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Suppose that an order restriction is imposed among several p-variate normal mean vectors. We are interested in the problems of estimating these mean vectors and testing their homogeneity under this restriction. These problems are multivariate extensions of Bartholomew's (1959) ones. For the bivariate case, these problems have been studied by Sasabuchi et al. (1983) and (1998) and some others. In the present paper we examine the convergence of an iterative algorithm for computing the maximum likelihood estimator when p is larger than two. We also study some test procedures for testing homogeneity when p is larger than two.  相似文献   


It is shown in this paper that a quasi order for the vectors in Rp is a cone induced if and only if the order is preservable under limits and under linear combinations with non-negative coefficients. For the mean vectors in MANOVA subject to the restriction of simple ordering, a pseudo restricted MLE is proposed. This estimator is a matrix projection onto a closed convex set inside the restricted domain. An algorithm for the pseudo restricted MLE is developed, that computes the matrix projections using only vector projections.  相似文献   

The exact mean squared error risks of the preliminary test estimtor and the Sclove modified Stein rule estimator (Sclove, Morris and Radhakrishnan, 1972) for the multivariate normal mean are computed and their risks are compared with the risks of Stein estimators.  相似文献   

In this paper, by considering a 2n-dimensional elliptically contoured random vector (XT,YT)T=(X1,…,Xn,Y1,…,Yn)T, we derive the exact joint distribution of linear combinations of concomitants of order statistics arising from X. Specifically, we establish a mixture representation for the distribution of the rth concomitant order statistic, and also for the joint distribution of the rth order statistic and its concomitant. We show that these distributions are indeed mixtures of multivariate unified skew-elliptical distributions. The two most important special cases of multivariate normal and multivariate t distributions are then discussed in detail. Finally, an application of the established results in an inferential problem is outlined.  相似文献   

We propose a new method to test the order between two high-dimensional mean curves. The new statistic extends the approach of Follmann (1996) to high-dimensional data by adapting the strategy of Bai and Saranadasa (1996). The proposed procedure is an alternative to the non-negative basis matrix factorization (NBMF) based test of Lee et al. (2008) for the same hypothesis, but it is much easier to implement. We derive the asymptotic mean and variance of the proposed test statistic under the null hypothesis of equal mean curves. Based on theoretical results, we put forward a permutation procedure to approximate the null distribution of the new test statistic. We compare the power of the proposed test with that of the NBMF-based test via simulations. We illustrate the approach by an application to tidal volume traces.  相似文献   

The Behrens-Fisher problem in comparing means of two normal populations is revisited Lee and Gurland (1975) suggested a solution to the problem and provided the set of coefficients required in computing critical values for the case α=005, where α is the nominal level of significance This solution, called the Lee-Guiland Test in this article, has proven to be practical as far as calculation is involved, and more importantly, it maintains the actual size very close to α= 0.05 for possible values of the ratio of population variances This merit has not been attained by most of the Behrens-Fisher solutions in the literature. In this article, the coefficients for other values of α, namely 0 025, 0 01 and 0.005 are provided for wider applications of the test Moreover, careful and detailed comparisons are made in terms of size and power with the other practical solution:the Welch's Approximate t I est Due to a possible drawback of the Welch's Approximate t I est in controlling the actual size, especially for small a and small sample sizes, the Lee-Gurland lest presents itself as a slightly better' alternative in testing equality of two normal population means I he coefficients mentioned above are also fitted by the functions of the reciprocals of the degrees of freedom, so that the substantial amount of table-looking can be avoided Some discussions are also made in regarding the recent “Welch vs Gosset” argument: Should the Student's t Test be dispensed off’from the routine use in testing the equality of two normal means?.  相似文献   

