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We study the queue length distribution of a queueing system with MAP arrivals under D-policy. The idle server begins to serve the customers only when the sum of the service times of all waiting customers exceeds some fixed threshold D. We derive the vector generating functions of the queue lengths both at a departure and at an arbitrary point of time. Mean queue lengths will be derived from these transform results. A numerical example is provided.  相似文献   

Queues with Markovian arrival and service processes, i.e., MAP/MAP/1 queues, have been useful in the analysis of computer and communication systems and different representations for their stationary sojourn time and queue length distribution have been derived. More specifically, the class of MAP/MAP/1 queues lies at the intersection of the class of QBD queues and the class of semi-Markovian queues. While QBD queues have a matrix exponential representation for their queue length and sojourn time distribution of order N and N2, respectively, where N is the size of the background continuous time Markov chain, the reverse is true for a semi-Markovian queue. As the class of MAP/MAP/1 queues lies at the intersection, both the queue length and sojourn time distribution of a MAP/MAP/1 queue has an order N matrix exponential representation. The aim of this article is to understand why the order N2 distributions of the sojourn time of a QBD queue and the queue length of a semi-Markovian queue can be reduced to an order N distribution in the specific case of a MAP/MAP/1 queue. We show that the key observation exists in establishing the commutativity of some fundamental matrices involved in the analysis of the MAP/MAP/1 queue.  相似文献   

Maximum likelihood and uniform minimum variance unbiased estimators of steady-state probability distribution of system size, probability of at least ? customers in the system in steady state, and certain steady-state measures of effectiveness in the M/M/1 queue are obtained/derived based on observations on X, the number of customer arrivals during a service time. The estimators are compared using Asympotic Expected Deficiency (AED) criterion leading to recommendation of uniform minimum variance unbiased estimators over maximum likelihood estimators for some measures.  相似文献   

In this paper, the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters for the M/Er /1 queueing model are derived when the queue size at each departure point is observed. A numerical example is generated by simulating a finite Markov chain to illustrate the methodology for estimating the parameters with variable Erlang service time distribution. The problem of hypothesis testing and simultaneous Confidence regions of the parameter is also investigated.0  相似文献   


In this paper, we study a BMAP/M/1 generalized processor-sharing queue. We propose an RG-factorization approach, which can be applied to a wider class of Markovian block-structured processor-sharing queues. We obtain the expressions for both the distribution of the stationary queue length and the Laplace transform of the sojourn time distribution. From these two expressions, we develop an algorithm to compute the mean and variance of the sojourn time approximately.  相似文献   


This paper presents two methods to calculate the response time distribution of impatient customers in a discrete-time queue with Markovian arrivals and phase-type services, in which the customers’ patience is generally distributed (i.e., the D-MAP/PH/1 queue). The first approach uses a GI/M/1 type Markov chain and may be regarded as a generalization of the procedure presented in Van Houdt [14] Van Houdt , B. ; Lenin , R. B. ; Blondia , C. Delay distribution of (im)patient customers in a discrete time D-MAP/PH/1 queue with age dependent service times Queueing Systems and Applications 2003 , 45 1 , 5973 . [CROSSREF]  [Google Scholar] for the D-MAP/PH/1 queue, where every customer has the same amount of patience. The key construction in order to obtain the response time distribution is to set up a Markov chain based on the age of the customer being served, together with the state of the D-MAP process immediately after the arrival of this customer. As a by-product, we can also easily obtain the queue length distribution from the steady state of this Markov chain.

We consider three different situations: (i) customers leave the system due to impatience regardless of whether they are being served or not, possibly wasting some service capacity, (ii) a customer is only allowed to enter the server if he is able to complete his service before reaching his critical age and (iii) customers become patient as soon as they are allowed to enter the server. In the second part of the paper, we reduce the GI/M/1 type Markov chain to a Quasi-Birth-Death (QBD) process. As a result, the time needed, in general, to calculate the response time distribution is reduced significantly, while only a relatively small amount of additional memory is needed in comparison with the GI/M/1 approach. We also include some numerical examples in which we apply the procedures being discussed.  相似文献   


We investigate the tail probability of the queue length of low-priority class for a discrete-time priority BMAP/PH/1 queue that consists of two priority classes, with BMAP (Batch Markovian Arrival Process) arrivals of high-priority class and MAP (Markovian Arrival Process) arrivals of low-priority class. A sufficient condition under which this tail probability has the asymptotically geometric property is derived. A method is designed to compute the asymptotic decay rate if the asymptotically geometric property holds. For the case when the BMAP for high-priority class is the superposition of a number of MAP's, though the parameter matrices representing the BMAP is huge in dimension, the sufficient condition is numerically easy to verify and the asymptotic decay rate can be computed efficiently.  相似文献   

