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As the sample size increases, the coefficient of skewness of the Fisher's transformation z= tanh-1r, of the correlation coefficient decreases much more rapidly than the excess of its kurtosis. Hence, the distribution of standardized z can be approximated more accurately in terms of the t distribution with matching kurtosis than by the unit normal distribution. This t distribution can, in turn be subjected to Wallace's approximation resulting in a new normal approximation for the Fisher's z transform. This approximation, which can be used to estimate the probabilities, as well as the percentiles, compares favorably in both accuracy and simplicity, with the two best earlier approximations, namely, those due to Ruben (1966) and Kraemer (1974). Fisher (1921) suggested approximating distribution of the variance stabilizing transform z=(1/2) log ((1 +r)/(1r)) of the correlation coefficient r by the normal distribution with mean = (1/2) log ((1 + p)/(lp)) and variance =l/(n3). This approximation is generally recognized as being remarkably accurate when ||Gr| is moderate but not so accurate when ||Gr| is large, even when n is not small (David (1938)). Among various alternatives to Fisher's approximation, the normalizing transformation due to Ruben (1966) and a t approximation due to Kraemer (1973), are interesting on the grounds of novelty, accuracy and/or aesthetics. If r?= r/√ (1r2) and r?|Gr = |Gr/√(1|Gr2), then Ruben (1966) showed that (1) gn (r,|Gr) ={(2n5)/2}1/2r?r{(2n3)/2}1/2r?|GR, {1 + (1/2)(r?r2+r?|Gr2)}1/2 is approximately unit normal. Kraemer (1973) suggests approximating (2) tn (r, |Gr) = (r|GR1) √ (n2), √(11r2) √(1|Gr2) by a Student's t variable with (n2) degrees of freedom, where after considering various valid choices for |Gr1 she recommends taking |Gr1= |Gr*, the median of r given n and |Gr.  相似文献   

When the shape parameter is a non-integer of the generalized exponential (GE) distribution, the analytical renewal function (RF) usually is not tractable. To overcome this, the approximation method has been used in this paper. In the proposed model, the n-fold convolution of the GE cumulative distribution function (CDF) is approximated by n-fold convolutions of gamma and normal CDFs. We obtain the GE RF by a series approximation model. The method is very simple in the computation. Numerical examples have shown that the approximate models are accurate and robust. When the parameters are unknown, we present the asymptotic confidence interval of the RF. The validity of the asymptotic confidence interval is checked via numerical experiments.  相似文献   


We propose a method to approximate the transient performance measures of a discrete time queueing system via a steady state analysis. The main idea is to approximate the system state at time slot t or on the n-th arrival–-depending on whether we are studying the transient queue length or waiting time distribution–-by the system state after a negative binomially distributed number of slots or arrivals. By increasing the number of phases k of the negative binomial distribution, an accurate approximation of the transient distribution of interest can be obtained.

In order to efficiently obtain the system state after a negative binomially distributed number of slots or arrivals, we introduce so-called reset Markov chains, by inserting reset events into the evolution of the queueing system under consideration. When computing the steady state vector of such a reset Markov chain, we exploit the block triangular block Toeplitz structure of the transition matrices involved and we directly obtain the approximation from its steady state vector. The concept of the reset Markov chains can be applied to a broad class of queueing systems and is demonstrated in full detail on a discrete-time queue with Markovian arrivals and phase-type services (i.e., the D-MAP/PH/1 queue). We focus on the queue length distribution at time t and the waiting time distribution of the n-th customer. Other distributions, e.g., the amount of work left behind by the n-th customer, that can be acquired in a similar way, are briefly touched upon.

