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In stratified sample surveys, the problem of determining the optimum allocation is well known due to articles published in 1923 by Tschuprow and in 1934 by Neyman. The articles suggest the optimum sample sizes to be selected from each stratum for which sampling variance of the estimator is minimum for fixed total cost of the survey or the cost is minimum for a fixed precision of the estimator. If in a sample survey more than one characteristic is to be measured on each selected unit of the sample, that is, the survey is a multi-response survey, then the problem of determining the optimum sample sizes to various strata becomes more complex because of the non-availability of a single optimality criterion that suits all the characteristics. Many authors discussed compromise criterion that provides a compromise allocation, which is optimum for all characteristics, at least in some sense. Almost all of these authors worked out the compromise allocation by minimizing some function of the sampling variances of the estimators under a single cost constraint. A serious objection to this approach is that the variances are not unit free so that minimizing any function of variances may not be an appropriate objective to obtain a compromise allocation. This fact suggests the use of coefficient of variations instead of variances. In the present article, the problem of compromise allocation is formulated as a multi-objective non-linear programming problem. By linearizing the non-linear objective functions at their individual optima, the problem is approximated to an integer linear programming problem. Goal programming technique is then used to obtain a solution to the approximated problem.  相似文献   

Singh and Sukhatme [4] have considered the problem of optimum stratification on an auxiliary variable x when the units from the different strata are selected with probability proportional to the value of the auxiliary variable and the sample sizes for the different strata are determined by using Neyman allocation method. The present paper considers the same problem for the proportional and equal allocation methods. The rules for finding approximately optimum strata boundaries for these two allocation methods have been given. An investigation into the relative efficiency of these allocation methods with respect to the Neyman allocation has also been made. The performance of equal allocation is found to be better than that of proportional allocation and practically equivalent to the Neyman allocation.  相似文献   

Numerous optimization problems arise in survey designs. The problem of obtaining an optimal (or near optimal) sampling design can be formulated and solved as a mathematical programming problem. In multivariate stratified sample surveys usually it is not possible to use the individual optimum allocations for sample sizes to various strata for one reason or another. In such situations some criterion is needed to work out an allocation which is optimum for all characteristics in some sense. Such an allocation may be called an optimum compromise allocation. This paper examines the problem of determining an optimum compromise allocation in multivariate stratified random sampling, when the population means of several characteristics are to be estimated. Formulating the problem of allocation as an all integer nonlinear programming problem, the paper develops a solution procedure using a dynamic programming technique. The compromise allocation discussed is optimal in the sense that it minimizes a weighted sum of the sampling variances of the estimates of the population means of various characteristics under study. A numerical example illustrates the solution procedure and shows how it compares with Cochran's average allocation and proportional allocation.  相似文献   

A new allocation proportion is derived by using differential equation methods for response-adaptive designs. This new allocation is compared with the balanced and the Neyman allocations and the optimal allocation proposed by Rosenberger, Stallard, Ivanova, Harper and Ricks (RSIHR) from an ethical point of view and statistical power performance. The new allocation has the ethical advantages of allocating more than 50% of patients to the better treatment. It also allocates higher proportion of patients to the better treatment than the RSIHR optimal allocation for success probabilities larger than 0.5. The statistical power under the proposed allocation is compared with these under the balanced, the Neyman and Rosenberger's optimal allocations through simulation. The simulation results indicate that the statistical power under the proposed allocation proportion is similar as to those under the balanced, the Neyman and the RSIHR allocations.  相似文献   

The optimum allocation given by Neyman (1934) is not normally feasible in practice since the values of the standard deviations of the characteristic under study are not known. In this paper, it is shown how the values of auxiliary characteristic linearly related to the study variable can be used in the allocation of the sample. It is also found that proportional allocation can be more efficient than an approximation to Neyman's allocation by using estimates of standard deviations of the study variable from a previous survey or approximations to them from some variable related to the study variable.  相似文献   

