of simulations with vari­ous proportions of length biasing in a sample, we show that the NPMLE and the LCE closely approximate the true survival curve. Throughout the sur­vival curve, the EDF estimators overestimate the survival. We also consider a case where the observations are from three different weighted distributions, Again, both the NPMLE and the LCE closely approximate the true distribu­tion, indicating that the length biasedness is properly adjusted for. Finally, an efficiency study shows that Vardi's estimators are more efficient than the EDF estimators in the lower percentiles of the survival curves.  相似文献   

Summary.  A new test is proposed comparing two multivariate distributions by using distances between observations. Unlike earlier tests using interpoint distances, the new test statistic has a known exact distribution and is exactly distribution free. The interpoint distances are used to construct an optimal non-bipartite matching, i.e. a matching of the observations into disjoint pairs to minimize the total distance within pairs. The cross-match statistic is the number of pairs containing one observation from the first distribution and one from the second. Distributions that are very different will exhibit few cross-matches. When comparing two discrete distributions with finite support, the test is consistent against all alternatives. The test is applied to a study of brain activation measured by functional magnetic resonance imaging during two linguistic tasks, comparing brains that are impaired by arteriovenous abnormalities with normal controls. A second exact distribution-free test is also discussed: it ranks the pairs and sums the ranks of the cross-matched pairs.  相似文献   

Circular data – data whose values lie in the interval [0,2π) – are important in a number of application areas. In some, there is a suspicion that a sequence of circular readings may contain two or more segments following different models. An analysis may then seek to decide whether there are multiple segments, and if so, to estimate the changepoints separating them. This paper presents an optimal method for segmenting sequences of data following the von Mises distribution. It is shown by example that the method is also successful in data following a distribution with much heavier tails.  相似文献   

In this article, posterior distribution, posterior moments, and predictive distribution for the modified power series distributions deformed at any of a support point under linex and generalized entropy loss function are derived. It is assumed that the prior information can be summarized by a uniform, Beta, two-sided power, Gamma, or generalized Pareto distributions. The obtained results are demonstrated on the generalized Poisson and the generalized negative binomial distribution deformed at a given point.  相似文献   

In this article, a new discrete distribution related to the generalized gamma distribution (Stacy, 1962) is derived from a statistical mechanical setup. This new distribution can be seen as generalization of two-parameter discrete gamma distribution (Chakraborty and Chakravarty, 2012) and encompasses discrete version of many important continuous distributions. Some basic distributional and reliability properties, parameter estimation by different methods, and their comparative performances using simulation are investigated. Two-real life data sets are considered for data modeling and likelihood ratio test for illustrating the advantages of the proposed distribution over two-parameter discrete gamma distribution.  相似文献   

The effects of parameter estimation are examined for the well-known c-chart for attributes data. The exact run length distribution is obtained for Phase II applications, when the true average number of non-conformities, c, is unknown, by conditioning on the observed number of non-conformities in a set of reference data (from Phase I). Expressions for various chart performance characteristics, such as the average run length (ARL), the standard deviation of the run length (SDRL) and the median run length (MDRL) are also obtained. Examples show that the actual performance of the chart, both in terms of the false alarm rate (FAR) and the in-control ARL, can be substantially different from what might be expected when c is known, in that an exceedingly large number of false alarms are observed, unless the number of inspection units (the size of the reference dataset) used to estimate c is very large, much larger than is commonly used or recommended in practice. In addition, the actual FAR and the in-control ARL values can be very different from the nominally expected values such as 0.0027 (or ARL0=370), particularly when c is small, even with large amounts of reference data. A summary and conclusions are offered.  相似文献   

The Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test is an empirical distribution function (EDF) based goodness-of-fit test that requires the underlying hypothesized density to be continuous and completely specified. When the parameters are unknown and must be estimated from the data, standard tables of the KS test statistic are not valid. Approximate upper tail percentage points of the KS statistic for the inverse Gaussian (IG) distribution with unknown parameters are tabled in this paper.

A study of the power of the KS test for the IG distribution indicates that the test is able todiscriminate between the IG distribution and distributions such as the uniform and exponentialdistributions that are very different in shape, but is relatively unable to discriminate between the IG distribution and distributions that are similar in shape such as the lognormal and Weibull distributions. In modeling settings the former distinction is typically more important to make than the latter distinction.  相似文献   

In many experiments, several measurements on the same variable are taken over time, a geographic region, or some other index set. It is often of interest to know if there has been a change over the index set in the parameters of the distribution of the variable. Frequently, the data consist of a sequence of correlated random variables, and there may also be several experimental units under observation, each providing a sequence of data. A problem in ascertaining the boundaries between the layers in geological sedimentary beds is used to introduce the model and then to illustrate the proposed methodology. It is assumed that, conditional on the change point, the data from each sequence arise from an autoregressive process that undergoes a change in one or more of its parameters. Unconditionally, the model then becomes a mixture of nonstationary autoregressive processes. Maximum-likelihood methods are used, and results of simulations to evaluate the performance of these estimators under practical conditions are given.  相似文献   

Motivated by Tiku and Vaughan, we consider a type of distribution which is a generalization of the short-tailed symmetric distribution. In particular, we consider the asymptotic behavior of Mills’ ratios for the distribution family. Meanwhile, we obtain the asymptotic distribution of the partial maximum of an independent and identically distributed sequence from the distribution.  相似文献   

Queues with Markovian arrival and service processes, i.e., MAP/MAP/1 queues, have been useful in the analysis of computer and communication systems and different representations for their stationary sojourn time and queue length distribution have been derived. More specifically, the class of MAP/MAP/1 queues lies at the intersection of the class of QBD queues and the class of semi-Markovian queues. While QBD queues have a matrix exponential representation for their queue length and sojourn time distribution of order N and N2, respectively, where N is the size of the background continuous time Markov chain, the reverse is true for a semi-Markovian queue. As the class of MAP/MAP/1 queues lies at the intersection, both the queue length and sojourn time distribution of a MAP/MAP/1 queue has an order N matrix exponential representation. The aim of this article is to understand why the order N2 distributions of the sojourn time of a QBD queue and the queue length of a semi-Markovian queue can be reduced to an order N distribution in the specific case of a MAP/MAP/1 queue. We show that the key observation exists in establishing the commutativity of some fundamental matrices involved in the analysis of the MAP/MAP/1 queue.  相似文献   

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