In this article, we exploit the Bayesian inference and prediction for an M/G/1 queuing model with optional second re-service. In this model, a service unit attends customers arriving following a Poisson process and demanding service according to a general distribution and some of customers need to re-service with probability “p”. First, we introduce a mixture of truncated Normal distributions on interval (? ∞, 0) to approximate the service and re-service time densities. Then, given observations of the system, we propose a Bayesian procedure based on birth-death MCMC methodology to estimate some performance measures. Finally, we apply the theories in practice by providing a numerical example based on real data which have been obtained from a hospital.  相似文献   

This article develops a computational algorithm for the loss probability in the stationary M/G/1 queue with impatient customers whose impatience times follow a phase-type distribution (M/G/1+PH). The algorithm outputs the loss probability, along with an upper-bound of its numerical error due to truncation, and it is readily applicable to the M/D/1+PH, M/PH/1+PH, and M/Pareto/1+PH queues.  相似文献   

This paper considers the computation of the conditional stationary distribution in Markov chains of level-dependent M/G/1-type, given that the level is not greater than a predefined threshold. This problem has been studied recently and a computational algorithm is proposed under the assumption that matrices representing downward jumps are nonsingular. We first show that this assumption can be eliminated in a general setting of Markov chains of level-dependent G/G/1-type. Next we develop a computational algorithm for the conditional stationary distribution in Markov chains of level-dependent M/G/1-type, by modifying the above-mentioned algorithm slightly. In principle, our algorithm is applicable to any Markov chain of level-dependent M/G/1-type, if the Markov chain is irreducible and positive-recurrent. Furthermore, as an input to the algorithm, we can set an error bound for the computed conditional distribution, which is a notable feature of our algorithm. Some numerical examples are also provided.  相似文献   

The present paper derives the relative efficiency of a parameter for the M/G/1 queueing system based on reduced and full likelihood functions. Monte Carlo simulations were carried out to study the finite sample properties for estimating the parameters of a M/G/1 queueing system. The simulation runs were conducted using various traftic intensities with increaseing sample sizes. The simulation results indicate that the loss in efficiency is quite small due to the use of a reduced likelihood function approach for estimating the parameter instead of the full likelihood, even for a moderate sample size of 50  相似文献   


In this paper, we study the total workload process and waiting times in a queueing system with multiple types of customers and a first-come-first-served service discipline. An M/G/1 type Markov chain, which is closely related to the total workload in the queueing system, is constructed. A method is developed for computing the steady state distribution of that Markov chain. Using that steady state distribution, the distributions of total workload, batch waiting times, and waiting times of individual types of customers are obtained. Compared to the GI/M/1 and QBD approaches for waiting times and sojourn times in discrete time queues, the dimension of the matrix blocks involved in the M/G/1 approach can be significantly smaller.  相似文献   


The hypothesis tests of performance measures for an M/Ek/1 queueing system are considered. With pivotal models deduced from sufficient statistics for the unknown parameters, a generalized p-value approach to derive tests about parametric functions are proposed. The focus is on derivation of the p-values of hypothesis testing for five popular performance measures of the system in the steady state. Given a sample T, let p(T) be the p values we developed. We derive a closed form expression to show that, for small samples, the probability P(p(T) ? γ) is approximately equal to γ, for 0 ? γ ? 1.  相似文献   

This work is devoted to robust principal component analysis (PCA). We give a comparison between some multivariate estimators of location and scatter by computing the influence functions of the sensitivity coefficient ρ corresponding to these estimators, and the mean squared error (MSE) of estimators of ρ. The coefficient ρ measures the closeness between the subspaces spanned by the initial eigenvectors and their corresponding version derived from an infinitesimal perturbation of the data distribution.  相似文献   

This paper compares least squares (LS)/maximum likelihood (ML) and generalised method of moments (GMM) estimation in a simple. Gaussian autoregressive of order one (AR(1)) model. First, we show that the usual LS/ML estimator is a corner solution to a general minimisation problem that involves two moment conditions, while the new GMM we devise is not. Secondly, we examine asymptotic and finite sample properties of the new GMM estimator in comparison to the usual LS/ML estimator in a simple AR(1) model. For both stable and unstable (unit root) specifications, we show asymptotic equivalence of the distributions of the two estimators. However, in finite samples, the new GMM estimator performs better.  相似文献   

A queuing system with two incongruent arrivals and services is considered. Two kinds of customers enter the system by Poisson process and the service times are assumed to have general distribution. After first kind service completion, it may feedback to repeat the first service, leave the system or go to give second service. The same policy is applied for the other kind of customer. All stochastic processes involved in this system are independent. We derive the probability generating function for each kind and for the system that yield the performance measures. Some numerical approaches examined the validity of the results.  相似文献   

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