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We introduce distribution-free permutation tests and corresponding estimates for studying the effect of a treatment variable x on a response y. The methods apply in the presence of a multivariate covariate z. They are based on the assumption that the treatment values are assigned randomly to the subjects. 相似文献
Alphonse K. A. Amey 《统计学通讯:模拟与计算》2013,42(4):1443-1457
The density of the multiple correlation coefficient is derived by direct integration when the sample covariance matrix has a linear non-central distribution. Using the density, we deduce the null and non-null distribution of the multiple correlation coefficient when sampling from a mixture of two multivariate normal populations with the same covariance matrix. We also compute actual significance levels of the test of the hypothesis Ho : ρ1·2…p = 0 versus Ha:ρ1·2…p > 0, given the mixture model. 相似文献
In many medical comparative studies (e.g., comparison of two treatments in an otolaryngological study), subjects may produce either bilateral (e.g., responses from a pair of ears) or unilateral (response from only one ear) data. For bilateral cases, it is meaningful to assume that the information between the two ears from the same subject are generally highly correlated. In this article, we would like to test the equality of the successful cure rates between two treatments with the presence of combined unilateral and bilateral data. Based on the dependence and independence models, we study ten test statistics which utilize both the unilateral and bilateral data. The performance of these statistics will be evaluated with respect to their empirical Type I error rates and powers under different configurations. We find that both Rosner's and Wald-type statistics based on the dependence model and constrained maximum likelihood estimates (under the null hypothesis) perform satisfactorily for small to large samples and are hence recommended. We illustrate our methodologies with a real data set from an otolaryngology study. 相似文献
Schechtman Kenneth 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2013,42(12):1167-1182
The point triserial correlation coefficient is defined and, under appropriate order restrictions, an exact test that this correlation coefficient equals zero is developed. The power function of that test is derived and partially tabulated. The general problem of testing for homogeneity of means under ordered alternatives is discussed. The available procedures for performing such tests are considered, are seen to provide alternative approaches to the test developed herein, and are compared with that test. An exact test for the equality of dependent point triserial correlation coefficients is described through application of a procedure suggested by Wolfe ‘1976’ 相似文献
We consider the problem of comparing (k + 1) coefficients of variation. We are interested in testing the null hypothesis that the coefficients of variation are equal against each of the alternatives: (a) some populations have different coefficients of variation and (b) the coefficients of variation are ordered. Three nonparametric test statistics are proposed and their asymptotic theory is developed. We compared the proposed tests together with another parametric test using two Monte Carlo studies to estimate their probabilities of Type I error and powers. An illustration of the proposed tests using a real data set is given. 相似文献
Bagdonavicius VB Levuliene RJ Nikulin MS Zdorova-Cheminade O 《Lifetime data analysis》2004,10(4):445-460
We propose new two andk-sample tests for evaluating the equality of survival distributions against alternatives that include crossing of survival functions, and proportional and monotone hazard ratios. The tests allow for right censored data. The asymptotic power against local alternatives is investigated. Simulation results demonstrate that the new tests are more powerful than known tests when survival functions cross. We apply the tests to a well known study of chemo- and radio-therapy conducted by the Gastrointestinal Tumor Study Group. TheP-values for both proposed tests are much smaller than for other known tests. 相似文献
Two procedures for testing equality of two proportions are compared in terms of asymptotic efficiency. The comparison favors use of a statistic equivalent to Goodman's Y 2 over the usual X 2 statistic in some cases including that of equal sample sizes. Numerical comparisons indicate that the asymptotic results have some relevance for moderate sample sizes. 相似文献
The set of all distinct blocks of a BIBD(v,b,r,k,λ) is referred to as the support of the design. In this paper, the family of BIB designs with v=9 and k=3 is studied from the view of possible support sizes, b*'s. A table is constructed of designs with support sizes belonging to {12,18,20,21,…,84}, for minimum possible b in each case and for any larger admissible b. In constructing this table the methods of trade-off and composition of designs are utilized 相似文献
