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The complete-data model that underlies an Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm must have a parameter space that coincides with the parameter space of the observed-data model. Otherwise, maximization of the observed-data log-likelihood will be carried out over a space that does not coincide with the desired parameter space. In some contexts, however, a natural complete-data model may be defined only for parameter values within a subset of the observed-data parameter space. In this paper we discuss situations where this can still be useful if the complete-data model can be viewed as a member of a finite family of complete-data models that have parameter spaces which collectively cover the observed-data parameter space. Such a family of complete-data models defines a family of EM algorithms which together lead to a finite collection of constrained maxima of the observed-data log-likelihood. Maximization of the log-likelihood function over the full parameter space then involves identifying the constrained maximum that achieves the greatest log-likelihood value. Since optimization over a finite collection of candidates is referred to as combinatorial optimization, we refer to such a family of EM algorithms as a combinatorial EM (CEM) algorithm. As well as discussing the theoretical concepts behind CEM algorithms, we discuss strategies for improving the computational efficiency when the number of complete-data models is large. Various applications of CEM algorithms are also discussed, ranging from simple examples that illustrate the concepts, to more substantive examples that demonstrate the usefulness of CEM algorithms in practice.  相似文献   

Seemingly unrelated regressions (SUR) models appear frequently in econometrics and in the analyses of repeated measures designs and longitudinal data. It is known that iterative algorithms are generally required to obtain the MLEs of the regression parameters. Under a minimal set of lattice conditional independence (LCI) restrictions imposed on the covariance structure, however, closed-form MLEs can be obtained by standard linear regression techniques (Andersson and Perlman, 1993, 1994, 1998). In this paper, simulation is used to study the efficiency of these LCI model-based estimators. We also propose two possible improvements of the usual two-stage estimators for the regression parameters.  相似文献   

In the analysis of non-monotone missing data patterns in multinomial distributions for contingency tables, it is known that explicit MLEs of the unknown parameters cannot be obtained. Iterative procedures such as the EM-algorithm are therefore required to obtain the MLEs. These iterative procedures, however, may offer several potential difficulties. Andersson and Perlman [Ann. Statist. 21 (1993) 1318–1358] introduced lattice conditional independence (LCI) models for multivariate normal distributions, which can be applied to the analysis of non-monotone missing observations in continuous data (Andersson and Perlman, Statist. Probab. Lett. 12 (1991) 465–486). In this paper, we show that LCI models may also be applied to the analysis of categorical data with non-monotone missing data patterns. Under a parsimonious set of LCI assumptions naturally determined by the observed data pattern, the likelihood function for the observed data can be factored as in the monotone case and explicit MLEs can be obtained for the unknown parameters. Furthermore, the LCI assumptions can be tested by explicit likelihood ratio tests.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a method to assess the local influence in a minor perturbation of a statistical model with incomplete data. The idea is to utilize Cook's approach to the conditional expectation of the complete-data log-likelihood function in the EM algorithm. It is shown that the method proposed produces analytic results that are very similar to those obtained from a classical local influence approach based on the observed data likelihood function and has the potential to assess a variety of complicated models that cannot be handled by existing methods. An application to the generalized linear mixed model is investigated. Some illustrative artificial and real examples are presented.  相似文献   

In this paper, a generalized partially linear model (GPLM) with missing covariates is studied and a Monte Carlo EM (MCEM) algorithm with penalized-spline (P-spline) technique is developed to estimate the regression coefficients and nonparametric function, respectively. As classical model selection procedures such as Akaike's information criterion become invalid for our considered models with incomplete data, some new model selection criterions for GPLMs with missing covariates are proposed under two different missingness mechanism, say, missing at random (MAR) and missing not at random (MNAR). The most attractive point of our method is that it is rather general and can be extended to various situations with missing observations based on EM algorithm, especially when no missing data involved, our new model selection criterions are reduced to classical AIC. Therefore, we can not only compare models with missing observations under MAR/MNAR settings, but also can compare missing data models with complete-data models simultaneously. Theoretical properties of the proposed estimator, including consistency of the model selection criterions are investigated. A simulation study and a real example are used to illustrate the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

