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The two parameter Gamma distribution is widely used for modeling lifetime distributions in reliability theory. There is much literature on the inference on the individual parameters of the Gamma distribution, namely the shape parameter k and the scale parameter θ when the other parameter is known. However, usually the reliability professionals have a major interest in making statistical inference about the mean lifetime μ, which equals the product θk for the Gamma distribution. The problem of inference on the mean μ when both parameters θ and k are unknown has been less attended in the literature for the Gamma distribution. In this paper we review the existing methods for interval estimation of μ. A comparative study in this paper indicates that the existing methods are either too approximate and yield less reliable confidence intervals or are computationally quite complicated and need advanced computing facilities. We propose a new simple method for interval estimation of the Gamma mean and compare its performance with the existing methods. The comparative study showed that the newly proposed computationally simple optimum power normal approximation method works best even for small sample sizes.  相似文献   


In this article, when it is suspected that regression coefficients may be restricted to a subspace, we discuss the parameter estimation of regression coefficients in a multiple regression model. Then, in order to improve the preliminary test almost ridge estimator, we study the positive-rule Stein-type almost unbiased ridge estimator based on the positive-rule stein-type shrinkage estimator and almost unbiased ridge estimator. After that, quadratic bias and quadratic risk values of the new estimator are derived and compared with some relative estimators. And we also discuss the option of parameter k. Finally, we perform a real data example and a Monte Carlo study to illustrate theoretical results.  相似文献   

In this paper, inference for the scale parameter of lifetime distribution of a k-unit parallel system is provided. Lifetime distribution of each unit of the system is assumed to be a member of a scale family of distributions. Maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) and confidence intervals for the scale parameter based on progressively Type-II censored sample are obtained. A β-expectation tolerance interval for the lifetime of the system is obtained. As a member of the scale family, half-logistic distribution is considered and the performance of the MLE, confidence intervals and tolerance intervals are studied using simulation.  相似文献   

Consider panel data modelled by a linear random intercept model that includes a time‐varying covariate. Suppose that our aim is to construct a confidence interval for the slope parameter. Commonly, a Hausman pretest is used to decide whether this confidence interval is constructed using the random effects model or the fixed effects model. This post‐model‐selection confidence interval has the attractive features that it (a) is relatively short when the random effects model is correct and (b) reduces to the confidence interval based on the fixed effects model when the data and the random effects model are highly discordant. However, this confidence interval has the drawbacks that (i) its endpoints are discontinuous functions of the data and (ii) its minimum coverage can be far below its nominal coverage probability. We construct a new confidence interval that possesses these attractive features, but does not suffer from these drawbacks. This new confidence interval provides an intermediate between the post‐model‐selection confidence interval and the confidence interval obtained by always using the fixed effects model. The endpoints of the new confidence interval are smooth functions of the Hausman test statistic, whereas the endpoints of the post‐model‐selection confidence interval are discontinuous functions of this statistic.  相似文献   

A procedure is illustrated to incorporate prior information in the ridge regression model. Unbiased ridge estimators with prior information are defined and a robust estimate of the ridge parameter k is proposed.  相似文献   

A new modified Jackknifed estimator for the Poisson regression model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Poisson regression is very popular in applied researches when analyzing the count data. However, multicollinearity problem arises for the Poisson regression model when the independent variables are highly intercorrelated. Shrinkage estimator is a commonly applied solution to the general problem caused by multicollinearity. Recently, the ridge regression (RR) estimators and some methods for estimating the ridge parameter k in the Poisson regression have been proposed. It has been found that some estimators are better than the commonly used maximum-likelihood (ML) estimator and some other RR estimators. In this study, the modified Jackknifed Poisson ridge regression (MJPR) estimator is proposed to remedy the multicollinearity. A simulation study and a real data example are provided to evaluate the performance of estimators. Both mean-squared error and the percentage relative error are considered as the performance criteria. The simulation study and the real data example results show that the proposed MJPR method outperforms the Poisson ridge regression, Jackknifed Poisson ridge regression and the ML in all of the different situations evaluated in this paper.  相似文献   

Consider the linear regression model y =β01 ++ in the usual notation. It is argued that the class of ordinary ridge estimators obtained by shrinking the least squares estimator by the matrix (X1X + kI)-1X'X is sensitive to outliers in the ^variable. To overcome this problem, we propose a new class of ridge-type M-estimators, obtained by shrinking an M-estimator (instead of the least squares estimator) by the same matrix. Since the optimal value of the ridge parameter k is unknown, we suggest a procedure for choosing it adaptively. In a reasonably large scale simulation study with a particular M-estimator, we found that if the conditions are such that the M-estimator is more efficient than the least squares estimator then the corresponding ridge-type M-estimator proposed here is better, in terms of a Mean Squared Error criteria, than the ordinary ridge estimator with k chosen suitably. An example illustrates that the estimators proposed here are less sensitive to outliers in the y-variable than ordinary ridge estimators.  相似文献   

