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The estimation of the parameter of a mixed model analysis of variance by maximum likelihood methods is discussed. The functional iteration method is studied and found to have good comptuational properties. The estimates are studied via Monte Carlo techniques and their small sample properties are observed; it is found that the MLE's may be biased but that they have good Mean Square Error properties.  相似文献   

We analyze by simulation the properties of two time domain and two frequency domain estimators for low-order autoregressive fractionally integrated moving-average Gaussian models, ARFIMA (p,d,q). The estimators considered are the exact maximum likelihood for demeaned data (EML) the associated modified profile likelihood (MPL) and the Whittle estimator with (WLT) and without tapered data (WL). Length of the series is 100. The estimators are compared in terms of pile-up effect, mean square error, bias, and empirical confidence level. The tapered version of the Whittle likelihood turns out to be a reliable estimator for ARMA and ARFIMA models. Its small losses in performance in case of ‘well-behaved’ models are compensated sufficiently in more ‘difficult’ models. The modified profile likelihood is an alternative to the WLT but is computationally more demanding. It is either equivalent to the EML or more favorable than the EML. For fractionally integrated models, particularly, it dominates clearly the EML. The WL has serious deficiencies for large ranges of parameters, and so cannot be recommended in general. The EML, on the other hand, should only be used with care for fractionally integrated models due to its potential large negative bias of the fractional integration parameter. In general, one should proceed with caution for ARMA(1,1) models with almost canceling roots, and, in particular, in case of the EML and the MPL for inference in the vicinity of a moving-average root of +1.  相似文献   


We investigated the empirical likelihood inference approach under a general class of semiparametric hazards regression models with survival data subject to right-censoring. An empirical likelihood ratio for the full 2p regression parameters involved in the model is obtained. We showed that it converged weakly to a random variable which could be written as a weighted sum of 2p independent chi-squared variables with one degree of freedom. Using this, we could construct a confidence region for parameters. We also suggested an adjusted version for the preceding statistic, whose limit followed a standard chi-squared distribution with 2p degrees of freedom.  相似文献   

It is suggested that in some situations, observations for random variables should be collected in the form of intervals. In this paper, the unknown parameters in a bivariate normal model are estimated based on a set of point and interval observations via the maximum likelihood approach. The Newton-Raphson algorithm is used to find the estimates, and asymptotic properties of the estimator are provided. Monte Carlo studies are conducted to study the performance of the estimator. An example based on real-life data is presented to demonstrate the practical applicability of the method.  相似文献   

We consider a random regression model with several-fold change-points. The results for one change-point are generalized. The maximum likelihood estimator of the parameters is shown to be consistent, and the asymptotic distribution for the estimators of the coefficients is shown to be Gaussian. The estimators of the change-points converge, with n ?1 rate, to the vector whose components are the left end points of the maximizing interval with respect to each change-point. The likelihood process is asymptotically equivalent to the sum of independent compound Poisson processes.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an effective reparameterization method for the maximum likelihood estimation of a nearly random walk ARIMA (1,1,1) model, an important case where standard method of locating the MLE is not satisfactory. This model is equivalent to the permanent and temporary components model that Fama &French (1988) and others used to capture the slow mean reversion behavior of stock prices. The reparameterization method we prppose for estimating the nearly cancelled AR and MA parameters performs satisfactorily. The exact likelihood function based on the transformed parameters is studied. We argue that the region of interest will get magnified and emphasized in the transformed space, thus making the search for MLE more thorough and effective. Substantiai simuiation evidences are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method. The sample size requirement is critical and is discussed in details. For application, this method is applied to estimate a nearly random walk ARIMA (1,1,1) model for NYSE/AMEX value-weighted market return in daily and longer holding-period horizons.  相似文献   

