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This article proposes a novel non-stationary BINMA time series model by extending two INMA processes where their innovation series follow the bivariate Poisson under time-varying moment assumptions. This article also demonstrates, through simulation studies, the use and superiority of the generalized quasi-likelihood (GQL) approach to estimate the regression effects, which is computationally less complicated as compared to conditional maximum likelihood estimation (CMLE) and the feasible generalized least squares (FGLS). The serial and bivariate dependence correlations are estimated by a robust method of moments.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the modeling of the intra-day transactions at the Stock Exchange Mauritius (SEM) of the two major banking companies: Mauritius Commercial Bank Group Limited (MCB) and State Bank of Mauritius Holdings Ltd (SBMH) in Mauritius using a flexible non-stationary bivariate integer-valued moving average of order 1 (BINMA(1)) process with negative binomial (NB) innovations that may cater for different levels of over-dispersion. The generalized quasi-likelihood (GQL) approach is used to estimate the regression, dependence and over-dispersion effects. However, for the over-dispersion parameters, the auto-covariance structure in the GQL is constructed using some higher order moments. This new model is tested over some Monte-Carlo experiments and is applied to analyze the inter-related intra-day series of volume of stocks for the two banking institutions using data collected from 3 August to 16 October 2015 in the presence of some time-varying covariates such as the news effect, Friday effect and time of the day effect.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce the class of beta seasonal autoregressive moving average (βSARMA) models for modelling and forecasting time series data that assume values in the standard unit interval. It generalizes the class of beta autoregressive moving average models [Rocha AV and Cribari-Neto F. Beta autoregressive moving average models. Test. 2009;18(3):529–545] by incorporating seasonal dynamics to the model dynamic structure. Besides introducing the new class of models, we develop parameter estimation, hypothesis testing inference, and diagnostic analysis tools. We also discuss out-of-sample forecasting. In particular, we provide closed-form expressions for the conditional score vector and for the conditional Fisher information matrix. We also evaluate the finite sample performances of conditional maximum likelihood estimators and white noise tests using Monte Carlo simulations. An empirical application is presented and discussed.  相似文献   


A bivariate integer-valued autoregressive time series model is presented. The model structure is based on binomial thinning. The unconditional and conditional first and second moments are considered. Correlation structure of marginal processes is shown to be analogous to the ARMA(2, 1) model. Some estimation methods such as the Yule–Walker and conditional least squares are considered and the asymptotic distributions of the obtained estimators are derived. Comparison between bivariate model with binomial thinning and bivariate model with negative binomial thinning is given.  相似文献   


Early detection with a low false alarm rate (FAR) is the main aim of outbreak detection as used in public health surveillance or in regard to bioterrorism. Multivariate surveillance is preferable to univariate surveillance since correlation between series (CBS) is recognized and incorporated. Sufficient reduction has proved a promising method for handling CBS, but has not previously been used when correlation within series (CWS) is present. Here we develop sufficient reduction methods for reducing a p-dimensional multivariate series to a univariate series of statistics shown to be sufficient to monitor a sudden, but persistent, shift in the multivariate series mean. Correlation both within and between series is taken into account, as public health data typically exhibit both forms of association. Simultaneous and lagged changes and different shift sizes are investigated. A one-sided exponentially weighted moving average chart is used as a tool for detection of a change. The performance of the proposed method is compared with existing sufficient reduction methods, the parallel univariate method and both VarR and Z charts. A simulation study using bivariate normal autoregressive data shows that the new method gives shorter delays and a lower FAR than other methods, which have high FARs when CWS is clearly present.  相似文献   

We propose a bivariate integer-valued fractional integrated (BINFIMA) model to account for the long-memory property and apply the model to high-frequency stock transaction data. The BINFIMA model allows for both positive and negative correlations between the counts. The unconditional and conditional first- and second-order moments are given. The model is capable of capturing the covariance between and within intra-day time series of high-frequency transaction data due to macroeconomic news and news related to a specific stock. Empirically, it is found that Ericsson B has mean recursive process while AstraZeneca has long-memory property.  相似文献   