This paper considers a linear regression model with regression parameter vector β. The parameter of interest is θ= aTβ where a is specified. When, as a first step, a data‐based variable selection (e.g. minimum Akaike information criterion) is used to select a model, it is common statistical practice to then carry out inference about θ, using the same data, based on the (false) assumption that the selected model had been provided a priori. The paper considers a confidence interval for θ with nominal coverage 1 ‐ α constructed on this (false) assumption, and calls this the naive 1 ‐ α confidence interval. The minimum coverage probability of this confidence interval can be calculated for simple variable selection procedures involving only a single variable. However, the kinds of variable selection procedures used in practice are typically much more complicated. For the real‐life data presented in this paper, there are 20 variables each of which is to be either included or not, leading to 220 different models. The coverage probability at any given value of the parameters provides an upper bound on the minimum coverage probability of the naive confidence interval. This paper derives a new Monte Carlo simulation estimator of the coverage probability, which uses conditioning for variance reduction. For these real‐life data, the gain in efficiency of this Monte Carlo simulation due to conditioning ranged from 2 to 6. The paper also presents a simple one‐dimensional search strategy for parameter values at which the coverage probability is relatively small. For these real‐life data, this search leads to parameter values for which the coverage probability of the naive 0.95 confidence interval is 0.79 for variable selection using the Akaike information criterion and 0.70 for variable selection using Bayes information criterion, showing that these confidence intervals are completely inadequate.  相似文献   


In this paper, under Type-I progressive hybrid censoring sample, we obtain maximum likelihood estimator of unknown parameter when the parent distribution belongs to proportional hazard rate family. We derive the conditional probability density function of the maximum likelihood estimator using moment-generating function technique. The exact confidence interval is obtained and compared by conducting a Monte Carlo simulation study for burr Type XII distribution. Finally, we obtain the Bayes and posterior regret gamma minimax estimates of the parameter under a precautionary loss function with precautionary index k = 2 and compare their behavior via a Monte Carlo simulation study.  相似文献   

Abstract There are given k (≥22) independent distributions with c.d.f.'s F(x;θj) indexed by a scale parameter θj, j = 1,…, k. Let θ[i] (i = 1,…, k) denote the ith smallest one of θ1,…, θk. In this paper we wish to show that, under some regularity conditions, there does not exist an exact β-level (0≤β1) confidence interval for the ith smallest scale parameter θi based on k independent samples. Since the log transformation method may not yield the desired results for the scale parameter problem, we will treat the scale parameter case directly without transformation. Application is considered for normal variances. Two conservative one-sided confidence intervals for the ith smallest normal variance and the percentage points needed to actually apply the intervals are provided.  相似文献   

Ridge regression has been widely applied to estimate under collinearity by defining a class of estimators that are dependent on the parameter k. The variance inflation factor (VIF) is applied to detect the presence of collinearity and also as an objective method to obtain the value of k in ridge regression. Contrarily to the definition of the VIF, the expressions traditionally applied in ridge regression do not necessarily lead to values of VIFs equal to or greater than 1. This work presents an alternative expression to calculate the VIF in ridge regression that satisfies the aforementioned condition and also presents other interesting properties.  相似文献   

Point and interval estimators for the scale parameter of the component lifetime distribution of a k-component parallel system are obtained when the component lifetimes are assumed to be independently and identically exponentially distributed. We prove that the maximum likelihood estimator of the scale parameter based on progressively Type-II censored system lifetimes is unique and can be obtained by a fixed-point iteration procedure. In particular, we illustrate that the Newton–Raphson method does not converge for any initial value. Furthermore, exact confidence intervals are constructed by a transformation using normalized spacings and other component lifetime distributions including Weibull distribution are discussed.  相似文献   

The INAR(k) model has been widely used in various kinds of fields. However, there are little discussions about the INAR(k) model with the occasional level shift random noise. In this paper, the maximum likelihood estimation of parameter based on martingale difference sequence is given, the log empirical likelihood ratio test statistic is obtained and the test statistic converges to chi-square distribution, we prove that the confidence region of the parameter is convex. Furthermore, the numerical simulation of the proposed INAR(k) model is given, which illustrates the effectiveness of the model. Then, the proofs of asymptotic results are given in the Appendix.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to combine several regression estimators (ordinary least squares (OLS), ridge, contraction, principal components regression (PCR), Liu, r?k and r?d class estimators) into a single estimator. The conditions for the superiority of this new estimator over the PCR, the r?k class, the r?d class, β?(k, d), OLS, ridge, Liu and contraction estimators are derived by the scalar mean square error criterion and the estimators of the biasing parameters for this new estimator are examined. Also, a numerical example based on Hald data and a simulation study are used to illustrate the results.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the problem of determining non-parametric confidence intervals for quantiles when available data are in the form of k-records. Distribution-free confidence intervals as well as lower and upper confidence limits are derived for fixed quantiles of an arbitrary unknown distribution based on k-records of an independent and identically distributed sequence from that distribution. The construction of tolerance intervals and limits based on k-records is also discussed. An exact expression for the confidence coefficient of these intervals are derived. Some tables are also provided to assist in choosing the appropriate k-records for the construction of these confidence intervals and tolerance intervals. Some simulation results are presented to point out some of the features and properties of these intervals. Finally, the data, representing the records of the amount of annual rainfall in inches recorded at Los Angeles Civic Center, are used to illustrate all the results developed in this paper and also to demonstrate the improvements that they provide on those based on either the usual records or the current records.  相似文献   

