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The small sample powers of two statistics, the likelihood ratio test, and a test based on the asymptotic normality of maximum likelihood estimators (z-test) were compared in a simulation experiment. Two models were specified, one containing the Box-Cox transformation on the dependent variable only, and one containing the Box Cox transformation on both the dependent and independent variables. The transformation parameter,λ was estimated 200 times, for each of six different values of z in each of three sample sizes foi both models. At each replication. 17 hypotheses were tested using both a likelihood ratio test and a z-test. Results indicate that w hiic both likelihood ratio tests and z-tests are unbiased, in small samples the z-test is generally preferable to the likelihood ratio test.  相似文献   

Maclean et al. (1976) applied a specific Box-Cox transformation to test for mixtures of distributions against a single distribution. Their null hypothesis is that a sample of n observations is from a normal distribution with unknown mean and variance after a restricted Box-Cox transformation. The alternative is that the sample is from a mixture of two normal distributions, each with unknown mean and unknown, but equal, variance after another restricted Box-Cox transformation. We developed a computer program that calculated the maximum likelihood estimates (MLEs) and likelihood ratio test (LRT) statistic for the above. Our algorithm for the calculation of the MLEs of the unknown parameters used multiple starting points to protect against convergence to a local rather than global maximum. We then simulated the distribution of the LRT for samples drawn from a normal distribution and five Box-Cox transformations of a normal distribution. The null distribution appeared to be the same for the Box-Cox transformations studied and appeared to be distributed as a chi-square random variable for samples of 25 or more. The degrees of freedom parameter appeared to be a monotonically decreasing function of the sample size. The null distribution of this LRT appeared to converge to a chi-square distribution with 2.5 degrees of freedom. We estimated the critical values for the 0.10, 0.05, and 0.01 levels of significance.  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss the inference problem about the Box-Cox transformation model when one faces left-truncated and right-censored data, which often occur in studies, for example, involving the cross-sectional sampling scheme. It is well-known that the Box-Cox transformation model includes many commonly used models as special cases such as the proportional hazards model and the additive hazards model. For inference, a Bayesian estimation approach is proposed and in the method, the piecewise function is used to approximate the baseline hazards function. Also the conditional marginal prior, whose marginal part is free of any constraints, is employed to deal with many computational challenges caused by the constraints on the parameters, and a MCMC sampling procedure is developed. A simulation study is conducted to assess the finite sample performance of the proposed method and indicates that it works well for practical situations. We apply the approach to a set of data arising from a retirement center.  相似文献   

In predicting a future lifetime based on a sample of past lifetimes, the Box-Cox transformation method provides a simple and unified procedure that is shown in this article to meet or often outperform the corresponding frequentist solution in terms of coverage probability and average length of prediction intervals. Kullback-Leibler information and second-order asymptotic expansion are used to justify the Box-Cox procedure. Extensive Monte Carlo simulations are also performed to evaluate the small sample behavior of the procedure. Certain popular lifetime distributions, such as Weibull, inverse Gaussian and Birnbaum-Saunders are served as illustrative examples. One important advantage of the Box-Cox procedure lies in its easy extension to linear model predictions where the exact frequentist solutions are often not available.  相似文献   

The performance of Box-Cox power transformations in classification using Hinkley's (1975) method is studied. Misclassification probabilities before and after transformation are compared. It is found that the use of Box-Cox transformations can sometimes substantially reduce the error probabilities. Estimates of error probabilities are obtained and certain properties are derived. Examples for a number of distributions are given.  相似文献   

