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When spatial variation is present in experiments, it is clearly sensible to use designs with favorable properties under both generalized and ordinary least squares. This will make the statistical analysis more robust to misspecification of the spatial model than would be the case if designs were based solely on generalized least squares. In this article, treatment information is introduced as a way of studying the ordinary least squares properties of designs. The treatment information is separated into orthogonal frequency or polynomial components which are assumed to be independent under the spatial model. The well-known trend-resistant designs are those with no treatment information at the very low order frequency or polynomial components which tend to have the higher variances under the spatial model. Ideally, designs would be chosen with all the treatment information distributed at the higher-order components. However, the results in this article show that there are limits on how much trend resistance can be achieved as there are many constraints on the treatment information. In addition, appropriately chosen Williams squares designs are shown to have favorable properties under both ordinary and generalized least squares. At all times, the ordinary least squares properties of the designs are balanced against the generalized least squares objectives of optimizing neighbor balance.  相似文献   

In split-plot experiments, estimation of unknown parameters by generalized least squares (GLS), as opposed to ordinary least squares (OLS), is required, owing to the existence of whole- and subplot errors. However, estimating the error variances is often necessary for GLS. Restricted maximum likelihood (REML) is an established method for estimating the error variances, and its benefits have been highlighted in many previous studies. This article proposes a new two-step residual-based approach for estimating error variances. Results of numerical simulations indicate that the proposed method performs sufficiently well to be considered as a suitable alternative to REML.  相似文献   

Several estimators are examined for the simple linear regression model under a controlled, experimental situation with multiple observations at each design point. The model is examined under normal and non-normal error distributions and mild heterogeneity of variances across the chosen design points. We consider the ordinary, generalized, and estimated generalized least squares estimators and several examples of M estimators. The asymptotic properties of the M estimator using the Huber ψ are presented under these conditions for the multiple regression model. A simulation study is also presented which indicates that the M estimator possesses strong robustness properties under the presence of both non-normality and mild heteroscedasticity o£ errors. Finally, the M estimates are compared to the least squares estimates in two examples.  相似文献   

This paper dwells on the choice between the ordinary least squares and the estimated generalized least squares estimators when the presence of heteroskedasticity is suspected. Since the estimated generalized least squares estimator does not dominate the ordinary least squares estimator completely over the whole parameter space, it is of interest to the researcher to know in advance whether the degree of severity of heteroskedasticity is such that OLS estimator outperforms the estimated generalized least squares (or 2SAE). Casting the problem in the non-spherical error mold and exploiting the principle underlying the Bayesian pretest estimator, an intuitive non-mathematical procedure is proposed to serve as an aid to the researcher in deciding when to use either the ordinary least squares (OLS) or the estimated generalized least squares (2SAE) estimators.  相似文献   

The effect of spatial autocorrelation on inferences made using ordinary least squares estimation is considered. It is found, in some cases, that ordinary least squares estimators provide a reasonable alternative to the estimated generalized least squares estimators recommended in the spatial statistics literature. One of the most serious problems in using ordinary least squares is that the usual variance estimators are severely biased when the errors are correlated. An alternative variance estimator that adjusts for any observed correlation is proposed. The need to take autocorrelation into account in variance estimation negates much of the advantage that ordinary least squares estimation has in terms of computational simplicity  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a method of averaging generalized least squares estimators for linear regression models with heteroskedastic errors. The averaging weights are chosen to minimize Mallows’ Cp-like criterion. We show that the weight vector selected by our method is optimal. It is also shown that this optimality holds even when the variances of the error terms are estimated and the feasible generalized least squares estimators are averaged. The variances can be estimated parametrically or nonparametrically. Monte Carlo simulation results are encouraging. An empirical example illustrates that the proposed method is useful for predicting a measure of firms’ performance.  相似文献   

The impact of errors in the factor levels is examined on the estimation of parameters in second-order response models. Errors can occur in setting the factor levels for response surface and robust parameter design models. These errors can lead to heterogeneity of variances in model errors that make ordinary least squares estimation inappropriate. Weighted least squares and maximum likelihood estimation approaches are developed as viable alternatives where it is assumed the variances and covariances of the errors are known. Performance of these estimation techniques are examined in simulation studies for two examples. Another example is given that applies these results.  相似文献   


For an orthogonally blocked experiment, Khuri [Khuri, A. I. (1992). Response surface models with random block effects. Technometrics 34:26–37] has shown that the ordinary least squares estimator, the generalized least squares estimator and the intra-block estimator of the factor effects in a response surface model with random block effects coincide. The ordinary least squares estimator ignores the blocks, whereas the generalized least squares and the intra-block estimators treat the block effects as random and fixed, respectively. As shown in this paper, the equivalence does not hold for the estimation of the intercept when the block sizes are heterogeneous. Practical examples are given to illustrate the theoretical results.  相似文献   

Different versions of generalized and ordinary ridge estimators and shrinkage estimators of regression coefficients are studied in comparison with least squares estimators using simulations. The results show that some of the biased estimators considered are better than the least squares estimator in general and the improvement is substantial in some cases.  相似文献   

The investigation of aliases or biases is important for the interpretation of the results from factorial experiments. For two-level fractional factorials this can be facilitated through their group structure. For more general arrays the alias matrix can be used. This tool is traditionally based on the assumption that the error structure is that associated with ordinary least squares. For situations where that is not the case, we provide in this article a generalization of the alias matrix applicable under the generalized least squares assumptions. We also show that for the special case of split plot error structure, the generalized alias matrix simplifies to the ordinary alias matrix.  相似文献   

