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A sequence of independent lifetimes X 1,…, X m , X m+1,…, X n were observed from inverse Weibull distribution with mean stress θ1 and reliability R 1(t 0) at time t 0 but later it was found that there was a change in the system at some point of time m and it is reflected in the sequence after X m by change in mean stress θ1 and in reliability R 2(t 0) at time t 0. The Bayes estimators of m, R 1(t 0) and R 2(t 0) are derived when a poor and a more detailed prior information is introduced into the inferential procedure. The effects of correct and wrong prior information on the Bayes estimators are studied.  相似文献   

A sequence of independent lifetimes X 1, X 2,…, X m , X m+1,… X n were observed from geometric population with parameter q 1 but later it was found that there was a change in the system at some point of time m and it is reflected in the sequence after X m by change in parameter q 2. The Bayes estimates of m, q 1, q 2, reliability R 1 (t) and R 2 (t) at time t are derived for symmetric and asymmetric loss functions under informative and non informative priors. A simulation study is carried out.  相似文献   

In this paper, we obtain some results for the asymptotic behavior of the tail probability of a random sum Sτ = ∑τk = 1Xk, where the summands Xk, k = 1, 2, …, are conditionally dependent random variables with a common subexponential distribution F, and the random number τ is a non negative integer-valued random variable, independent of {Xk: k ? 1}.  相似文献   

Consider a sequence of independent random variables X 1, X 2,…,X n observed at n equally spaced time points where X i has a probability distribution which is known apart from the values of a parameter θ i R which may change from observation to observation. We consider the problem of estimating θ = (θ1, θ2,…,θ n ) given the observed values of X 1, X 2,…,X n . The paper proposes a prior distribution for the parameters θ for which sets of parameter values exhibiting no change, or no change apart from a few sudden large changes, or lots of small changes, all have positive prior probability. Markov chain sampling may be used to calculate Bayes estimates of the parameters. We report the results of a Monte Carlo study based on Poisson distributed data which compares the Bayes estimator with estimators obtained using cubic splines and with estimators derived from the Schwarz criterion. We conclude that the Bayes method is preferable in a minimax sense since it never produces the disastrously large errors of the other methods and pays only a modest price for this degree of safety. All three methods are used to smooth mortality rates for oesophageal cancer in Irish males aged 65–69 over the period 1955 through 1994.  相似文献   

A sequence of independent observations X 1, X 2, …, X m , X m+1, …, X n was observed on some measurable characteristic X in statistical process control. The shift in process mean is reflected in the sequence after X m . The Bayes estimators of shift point m, and past and future process means, μ1 and μ2, are derived using various priors and loss functions. An application in statistical process control is given and a simulation study of the estimators is carried out.  相似文献   

This paper develops a conditional approach to testing hypotheses set up after viewing the data. For example, suppose Xi are estimates of location parameters θi, i = 1,…n. We show how to compute p-values for testing whether θ1 is one of the three largest θi after observing that X1 is one of the three largest Xi, or for testing whether θ1 > θ2 > … > θn after observing X1 >X2> … >Xn.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of robustness in hierarchical Bayes models. Let X = (X1,X2, … ,Xp)τ be a random vector, the X1 being independently distributed as N(θ12) random variables (σ2 known), while the θ1 are thought to be exchangeable, modelled as i.i.d, N(μ,τ2). The hyperparameter µ is given a noninformative prior distribution π(μ) = 1 and τ2 is assumed to be independent of µ having a distribution g(τ2) lying in a certain class of distributions g. For several g's, including e-contaminations classes and density ratio classes we determine the range of the posterior mean of θ1 as g ranges over g.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider a sequence of independent continuous symmetric random variables X1, X2, …, with heavy-tailed distributions. Then we focus on limiting behavior of randomly weighted averages Sn = R(n)1X1 + ??? + R(n)nXn, where the random weights R(n)1, …, Rn(n) which are independent of X1, X2, …, Xn, are the cuts of (0, 1) by the n ? 1 order statistics from a uniform distribution. Indeed we prove that cnSn converges in distribution to a symmetric α-stable random variable with cn = n1 ? 1/α1/α(α + 1).  相似文献   

Let X1,…, Xn be mutually independent non-negative integer-valued random variables with probability mass functions fi(x) > 0 for z= 0,1,…. Let E denote the event that {X1X2≥…≥Xn}. This note shows that, conditional on the event E, Xi-Xi+ 1 and Xi+ 1 are independent for all t = 1,…, k if and only if Xi (i= 1,…, k) are geometric random variables, where 1 ≤kn-1. The k geometric distributions can have different parameters θi, i= 1,…, k.  相似文献   