Cluster analysis is the automated search for groups of homogeneous observations in a data set. A popular modeling approach for clustering is based on finite normal mixture models, which assume that each cluster is modeled as a multivariate normal distribution. However, the normality assumption that each component is symmetric is often unrealistic. Furthermore, normal mixture models are not robust against outliers; they often require extra components for modeling outliers and/or give a poor representation of the data. To address these issues, we propose a new class of distributions, multivariate t distributions with the Box-Cox transformation, for mixture modeling. This class of distributions generalizes the normal distribution with the more heavy-tailed t distribution, and introduces skewness via the Box-Cox transformation. As a result, this provides a unified framework to simultaneously handle outlier identification and data transformation, two interrelated issues. We describe an Expectation-Maximization algorithm for parameter estimation along with transformation selection. We demonstrate the proposed methodology with three real data sets and simulation studies. Compared with a wealth of approaches including the skew-t mixture model, the proposed t mixture model with the Box-Cox transformation performs favorably in terms of accuracy in the assignment of observations, robustness against model misspecification, and selection of the number of components.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of crossing hazard rates is common in clinical trials with time to event endpoints. Many methods have been proposed for testing equality of hazard functions against a crossing hazards alternative. However, there has been relatively few approaches available in the literature for point or interval estimation of the crossing time point. The problem of constructing confidence intervals for the first crossing time point of two hazard functions is considered in this paper. After reviewing a recent procedure based on Cox proportional hazard modeling with Box-Cox transformation of the time to event, a nonparametric procedure using the kernel smoothing estimate of the hazard ratio is proposed. The proposed procedure and the one based on Cox proportional hazard modeling with Box-Cox transformation of the time to event are both evaluated by Monte–Carlo simulations and applied to two clinical trial datasets.  相似文献   

A method of bootstrapping the two-sample t-test after a Box-Cox transformation is proposed. The procedure is shown to be consistent and asymptotically as efficient as the non-bootstrapped Box-Cox t-test. Because the bootstrap samples are drawn without the assumption of the same distributional shapes,the procedure may be more robust against violation of this assumption. Simulation results support this conjecture.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a class of Box-Cox transformation models for recurrent event data, which includes the proportional means models as special cases. The new model offers great flexibility in formulating the effects of covariates on the mean functions of counting processes while leaving the stochastic structure completely unspecified. For the inference on the proposed models, we apply a profile pseudo-partial likelihood method to estimate the model parameters via estimating equation approaches and establish large sample properties of the estimators and examine its performance in moderate-sized samples through simulation studies. In addition, some graphical and numerical procedures are presented for model checking. An example of application on a set of multiple-infection data taken from a clinic study on chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) is also illustrated.  相似文献   

在提出Box-Cox变换下联合均值与方差模型的基础上,研究了该模型参数的估计问题.同时利用截面极大似然估计方法对变换参数λ进行估计,并对均值模型和方差模型的参数进行极大似然估计.通过随机模拟和实例研究,结果表明该模型和方法是有效和可行的.  相似文献   

This paper presents a bayesian approach to the problem of detecting influential observations when estimating the Box-Cox transformation. The influence of a group I={i1, …,in} of observations is measured by means of the Kullback-Leibler distance between the marginal posterior; distributions for the transformation parameter which are computed, respectively, without and with the cases indexed by I. A measure is proposed and its properties and relationship to other diagnostic methods are studied.  相似文献   

In single-arm clinical trials with survival outcomes, the Kaplan–Meier estimator and its confidence interval are widely used to assess survival probability and median survival time. Since the asymptotic normality of the Kaplan–Meier estimator is a common result, the sample size calculation methods have not been studied in depth. An existing sample size calculation method is founded on the asymptotic normality of the Kaplan–Meier estimator using the log transformation. However, the small sample properties of the log transformed estimator are quite poor in small sample sizes (which are typical situations in single-arm trials), and the existing method uses an inappropriate standard normal approximation to calculate sample sizes. These issues can seriously influence the accuracy of results. In this paper, we propose alternative methods to determine sample sizes based on a valid standard normal approximation with several transformations that may give an accurate normal approximation even with small sample sizes. In numerical evaluations via simulations, some of the proposed methods provided more accurate results, and the empirical power of the proposed method with the arcsine square-root transformation tended to be closer to a prescribed power than the other transformations. These results were supported when methods were applied to data from three clinical trials.  相似文献   

The emphasis in the literature is on normalizing transformations, despite the greater importance of the homogeneity of variance in analysis. A strategy for a choice of variance-stabilizing transformation is suggested. The relevant component of variation must be identified and, when this is not within-subject variation, a major explanatory variable must also be selected to subdivide the data. A plot of group standard deviation against group mean, or log standard deviation against log mean, may identify a simple power transformation or shifted log transformation. In other cases, within the shifted Box-Cox family of transformations, a contour plot to show the region of minimum heterogeneity defined by an appropriate index is proposed to enable an informed choice of transformation. If used in conjunction with the maximum-likelihood contour plot for the normalizing transformation, then it is possible to assess whether or not there exists a transformation that satisfies both criteria.  相似文献   