Testing homogeneity of multivariate normal mean vectors under an order restriction when the covariance matrices are unknown, arbitrary positive definite and unequal are considered. This problem of testing has been studied to some extent, for example, by Kulatunga and Sasabuchi (1984 Kulatunga, D. D. S., Sasabuchi, S. (1984). A test of homogeneity of mean vectors against multivariate isotonic alternatives. Mem Fac Sci, Kyushu Univ Ser A Mathemat 38:151161. [Google Scholar]) when the covariance matrices are known and also Sasabuchi et al. (2003 Sasabuchi, S., Tanaka, K., Tsukamodo, T. (2003). Testing homogeneity of multivariate normal mean vectors under an order restriction when the covariance matrices are common but unknown. Annals of Statistics. 31(5):15171536.[Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and Sasabuchi (2007 Sasabuchi, S. (2007). More powerful tests for homogeneity of multivariate normal mean vectors under an order restriction. Sankhya 69(4):700716. [Google Scholar]) when the covariance matrices are unknown but common. In this paper, a test statistic is proposed and because of the main advantage of the bootstrap test is that it avoids the derivation of the complex null distribution analytically, a bootstrap test statistic is derived and since the proposed test statistic is location invariance the bootstrap p-value defined logical and some steps are presented to estimate it. Our numerical studies via Monte Carlo simulation show that the proposed bootstrap test can correctly control the type I error rates. The power of the test for some of the p-dimensional normal distributions is computed by Monte Carlo simulation. Also, the null distribution of test statistic is estimated using kernel density. Finally, the bootstrap test is illustrated using a real data.  相似文献   

The generalized order-restricted information criterion (goric) is a model selection criterion which can, up to now, solely be applied to the analysis of variance models and, so far, only evaluate restrictions of the form Rθ≤0Rθ0, where θθ is a vector of k group means and R   a cm×kcm×k matrix. In this paper, we generalize the goric in two ways: (i) such that it can be applied to t  -variate normal linear models and (ii) such that it can evaluate a more general form of order restrictions: Rθ≤rRθr, where θθ is a vector of length tk, r a vector of length cm, and R   a cm×tkcm×tk matrix of full rank (when r≠0r0). At the end, we illustrate that the goric is easy to implement in a multivariate regression model.  相似文献   

A modified chi-square test for testing the equality of two multinomial populations against an order restricted alternative in one sample and two sample cases is constructed. The relation between the concepts of dependence by cM-square and stochastic ordering is established, The asymptotic distribution of the test statistic is the chi-bar-square type discussed by Robertson, Wright and Dykstra (1988). Simulations are used to compare the power of this test with the power of the likelihood ratio test of stochastic ordering of the two multinomial populations.  相似文献   

This paper investigates a new test for normality that is easy for biomedical researchers to understand and easy to implement in all dimensions. In terms of power comparison against a broad range of alternatives, the new test outperforms the best known competitors in the literature as demonstrated by simulation results. In addition, the proposed test is illustrated using data from real biomedical studies.  相似文献   

The problem of setting confidence bounds on a central multivariate normal quantile is considered. It is shown that for the setting of exact confidence bounds of specified closeness to the quantile,the required minimum size of a normal sample is large and rises rapidly with the number of variates considered.  相似文献   

This article derives the likelihood ratio statistic to test the independence between (X 1,…,X r ) and (X r+1,…,X k ) under the assumption that (X 1,…,X k ) has a multivariate normal distribution and that a sample of size n is available, where for N observation vectors all components are available, while for M = (n + N) observation vectors, the data on the last q components, (Xk-q+1,…,X k ) are missing (k+q≥r).  相似文献   

An empirical test is presented as a tool for assessing whether a specified multivariate probability model is suitable to describe the underlying distribution of a set of observations. This test is based on the premise that, given any probability distribution, the Mahalanobis distances corresponding to data generated from that distribution will likewise follow a distinct distribution that can be estimated well by means of a large sample. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the test for detecting departures from several multivariate distributions. We then apply the test to a real multivariate data set to confirm that it is consistent with a multivariate beta model.  相似文献   

