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Marshall and Olkin [1967. A multivariate exponential distribution. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 62, 30–44], introduced a bivariate distribution with exponential marginals, which generalizes the simple case of a bivariate random variable with independent exponential components. The distribution is popular under the name ‘Marshall–Olkin distribution’, and has been extended to the multivariate case. L2-type statistics are constructed for testing the composite null hypothesis of the Marshall–Olkin distribution with unspecified parameters. The test statistics utilize the empirical Laplace transform with consistently estimated parameters. Asymptotic properties pertaining to the null distribution of the test statistic and the consistency of the test are investigated. Theoretical results are accompanied by a simulation study, and real-data applications.  相似文献   

We propose a class of goodness-of-fit tests for the gamma distribution that utilizes the empirical Laplace transform. The consistency of the tests as well as their asymptotic distribution under the null hypothesis are investigated. As the decay of the weight function tends to infinity, the test statistics approach limit values related to the first non zero component of Neyman's smooth test for the gamma law. The new tests are compared with other omnibus tests for the gamma distribution.  相似文献   

The Laplace transform \psi(t)=E[{\rm exp}(-tX)] of a random variable X with exponential density u exp( m u x ), x S 0, satisfies the equation (\lambda+t)\psi(t)-\lambda=0 , t S 0. We study the behavior of a class of consistent tests for exponentiality based on a suitably weighted integral of [({\hat\lambda}_n+t)\psi_n(t)-{\hat\lambda}_n]^2 , where {\hat\lambda}_n is the maximum-likelihood estimate of u , and é n is the empirical Laplace transform, each based on an i.i.d. sample X 1 , …, X n . As the decay of the weight function tends to infinity, the test statistic approaches the square of the first nonzero component of Neyman's smooth test for exponentiality. The new tests are compared with other omnibus tests for exponentiality.  相似文献   

Weighted Integral Test Statistics and Components of Smooth Tests of Fit   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper considers families of statistics for testing the goodness-of-fit of various parametric models such as the normal, exponential or Poisson. Each family consists of weighted integrals over the squared modulus of some measure of deviation from the parametric model, expressed by means of an empirical transform of the data. Letting the rate of decay of the weight function tend to infinity, each test statistic, after a suitable rescaling, approaches a limit that is closely connected to the first non-zero component of Neyman's smooth test for the parametric model.  相似文献   

A uniqueness theorem for a recently introduced special Hankel transform of probability distributions on the non negative half-line motivates a K-S type test statistic based on empirical Hankel transforms for testing the hypothesis of exponentiality. This article deals with the asymptotic behavior of the new test.  相似文献   

In this article, we introduce a new estimator for the generalized Pareto distribution, which is based on the maximum likelihood estimation and the goodness of fit. The asymptotic normality of the new estimator is shown and a small simulation. From the simulation, the performance of the new estimator is roughly comparable with maximum likelihood for positive values of the shape parameter and often much better than maximum likelihood for negative values.  相似文献   

Chen and Balakrishnan [Chen, G. and Balakrishnan, N., 1995, A general purpose approximate goodness-of-fit test. Journal of Quality Technology, 27, 154–161] proposed an approximate method of goodness-of-fit testing that avoids the use of extensive tables. This procedure first transforms the data to normality, and subsequently applies the classical tests for normality based on the empirical distribution function, and critical points thereof. In this paper, we investigate the potential of this method in comparison to a corresponding goodness-of-fit test which instead of the empirical distribution function, utilizes the empirical characteristic function. Both methods are in full generality as they may be applied to arbitrary laws with continuous distribution function, provided that an efficient method of estimation exists for the parameters of the hypothesized distribution.  相似文献   

B. Klar 《Statistics》2013,47(6):505-515
Surles and Padgett recently introduced two-parameter Burr Type X distribution, which can also be described as the generalized Rayleigh distribution. It is observed that the generalized Rayleigh and log-normal distributions have many common properties and both the distributions can be used quite effectively to analyze skewed data set. For a given data set the problem of selecting either generalized Rayleigh or log-normal distribution is discussed in this paper. The ratio of maximized likelihood (RML) is used in discriminating between the two distributing functions. Asymptotic distributions of the RML under null hypotheses are obtained and they are used to determine the minimum sample size required in discriminating between these two families of distributions for a used specified probability of correct selection and the tolerance limit.  相似文献   