We consider statistical inference on parameters of a distribution when only pooled data are observed. A moment-based estimating equation approach is proposed to deal with situations where likelihood functions based on pooled data are difficult to work with. We outline the method to obtain estimates and test statistics of the parameters of interest in the general setting. We demonstrate the approach on the family of distributions generated by the Box-Cox transformation model, and, in the process, construct tests for goodness of fit based on the pooled data.  相似文献   

The behavior of the Box-Cox estimate of power transformation is further examined. Through the asymptotic expansions and small-σ approximations, the exact nature of dependence of transformation estimation on the model structure, the spread of the means and the error variance is revealed. The results are shown to be useful in assessing what Box and Cox called transformation potential of a particular data set.  相似文献   

Early investigations of the effects of non-normality indicated that skewness has a greater effect on the distribution of t-statistic than does kurtosis. When the distribution is skewed, the actual p-values can be larger than the values calculated from the t-tables. Transformation of data to normality has shown good results in the case of univariate t-test. In order to reduce the effect of skewness of the distribution on normal-based t-test, one can transform the data and perform the t-test on the transformed scale. This method is not only a remedy for satisfying the distributional assumption, but it also turns out that one can achieve greater efficiency of the test. We investigate the efficiency of tests after a Box-Cox transformation. In particular, we consider the one sample test of location and study the gains in efficiency for one-sample t-test following a Box-Cox transformation. Under some conditions, we prove that the asymptotic relative efficiency of transformed t-test and Hotelling's T 2-test of multivariate location with respect to the same statistic based on untransformed data is at least one.  相似文献   

One way to analyze the AB-BA crossover trial with multivariate response is proposed. The multivariate model is given and the assumptions discussed. Two possibilities for the treatment eff ects hypothesis are considered. The statistical tests include the use of Hotelling's T 2 statistic, and a transformation equivalent to that of Jones and Kenward for the univariate case. Data from a nutrition experiment in Mexico illustrate the method. The multiple comparisons are carried out using Bonferroni intervals and the validity of the assumptions is explored. The main conclusions include the finding that some of the assumptions are not a requirement for the multivariate analysis; however, the sample sizes are important.  相似文献   

We have tested alternative models of the demand for medical care using experimental data. The estimated response of demand to insurance plan is sensitive to the model used. We therefore use a split-sample analysis and find that a model that more closely approximates distributional assumptions and uses a nonparametric retransformation factor performs better in terms of mean squared forecast error. Simpler models are inferior either because they are not robust to outliers (e.g., ANOVA, ANOCOVA), or because they are inconsistent when strong distributional assumptions are violated (e.g., a two-parameter Box-Cox transformation).  相似文献   

The Box-Cox power family of transformations for multivariate regression data is considered. The influence of cases on the maximum likelihood estimators of the transformation parameters is investigated using the local influence approach, An example is given to- illustrate the local influence method and to show the effectiveness of the method.  相似文献   

In the last few years, two adaptive tests for paired data have been proposed. One test proposed by Freidlin et al. [On the use of the Shapiro–Wilk test in two-stage adaptive inference for paired data from moderate to very heavy tailed distributions, Biom. J. 45 (2003), pp. 887–900] is a two-stage procedure that uses a selection statistic to determine which of three rank scores to use in the computation of the test statistic. Another statistic, proposed by O'Gorman [Applied Adaptive Statistical Methods: Tests of Significance and Confidence Intervals, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, 2004], uses a weighted t-test with the weights determined by the data. These two methods, and an earlier rank-based adaptive test proposed by Randles and Hogg [Adaptive Distribution-free Tests, Commun. Stat. 2 (1973), pp. 337–356], are compared with the t-test and to Wilcoxon's signed-rank test. For sample sizes between 15 and 50, the results show that the adaptive test proposed by Freidlin et al. and the adaptive test proposed by O'Gorman have higher power than the other tests over a range of moderate to long-tailed symmetric distributions. The results also show that the test proposed by O'Gorman has greater power than the other tests for short-tailed distributions. For sample sizes greater than 50 and for small sample sizes the adaptive test proposed by O'Gorman has the highest power for most distributions.  相似文献   

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