In this paper, we derive the almost unbiased generalized Liu estimator and examine an exact unbiased estimator of the bias and mean squared error of the feasible generalized Liu estimator . We compare the almost unbiased generalized Liu estimator (AUGLE) with the generalized Liu estimator (GLE) and with the ordinary least squares estimator (OLSE).  相似文献   

This paper provides an examination of the problem of heteroscedasticity as it relates to estimating park use, although the results can also be applied to a wide variety of flow problems involving traffic, people or commodities. The major issue is that estimates of flows obtained using ordinary least squares, OLS, often yield statistically significant results while still giving rise to large differences between observed and predicted flows (residuals). The paper presents results which show that for the flow estimation problem of concern, more accurate use estimates may be obtained by using generalized least squares, GLS, rather than using OLS. Weights to use in GLS regression are developed taking into account the variance to be expected in origin-destination flows. It is shown that deriving the correct weights, estimates of variances, to use in a regression analysis results in an ‘absolute’ test for the structural appropriateness of the regression model. Tests related to the ‘absolute’ adequacy test are introduced and their use to identify specific structural problems with a model is illustrated.  相似文献   

It is not always prossible to establish a preference ordering among regression estimators in terms of the generalized mean square error criterion. In the paper, we determine when it is feasible to use this criteion to couduct comparisons among ordinary least squares, principal components, ridge regression, and shrunken least squares estimators.  相似文献   

Linear vector autoregressive (VAR) models where the innovations could be unconditionally heteroscedastic are considered. The volatility structure is deterministic and quite general, including breaks or trending variances as special cases. In this framework we propose ordinary least squares (OLS), generalized least squares (GLS) and adaptive least squares (ALS) procedures. The GLS estimator requires the knowledge of the time-varying variance structure while in the ALS approach the unknown variance is estimated by kernel smoothing with the outer product of the OLS residual vectors. Different bandwidths for the different cells of the time-varying variance matrix are also allowed. We derive the asymptotic distribution of the proposed estimators for the VAR model coefficients and compare their properties. In particular we show that the ALS estimator is asymptotically equivalent to the infeasible GLS estimator. This asymptotic equivalence is obtained uniformly with respect to the bandwidth(s) in a given range and hence justifies data-driven bandwidth rules. Using these results we build Wald tests for the linear Granger causality in mean which are adapted to VAR processes driven by errors with a nonstationary volatility. It is also shown that the commonly used standard Wald test for the linear Granger causality in mean is potentially unreliable in our framework (incorrect level and lower asymptotic power). Monte Carlo experiments illustrate the use of the different estimation approaches for the analysis of VAR models with time-varying variance innovations.  相似文献   

A simple estimation procedure, based on the generalized least squares method, for the parameters of the Weibull distribution is described and investigated. Through a simulation study, this estimation technique is compared with maximum likelihood estimation, ordinary least squares estimation, and Menon's estimation procedure; this comparison is based on observed relative efficiencies (that is, the ratio of the Cramer-Rao lower bound to the observed mean squared error). Simulation results are presented for samples of size 25. Among the estimators considered in this simulation study, the generalized least squares estimator was found to be the "best" estimator for the shape parameter and a close competitor to the maximum likelihood estimator of the scale parameter.  相似文献   

It is well-known in the literature on multicollinearity that one of the major consequences of multicollinearity on the ordinary least squares estimator is that the estimator produces large sampling variances, which in turn might inappropriately lead to exclusion of otherwise significant coefficients from the model. To circumvent this problem, two accepted estimation procedures which are often suggested are the restricted least squares method and the ridge regression method. While the former leads to a reduction in the sampling variance of the estimator, the later ensures a smaller mean square error value for the estimator. In this paper we have proposed a new estimator which is based on a criterion that combines the ideas underlying these two estimators. The standard properties of this new estimator have been studied in the paper. It has also been shown that this estimator is superior to both the restricted least squares as well as the ordinary ridge regression estimators by the criterion of mean sauare error of the estimator of the regression coefficients when the restrictions are indeed correct. The conditions for superiority of this estimator over the other two have also been derived for the situation when the restrictions are not correct.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is two-fold. One is to compare the almost unbiased generalized ridge regression (AUGRR) estimator proposed by Singh, Chaubey and Dwivedi (1986) with the generalized ridge regression (GRR) estimator and with the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimator in terms of the mean squared error criterion. Second is to examine small sample properties of the operational almost unbiased ordinary ridge regression (AUORR) estimator by Monte Carlo experiments.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on studying the accuracy of two well-known estimators in a simple errors-in-variables model, the ordinary least squares and the corrected least squares estimator. As a measure of accuracy of the estimators, the mean squared error is adopted. While Ketellapper (1983) addressed this issue for the case where the error of measurement in the independent variable is known, the present article is concerned with this comparison for the case where the ratio of the error variances is known. Comparison of the mean squared errors of the above estimators leads to a simple rule involving quantities estimable from the data, which can be used for deciding which of the two to be preferred on the basis of higher accuracy.  相似文献   

Equivalent conditions are derived for the equality of GLSE (generalized least squares estimator) and partially GLSE (PGLSE), the latter introduced by Amemiya (1983). By adopting a more general approach the ordinary least squares estimator (OLSE) can shown to be a special PGLSE. Furthcrmore, linearly restricted estimators proposed by Balestra (1983) are investigated in this context. To facilitate the comparison of estimators extensive use of oblique and orthogonal projectors is made.  相似文献   

In regression analysis both exact and stochastic extraneous information may be represented via restrictions on the parameters of a linear model which then may be estimated by applying constrained generalized least squares. It is shown that this estimator can be recast as a computationally simpler estimator that is a combination of the ordinary least squares estimator and the discrepancy between the OLS estimator and both types of restrictions. The variance of the restricted parameters is explicitly shown to depend on the variance of the extraneous information.  相似文献   

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