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The problem of estimating the survivorship function, R(t) = P(T > t), arises frequently in both engineering and biomedical sciences. In many applications the data one sees are censored due to the occurrence of some competing cause of failure such as withdrawal from the study, failure from some cause not under study, etc. In the biomedical sciences the distribution free estimator suggested by Kaplan and Meier (JASA 1958) is routinely used, while in the engineering sciences a parametric approach is more commonly used. In this report we study the efficiency of these two techniques when a particular parametric model such as the exponential, Weibull, normal, log normal, exponential power, Pareto, Gompertz, gamma, or bathtub shaped hazard distribution is assumed under a variety of censoring schemes and underlying failure models. We conclude that in most cases the parametric estimators outperform the distribution free estimator. The results are particularly striking if the Weibull forms of these estimators are used routinely.  相似文献   

Abstract. In this paper, two non‐parametric estimators are proposed for estimating the components of an additive quantile regression model. The first estimator is a computationally convenient approach which can be viewed as a more viable alternative to existing kernel‐based approaches. The second estimator involves sequential fitting by univariate local polynomial quantile regressions for each additive component with the other additive components replaced by the corresponding estimates from the first estimator. The purpose of the extra local averaging is to reduce the variance of the first estimator. We show that the second estimator achieves oracle efficiency in the sense that each estimated additive component has the same variance as in the case when all other additive components were known. Asymptotic properties are derived for both estimators under dependent processes that are strictly stationary and absolutely regular. We also provide a demonstrative empirical application of additive quantile models to ambulance travel times.  相似文献   

We discuss three classes of bivariate symmetry models and study the estimation of their distribution functions (DFs). Under radial symmetry, an estimator based on the mean of the empirical and survival DFs is considered. For exchangeable symmetry, an estimator based on the mean of the empirical DF and its exchangeable image is presented. At their intersection, we define radial exchangeability and study estimation of its DF. The symmetrized estimators coincide with the non parametric maximum likelihood estimators of the DF under each model. We obtain their mean and variance and state their asymptotic normality. The relative efficiency of the estimators for the bivariate normal distribution is obtained.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of estimating the error density and distribution functions in nonparametric regression models. The asymptotic distribution of a suitably standardized density estimator at a fixed point is shown to be normal while that of the maximum of a suitably normalized deviation of the density estimator from the true density function is the same as in the case of the one sample set up. Finally, the standardized residual empirical process is shown to be uniformly close to the similarly standardized empirical process of the errors. This paper thus generalizes some of the well known results about the residual density estimators and the empirical process in parametric regression models to nonparametric regression models, thereby enhancing the domain of their applications.  相似文献   

The computation of the renewal function when the distribution function is completely known has received much attention in the literature. However, in many cases the form of the distribution function is unknown and has to be estimated nonparametrically. A nonparametric estimator for the renewal function for complete data was suggested by Frees (1986). In many cases, however, censoring of the lifetime might occur. We shall present parametric and nonparametric estimators of the renewal function based on censored data. In a simulation study we compare the nonparametric estimators with parametric estimators for the Weibull and lognormal distribution. The study suggests that the nonparametric estimator is a viable alternative to the parametric estimators when the lifetime distribution is unknown. Also, the nonparametric estimator is computationally simpler than the parametric estimator.  相似文献   

We consider here ergodic homogeneous Markov chains with countable state spaces. The entropy rate of the chain is an explicit function of its transition and stationary distributions. We construct estimators for this entropy rate and for the entropy of the stationary distribution of the chain, in the parametric and nonparametric cases. We study estimation from one sample with long length and from many independent samples with given length. In the parametric case, the estimators are deduced by plug-in from the maximum likelihood estimator of the parameter. In the nonparametric case, the estimators are deduced by plug-in from the empirical estimators of the transition and stationary distributions. They are proven to have good asymptotic properties.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the estimation of the error distribution function in a varying coefficient regression model. We propose two estimators and study their asymptotic properties by obtaining uniform stochastic expansions. The first estimator is a residual-based empirical distribution function. We study this estimator when the varying coefficients are estimated by under-smoothed local quadratic smoothers. Our second estimator which exploits the fact that the error distribution has mean zero is a weighted residual-based empirical distribution whose weights are chosen to achieve the mean zero property using empirical likelihood methods. The second estimator improves on the first estimator. Bootstrap confidence bands based on the two estimators are also discussed.  相似文献   