In reliability studies, one typically would assume a lifetime distribution for the units under study and then carry out the required analysis. One popular choice for the lifetime distribution is the family of two-parameter Weibull distributions (with scale and shape parameters) which, through a logarithmic transformation, can be transformed to the family of two-parameter extreme value distributions (with location and scale parameters). In carrying out a parametric analysis of this type, it is highly desirable to be able to test the validity of such a model assumption. A basic tool that is useful for this purpose is a quantile–quantile (QQ) plot, but in its use, the issue of the choice of plotting position arises. Here, by adopting the optimal plotting points based on Pitman closeness criterion proposed recently by Balakrishnan et al. (2010b Balakrishnan , N. , Davies , K. F. , Keating , J. P. , Mason , R. L. ( 2010b ). Computation of optimal plotting points based on Pitman Closeness with an application to goodness of fit for location-scale families. Submitted to Computational Statistics & Data Analysis.  [Google Scholar]), and referred to as simultaneous closeness probability (SCP) plotting points, we propose a correlation-type goodness of fit test for the extreme value distribution. We compute the SCP plotting points for various sample sizes and use them to determine the mean, standard deviation and critical values for the proposed correlation-type test statistic. Using these critical values, we carry out a power study, similar to the one carried out by Kinnison (1989 Kinnison , R. ( 1989 ). Correlation coefficient goodness of fit test for extreme value distribution . The American Statistician 43 : 98100 .[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), through which we demonstrate that the use of SCP plotting points results in better power than with the use of mean ranks as plotting points and nearly the same power as with the use of median ranks. We then demonstrate the use of the SCP plotting points and the associated correlation-type test for Weibull analysis with an illustrative example. Finally, for the sake of comparison, we also adapt two statistics proposed by Gan and Koehler (1990 Gan , F. F. , Koehler , K. J. ( 1990 ). Goodness of fit based on P-P probability plots . Technometrics 32 : 289303 .[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), in the context of probability–probability (PP) plots, based on SCP plotting points and compare their performance to those based on mean ranks. The empirical study also reveals that the tests from the QQ plot have better power than those from the PP plot.  相似文献   


Fourier methods are proposed for testing the distribution of random effects in classical and robust multivariate mixed effects models. The test statistics involve estimation of the characteristic function of random effects. Theoretical and computational issues are addressed while Monte Carlo results show that the new procedures compare favorably with other methods.  相似文献   

A test based on the studentized empirical characteristic function calculated in a single point is derived. An empirical power comparison is made between this test and tests like the Epps–Pulley, Shapiro–Wilks, Anderson–Darling and other tests for normality. It is shown to outperform the more complicated Epps-Pulley test based on the empirical characteristic function and a Cramér-von Mises type expression in a simulation study. The test performs especially good in large samples and the derived test statistic has an asymptotic normal distribution which is easy to apply.  相似文献   


While the Gompertz distribution is often fitted to lifespan data, testing whether the fit satisfies theoretical criteria is being neglected. Here four goodness-of-fit measures – the Anderson–Darling statistic, the correlation coefficient test, a statistic using moments, and a nested test against the generalized extreme value distributions – are discussed. Along with an application to laboratory rat data, critical values calculated by the empirical distribution of the test statistics are also presented.  相似文献   

In this article, having observed the generalized order statistics in a sample, we construct a test for the hypothesis that the underlying distribution is the Pareto I distribution. The Shannon entropy of generalized order statistics is used to test the null hypothesis.  相似文献   

Following a procedure applied to the Erlang-2 distribution in a recent paper, an adjusted Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic and critical values are developed for the Erlang-3 and -4 cases using data from Monte Carlo simulations. The test statistic produced features of compactness and ease of implementation. It is quite accurate for sample sizes as low as ten.  相似文献   