This article investigates alternative generalized method of moments (GMM) estimation procedures of a stochastic volatility model with realized volatility measures. The extended model can accommodate a more general correlation structure. General closed form moment conditions are derived to examine the model properties and to evaluate the performance of various GMM estimation procedures under Monte Carlo environment, including standard GMM, principal component GMM, robust GMM and regularized GMM. An application to five company stocks and one stock index is also provided for an empirical demonstration.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is, first, to extend Poon et al. 's (1993) maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) of the correlation coefficient based on interval data to the regression case. Secondly, this paper shows how the traditional method of collecting interval data with the intervals chosen by the researcher can be easily modified to avoid the problems discussed by Poon et al. (1993). The MLE for this modification to the regression problem is presented. Finally, all the methods discussed in this paper are used to estimate the effects of grade point average and gender on student perceptions of the percentage of their classmates who have cheated on at least one exam in college.  相似文献   

In this paper, maximum likelihood and Bayes estimators of the parameters, reliability and hazard functions have been obtained for two-parameter bathtub-shaped lifetime distribution when sample is available from progressive Type-II censoring scheme. The Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method is used to compute the Bayes estimates of the model parameters. It has been assumed that the parameters have gamma priors and they are independently distributed. Gibbs within the Metropolis–Hasting algorithm has been applied to generate MCMC samples from the posterior density function. Based on the generated samples, the Bayes estimates and highest posterior density credible intervals of the unknown parameters as well as reliability and hazard functions have been computed. The results of Bayes estimators are obtained under both the balanced-squared error loss and balanced linear-exponential (BLINEX) loss. Moreover, based on the asymptotic normality of the maximum likelihood estimators the approximate confidence intervals (CIs) are obtained. In order to construct the asymptotic CI of the reliability and hazard functions, we need to find the variance of them, which are approximated by delta and Bootstrap methods. Two real data sets have been analyzed to demonstrate how the proposed methods can be used in practice.  相似文献   

The cumulative exposure model (CEM) is a commonly used statistical model utilized to analyze data from a step-stress accelerated life testing which is a special class of accelerated life testing (ALT). In practice, researchers conduct ALT to: (1) determine the effects of extreme levels of stress factors (e.g., temperature) on the life distribution, and (2) to gain information on the parameters of the life distribution more rapidly than under normal operating (or environmental) conditions. In literature, researchers assume that the CEM is from well-known distributions, such as the Weibull family. This study, on the other hand, considers a p-step-stress model with q stress factors from the two-parameter Birnbaum-Saunders distribution when there is a time constraint on the duration of the experiment. In this comparison paper, we consider different frameworks to numerically compute the point estimation for the unknown parameters of the CEM using the maximum likelihood theory. Each framework implements at least one optimization method; therefore, numerical examples and extensive Monte Carlo simulations are considered to compare and numerically examine the performance of the considered estimation frameworks.  相似文献   

We analyse a flexible parametric estimation technique for a competing risks (CR) model with unobserved heterogeneity, by extending a local mixed proportional hazard single risk model for continuous duration time to a local mixture CR (LMCR) model for discrete duration time. The state-specific local hazard function for the LMCR model is per definition a valid density function if we have either one or two destination states. We conduct Monte Carlo experiments to compare the estimated parameters of the LMCR model, and to compare the estimated parameters of a CR model based on a Heckman–Singer-type (HS-type) technique, with the data-generating process parameters. The Monte Carlo results show that the LMCR model performs better or at least as good as the HS-type model with respect to the estimated structure parameters in most of the cases, but relatively poorer with respect to the estimated duration-dependence parameters.  相似文献   

Summary A STAR model is characterized by autoregressive terms lagged both in time and space. The model we call GSTAR presents also contemporaneous spatial correlation. Under the hypothesis of stationarity we derive conditional maximum likelihood estimators of the autoregressive parameters and a consistent estimator of their covariance matrix.  相似文献   

The problem of estimation of parameters in hazard rate models with a change-point is considered. An interesting feature of this problem is that the likelihood function is unbounded. A maximum likelihood estimator of the change-point subject to a natural constraint is proposed, which is shown to be consistent.The limiting distributions are also derived.  相似文献   