Using various numerical examples, it is shown that the method provides good to excellent approximations at low computational costs–-as opposed to a recursive algorithm or a numerical inversion of the Laplace transform or generating function involved–-offering new perspectives to the transient analysis of practical queueing systems.  相似文献   

Skew normal distribution is an alternative distribution to the normal distribution to accommodate asymmetry. Since then extensive studies have been done on applying Azzalini’s skewness mechanism to other well-known distributions, such as skew-t distribution, which is more flexible and can better accommodate long tailed data than the skew normal one. The Kumaraswamy generalized distribution (Kw ? F) is another new class of distribution which is capable of fitting skewed data that can not be fitted well by existing distributions. Such a distribution has been widely studied and various versions of generalization of this distribution family have been introduced. In this article, we introduce a new generalization of the skew-t distribution based on the Kumaraswamy generalized distribution. The new class of distribution, which we call the Kumaraswamy skew-t (KwST) has the ability of fitting skewed, long, and heavy-tailed data and is more flexible than the skew-t distribution as it contains the skew-t distribution as a special case. Related properties of this distribution family such as mathematical properties, moments, and order statistics are discussed. The proposed distribution is applied to a real dataset to illustrate the estimation procedure.  相似文献   

LetX1,X2, ..., be real-valued random variables forming a strictly stationary sequence, and satisfying the basic requirement of being either pairwise positively quadrant dependent or pairwise negatively quadrant dependent. LetF^ be the marginal distribution function of theXips, which is estimated by the empirical distribution functionFn and also by a smooth kernel-type estimateFn, by means of the segmentX1, ...,Xn. These estimates are compared on the basis of their mean squared errors (MSE). The main results of this paper are the following. Under certain regularity conditions, the optimal bandwidth (in the MSE sense) is determined, and is found to be the same as that in the independent identically distributed case. It is also shown thatn MSE(Fn(t)) andnMSE (F^n(t)) tend to the same constant, asn→∞ so that one can not discriminate be tween the two estimates on the basis of the MSE. Next, ifi(n) = min {k∈{1, 2, ...}; MSE (Fk(t)) ≤ MSE (Fn(t))}, then it is proved thati(n)/n tends to 1, asn→∞. Thus, once again, one can not choose one estimate over the other in terms of their asymptotic relative efficiency. If, however, the squared bias ofF^n(t) tends to 0 sufficiently fast, or equivalently, the bandwidthhn satisfies the requirement thatnh3n→ 0, asn→∞, it is shown that, for a suitable choice of the kernel, (i(n) ?n)/(nhn) tends to a positive number, asn→∞ It follows that the deficiency ofFn(t) with respect toF^n(t),i(n) ?n, is substantial, and, actually, tends to ∞, asn→∞. In terms of deficiency, the smooth estimateF^n(t) is preferable to the empirical distribution functionFn(t)  相似文献   

Statistics R a based on power divergence can be used for testing the homogeneity of a product multinomial model. All R a have the same chi-square limiting distribution under the null hypothesis of homogeneity. R 0 is the log likelihood ratio statistic and R 1 is Pearson's X 2 statistic. In this article, we consider improvement of approximation of the distribution of R a under the homogeneity hypothesis. The expression of the asymptotic expansion of distribution of R a under the homogeneity hypothesis is investigated. The expression consists of continuous and discontinuous terms. Using the continuous term of the expression, a new approximation of the distribution of R a is proposed. A moment-corrected type of chi-square approximation is also derived. By numerical comparison, we show that both of the approximations perform much better than that of usual chi-square approximation for the statistics R a when a ≤ 0, which include the log likelihood ratio statistic.  相似文献   

In this article, a semi-Markovian random walk with delay and a discrete interference of chance (X(t)) is considered. It is assumed that the random variables ζ n , n = 1, 2,…, which describe the discrete interference of chance form an ergodic Markov chain with ergodic distribution which is a gamma distribution with parameters (α, λ). Under this assumption, the asymptotic expansions for the first four moments of the ergodic distribution of the process X(t) are derived, as λ → 0. Moreover, by using the Riemann zeta-function, the coefficients of these asymptotic expansions are expressed by means of numerical characteristics of the summands, when the process considered is a semi-Markovian Gaussian random walk with small drift β.  相似文献   

