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Resolvable block designs for v varieties in blocks of size k require v to be a multiple of k so that all blocks are of the same size. If a factorization of v is not possible then a resolvable design with blocks of unequal size is necessary. Patterson & Williams (1976) suggested the use of designs derived from α -designs and conjectured that such designs are likely to be very efficient in the class of resolvable designs with block sizes k and k – 1. This paper examines these derived designs and compares them with designs generated directly using an interchange algorithm. It concludes that the derived designs should be used when v is large, but that for small v they can be relatively inefficient.  相似文献   

The present investigation involves the methods of construction of complete diallel cross plans using balanced incomplete block (BIB) designs. Furthermore, the analysis of complete diallel crosses plans are carried out to estimate the general combining ability of the ith line (i=1, r 2, r …, r v) where the intra- block analysis of the adjusted sum of squares for GCA and the unadjusted block sum of squares are also obtained, thereafter the relationship between the estimates of BIB design and the estimates of the GCA effect of CDC plan has been established. Moreover, it has also been shown that the complete diallel crosses design obtained through two BIB designs satisfying v1=b1= 4 5 1+3=v2=b2, r r1=2 5 1+1=r2=k1=k2 and 5 1= 5 2 are universally optimum. These results are further supported by a suitable example of each. However, the need of this study is to show that the analysis of the CDC plan is reducible to the analysis of generating the BIB design.  相似文献   

Bechhofer and Tamhane (1981) proposed a new class of incomplete block designs called BTIB designs for comparing p ≥ 2 test treatments with a control treatment in blocks of equal size k < p + 1. All BTIB designs for given (p,k) can be constructed by forming unions of replications of a set of elementary BTIB designs called generator designs for that (p,k). In general, there are many generator designs for given (p,k) but only a small subset (called the minimal complete set) of these suffices to obtain all admissible BTIB designs (except possibly any equivalent ones). Determination of the minimal complete set of generator designs for given (p,k) was stated as an open problem in Bechhofer and Tamhane (1981). In this paper we solve this problem for k = 3. More specifically, we give the minimal complete sets of generator designs for k = 3, p = 3(1)10; the relevant proofs are given only for the cases p = 3(1)6. Some additional combinatorial results concerning BTIB designs are also given.  相似文献   

Balanced incomplete block design (BIBD) with repeated blocks is studied in detail. Methods of construction of BIB designs with repeated blocks are developed so as to distinguish the usual BIBD and BIBD with repeated blocks. One additional parameter, say d, is considered here, where d denotes the number of distinct blocks present in the BIB design with repeated blocks. Further, a class of BIB design with parameters: v = 7, b = 28, r = 12, k = 3, λ= 4, has been constructed where, out of 15, 14 BIB designs have repeated blocks. These 15 BIB designs, which have the same parameters, are compared on the basis of number of distinct blocks (d) and the multiplicities of variance of elementary contrasts of the block effect.  相似文献   

In this paper we define a class of unbalanced designs, denoted by Ck,s,t, for estimating the components of variance in a k-stage nested random effects linear model. This class contains many of the designs proposed in the literature for nested components of variance models. We focus on the three-state model and discuss the determination of locally optimal designs within this class using a systematic computer search. For large sample sizes we show that approximate optimal designs may be obtained using a limit argument combined with numerical optimization. A comparison of our designs with previously published designs suggests that, in many cases, our designs result in substantial gains in efficiency.  相似文献   

A new series of multi-factor balanced block designs is introduced. Each of these designs has the following properties: (i) each of its k– 1 treatment factors is disposed in a cyclic or multi-cyclic balanced incomplete block design with parameters (v,b,r,k,Λ) = (a(k-l) + 1,a2(k-1) +a, ak, k, k) (a > 1); (ii) the incidence of any one of the treatment factors on any other is balanced; and (iii) after adjustment for blocks only, the relationship between any two of the treatment factors is that of adjusted orthogonality. The treatment factors are thus orthogonal to one another in the within-blocks stratum of the analysis of variance. The designs provide a benchmark with which other designs may be compared.  相似文献   

Kishore Sinha 《Statistics》2013,47(4):503-508
Some series of m-associate triangular PBIB designs have been constructed. A table of now three associate designs in the range b, v ≦ 100; r, k ≦ 10 with their average efficiencies has been given. These designs with (v, b, r, k) are new in the sense that the existence of two associate PBIB designs (e.f. Clatworthy (1973), John & Turner (1977), Dey (1978)) with these parameters are not known. The constructions presented herein also yield partially balanced weighing designs, nested PBIB designs and PBIB designs for m11111 response exoeriments.  相似文献   