Semi parametric methods provide estimates of finite parameter vectors without requiring that the complete data generation process be assumed in a finite-dimensional family. By avoiding bias from incorrect specification, such estimators gain robustness, although usually at the cost of decreased precision. The most familiar semi parametric method in econometrics is ordi¬nary least squares, which estimates the parameters of a linear regression model without requiring that the distribution of the disturbances be in a finite-parameter family. The recent literature in econometric theory has extended semi parametric methods to a variety of non-linear models, including models appropriate for analysis of censored duration data. Horowitz and Newman make perhaps the first empirical application of these methods, to data on employment duration. Their analysis provides insights into the practical problems of implementing these methods, and limited information on performance. Their data set, containing 226 male controls from the Denver income maintenance experiment in 1971-74, does not show any significant covariates (except race), even when a fully parametric model is assumed. Consequently, the authors are unable to reject the fully parametric model in a test against the alternative semi parametric estimators. This provides some negative, but tenuous, evidence that in practical applications the reduction in bias using semi parametric estimators is insufficient to offset loss in precision. Larger samples, and data sets with strongly significant covariates, will need to be interval, and if the observation period is long enough will eventually be more loyal on average for those starting employment spells near the end of the observation period.  相似文献   

In survival analysis, time-dependent covariates are usually present as longitudinal data collected periodically and measured with error. The longitudinal data can be assumed to follow a linear mixed effect model and Cox regression models may be used for modelling of survival events. The hazard rate of survival times depends on the underlying time-dependent covariate measured with error, which may be described by random effects. Most existing methods proposed for such models assume a parametric distribution assumption on the random effects and specify a normally distributed error term for the linear mixed effect model. These assumptions may not be always valid in practice. In this article, we propose a new likelihood method for Cox regression models with error-contaminated time-dependent covariates. The proposed method does not require any parametric distribution assumption on random effects and random errors. Asymptotic properties for parameter estimators are provided. Simulation results show that under certain situations the proposed methods are more efficient than the existing methods.  相似文献   

In this note, the asymptotic variance formulas are explicitly derived and compared between the parametric and semiparametric estimators of a regression parameter and survival probability under the additive hazards model. To obtain explicit formulas, it is assumed that the covariate term including a regression coefficient follows a gamma distribution and the baseline hazard function is constant. The results show that the semiparametric estimator of the regression coefficient parameter is fully efficient relative to the parametric counterpart when the survival time and a covariate are independent, as in the proportional hazards model. Relative to a more realistic case of the parametric additive hazards model with a Weibull baseline, the loss of efficiency of the semiparametric estimator of survival probability is moderate.  相似文献   

Abstract. We investigate non‐parametric estimation of a monotone baseline hazard and a decreasing baseline density within the Cox model. Two estimators of a non‐decreasing baseline hazard function are proposed. We derive the non‐parametric maximum likelihood estimator and consider a Grenander type estimator, defined as the left‐hand slope of the greatest convex minorant of the Breslow estimator. We demonstrate that the two estimators are strongly consistent and asymptotically equivalent and derive their common limit distribution at a fixed point. Both estimators of a non‐increasing baseline hazard and their asymptotic properties are obtained in a similar manner. Furthermore, we introduce a Grenander type estimator for a non‐increasing baseline density, defined as the left‐hand slope of the least concave majorant of an estimator of the baseline cumulative distribution function, derived from the Breslow estimator. We show that this estimator is strongly consistent and derive its asymptotic distribution at a fixed point.  相似文献   

