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Asymptotic inference results for the coefficients of variation of normal populations are presented in this article. This includes formulas for test statistics, power, confidence intervals, and simultaneous inference. The results are based on the asymptotic normality of the sample coefficient of variation as derived by Miller (1991). An example which compares the homogeneity of bone test samples produced from two different methods is presented.  相似文献   

Using the empirical characteristic function, a Cramér–von Mises test for reflected symmetry about an unspecified point is derived for multivariate distributions. The test statistic is based on an empirical process for which the weak convergence is established. The null properties of the test are studied as well as its power and local power. Estimators for the unknown symmetric point are previously proposed. Their consistency and asymptotical normality are proved by studying the weak convergence of some multidimensional empirical process. A simulation experiment shows that the estimators of the symmetric point are good, and that the test performs well on the examples tested. The new test is compared to the one derived in [N. Henze, B. Klar, S.G. Meintanis, Invariant tests for symmetry about an unspecified point based on empirical characteristic function, J. Multivariate. Anal. 87 (2003) 275–297].  相似文献   

We propose new affine invariant tests for multivariate normality, based on independence characterizations of the sample moments of the normal distribution. The test statistics are obtained using canonical correlations between sets of sample moments in a way that resembles the construction of Mardia’s skewness measure and generalizes the Lin–Mudholkar test for univariate normality. The tests are compared to some popular tests based on Mardia’s skewness and kurtosis measures in an extensive simulation power study and are found to offer higher power against many of the alternatives.  相似文献   

A test based on the studentized empirical characteristic function calculated in a single point is derived. An empirical power comparison is made between this test and tests like the Epps–Pulley, Shapiro–Wilks, Anderson–Darling and other tests for normality. It is shown to outperform the more complicated Epps-Pulley test based on the empirical characteristic function and a Cramér-von Mises type expression in a simulation study. The test performs especially good in large samples and the derived test statistic has an asymptotic normal distribution which is easy to apply.  相似文献   

A two sample test of likelihood ratio type is proposed, assuming normal distribution theory, for testing the hypothesis that two samples come from identical normal populations versus the alternative that the populations are normal but vary in mean value and variance with one population having a smaller mean and smaller variance than the other. The small sample and large sample distribution of the proposed statistic are derived assuming normality. Some computations are presented which show the speed of convergence of small sample critical values to their asymptotic counterparts. Comparisons of local power of the proposed test are made with several potential competing tests. Asymptotics for the test statistic are derived when underlying distributions are not necessarily normal.  相似文献   

Distributional properties are given for a statistic T*, which has previously been reported to have power properties as a test of normality as attractive as those of the sample kurtosis or perhaps slightly more attractive. Asymptotic results, the mean and variance under normality, the range of variation, and approximation of critical values for testing normality are obtained  相似文献   

Establishing that there is no compelling evidence that some population is not normally distributed is fundamental to many statistical inferences, and numerous approaches to testing the null hypothesis of normality have been proposed. Fundamentally, the power of a test depends on which specific deviation from normality may be presented in a distribution. Knowledge of the potential nature of deviation from normality should reasonably guide the researcher's selection of testing for non-normality. In most settings, little is known aside from the data available for analysis, so that selection of a test based on general applicability is typically necessary. This research proposes and reports the power of two new tests of normality. One of the new tests is a version of the R-test that uses the L-moments, respectively, L-skewness and L-kurtosis and the other test is based on normalizing transformations of L-skewness and L-kurtosis. Both tests have high power relative to alternatives. The test based on normalized transformations, in particular, shows consistently high power and outperforms other normality tests against a variety of distributions.  相似文献   