Repeated Measurements Designs have been widely used in agriculture, animal husbandry, education, biology, botany and engineering. Balanced or strongly balanced repeated measurements designs are useful to balance out the residual effects. In this article, some new generators and construction procedures are proposed to obtain circular strongly balanced repeated measurements designs in periods of (a) equal sizes, (b) two different sizes, and (c) three different sizes.  相似文献   

In this investigation, general efficiency balanced (GEB) and efficiency balanced (EB) designs with (v + t) treatments, using (i) balanced incomplete block (BIB), (ii) symmetrical BIB, (iii) f -resolvable BIB, (iv) group divisible (GD) and (v) resolvable GD designs have been constructed with smaller number of replications and block sizes.  相似文献   

In this paper we develop relatively easy methods for constructing hypercubic designs from symmetrical factorial experiments for t=v m treatments with v=2, 3. The proposed methods are easy to use and are flexible in terms of choice of possible block sizes.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Taguchi introduced the concept of split-unit design to sort factors into different groups with respect to difficulties involved in changing the levels of factors. Li et al. have developed all possible group structures for eight factors in an L16 orthogonal array for resolution IV with split-plot design. Chen et al. have searched for a best design, according to the various criteria for two-level fractional factorial design and have presented a catalogue. In this paper, we have developed an algorithm for generating group structure and possible allocations for various 2n- k fractional factorial designs that correspond to the designs given by Chen et al.  相似文献   

A nest with parameters (r,k,λ)→(r′,k′,λ′) is a BIBD on (b,v,r,k,λ) where each block has a distinguished sublock of cardinality k, the sublocks forming a (b,v,r,k,λ)-design.These designs are ‘nested’ in the sense of W.T. Federer (1972), who recommended the use of these designs for the sequential addition of periods in marketing experiments in order to retain Youden design properties as rows are added. Note that for a Youden design, the b columns and v treatments are in an SBIBD arrangement with parameters v=b, k=r, and λ.  相似文献   

In cross-over experiments, where different treatments are applied successively to the same experimental unit over a number of time periods, it is often expected that a treatment has a carry-over effect in one or more periods following its period of application. The effect of interaction between the treatments in the successive periods may also affect the response. However, it seems that all systematic studies of the optimality properties of cross-over designs have been done under models where carry-over effects are assumed to persist for only one subsequent period. This paper proposes a model which allows for the possible presence of carry-over effects up to k subsequent periods, together with all the interactions between treatments applied at k + 1 successive periods. This model allows the practitioner to choose k for any experiment according to the requirements of that particular experiment. Under this model, the cross-over designs are studied and the class of optimal designs is obtained. A method of constructing these optimal designs is also given.  相似文献   

A method of constructing resolvable incomplete block designs for v(=ks, 2 ≤ k ≤ s - 1) treatments in blocks of size k using mutually orthogonal Latin squares is proposed. It has been seen in particular that when the number of replications is s — 1 (or s), which is feasible if s is a prime or a prime power, the method gives PBIB (3) (or semi-regular GD) designs. The analysis of such designs has also been discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper variance balanced incomplete block designs have been constructed for situations when suitable BIB designs do not exist for a given number of treatments, because of the contraints bk=vr, λ(v-1) = r(k-l). These variance balanced designs are in unequal block sizes and unequal replications.  相似文献   

The suitability of incomplete block designs for each complete diallel cross system I, II, III and IV, under the general genetic model is examined, and a set of necessary conditions obtained. In this connection, modifications in available designs are suggested and illustrated. A table of suitable designs with higher efficiency for complete diallel cross systems is presented.  相似文献   

In the present paper, under the assumption of a mixed effects model with random block effects, the type 1 optimality of the most balanced group divisible designs of type 1 has been established within the general class of all proper and connected block designs with k<v.  相似文献   

Slope rotatability over all directions (SROAD) is a useful concept when the slope of a second-order response is to be studied. SROAD designs ensure that knowledge jof the slope is acquired symmetrically, whatever direction later becomes of more interest as the data are analyzed. In a prior paper, we explored designs for k=2 and 3 dimensions, which do not have the full symmetries of second-order designs but which still possess the SROAD property.Here, we discuss designs in higher dimensions.The introductory sections 1 and 2 are essentially identical to those of the prior paper.  相似文献   

Consider a k polynomial regression on a single real variable. If n uncorrelated observations are to be taken in a design with support on more than k+1 points, there is an approximate experiment, ν, with support on k+1 points and n observations such that both designs have the same information matrix for the model. A proof of this result is provided. A method to obtain the approximate design ν is given and illustrated by an example. The source of disagreement between Kiefer (1959) and De La Garza (1954) in the solution of this problem is clarified.  相似文献   

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