Summary This paper investigates the effects of ordinal regressors in linear regression models and in limited dependent variable models. Each ordered categorical variable is interpreted as a rough measurement of an underlying continuous variable as it is often done in microeconometrics for the dependent variable. It is shown that using ordinal indicators only leads to correct answers in a few special cases. In most situations, the usual estimators are biased. In order to estimate the parameters of the model consistently, the indirect estimation procedure suggested by Gourieroux et al. (1993) is applied. To demonstrate this method, first a simulation study is performed and then in a second step, two real data sets are used. In the latter case, continuous regressors are transformed into categorical variables to study the behavior of the estimation procedure. The method is extended to the case of limited dependent variable models. In general, the indirect estimators lead to adequate results. Received: March 27, 2000; revised version: March 6, 2001  相似文献   


In applications using a simple regression model with a balanced two-fold nested error structure, interest focuses on inferences concerning the regression coefficient. This article derives exact and approximate confidence intervals on the regression coefficient in the simple regression model with a balanced two-fold nested error structure. Eleven methods are considered for constructing the confidence intervals on the regression coefficient. Computer simulation is performed to compare the proposed confidence intervals. Recommendations are suggested for selecting an appropriate method.  相似文献   

A failure model with damage accumulation is considered. Damages occur according to a Poisson process and they degenerate into failures in a random time. The rate of the Poisson process and the degeneration time distribution are unknown. Two sample populations are available: a sample of intervals between damages and a sample of degeneration times. The case of small samples is considered. The purpose is to estimate the expectation and the distribution of the number of damages and failures at time t. We consider the plug-in and resampling estimators of the above mentioned characteristics. The expectations and variances of the suggested estimators are investigated. The numerical examples show that the resampling estimator has some advantages.  相似文献   

In reliability analysis, accelerated life-testing allows for gradual increment of stress levels on test units during an experiment. In a special class of accelerated life tests known as step-stress tests, the stress levels increase discretely at pre-fixed time points, and this allows the experimenter to obtain information on the parameters of the lifetime distributions more quickly than under normal operating conditions. Moreover, when a test unit fails, there are often more than one fatal cause for the failure, such as mechanical or electrical. In this article, we consider the simple step-stress model under Type-II censoring when the lifetime distributions of the different risk factors are independently exponentially distributed. Under this setup, we derive the maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs) of the unknown mean parameters of the different causes under the assumption of a cumulative exposure model. The exact distributions of the MLEs of the parameters are then derived through the use of conditional moment generating functions. Using these exact distributions as well as the asymptotic distributions and the parametric bootstrap method, we discuss the construction of confidence intervals for the parameters and assess their performance through Monte Carlo simulations. Finally, we illustrate the methods of inference discussed here with an example.  相似文献   

Regression calibration is a simple method for estimating regression models when covariate data are missing for some study subjects. It consists in replacing an unobserved covariate by an estimator of its conditional expectation given available covariates. Regression calibration has recently been investigated in various regression models such as the linear, generalized linear, and proportional hazards models. The aim of this paper is to investigate the appropriateness of this method for estimating the stratified Cox regression model with missing values of the covariate defining the strata. Despite its practical relevance, this problem has not yet been discussed in the literature. Asymptotic distribution theory is developed for the regression calibration estimator in this setting. A simulation study is also conducted to investigate the properties of this estimator.  相似文献   

This article examines methods to efficiently estimate the mean response in a linear model with an unknown error distribution under the assumption that the responses are missing at random. We show how the asymptotic variance is affected by the estimator of the regression parameter, and by the imputation method. To estimate the regression parameter, the ordinary least squares is efficient only if the error distribution happens to be normal. If the errors are not normal, then we propose a one step improvement estimator or a maximum empirical likelihood estimator to efficiently estimate the parameter.To investigate the imputation’s impact on the estimation of the mean response, we compare the listwise deletion method and the propensity score method (which do not use imputation at all), and two imputation methods. We demonstrate that listwise deletion and the propensity score method are inefficient. Partial imputation, where only the missing responses are imputed, is compared to full imputation, where both missing and non-missing responses are imputed. Our results reveal that, in general, full imputation is better than partial imputation. However, when the regression parameter is estimated very poorly, the partial imputation will outperform full imputation. The efficient estimator for the mean response is the full imputation estimator that utilizes an efficient estimator of the parameter.  相似文献   

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