In stratified sampling, methods for the allocation of effort among strata usually rely on some measure of within-stratum variance. If we do not have enough information about these variances, adaptive allocation can be used. In adaptive allocation designs, surveys are conducted in two phases. Information from the first phase is used to allocate the remaining units among the strata in the second phase. Brown et al. [Adaptive two-stage sequential sampling, Popul. Ecol. 50 (2008), pp. 239–245] introduced an adaptive allocation sampling design – where the final sample size was random – and an unbiased estimator. Here, we derive an unbiased variance estimator for the design, and consider a related design where the final sample size is fixed. Having a fixed final sample size can make survey-planning easier. We introduce a biased Horvitz–Thompson type estimator and a biased sample mean type estimator for the sampling designs. We conduct two simulation studies on honey producers in Kurdistan and synthetic zirconium distribution in a region on the moon. Results show that the introduced estimators are more efficient than the available estimators for both variable and fixed sample size designs, and the conventional unbiased estimator of stratified simple random sampling design. In order to evaluate efficiencies of the introduced designs and their estimator furthermore, we first review some well-known adaptive allocation designs and compare their estimator with the introduced estimators. Simulation results show that the introduced estimators are more efficient than available estimators of these well-known adaptive allocation designs.  相似文献   

When the information on a highly positively correlated auxiliary variable x is used to construct stratified regression (or ratio) estimates of the population mean of the study variable y, the paper considers the problem of determining approximately optimum strata boundaries (AOSB) on x when the sample size in each stratum is equal. The form of the conditional variance function V(y/x) is assumed to be known. A numerical investigation into the relative efficiency of equal allocation with respect to the Neyman and proportional allocations has also been made. The relative efficiency of equal allocation with respect to Neyman allocation is found to be nearly equal to one.  相似文献   

We present a surprising though obvious result that seems to have been unnoticed until now. In particular, we demonstrate the equivalence of two well-known problems—the optimal allocation of the fixed overall sample size n among L strata under stratified random sampling and the optimal allocation of the H = 435 seats among the 50 states for apportionment of the U.S. House of Representatives following each decennial census. In spite of the strong similarity manifest in the statements of the two problems, they have not been linked and they have well-known but different solutions; one solution is not explicitly exact (Neyman allocation), and the other (equal proportions) is exact. We give explicit exact solutions for both and note that the solutions are equivalent. In fact, we conclude by showing that both problems are special cases of a general problem. The result is significant for stratified random sampling in that it explicitly shows how to minimize sampling error when estimating a total TY while keeping the final overall sample size fixed at n; this is usually not the case in practice with Neyman allocation where the resulting final overall sample size might be near n + L after rounding. An example reveals that controlled rounding with Neyman allocation does not always lead to the optimum allocation, that is, an allocation that minimizes variance.  相似文献   

In stratified random sampling, it is generally recognised that nonproportional allocation is worthwhile only if the gain in precision is substantial. This note presents a sharp lower bound for the relative precision of proportional to optimum (Neyman) allocation, in terms of the ratio of the largest to the smallest stratum standard deviations. This provides a quick measure of the efficiency of proportional allocation, and may be used as a formal basis for deriving useful practical rules. In particular, it is formally confirmed that for estimating a proportion nonproportional allocation is rarely worthwhile.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an efficient stratified randomized response model based on Chang et al.'s (2004) model. We have obtained the variance of the proposed estimator of πs, the proportion of the respondents in the population belonging to a sensitive group, under proportional and Neyman allocations. It is shown that the estimator based on the proposed model is more efficient than the Chang et al.'s (2004) estimator under both proportional as well as Neyman allocations, Hong et al.'s (1994) estimator and Kim and Warde's (2004) estimator. Numerical illustration and pictorial representation are given in support of the present study.  相似文献   

A genuine small sample theory for post-stratification is developed in this paper. This includes the definition of a ratio estimator of the population mean ?, the derivation of its bias and its exact variance and a discussion of variance estimation. The estimator has both a within strata component of variance which is comparable with that obtained in proportional allocation stratified sampling and a between strata component of variance which will tend to zero as the overall sample size becomes large. Certain optimality properties of the estimator are obtained. The generalization of post-stratification from the simple random sampling to post-stratification used in conjunction with stratification and multi-stage designs is discussed.  相似文献   

A technique of systematically allocating a sample to the strata formed by double stratification is presented. The method can proportionally allocate the sample along each variable of stratification. If there are R strata and C strata for the first and second variable of stratification respectively, the technique requires that the total sample size be at least as large as max(R, C). An unbiased estimator of the population mean is given and its variance is obtained. The technique is compared with a random allocation procedure given by Bryant, Hartley, and Jessen (1960). Numerical examples are given suggesting when one technique is superior to the other.  相似文献   

A robust estimator is developed for the location and scale parameters of a location-scale family. The estimator is defined as the minimizer of a minimum distance function that measures the distance between the ranked set sample empirical cumulative distribution function and a possibly misspecified target model. We show that the estimator is asymptotically normal, robust, and has high efficiency with respect to its competitors in literature. It is also shown that the location estimator is consistent within the class of all symmetric distributions whereas the scale estimator is Fisher consistent at the true target model. The paper also considers an optimal allocation procedure that does not introduce any bias due to judgment error classification. It is shown that this allocation procedure is equivalent to Neyman allocation. A numerical efficiency comparison is provided.  相似文献   

In previous papers the problem of estimating the Gini-Simpson index of diversity for large populations has been considered by using random samplings with and without replacement, Nevertheless, the populations to which this estimation is usually applied (e.g., anthropoiogicai, ecological, linguistic and sociological populations) often arise naturally stratified.