This article deals with the estimation of a fixed population size through capture-mark-recapture method that gives rise to hypergeometric distribution. There are a few well-known and popular point estimators available in the literature, but no good comprehensive comparison is available about their merits. Apart from the available estimators, an empirical Bayes (EB) estimator of the population size is proposed. We compare all the point estimators in terms of relative bias and relative mean squared error. Next, two new interval estimators – (a) an EB highest posterior distribution interval and (b) a frequentist interval estimator based on a parametric bootstrap method, are proposed. The comparison is then carried among the two proposed interval estimators and interval estimators derived from the currently available estimators in terms of coverage probability and average length (AL). Based on comprehensive numerical results, we rank and recommend the point estimators as well as interval estimators for practical use. Finally, a real-life data set for a green treefrog population is used as a demonstration for all the methods discussed.  相似文献   

This article derives explicit expressions for the asymptotic variances of the maximum likelihood and continuously-updated GMM estimators in models that may not satisfy the fundamental asset-pricing restrictions in population. The proposed misspecification-robust variance estimators allow the researcher to conduct valid inference on the model parameters even when the model is rejected by the data. While the results for the maximum likelihood estimator are only applicable to linear asset-pricing models, the asymptotic distribution of the continuously-updated GMM estimator is derived for general, possibly nonlinear, models. The large corrections in the asymptotic variances, that arise from explicitly incorporating model misspecification in the analysis, are illustrated using simulations and an empirical application.  相似文献   

Nonparametric estimation and inferences of conditional distribution functions with longitudinal data have important applications in biomedical studies, such as epidemiological studies and longitudinal clinical trials. Estimation approaches without any structural assumptions may lead to inadequate and numerically unstable estimators in practice. We propose in this paper a nonparametric approach based on time-varying parametric models for estimating the conditional distribution functions with a longitudinal sample. Our model assumes that the conditional distribution of the outcome variable at each given time point can be approximated by a parametric model after local Box–Cox transformation. Our estimation is based on a two-step smoothing method, in which we first obtain the raw estimators of the conditional distribution functions at a set of disjoint time points, and then compute the final estimators at any time by smoothing the raw estimators. Applications of our two-step estimation method have been demonstrated through a large epidemiological study of childhood growth and blood pressure. Finite sample properties of our procedures are investigated through a simulation study. Application and simulation results show that smoothing estimation from time-variant parametric models outperforms the existing kernel smoothing estimator by producing narrower pointwise bootstrap confidence band and smaller root mean squared error.  相似文献   

In the analysis of semi‐competing risks data interest lies in estimation and inference with respect to a so‐called non‐terminal event, the observation of which is subject to a terminal event. Multi‐state models are commonly used to analyse such data, with covariate effects on the transition/intensity functions typically specified via the Cox model and dependence between the non‐terminal and terminal events specified, in part, by a unit‐specific shared frailty term. To ensure identifiability, the frailties are typically assumed to arise from a parametric distribution, specifically a Gamma distribution with mean 1.0 and variance, say, σ2. When the frailty distribution is misspecified, however, the resulting estimator is not guaranteed to be consistent, with the extent of asymptotic bias depending on the discrepancy between the assumed and true frailty distributions. In this paper, we propose a novel class of transformation models for semi‐competing risks analysis that permit the non‐parametric specification of the frailty distribution. To ensure identifiability, the class restricts to parametric specifications of the transformation and the error distribution; the latter are flexible, however, and cover a broad range of possible specifications. We also derive the semi‐parametric efficient score under the complete data setting and propose a non‐parametric score imputation method to handle right censoring; consistency and asymptotic normality of the resulting estimators is derived and small‐sample operating characteristics evaluated via simulation. Although the proposed semi‐parametric transformation model and non‐parametric score imputation method are motivated by the analysis of semi‐competing risks data, they are broadly applicable to any analysis of multivariate time‐to‐event outcomes in which a unit‐specific shared frailty is used to account for correlation. Finally, the proposed model and estimation procedures are applied to a study of hospital readmission among patients diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.  相似文献   