We introduce the 2nd-power skewness and kurtosis, which are interesting alternatives to the classical Pearson's skewness and kurtosis, called 3rd-power skewness and 4th-power kurtosis in our terminology. We use the sample 2nd-power skewness and kurtosis to build a powerful test of normality. This test can also be derived as Rao's score test on the asymmetric power distribution, which combines the large range of exponential tail behavior provided by the exponential power distribution family with various levels of asymmetry. We find that our test statistic is asymptotically chi-squared distributed. We also propose a modified test statistic, for which we show numerically that the distribution can be approximated for finite sample sizes with very high precision by a chi-square. Similarly, we propose a directional test based on sample 2nd-power kurtosis only, for the situations where the true distribution is known to be symmetric. Our tests are very similar in spirit to the famous Jarque–Bera test, and as such are also locally optimal. They offer the same nice interpretation, with in addition the gold standard power of the regression and correlation tests. An extensive empirical power analysis is performed, which shows that our tests are among the most powerful normality tests. Our test is implemented in an R package called PoweR.  相似文献   

Many parametric statistical inferential procedures in finite samples depend crucially on the underlying normal distribution assumption. Dozens of normality tests are available in the literature to test the hypothesis of normality. Availability of such a large number of normality tests has generated a large number of simulation studies to find a best test but no one arrived at a definite answer as all depends critically on the alternative distributions which cannot be specified. A new framework, based on stringency concept, is devised to evaluate the performance of the existing normality tests. Mixture of t-distributions is used to generate the alternative space. The LR-tests, based on Neyman–Pearson Lemma, have been computed to construct a power envelope for calculating the stringencies of the selected normality tests. While evaluating the stringencies, Anderson–Darling (AD) statistic turns out to be the best normality test.  相似文献   

Considered are tests for normality of the errors in ridge regression. If an intercept is included in the model, it is shown that test statistics based on the empirical distribution function of the ridge residuals have the same limiting distribution as in the one-sample test for normality with estimated mean and variance. The result holds with weak assumptions on the behavior of the independent variables; asymptotic normality of the ridge estimator is not required.  相似文献   

In this paper, an empirical likelihood ratio based goodness-of-fit test for the skew normality is proposed. The asymptotic results of the test statistic under the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis are derived. Simulations indicate that the Type I error of the proposed test can be well controlled for a given nominal level. The power comparison with other available tests shows that the proposed test is competitive. The test is applied to IQ scores data set and Australian Institute of Sport data set to illustrate the testing procedure.  相似文献   

Vasicek's entropy test for normality is based on sample entropy and a parametric entropy estimator. These estimators are known to have bias in small samples. The use of Vasicek's test could affect the capability of detecting non-normality to some extent. This paper presents an improved entropy test, which uses bias-corrected entropy estimators. A Monte Carlo simulation study is performed to compare the power of the proposed test under several alternative distributions with some other tests. The results report that as anticipated, the improved entropy test has consistently higher power than the ordinary entropy test in nearly all sample sizes and alternatives considered, and compares favorably with other tests.  相似文献   

In this article we propose an improvement of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for normality. In the current implementation of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, given data are compared with a normal distribution that uses the sample mean and the sample variance. We propose to select the mean and variance of the normal distribution that provide the closest fit to the data. This is like shifting and stretching the reference normal distribution so that it fits the data in the best possible way. A study of the power of the proposed test indicates that the test is able to discriminate between the normal distribution and distributions such as uniform, bimodal, beta, exponential, and log-normal that are different in shape but has a relatively lower power against the student's, t-distribution that is similar in shape to the normal distribution. We also compare the performance (both in power and sensitivity to outlying observations) of the proposed test with existing normality tests such as Anderson–Darling and Shapiro–Francia.  相似文献   

The authors show how Kendall's tau can be adapted to test against serial dependence in a univariate time series context. They provide formulas for the mean and variance of circular and noncircular versions of this statistic, and they prove its asymptotic normality under the hypothesis of independence. They present also a Monte Carlo study comparing the power and size of a test based on Kendall's tau with the power and size of competing procedures based on alternative parametric and nonparametric measures of serial dependence. In particular, their simulations indicate that Kendall's tau outperforms Spearman's rho in detecting first‐order autoregressive dependence, despite the fact that these two statistics are asymptotically equivalent under the null hypothesis, as well as under local alternatives.  相似文献   