This article deals with the locally most powerful rank tests for testing the hypothesis that two failure rates are equal against the alternative that one failure rate is greater than the other, when the combined ordered sample is multiple Type-II censored. A modified version of the Dupa? and Hájek (1969) theorem is used to establish their asymptotic normality under fixed alternative since the scores generating functions associated with these rank test statistics have a finite number of jump discontinuities. The modified version that leads to a simpler centering constant, is proved by Dupa? (1970) using the results of Hájek (1968). The Pitman AREs of these rank tests based on censored data relative to the corresponding tests based on complete data are obtained under some Lehmann-type alternative distributions such that their failure rates dominate the failure rates of the respective null distributions. The AREs are computed numerically for single (left or right) and double censored data, and the extent of loss due to these censoring schemes is discussed. The rank tests considered here include among them the Mann-Whiney-Wilcoxon (MWW) test, the Savage test, and the linear combination of these two tests. In the case of all the tests, except the MWW test, it is found that the loss of efficiency due to left censoring is considerably less than that due to right censoring. In the case of finite samples, Monte Carlo simulation results showing the empirical levels and empirical powers against some Lehmann alternatives are presented. 相似文献
In this article, we consider two independent zero-inflated power series distributions and provide likelihood ratio test for equality of inflation parameters of the same. As an illustration, testing equality of inflation parameters of two zero inflated Poisson distributions is provided. Further, simulation study to investigate power of likelihood ratio tests has been carried out. 相似文献
Maximal correlation has several desirable properties as a measure of dependence, including the fact that it vanishes if and only if the variables are independent. Except for a few special cases, it is hard to evaluate maximal correlation explicitly. We focus on two-dimensional contingency tables and discuss a procedure for estimating maximal correlation, which we use for constructing a test of independence. We compare the maximal correlation test with other tests of independence by Monte Carlo simulations. When the underlying continuous variables are dependent but uncorrelated, we point out some cases for which the new test is more powerful. 相似文献
多图模型表示来自于不同类的同一组随机变量间的相关关系,结点表示随机变量,边表示变量之间的直接联系,各类的图模型反映了各自相关结构特征和类间共同的信息。用多图模型联合估计方法,将来自不同个体的数据按其特征分类,假设每类中各变量间的相依结构服从同一个高斯图模型,应用组Lasso方法和图Lasso方法联合估计每类的图模型结构。数值模拟验证了多图模型联合估计方法的有效性。用多图模型和联合估计方法对中国15个省份13个宏观经济指标进行相依结构分析,结果表明,不同经济发展水平省份的宏观经济变量间存在共同的相关联系,反映了中国现阶段经济发展的特征;每一类的相关结构反映了各类省份经济发展独有的特征。 相似文献
基于小波协方差的中国股市波动序列相关性的实证分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在介绍概率变化协调的相关性度量方法的同时,证明了该方法是传统方法的推广。又依据小波协方差在不同尺度下的分解理论,提出了基于小波协方差的相关性度量方法,并对沪深股市波动序列之间的相关性进行了实证分析。结果表明:沪深股市波动序列在整体上具有正相关性,但在不同尺度下沪深股市波动序列之间的相关性不同,小尺度下相关性小。对投资者而言,最好以小尺度为基准选择分散投资策略。 相似文献
Data Augmentation(DA)插补法是最常用的MCMC多重插补法之一。利用模拟方法研究基于DA插补法的线性回归模型的系数估计值,分析估计值的统计性质受无回答机制、无回答率和插补重数的影响。模拟结果显示:在完全随机无回答机制下,选择较小插补重数常常会得到较好的回归系数估计值;在随机无回答机制下,随着无回答率增大而选择更大插补重数往往会得到更好的回归系数估计值;在非随机无回答机制下,选择更大插补重数并不一定总会得到更好的回归系数估计值。 相似文献
An intraclass correlation coefficient observed in several populations is estimated. The basis is a variance-stabilizing transformation. It is shown that the intraclass correlation coefficient from any elliptical distribution should be transformed in the same way. Four estimators are compared. An estimator where the components in a vector consisting of the transformed intraclass correlation coefficients are estimated separately, an estimator based on a weighted average of these components, a pretest estimator where the equality of the components is tested and then the outcome of the test is used in the estimation procedure, and a James-Stein estimator which shrinks toward the mean. 相似文献
Paul Zhang 《Journal of applied statistics》2005,32(2):141-155
A controlled clinical trial was conducted to investigate the efficacy effect of a chemical compound in the treatment of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD). The data from the trial showed a non-monotone pattern of missing data and an ante-dependence covariance structure. A new analytical method for imputing the missing data with the ante-dependence covariance is proposed. The PMDD data are analysed by the non-imputation method and two imputation methods: the proposed method and the MCMC method. 相似文献
Often, the response variables on sampling units are observed repeatedly over time. The sampling units may come from different populations, such as treatment groups. This setting is routinely modeled by a random coefficients growth curve model, and the techniques of general linear mixed models are applied to address the primary research aim. An alternative approach is to reduce each subject’s data to summary measures, such as within-subject averages or regression coefficients. One may then test for equality of means of the summary measures (or functions of them) among treatment groups. Here, we compare by simulation the performance characteristics of three approximate tests based on summary measures and one based on the full data, focusing mainly on accuracy of p-values. We find that performances of these procedures can be quite different for small samples in several different configurations of parameter values. The summary-measures approach performed at least as well as the full-data mixed models approach. 相似文献
We consider a situation which is common in epidemiology, in which several transformations of an explanatory variable are tried in a Cox model and the most significant test is retained. The p-value should then be corrected to take account of the multiplicity of tests. Bonferroni method is often too conservative because the tests may be highly positively correlated. We propose an asymptotically exact correction of the p-value. The method uses the fact that the tests are asymptotically normal to compute numerically the distribution of the maximum of several tests. Counting processes theory is used to derive estimators of the correlations between tests. The method is illustrated by a simulation and an analysis of the relation between concentration of aluminum in drinking water and risk of dementia. 相似文献