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In this article, we study the local influence for the elliptical linear regression model under equality constraints. We first obtain the parameter estimators of this model using the penalized log-likelihood function and iterative techniques. Then we obtain the diagnostics under the perturbations of constant variance, responses, and explanatory variables in the spirit of Cook (1986 Cook, R.D. (1986). Assessment of local influence. J. Royal Stat. Soc. Ser. B 48(2):133169. [Google Scholar]). Finally, a numerical example on the data set of the salinity of water is given to illustrate the theoretical results.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a multivariate linear model with complete/incomplete data, where the regression coefficients are subject to a set of linear inequality restrictions. We first develop an expectation/conditional maximization (ECM) algorithm for calculating restricted maximum likelihood estimates of parameters of interest. We then establish the corresponding convergence properties for the proposed ECM algorithm. Applications to growth curve models and linear mixed models are presented. Confidence interval construction via the double-bootstrap method is provided. Some simulation studies are performed and a real example is used to illustrate the proposed methods.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the maximum likelihood estimation of a model with mixed binary responses and censored observations. The model is very general and includes the Tobit model and the binary choice model as special cases. We show that, by using additional binary choice observations, our method is more efficient than the traditional Tobit model. Two iterative procedures are proposed to compute the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) for the model based on the EM algorithm (Dempster et al, 1977) and the Newton-Raphson method. The uniqueness of the MLE is proved. The simulation results show that the inconsistency and inefficiency can be significant when the Tobit method is applied to the present mixed model. The experiment results also suggest that the EM algorithm is much faster than the Newton-Raphson method for the present mixed model. The method also allows one to combine two data sets, the smaller data set with more detailed observations and the larger data set with less detailed binary choice observations in order to improve the efficiency of estimation. This may entail substantial savings when one conducts surveys.  相似文献   

A two-stage estimation procedure is developed to analyze structural equation models of polytomous variables based on incomplete data. At the first stage, the partition maximum likelihood approach is used to obtain the estimates of the elements in the correlation matrix. It will be shown that the asymptotic distribution of these estimates is jointly multivariate normal. The second stage estimates the structural parameters in the correlation matrix by the generalized least squared approach with a correctly specified weight matrix. Asymptotic properties of the second stage estimates are also provided. Extension of the theory to multisample models, and some illustrative examples are also included.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider a linear model Y = Xβ+e with linear inequality constraints R'β≥r, where X and R are known and full column rank matrices. The closed form of the inequality constrained least squares (ICLS) estimator is given. We provide two examples which illustrate the use of this closed form in the computation of estimates.  相似文献   

Ordered multiple categorical (MC) variable has been widely considered and studied as response variable, and few studies have carefully considered it as a predictor in linear regression. When doing this, the existence of some pseudo-categories may result in overfitting, and to detect those pseudo-categories by hypothesis test of all dummy variables might have low specificity. In this paper, we propose a transformation method of dummy variables for such ordered MC predictors, after which a model selection method combined with BIC will be elaborated. Theoretical consistency of our model selection method is established under some common assumptions. Both simulation studies and real data analysis of a medical survey indicate that our method provides good performance and is applicable to a wide range of biomedical research.  相似文献   

In this paper, multisample analyses of exactand stochastic constraints with identified structural equation models are investigated using a Bayesian approach. Asymptotic properties of the estimates are developed and a multiplier method is employed to obtain the solution. A numerical example is also included as an illustration.  相似文献   


Models with multiple discrete breaks in parameters are usually estimated via least squares. This paper, first, derives the asymptotic expectation of the residual sum of squares and shows that the number of estimated break points and the number of regression parameters affect the expectation differently. Second, we propose a statistic for testing the joint hypothesis that the breaks occur at specified points in the sample. Our analytical results cover models estimated by the ordinary, nonlinear, and two-stage least squares. An application to U.S. monetary policy rejects the assumption that breaks are associated with changes in the chair of the Fed.  相似文献   

This paper describes a method for estimating the unknown parameters of an interdependent simultaneous equations model with latent variables. For each latent variable there may be single or multiple indicators. Estimation proceeds in three stages: first, estimates of the latent variables are constructed from the associated manifest indicators; second, treating the estimates as directly observed, fix-point estimates of the structural form parameters are obtained; third, the location parameters are estimated. The method involves only repeated application of ordinary least squares and no distributional assumptions are needed. The paper concludes with an empirical application of the method.  相似文献   

Varying-coefficient models are very useful for longitudinal data analysis. In this paper, we focus on varying-coefficient models for longitudinal data. We develop a new estimation procedure using Cholesky decomposition and profile least squares techniques. Asymptotic normality for the proposed estimators of varying-coefficient functions has been established. Monte Carlo simulation studies show excellent finite-sample performance. We illustrate our methods with a real data example.  相似文献   

We generalize Wedderburn's (1974) notion of quasi-likelihood to define a quasi-Bayesian approach for nonlinear estimation problems by allowing the full distributional assumptions about the random component in the classical Bayesian approach to be replaced by much weaker assumptions in which only the first and second moments of the prior distribution are specified. The formulas given are based on the Gauss-Newton estimating procedure and require only the first and second moments of the distributions involved. The use of GLIM package to solve for the estimation problems considered is discussed. Applications are made to estimation problems in inverse linear regression, regression models with both variables subject to error and also to the estimation of the size of animal populations. Some numerical illustrations are reported. For the inverse linear regression problem, comparisons with ordinary Bayesianand other techniques are considered.  相似文献   