We propose an iterative method of estimation for discrete missing data problems that is conceptually different from the Expectation–Maximization (EM) algorithm and that does not in general yield the observed data maximum likelihood estimate (MLE). The proposed approach is based conceptually upon weighting the set of possible complete-data MLEs. Its implementation avoids the expectation step of EM, which can sometimes be problematic. In the simple case of Bernoulli trials missing completely at random, the iterations of the proposed algorithm are equivalent to the EM iterations. For a familiar genetics-oriented multinomial problem with missing count data and for the motivating example with epidemiologic applications that involves a mixture of a left censored normal distribution with a point mass at zero, we investigate the finite sample performance of the proposed estimator and find it to be competitive with that of the MLE. We give some intuitive justification for the method, and we explore an interesting connection between our algorithm and multiple imputation in order to suggest an approach for estimating standard errors.  相似文献   

Ibrahim (1990) used the EM-algorithm to obtain maximum likelihood estimates of the regression parameters in generalized linear models with partially missing covariates. The technique was termed EM by the method of weights. In this paper, we generalize this technique to Cox regression analysis with missing values in the covariates. We specify a full model letting the unobserved covariate values be random and then maximize the observed likelihood. The asymptotic covariance matrix is estimated by the inverse information matrix. The missing data are allowed to be missing at random but also the non-ignorable non-response situation may in principle be considered. Simulation studies indicate that the proposed method is more efficient than the method suggested by Paik & Tsai (1997). We apply the procedure to a clinical trials example with six covariates with three of them having missing values.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to present a method which can accommodate certain types of missing data by using the quasi-likelihood function for the complete data. This method can be useful when we can make first and second moment assumptions only; in addition, it can be helpful when the EM algorithm applied to the actual likelihood becomes overly complicated. First we derive a loss function for the observed data using an exponential family density which has the same mean and variance structure of the complete data. This loss function is the counterpart of the quasi-deviance for the observed data. Then the loss function is minimized using the EM algorithm. The use of the EM algorithm guarantees a decrease in the loss function at every iteration. When the observed data can be expressed as a deterministic linear transformation of the complete data, or when data are missing completely at random, the proposed method yields consistent estimators. Examples are given for overdispersed polytomous data, linear random effects models, and linear regression with missing covariates. Simulation results for the linear regression model with missing covariates show that the proposed estimates are more efficient than estimates based on completely observed units, even when outcomes are bimodal or skewed.  相似文献   

In this work, we generalize the controlled calibration model by assuming replication on both variables. Likelihood-based methodology is used to estimate the model parameters and the Fisher information matrix is used to construct confidence intervals for the unknown value of the regressor variable. Further, we study the local influence diagnostic method which is based on the conditional expectation of the complete-data log-likelihood function related to the EM algorithm. Some useful perturbation schemes are discussed. A simulation study is carried out to assess the effect of the measurement error on the estimation of the parameter of interest. This new approach is illustrated with a real data set.  相似文献   

In a general parametric setup, a multivariate regression model is considered when responses may be missing at random while the explanatory variables and covariates are completely observed. Asymptotic optimality properties of maximum likelihood estimators for such models are linked to the Fisher information matrix for the parameters. It is shown that the information matrix is well defined for the missing-at-random model and that it plays the same role as in the complete-data linear models. Applications of the methodologic developments in hypothesis-testing problems, without any imputation of missing data, are illustrated. Some simulation results comparing the proposed method with Rubin's multiple imputation method are presented.  相似文献   

Variable selection in cluster analysis is important yet challenging. It can be achieved by regularization methods, which realize a trade-off between the clustering accuracy and the number of selected variables by using a lasso-type penalty. However, the calibration of the penalty term can suffer from criticisms. Model selection methods are an efficient alternative, yet they require a difficult optimization of an information criterion which involves combinatorial problems. First, most of these optimization algorithms are based on a suboptimal procedure (e.g. stepwise method). Second, the algorithms are often computationally expensive because they need multiple calls of EM algorithms. Here we propose to use a new information criterion based on the integrated complete-data likelihood. It does not require the maximum likelihood estimate and its maximization appears to be simple and computationally efficient. The original contribution of our approach is to perform the model selection without requiring any parameter estimation. Then, parameter inference is needed only for the unique selected model. This approach is used for the variable selection of a Gaussian mixture model with conditional independence assumed. The numerical experiments on simulated and benchmark datasets show that the proposed method often outperforms two classical approaches for variable selection. The proposed approach is implemented in the R package VarSelLCM available on CRAN.  相似文献   