Hu Yang 《Statistics》2013,47(6):759-766
In this paper, we introduce a stochastic restricted kd class estimator for the vector of parameters in a linear model when additional linear restrictions on the parameter vector are assumed to hold. The stochastic restricted kd class estimator is a generalization of the ordinary mixed estimator and the kd class estimator. We show that our new biased estimator is superior in the mean squared error matrix sense to the kd class estimator [S. Sakall?o?lu and S. Kaçiranlar, A new biased estimator based on ridge estimation, Statist. Papers 49 (2008), pp. 669–689] and the stochastic restricted Liu estimator [H. Yang and J.W. Xu, An alternative stochastic restricted Liu estimator in linear regression, Statist. Papers 50 (2009), pp. 639–647]. Finally, a numerical example is given to show the theoretical results.  相似文献   

Among k independent two-parameter exponential distributions which have the common scale parameter, the lower extreme population (LEP) is the one with the smallest location parameter and the upper extreme population (UEP) is the one with the largest location parameter. Given a multiply type II censored sample from each of these k independent two-parameter exponential distributions, 14 estimators for the unknown location parameters and the common unknown scale parameter are considered. Fourteen simultaneous confidence intervals (SCIs) for all distances from the extreme populations (UEP and LEP) and from the UEP from these k independent exponential distributions under the multiply type II censoring are proposed. The critical values are obtained by the Monte Carlo method. The optimal SCIs among 14 methods are identified based on the criteria of minimum confidence length for various censoring schemes. The subset selection procedures of extreme populations are also proposed and two numerical examples are given for illustration.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of finding an equi-tailed confidence interval, with coverage probability (1-α), for a scalar parameter θ0 in the presence of a (possibly infinite dimensional) nuisance parameter ψ0. It is supposed that the value taken by θ0 does not restrict the value that ψ0 may take and vice-versa. Given a sensible estimate ψn of ψ0, profile bootstrap confidence interval for θ0 is defined to be the exact equi-tailed confidence interval with coverage probability (1-α) assuming that ψ0n. We compare the properties of the profile bootstrap confidence interval and the ordinary bootstrap confidence interval when they are based on studentised and unstudentised quantities. Under mild regularity conditions the profile bootstrap confidence interval is always a subset of the set of allowable values of θ0 and is transformation-respecting when based on either an unstudentised quantity or a studentised quantity satisfying certain restrictions. As a confidence interval for the autoregressive parameter of an AR(1) process, the profile bootstrap confidence interval has important advantages over the ordinary bootstrap confidence interval based on a studentised quantity.  相似文献   

The zero-inflated Poisson regression model is commonly used when analyzing economic data that come in the form of non-negative integers since it accounts for excess zeros and overdispersion of the dependent variable. However, a problem often encountered when analyzing economic data that has not been addressed for this model is multicollinearity. This paper proposes ridge regression (RR) estimators and some methods for estimating the ridge parameter k for a non-negative model. A simulation study has been conducted to compare the performance of the estimators. Both mean squared error and mean absolute error are considered as the performance criteria. The simulation study shows that some estimators are better than the commonly used maximum-likelihood estimator and some other RR estimators. Based on the simulation study and an empirical application, some useful estimators are recommended for practitioners.  相似文献   

The statistical inference problem on effect size indices is addressed using a series of independent two-armed experiments from k arbitrary populations. The effect size parameter simply quantifies the difference between two groups. It is a meaningful index to be used when data are measured on different scales. In the context of bivariate statistical models, we define estimators of the effect size indices and propose large sample testing procedures to test the homogeneity of these indices. The null and non-null distributions of the proposed testing procedures are derived and their performance is evaluated via Monte Carlo simulation. Further, three types of interval estimation of the proposed indices are considered for both combined and uncombined data. Lower and upper confidence limits for the actual effect size indices are obtained and compared via bootstrapping. It is found that the length of the intervals based on the combined effect size estimator are almost half the length of the intervals based on the uncombined effect size estimators. Finally, we illustrate the proposed procedures for hypothesis testing and interval estimation using a real data set.  相似文献   

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