In this study, we considered a hypothesis test for the difference of two population means using ranked set sampling. We proposed a test statistic for this hypothesis test with more than one cycle under normality. We also investigate the performance of this test statistic, when the assumptions hold and are violated. For this reason, we investigate the type I error and power rates of tests under normality with equal and unequal variances, non-normality with equal and unequal variances. We also examine the performance of this test under imperfect ranking case. The simulation results show that derived test performs quite well.  相似文献   

The empirical likelihood ratio (ELR) test for the problem of testing for normality is derived in this article. The sampling properties of the ELR test and four other commonly used tests are provided and analyzed using the Monte Carlo simulation technique. The power comparisons against a wide range of alternative distributions show that the ELR test is the most powerful of these tests in certain situations.  相似文献   

R. Martínez  M. Mota 《Statistics》2013,47(4):367-378
For a controlled branching process (CBP) with offspring distribution belonging to the power series family, the asymptotic normality of the posterior distribution of the basic parameter and the offspring mean is proved. As practical applications, we calculate asymptotic high probability density credibility sets for the offspring mean and we provide a rule to make inference about the value of this parameter. Moreover, the asymptotic posterior normality of the respective parameters of two classical branching models, namely the standard Galton–Watson process and the Galton–Watson process with immigration, is derived as particular cases of the CBP.  相似文献   

A goodness-of-fit test for multivariate normality is proposed which is based on Shapiro–Wilk's statistic for univariate normality and on an empirical standardization of the observations. The critical values can be approximated by using a transformation of the univariate standard normal distribution. A Monte Carlo study reveals that this test has a better power performance than some of the best known tests for multinormality against a wide range of alternatives.  相似文献   

A robust estimator introduced by Beran (1977a, 1977b), which is based on the minimum Hellinger distance between a projection model density and a nonparametric sample density, is studied empirically. An extensive simulation provides an estimate of the small sample distribution and supplies empirical evidence of the estimator performance for a normal location-scale model. While the performance of the minimum Hellinger distance estimator is seen to be competitive with the maximum likelihood estimator at the true model, its robustness to deviations from normality is shown to be competitive in this setting with that obtained from the M-estimator and the Cramér-von Mises minimum distance estimator. Beran also introduced a goodness-of-fit statisticH 2, based on the minimized Hellinger distance between a member of a parametric family of densities and a nonparametric density estimate. We investigate the statistic H (the square root of H 2) as a test for normality when both location and scale are unspecified. Empirically derived critical values are given which do not require extensive tables. The power of the statistic H compares favorably with four other widely used tests for normality.  相似文献   

The importance of the normal distribution for fitting continuous data is well known. However, in many practical situations data distribution departs from normality. For example, the sample skewness and the sample kurtosis are far away from 0 and 3, respectively, which are nice properties of normal distributions. So, it is important to have formal tests of normality against any alternative. D'Agostino et al. [A suggestion for using powerful and informative tests of normality, Am. Statist. 44 (1990), pp. 316–321] review four procedures Z 2(g 1), Z 2(g 2), D and K 2 for testing departure from normality. The first two of these procedures are tests of normality against departure due to skewness and kurtosis, respectively. The other two tests are omnibus tests. An alternative to the normal distribution is a class of skew-normal distributions (see [A. Azzalini, A class of distributions which includes the normal ones, Scand. J. Statist. 12 (1985), pp. 171–178]). In this paper, we obtain a score test (W) and a likelihood ratio test (LR) of goodness of fit of the normal regression model against the skew-normal family of regression models. It turns out that the score test is based on the sample skewness and is of very simple form. The performance of these six procedures, in terms of size and power, are compared using simulations. The level properties of the three statistics LR, W and Z 2(g 1) are similar and close to the nominal level for moderate to large sample sizes. Also, their power properties are similar for small departure from normality due to skewness (γ1≤0.4). Of these, the score test statistic has a very simple form and computationally much simpler than the other two statistics. The LR statistic, in general, has highest power, although it is computationally much complex as it requires estimates of the parameters under the normal model as well as those under the skew-normal model. So, the score test may be used to test for normality against small departure from normality due to skewness. Otherwise, the likelihood ratio statistic LR should be used as it detects general departure from normality (due to both skewness and kurtosis) with, in general, largest power.  相似文献   

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