The class of symmetric linear regression models has the normal linear regression model as a special case and includes several models that assume that the errors follow a symmetric distribution with longer-than-normal tails. An important member of this class is the t linear regression model, which is commonly used as an alternative to the usual normal regression model when the data contain extreme or outlying observations. In this article, we develop second-order asymptotic theory for score tests in this class of models. We obtain Bartlett-corrected score statistics for testing hypotheses on the regression and the dispersion parameters. The corrected statistics have chi-squared distributions with errors of order O(n ?3/2), n being the sample size. The corrections represent an improvement over the corresponding original Rao's score statistics, which are chi-squared distributed up to errors of order O(n ?1). Simulation results show that the corrected score tests perform much better than their uncorrected counterparts in samples of small or moderate size.  相似文献   

Let γ(t) be the residual life at time t of the renewal process {A(t), t > 0}, which has F as the common distribution function of the inter-arrival times. In this article we prove that if Var(γ(t)) is constant, then F will be exponentially or geometrically distributed under the assumption F is continuous or discrete respectively. An application and a related example also are given.  相似文献   

Biased sampling from an underlying distribution with p.d.f. f(t), t>0, implies that observations follow the weighted distribution with p.d.f. f w (t)=w(t)f(t)/E[w(T)] for a known weight function w. In particular, the function w(t)=t α has important applications, including length-biased sampling (α=1) and area-biased sampling (α=2). We first consider here the maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters of a distribution f(t) under biased sampling from a censored population in a proportional hazards frailty model where a baseline distribution (e.g. Weibull) is mixed with a continuous frailty distribution (e.g. Gamma). A right-censored observation contributes a term proportional to w(t)S(t) to the likelihood; this is not the same as S w (t), so the problem of fitting the model does not simply reduce to fitting the weighted distribution. We present results on the distribution of frailty in the weighted distribution and develop an EM algorithm for estimating the parameters of the model in the important Weibull–Gamma case. We also give results for the case where f(t) is a finite mixture distribution. Results are presented for uncensored data and for Type I right censoring. Simulation results are presented, and the methods are illustrated on a set of lifetime data.  相似文献   

Dayal and Dickey (1977) have published in this journal a rather efficient numerical integration procedure for the product of k Student t-densities, and point out the evaluation of Behrens-Fisher (BF) densities as an important special case. The present note adds to this three simple normal approximations to Behrens-Fisher tail probabilities, that will save computer time for someone using the Dayal-Dickey results, and even allow evaluation on a desk calculator for moderately large degrees of freedom.

A direct normal approximation (method U) will be too coarse unless both degrees of freedom are large. A combination of the Peizer-Pratt (1968) approximation to the t-distribution and the Patil (1965) t-approximation to the BF distribution turns out to be very accurate. For very small degrees of freedom it may still be refined by an adhoc correction presented below. Other approximations and expansions turn out to be less satisfactory than the present trio. It facilitates a quick evaluation of BF probabilities and quantiles on a small computer or even a pocket calculator.  相似文献   

Let {Sn, n ≥ 1} be a sequence of partial sums of independent and identically distributed non-negative random variables with a common distribution function F. Let F belong to the domain of attraction of a stable law with exponent α, 0 < α < 1. Suppose H(t) = ? N(t), t ? 0, where N(t) = max(n : Sn ≥ t). Under some additional assumptions on F, the difference between H(t) and its asymptotic value as t → ∞ is estimated.  相似文献   

On some study of skew-t distributions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In this note, through ratio of independent random variables, new families of univariate and bivariate skew-t distributions are introduced. Probability density function for each skew-t distribution will be given. We also derive explicit forms of moments of the univariate skew-t distribution and recurrence relations for its cumulative distribution function. Finally we illustrate the flexibility of this class of distributions with applications to a simulated data and the volcanos heights data.  相似文献   