The Fisher information is intricately linked to the asymptotic (first-order) optimality of maximum likelihood estimators for parametric complete-data models. When data are missing completely at random in a multivariate setup, it is shown that information in a single observation is well-defined and it plays the same role as in the complete-data model in characterizing the first-order asymptotic optimality properties of associated maximum likelihood estimators; computational aspects are also thoroughly appraised. As an illustration, the logistic regression model with incomplete binary responses and an incomplete categorical covariate is worked out.  相似文献   

Summary.  We propose a generic on-line (also sometimes called adaptive or recursive) version of the expectation–maximization (EM) algorithm applicable to latent variable models of independent observations. Compared with the algorithm of Titterington, this approach is more directly connected to the usual EM algorithm and does not rely on integration with respect to the complete-data distribution. The resulting algorithm is usually simpler and is shown to achieve convergence to the stationary points of the Kullback–Leibler divergence between the marginal distribution of the observation and the model distribution at the optimal rate, i.e. that of the maximum likelihood estimator. In addition, the approach proposed is also suitable for conditional (or regression) models, as illustrated in the case of the mixture of linear regressions model.  相似文献   

This paper presents a unified method for influence analysis to deal with random effects appeared in additive nonlinear regression models for repeated measurement data. The basic idea is to apply the Q-function, the conditional expectation of the complete-data log-likelihood function obtained from EM algorithm, instead of the observed-data log-likelihood function as used in standard influence analysis. Diagnostic measures are derived based on the case-deletion approach and the local influence approach. Two real examples and a simulation study are examined to illustrate our methodology.  相似文献   

We derive and investigate a variant of AIC, the Akaike information criterion, for model selection in settings where the observed data is incomplete. Our variant is based on the motivation provided for the PDIO (‘predictive divergence for incomplete observation models’) criterion of Shimodaira (1994, in: Selecting Models from Data: Artificial Intelligence and Statistics IV, Lecture Notes in Statistics, vol. 89, Springer, New York, pp. 21–29). However, our variant differs from PDIO in its ‘goodness-of-fit’ term. Unlike AIC and PDIO, which require the computation of the observed-data empirical log-likelihood, our criterion can be evaluated using only complete-data tools, readily available through the EM algorithm and the SEM (‘supplemented’ EM) algorithm of Meng and Rubin (Journal of the American Statistical Association 86 (1991) 899–909). We compare the performance of our AIC variant to that of both AIC and PDIO in simulations where the data being modeled contains missing values. The results indicate that our criterion is less prone to overfitting than AIC and less prone to underfitting than PDIO.  相似文献   

Clustered binary data are common in medical research and can be fitted to the logistic regression model with random effects which belongs to a wider class of models called the generalized linear mixed model. The likelihood-based estimation of model parameters often has to handle intractable integration which leads to several estimation methods to overcome such difficulty. The penalized quasi-likelihood (PQL) method is the one that is very popular and computationally efficient in most cases. The expectation–maximization (EM) algorithm allows to estimate maximum-likelihood estimates, but requires to compute possibly intractable integration in the E-step. The variants of the EM algorithm to evaluate the E-step are introduced. The Monte Carlo EM (MCEM) method computes the E-step by approximating the expectation using Monte Carlo samples, while the Modified EM (MEM) method computes the E-step by approximating the expectation using the Laplace's method. All these methods involve several steps of approximation so that corresponding estimates of model parameters contain inevitable errors (large or small) induced by approximation. Understanding and quantifying discrepancy theoretically is difficult due to the complexity of approximations in each method, even though the focus is on clustered binary data. As an alternative competing computational method, we consider a non-parametric maximum-likelihood (NPML) method as well. We review and compare the PQL, MCEM, MEM and NPML methods for clustered binary data via simulation study, which will be useful for researchers when choosing an estimation method for their analysis.  相似文献   