In mixture experiments the properties of mixtures are usually studied by mixing the amounts of the mixture components that are required to obtain the necessary proportions. This paper considers the impact of inaccuracies in discharging the required amounts of the mixture components on the statistical analysis of the data. It shows how the regression calibration approach can be used to minimize the resulting bias in the model and in the estimates of the model parameters, as well as to find correct estimates of the corresponding variances. Its application is made difficult by the complex structure of these errors. We also show how knowledge of the form of the model bias allows for choosing a manufacturing setting for a mixture product that is not biased and has smaller signal to noise ratio.  相似文献   

Recently, structural equation models are widely used in assessing data in economical and behavioral researches. To give more freedom in defining the structures of the model and obtain more precise and meaningful interpretations to the data, prior informations about the unknown parameters are usually incorporated in the analysis. In this article, basic estimation theory of structural equation models with both exact and stochastic prior informations is developed via the generalized least squares approach. Asymptotic properties of the estimator are derived and an iterative algorithm is implemented to obtain the estimates. An illustrative example is reported.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop an operational nonstationary Markov process model for use with macro aggregate frequency data. Independent, time-variant factors assumed to affect the process of interest are embedded in the model. Transition probabilities are estimated indirectly from the coefficients on the embedded variables. We previously concluded that either the Marquardt or the simplex, derivative-free nonlinear programming algorithm could be used to estimate such a model. Here, we propose a test for parameter stationarity. By means of designed simulation experiments for the two-state model, we find that our test has acceptable Type I error probabilities, and that power rises with the degree of departure from the null hypothesis. Both validity and power performance can be improved by longer time records of data and a greater number of entities observed.  相似文献   


This paper considers panel data models with fixed effects which have grouped patterns with unknown group membership. A two-stage estimation (TSE) procedure is developed to improve the properties of the GFE estimators of common parameters when the time span is small. Firstly, the common parameters are estimated. Subsequently, the optimal group assignment and the estimators of group effects are obtained by the K-means algorithm. Monte Carlo results reveal that the TSE estimator has a much smaller bias than the GFE estimator when the values of difference between effects are moderately small or at high variance of the idiosyncratic error.  相似文献   

In this article, we study the varying coefficient partially nonlinear model with measurement errors in the nonparametric part. A local corrected profile nonlinear least-square estimation procedure is proposed and the asymptotic properties of the resulting estimators are established. Further, a generalized likelihood ratio (GLR) statistic is proposed to test whether the varying coefficients are constant. The asymptotic null distribution of the statistic is obtained and a residual-based bootstrap procedure is employed to compute the p-value of the statistic. Some simulations are conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed methods. The results show that the estimating and testing procedures work well in finite samples.  相似文献   

In this article we develop a nonparametric estimator for the local average response of a censored dependent variable to endogenous regressors in a nonseparable model where the unobservable error term is not restricted to be scalar and where the nonseparable function need not be monotone in the unobservables. We formalize the identification argument put forward in Altonji, Ichimura, and Otsu (2012 Altonji, J. G., Ichimura, H., Otsu, T. (2012). Estimating derivatives in nonseparable models with limited dependent variables. Econometrica 80:17011719.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), construct a nonparametric estimator, characterize its asymptotic property, and conduct a Monte Carlo investigation to study its small sample properties. Identification is constructive and is achieved through a control function approach. We show that the estimator is consistent and asymptotically normally distributed. The Monte Carlo results are encouraging.  相似文献   

The statistical methods for variable selection and prediction could be challenging when missing covariates exist. Although multiple imputation (MI) is a universally accepted technique for solving missing data problem, how to combine the MI results for variable selection is not quite clear, because different imputations may result in different selections. The widely applied variable selection methods include the sparse partial least-squares (SPLS) method and the penalized least-squares method, e.g. the elastic net (ENet) method. In this paper, we propose an MI-based weighted elastic net (MI-WENet) method that is based on stacked MI data and a weighting scheme for each observation in the stacked data set. In the MI-WENet method, MI accounts for sampling and imputation uncertainty for missing values, and the weight accounts for the observed information. Extensive numerical simulations are carried out to compare the proposed MI-WENet method with the other competing alternatives, such as the SPLS and ENet. In addition, we applied the MI-WENet method to examine the predictor variables for the endothelial function that can be characterized by median effective dose (ED50) and maximum effect (Emax) in an ex-vivo phenylephrine-induced extension and acetylcholine-induced relaxation experiment.  相似文献   

Problems involving estimation and inference under linear inequality constraints arise often in statistical modeling. In this article, we propose an algorithm to solve the quadratic programming problem of minimizing for positive definite Q, where is constrained to be in a closed polyhedral convex cone , and the m × n matrix is not necessarily full row rank. The three-step algorithm is intuitive and easy to code. Code is provided in the R programming language.  相似文献   

It is well known that it is difficult to construct minimax optimal designs. Furthermore, since in practice we never know the true error variance, it is important to allow small deviations and construct robust optimal designs. We investigate a class of minimax optimal regression designs for models with heteroscedastic errors that are robust against possible misspecification of the error variance. Commonly used A-, c-, and I-optimality criteria are included in this class of minimax optimal designs. Several theoretical results are obtained, including a necessary condition and a reflection symmetry for these minimax optimal designs. In this article, we focus mainly on linear models and assume that an approximate error variance function is available. However, we also briefly discuss how the methodology works for nonlinear models. We then propose an effective algorithm to solve challenging nonconvex optimization problems to find minimax designs on discrete design spaces. Examples are given to illustrate minimax optimal designs and their properties.  相似文献   

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