In this work, the problem of testing whether different (?2) independent samples, with (possibly) different heavy-tailed distributions, share the same extreme value index, is addressed. The test statistic proposed is inspired by the empirical likelihood methodology and consists in an ANOVA-like confrontation of Hill estimators. Asymptotic validity of this simple procedure is proved and efficiency, in terms of empirical type I error and power, is investigated through simulations under a variety of situations. Surprisingly, this topic had hardly been addressed before, and only in the two-sample case, though it can prove useful in applications.  相似文献   


This article presents goodness-of-fit tests for two and three-parameter gamma distributions that are based on minimum quadratic forms of standardized logarithmic differences of values of the moment generating function and its empirical counterpart. The test statistics can be computed without reliance to special functions and have asymptotic chi-squared distributions. Monte Carlo simulations are used to compare the proposed test for the two-parameter gamma distribution with goodness-of-fit tests employing empirical distribution function or spacing statistics. Two data sets are used to illustrate the various tests.  相似文献   

T. Cacoullos and H. Papageorgiou [On some bivariate probability models applicable to traffic accidents and fatalities, Int. Stat. Rev. 48 (1980) 345–356] studied a special class of bivariate discrete distributions appropriate for modeling traffic accidents, and fatalities resulting therefrom. The corresponding random variable may be written as Z=(N,Y), with Y=j=1NXj, where {Xj}j=1N, are independent copies of a (discrete) random variable X, and N is independent of {Xj}j=1N, and follows a Poisson law. If X follows a Poisson law (resp. Binomial law), the resulting distribution is termed Poisson–Poisson (resp. Poisson–Binomial). L2-type goodness-of-fit statistics are constructed for the ‘general distribution’ of this kind, where X may be an arbitrary discrete nonnegative random variable. The test statistics utilize a simple characterization involving the corresponding probability generating function, and are shown to be consistent. The proposed procedures are shown to perform satisfactorily in simulated data, while their application to accident data leads to positive conclusions regarding the modeling ability of this class of bivariate distributions.  相似文献   

When faced with the problem of goodness-of-fit to the Lognormal distribution, testing methods typically reduce to comparing the empirical distribution function of the corresponding logarithmic data to that of the normal distribution. In this article, we consider a family of test statistics which make use of the moment structure of the Lognormal law. In particular, a continuum of moment conditions is employed in the construction of a new statistic for this distribution. The proposed test is shown to be consistent against fixed alternatives, and a simulation study shows that it is more powerful than several classical procedures, including those utilizing the empirical distribution function. We conclude by applying the proposed method to some, not so typical, data sets.  相似文献   

In linear and nonparametric regression models, the problem of testing for symmetry of the distribution of errors is considered. We propose a test statistic which utilizes the empirical characteristic function of the corresponding residuals. The asymptotic null distribution of the test statistic as well as its behavior under alternatives is investigated. A simulation study compares bootstrap versions of the proposed test to other more standard procedures.  相似文献   

We consider the relative merits of various saddlepoint approximations for the cumulative distribution function (cdf) of a statistic with a possibly non normal limit distribution. In addition to the usual Lugannani-Rice approximation, we also consider approximations based on higher-order expansions, including the case where the base distribution for the approximation is taken to be non normal. This extends earlier work by Wood et al. (1993 Wood , A. T. A. , Booth , J. G. , Butler , R. W. ( 1993 ). Saddlepoint approximations to the CDF of some statistics with nonnormal limit distributions . Journal of the American Statistical Association 88 : 680686 .[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). These approximations are applied to the distribution of the Anderson-Darling test statistic. While these generalizations perform well in the middle of the distribution's support, a conventional normal-based Lugannani-Rice approximation (Giles, 2001 Giles , D. E. A. ( 2001 ). A Saddlepoint approximation to the distribution function of the Anderson-Darling test statistic . Communications in Statistics B 30 : 899905 .[Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]) is superior for conventional critical regions.  相似文献   

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