This article develops a new and stable estimator for information matrix when the EM algorithm is used in maximum likelihood estimation. This estimator is constructed using the smoothed individual complete-data scores that are readily available from running the EM algorithm. The method works for dependent data sets and when the expectation step is an irregular function of the conditioning parameters. In comparison to the approach of Louis (J. R. Stat. Soc., Ser. B 44:226–233, 1982), this new estimator is more stable and easier to implement. Both real and simulated data are used to demonstrate the use of this new estimator.  相似文献   

The EM algorithm is a popular method for parameter estimation in situations where the data can be viewed as being incomplete. As each E-step visits each data point on a given iteration, the EM algorithm requires considerable computation time in its application to large data sets. Two versions, the incremental EM (IEM) algorithm and a sparse version of the EM algorithm, were proposed recently by Neal R.M. and Hinton G.E. in Jordan M.I. (Ed.), Learning in Graphical Models, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1998, pp. 355–368 to reduce the computational cost of applying the EM algorithm. With the IEM algorithm, the available n observations are divided into B (B n) blocks and the E-step is implemented for only a block of observations at a time before the next M-step is performed. With the sparse version of the EM algorithm for the fitting of mixture models, only those posterior probabilities of component membership of the mixture that are above a specified threshold are updated; the remaining component-posterior probabilities are held fixed. In this paper, simulations are performed to assess the relative performances of the IEM algorithm with various number of blocks and the standard EM algorithm. In particular, we propose a simple rule for choosing the number of blocks with the IEM algorithm. For the IEM algorithm in the extreme case of one observation per block, we provide efficient updating formulas, which avoid the direct calculation of the inverses and determinants of the component-covariance matrices. Moreover, a sparse version of the IEM algorithm (SPIEM) is formulated by combining the sparse E-step of the EM algorithm and the partial E-step of the IEM algorithm. This SPIEM algorithm can further reduce the computation time of the IEM algorithm.  相似文献   

We propose a method for estimating parameters in generalized linear models with missing covariates and a non-ignorable missing data mechanism. We use a multinomial model for the missing data indicators and propose a joint distribution for them which can be written as a sequence of one-dimensional conditional distributions, with each one-dimensional conditional distribution consisting of a logistic regression. We allow the covariates to be either categorical or continuous. The joint covariate distribution is also modelled via a sequence of one-dimensional conditional distributions, and the response variable is assumed to be completely observed. We derive the E- and M-steps of the EM algorithm with non-ignorable missing covariate data. For categorical covariates, we derive a closed form expression for the E- and M-steps of the EM algorithm for obtaining the maximum likelihood estimates (MLEs). For continuous covariates, we use a Monte Carlo version of the EM algorithm to obtain the MLEs via the Gibbs sampler. Computational techniques for Gibbs sampling are proposed and implemented. The parametric form of the assumed missing data mechanism itself is not `testable' from the data, and thus the non-ignorable modelling considered here can be viewed as a sensitivity analysis concerning a more complicated model. Therefore, although a model may have `passed' the tests for a certain missing data mechanism, this does not mean that we have captured, even approximately, the correct missing data mechanism. Hence, model checking for the missing data mechanism and sensitivity analyses play an important role in this problem and are discussed in detail. Several simulations are given to demonstrate the methodology. In addition, a real data set from a melanoma cancer clinical trial is presented to illustrate the methods proposed.  相似文献   

Order selection is an important step in the application of finite mixture models. Classical methods such as AIC and BIC discourage complex models with a penalty directly proportional to the number of mixing components. In contrast, Chen and Khalili propose to link the penalty to two types of overfitting. In particular, they introduce a regularization penalty to merge similar subpopulations in a mixture model, where the shrinkage idea of regularized regression is seamlessly employed. However, the new method requires an effective and efficient algorithm. When the popular expectation-maximization (EM)-algorithm is used, we need to maximize a nonsmooth and nonconcave objective function in the M-step, which is computationally challenging. In this article, we show that such an objective function can be transformed into a sum of univariate auxiliary functions. We then design an iterative thresholding descent algorithm (ITD) to efficiently solve the associated optimization problem. Unlike many existing numerical approaches, the new algorithm leads to sparse solutions and thereby avoids undesirable ad hoc steps. We establish the convergence of the ITD and further assess its empirical performance using both simulations and real data examples.  相似文献   

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