In this paper we first construct unbiased estimators of the Gini-Simpson index from a sample drawn according to a stratified sampling with proportional allocation and independently in different strata. Then, we determine the standard error of such estimators. The advantages of the stratification in estimating diversity are later confirmed by means of a practical example. We finally suggest complementary studies that could be additionally developed.  相似文献   

This article deals with the uncertainties in a multivariate stratified sampling problem. The uncertain parameters of the problem, such as stratum standard deviations, measurement costs, travel costs and total budget of the survey, are considered as parabolic fuzzy numbers and the problem is formulated as a fuzzy multi-objective nonlinear programming problem with quadratic cost function. Using α-cut, parabolic fuzzy numbers are defuzzified and then the compromise allocations of the problem are obtained by fuzzy programming for a prescribed value of α. To demonstrate the utility of the proposed problem a numerical example is solved with the help of [LINGO User?s Guid. Lindo Systems Inc., 1415 North Dayton Street, Chicago,Illinois-60622, (USA), 2013] software and the derived compromise optimum allocation is compared with deterministic and proportional allocations.  相似文献   

We apply geometric programming, developed by Duffin, Peterson and Zener (1967), to the optimal allocation of stratified samples with several variance constraints arising from several estimates of deficiency rates in the quality control of administrative decisions. We develop also a method for imposing constraints on sample sizes to equalize workloads over time, as required by the practicalities of clerical work for quality control.

We allocate samples by an extension of the work of Neyman (1934), following the exposition of Cochran (1977). Davis and Schwartz (1987) developed methods for multiconstraint Neyman allocation by geometric programming for integrated sampling. They also applied geometric programming to Neyman allocation of a sample for estimating college enrollments by Cornell (1947) and Cochran (1977). This paper continues the application of geometric programming to Neyman allocation with multiple constraints on variances and workloads and minimpal sampling costs.  相似文献   

In multivariate stratified sample survey with L strata, let p-characteristics are defined on each unit of the population. To estimate the unknown p-population means of each characteristic, a random sample is taken out from the population. In multivariate stratified sample survey, the optimum allocation of any characteristic may not be optimum for others. Thus the problem arises to find out an allocation which may be optimum for all characteristics in some sense. Therefore a compromise criterion is needed to workout such allocation. In this paper, the procedure of estimation of p-population means is discussed in the presence of nonresponse when the use of linear cost function is not advisable. A solution procedure is suggested by using lexicographic goal programming problem. The numerical illustrations are given for its practical utility.  相似文献   

In many real life situations the linear cost function does not approximate the actual cost incurred adequately. The cost of traveling between the units selected in the sample within a stratum is significant, instead of linear cost function. In this paper, we have considered the problem of finding a compromise allocation for a multivariate stratified sample survey with a significant travel cost within strata is formulated as a problem of non-linear stochastic programming with multiple objective functions. The compromise solutions are obtained through Chebyshev approximation technique, D 1- distance and goal programming. A numerical example is presented to illustrate the computational details of the proposed methods.  相似文献   


This paper considers the use of stratified random sampling with proportional as well as Neyman allocations to unrelated question randomized response strategy. It has been shown that, for the prior information given, our new model is more efficient in terms of variance (in the case of completely truthful reporting) and mean square error (in case of less than completely truthful reporting). Numerical illustrations are also given in support of the present study.  相似文献   


In this paper, we consider the estimation of a sensitive character when the population is consisted of several strata; this is undertaken by applying Niharika et al.’s model which is using geometric distribution as a randomization device. A sensitive parameter is estimated for the case in which stratum size is known, and proportional and optimum allocation methods are taken into account. We extended the Niharika et al.’s model to the case of an unknown stratum size; a sensitive parameter is estimated by applying stratified double sampling to the Niharika et al.’s model. Finally, the efficiency of the proposed model is compared with that of Niharika et al. in terms of the estimator variance.  相似文献   

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