Under the assumption of multivariate normality the likelihood ratio test is derived to test a hypothesis for Kronecker product structure on a covariance matrix in the context of multivariate repeated measures data. Although the proposed hypothesis testing can be computationally performed by indirect use of Proc Mixed of SAS, the Proc Mixed algorithm often fails to converge. We provide an alternative algorithm. The algorithm is illustrated with two real data sets. A simulation study is also conducted for the purpose of sample size consideration.  相似文献   


In this paper, we introduce a version of Hayter and Tsui's statistical test with double sampling for the vector mean of a population under multivariate normal assumption. A study showed that this new test was more or as efficient than the well-known Hotelling's T2 with double sampling. Some nice features of Hayter and Tsui's test are its simplicity of implementation and its capability of identifying the errant variables when the null hypothesis is rejected. Taking that into consideration, a new control chart called HTDS is also introduced as a tool to monitor multivariate process vector mean when using double sampling.  相似文献   

Gart (1972) ottered a Statistic on testing the hypothesis of no second-order interaction in a 2×s×t contingency table. The statistic was tn be used as an asymptotic chi-square with (s-1) (t-1) degrees of freedom. We show that this statistic suiters from the drawback that unless certain side conditions hold, the statistic would reject the null hypothesis with probability approaching one asymptotically even in the null case. Hence the statistic is not strictly valid for the hypothesis for which it was intended.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of constructing a fixed-size confidence region for the difference of means of two multivariate normal populations It is assumed that the variance-covariance matrices of two populations are different only by unknown scalar multipliers Two-stage procedures are presented to derive such a confidence region We also discuss the asymptotic efficiency of the procedure.  相似文献   

The nonparametric and parametric bootstrap methods for multivariate hypothesis testing are developed. They are used to approximate the null distribution of the test statistics proposed by Duchesne and Francq (2015 Duchesne, P., Francq, C. (2015). Multivariate hypothesis testing using generalized and {2}-inverses—with applications. Statistics 49:475496.[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), resulting in bootstrap testing procedures. In the problem of testing for the mean vector of a multivariate distribution, the asymptotic validity of the bootstrap methods is proved. The finite sample performance of the new solutions is demonstrated by means of Monte Carlo simulation studies. They indicate that for small-sample size, the bootstrap tests provide a better finite sample properties than the asymptotic tests considered by Duchesne and Francq (2015 Duchesne, P., Francq, C. (2015). Multivariate hypothesis testing using generalized and {2}-inverses—with applications. Statistics 49:475496.[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   

In several sciences, especially when dealing with performance evaluation, complex testing problems may arise due in particular to the presence of multidimensional categorical data. In such cases the application of nonparametric methods can represent a reasonable approach. In this paper, we consider the problem of testing whether a “treatment” is stochastically larger than a “control” when univariate and multivariate ordinal categorical data are present. We propose a solution based on the nonparametric combination of dependent permutation tests (Pesarin in Multivariate permutation test with application to biostatistics. Wiley, Chichester, 2001), on variable transformation, and on tests on moments. The solution requires the transformation of categorical response variables into numeric variables and the breaking up of the original problem’s hypotheses into partial sub-hypotheses regarding the moments of the transformed variables. This type of problem is considered to be almost impossible to analyze within likelihood ratio tests, especially in the multivariate case (Wang in J Am Stat Assoc 91:1676–1683, 1996). A comparative simulation study is also presented along with an application example.  相似文献   

The studentized range test is a widely applied statistical procedure to compare several normal means within the analysis of variance. However, up to now no general methodology is available to perform the all-pair comparisons precisely, such as the computation of p-values or quantiles in the simple unbalanced one-way layout. Instead, a variety of approximations have been proposed in the past. This article focuses on exact computations of simultaneous confidence intervals and exact sample size determinations for all-pair comparisons in the analysis of variance involving arbitrary variance-covariance matrices. General power expressions in closed form are developed and numerical issues concerning the arising multivariate central and noncentral t-distributions are discussed. An application to the usual fixed effects analysis of covariance illustrates the use of the obtained results.  相似文献   

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