Let X 1, X 2,…, X k be k (≥2) independent random variables from gamma populations Π1, Π2,…, Π k with common known shape parameter α and unknown scale parameter θ i , i = 1,2,…,k, respectively. Let X (i) denotes the ith order statistics of X 1,X 2,…,X k . Suppose the population corresponding to largest X (k) (or the smallest X (1)) observation is selected. We consider the problem of estimating the scale parameter θ M (or θ J ) of the selected population under the entropy loss function. For k ≥ 2, we obtain the Unique Minimum Risk Unbiased (UMRU) estimator of θ M (and θ J ). For k = 2, we derive the class of all linear admissible estimators of the form cX (2) (and cX (1)) and show that the UMRU estimator of θ M is inadmissible. The results are extended to some subclass of exponential family.  相似文献   

X1, X2, …, Xk are k(k ? 2) uniform populations which each Xi follows U(0, θi). This note shows the test statistic for the null hypothesis H0: θ1 = θ2 = ??? = θk by using the order statistics.  相似文献   

We consider n pairs of random variables (X11,X21),(X12,X22),… (X1n,X2n) having a bivariate elliptically contoured density of the form where θ1 θ2 are location parameters and Δ = ((λik)) is a 2 × 2 symmetric positive definite matrix of scale parameters. The exact distribution of the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient between X1 and X2 is obtained. The usual case when a sample of size n is drawn from a bivariate normal population is a special case of the abovementioned model.  相似文献   

Let X1,X2,…,Xp be p random variables with cdf's F1(x),F2(x),…,Fp(x)respectively. Let U = min(X1,X2,…,Xp) and V = max(X1,X2,…,Xp).In this paper we study the problem of uniquely determining and estimating the marginal distributions F1,F2,…,Fp given the distribution of U or of V.

First the problem of competing and complementary risks are introduced with examples and the corresponding identification problems are considered when the X1's are independently distributed and U(V) is identified, as well as the case when U(V) is not identified. The case when the X1's are dependent is considered next. Finally the problem of estimation is considered.  相似文献   

Let X 1 and X 2 be two independent random variables from normal populations Π1, Π2 with different unknown location parameters θ1 and θ2, respectively and common known scale parameter σ. Let X (2) = max (X 1, X 2) and X (1) = min (X 1, X 2). We consider the problem of estimating the location parameter θ M (or θ J ) of the selected population under the reflected normal loss function. We obtain minimax estimators of θ M and θ J . Also, we provide sufficient conditions for the inadmissibility of invariant estimators of θ M and θ J .  相似文献   

Let {Xn} be a generalized autoregressive process of order ρ defined by Xnn(Xn-ρ,…,Xn-1)-ηm, where {φn} is a sequence of i.i.d. random maps taking values on H, and {ηn} is a sequence of i.i.d. random variables. Let H be a collection of Borel measurable functions on RP to R. By considering the associated Markov process, we obtain sufficient conditions for stationarity, (geometric) ergodicity of {Xn}.  相似文献   


In this article, we consider a (k + 1)n-dimensional elliptically contoured random vector (XT1, X2T, …, XTk, ZT)T = (X11, …, X1n, …, Xk1, …, Xkn, Z1, …, Zn)T and derive the distribution of concomitant of multivariate order statistics arising from X1, X2, …, Xk. Specially, we derive a mixture representation for concomitant of bivariate order statistics. The joint distribution of the concomitant of bivariate order statistics is also obtained. Finally, the usefulness of our result is illustrated by a real-life data.  相似文献   


Let X 1, …, X m and Y 1, …, Y n be independent random variables, where X 1, …, X m are i.i.d. with continuous distribution function (df) F, and Y 1, …, Y n are i.i.d. with continuous df G. For testing the hypothesis H 0: F = G, we introduce and study analogues of the celebrated Kolmogorov–Smirnov and one- and two-sided Cramér-von Mises statistics that are functionals of a suitably integrated two-sample empirical process. Furthermore, we characterize those distributions for which the new tests are locally Bahadur optimal within the setting of shift alternatives.  相似文献   

Let X2: n and Y2: m be the second order statistics from n independent exponential variables with hazards λ1, …, λn, and an independent exponential sample of size m with hazard change to λ, respectively. When m ? n, we obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for comparing X2: n and Y2: m in mean residual life, dispersive, hazard rate, and likelihood ratio orderings based on some inequalities between λi’s and λ. The established results show how one can compare an (n ? 1)-out-of-n system consisting of heterogeneous components with exponential lifetimes with any (m ? 1)-out-of-m system consisting of homogeneous components with exponential lifetimes.  相似文献   

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