In this paper, by assuming that (X, Y 1, Y 2)T has a trivariate elliptical distribution, we derive the exact joint distribution of X and a linear combination of order statistics from (Y 1, Y 2)T and show that it is a mixture of unified bivariate skew-elliptical distributions. We then derive the corresponding marginal and conditional distributions for the special case of t kernel. We also present these results for an exchangeable case with t kernel and illustrate the established results with an air-pollution data.  相似文献   

McDonald and Newey [J.B. McDonald and W.K. Newey, Partially adaptive estimation of regression models via the generalized t distribution, Econ. Theor. 4 (1988), pp. 428–457.] introduced the generalized t(GT) distribution. In this paper, several explicit formulas for its cumulative distribution function (cdf) are derived. These formulas will be useful for future developments in the theory and applications of the distribution. One such situation is explained and an application is provided to rainfall data from Orlando, Florida.  相似文献   

In this article we introduce a new generalization of skew-t distributions, which contains the standard skew-t distribution, as a special case. This new class of distributions is an adequate model for modeling some dataset rather than the standard skew-t distributions. This kind of distributions can be represented as a scale-shape mixture of the extended skew-normal distributions. The main properties of this family of distributions are studied and a recurrence relation for the cumulative distribution functions (cdf) of them is presented. We derive the distribution of the order statistics from the trivariate exchangeable t-distribution in terms of our distribution and then an exact expression for the cdf of order statistics is derived. Likelihood inference for this distribution is also examined. The method is illustrated with a numerical example via a simulation study.  相似文献   

For a general class of scalar stationary processes, essentially those for which the best linear predictor is the best predictor (in the mean square sense), it is shown that, under fairly minor additional conditions, the sample autocorrelations converge to the true values almost surely and hniformly in the lag, t, at a rate (T-1log T)1/2, where T is the sample size. For ARMA processes, if |t|(log T)a, a < ∞, the rate is the best possible, namely (T-1log log T)1/2. In particular the somewhat implausible condition, on the innovations, that E{ε(t)2| Ft-l} is constant is avoided in these results. The theorems are used to discuss autoregressive approximation. When the stationary process is a vector process the condition on the innovation sequence, ε(t), that E{ε(t)ε(t)| Ft-l} be constant, cannot be entirely avoided in relation to autoregressive approximation. This is also discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, an exact distribution of the likelihood ratio criterion for testing the equality of p two-parameter exponential distributions is obtained for unequal sample sizes in a computational form. A useful asymptotic expansion of the distribution is also obtained up to the order of n-4 with the second term of the order of n-3 and so can be used to obtain accurate approximations to the critical values of the test statistic even for comparatively small values of n where n is the combined sample size. In fact the first term alone which is a single beta distribution provides a powerful approximation for moderately large values of n.  相似文献   

This paper provides a general method of modifying a statistic of interest in such a way that the distribution of the modified statistic can be approximated by an arbitrary reference distribution to an order of accuracy of O(n -1/2) or even O(n -1). The reference distribution is usually the asymptotic distribution of the original statistic. We prove that the multiplication of the statistic by a suitable stochastic correction improves the asymptotic approximation to its distribution. This paper extends the results of the closely related paper by Cordeiro and Ferrari (1991) to cope with several other statistical tests. The resulting expression for the adjustment factor requires knowledge of the Edgeworth-type expansion to order O(n-1) for the distribution of the unmodified statistic. In practice its functional form involves some derivatives of the reference distribution. Certain difference between the cumulants of appropriate order in n of the unmodified statistic and those of its first-order approximation, and the unmodified statistic itself. Some applications are discussed.  相似文献   


In this paper, we consider a k-out-of-n system consisting of n identical components with independent lifetimes. We show that when the underlying distribution function F(t) is absolutely continuous, then it can be univocally determined by some particular mean residual lives or mean inactivity times of the system. It is then shown that these results may be extended to coherent (or mixed) systems.  相似文献   

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