Sieve Empirical Likelihood and Extensions of the Generalized Least Squares   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The empirical likelihood cannot be used directly sometimes when an infinite dimensional parameter of interest is involved. To overcome this difficulty, the sieve empirical likelihoods are introduced in this paper. Based on the sieve empirical likelihoods, a unified procedure is developed for estimation of constrained parametric or non-parametric regression models with unspecified error distributions. It shows some interesting connections with certain extensions of the generalized least squares approach. A general asymptotic theory is provided. In the parametric regression setting it is shown that under certain regularity conditions the proposed estimators are asymptotically efficient even if the restriction functions are discontinuous. In the non-parametric regression setting the convergence rate of the maximum estimator based on the sieve empirical likelihood is given. In both settings, it is shown that the estimator is adaptive for the inhomogeneity of conditional error distributions with respect to predictor, especially for heteroscedasticity.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a nonparametric estimator for percentiles of the time-to-failure distribution obtained from a linear degradation model using the kernel density method. The properties of the proposed kernel estimator are investigated and compared with well-known maximum likelihood and ordinary least squares estimators via a simulation technique. The mean squared error and the length of the bootstrap confidence interval are used as the basis criteria of the comparisons. The simulation study shows that the performance of the kernel estimator is acceptable as a general estimator. When the distribution of the data is assumed to be known, the maximum likelihood and ordinary least squares estimators perform better than the kernel estimator, while the kernel estimator is superior when the assumption of our knowledge of the data distribution is violated. A comparison among different estimators is achieved using a real data set.  相似文献   

The maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) is asymptotically efficient for most parametric models under standard regularity conditions, but it has very poor robustness properties. On the other hand some of the minimum disparity estimators like the minimum Hellinger distance estimator (MHDE) have strong robustness features but their small sample efficiency at the model turns out to be very poor compared to the MLE. Methods based on the minimization of some combined disparities can substantially improve their small sample performances without affecting their robustness properties (Park et al., 1995). All studies involving the combined disparity have so far been empirical, and there are no results on the asymptotic properties of these estimators. In view of the usefulness of these procedures this is a major gap in theory, which we try to fill through the present work. Some illustrations of the performance of the estimators and the corresponding tests are also provided.  相似文献   

Some quality characteristics are well defined when treated as the response variables and their relationships are identified to some independent variables. This relationship is called a profile. The parametric models, such as linear models, may be used to model the profiles. However, due to the complexity of many processes in practical applications, it is inappropriate to model the process using parametric models. In these cases non parametric methods are used to model the processes. One of the most applicable non parametric methods used to model complicated profiles is the wavelet. Many authors considered the use of the wavelet transformation only for monitoring the processes in phase II. The problem of estimating the in-control profile in phase I using wavelet transformation is not deeply addressed. Usually classical estimators are used in phase I to estimate the in-control profiles, even when the wavelet transformation is used. These estimators are suitable if the data do not contain outliers. However, when the outliers exist, these estimators cannot estimate the in-control profile properly. In this research, a robust method of estimating the in-control profiles is proposed, which is insensitive to the presence of outliers and could be applied when the wavelet transformation is used. The proposed estimator is the combination of the robust clustering and the S-estimator. This estimator is compared with the classical estimator of the in-control profile in the presence of outliers. The results from a large simulation study show that using the proposed method, one can estimate the in-control profile precisely when the data are contaminated either locally or globally.  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, we investigate estimations in varying-coefficient partially linear errors-in-variables models with covariates missing at random. However, the estimators are often biased due to the existence of measurement errors, the bias-corrected profile least-squares estimator and local liner estimators for unknown parametric and coefficient functions are obtained based on inverse probability weighted method. The asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators both for the parameter and nonparametric parts are established. Second, we study asymptotic distributions of an empirical log-likelihood ratio statistic and maximum empirical likelihood estimator for the unknown parameter. Based on this, more accurate confidence regions of the unknown parameter can be constructed. The methods are examined through simulation studies and illustrated by a real data analysis.  相似文献   

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