Although the bivariate normal distribution is frequently employed in the development of screening models, the formulae for computing bivariate normal probabilities are quite complicated. A simple and accurate error-bounded, noniterative approximation for bivariate normal probabilities based on a simple univariate normal quadratic or cubic approximation is developed for use in screening applications. The approximation, which is most accurate for large absolute correlation coefficients, is especially suitable for screening applications (e.g., in quality control), where large absolute correlations between performance and screening variables are desired. A special approximation for conditional bivariate normal probabilities is also provided which in quality control screening applications improves the accuracy of estimating the average outgoing product quality. Some anomalies in computing conditional bivariate normal probabilities using BNRDF and NORDF in IMSL are also discussed.  相似文献   

A simple result concerning the canonical expansions of mixed bivariate distributions is considered. This result is then applied to analyze the correlation structures of the Bates-Neyman accident proneness model and its generalization, to derive probability inequalities based on the concept of positive dependence, and to construct a bivariate beta distribution with positive correlation coefficient applicable in computer simulation experiments. The mixture formulation of the conditional distribution of this class of mixed bivariate distributions is used to define and generate first-order autoregressive gamma and negative binomial sequences.  相似文献   

This paper is about vector autoregressive‐moving average models with time‐dependent coefficients to represent non‐stationary time series. Contrary to other papers in the univariate case, the coefficients depend on time but not on the series' length n. Under appropriate assumptions, it is shown that a Gaussian quasi‐maximum likelihood estimator is almost surely consistent and asymptotically normal. The theoretical results are illustrated by means of two examples of bivariate processes. It is shown that the assumptions underlying the theoretical results apply. In the second example, the innovations are marginally heteroscedastic with a correlation ranging from ?0.8 to 0.8. In the two examples, the asymptotic information matrix is obtained in the Gaussian case. Finally, the finite‐sample behaviour is checked via a Monte Carlo simulation study for n from 25 to 400. The results confirm the validity of the asymptotic properties even for short series and the asymptotic information matrix deduced from the theory.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to jointly monitor the mean vector and the covariance matrix of multivariate nonlinear times series. The underlying target process is assumed to be a constant conditional correlation process Bollerslev (Rev Econ Stat 72:498–505, 1990) or a dynamic conditional correlation model Engle (J Bus Econ Stat 20:339–350, 2002). We introduce several EWMA and CUSUM control charts. These control schemes are based on univariate EWMA statistics, multivariate EWMA recursions, and different types of cumulative sums. The recursions are applied to local measures for means and covariances, e.g. the present observations and the conditional covariances. Further, they are applied to means and covariances of residuals. The control statistics are obtained by computing the Mahalanobis distance between the EWMA or CUSUM statistics and their expectations if no change occurs. Via Monte Carlo simulation the performance of the proposed charts is compared. Our empirical study illustrates an application of these control procedures to bivariate logarithmic returns of the European indices FTSE100 and DAX. In order to assess the performance of the introduced schemes we apply the average run length and the maximum conditional expected delay.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new bivariate discrete distribution that generalizes the bivariate Beta-Binomial distribution. It is generated by Appell hypergeometric function F1 and can be obtained as a Binomial mixture with an Exton's Generalized Beta distribution. The model has different marginal distributions which are, together with the conditional distributions, more flexible than the Beta-Binomial distribution. It has non-linear regression curves and is useful for random variables with positive correlation. These features make the model very adequate to fit observed data as the two applications included show.  相似文献   


A new hidden Markov random field model is proposed for the analysis of cylindrical spatial series, i.e. bivariate spatial series of intensities and angles. It allows us to segment cylindrical spatial series according to a finite number of latent classes that represent the conditional distributions of the data under specific environmental conditions. The model parsimoniously accommodates circular–linear correlation, multimodality, skewness and spatial autocorrelation. A numerically tractable expectation–maximization algorithm is provided to compute parameter estimates by exploiting a mean-field approximation of the complete-data log-likelihood function. These methods are illustrated on a case study of marine currents in the Adriatic sea.  相似文献   


Non-stationarity in bivariate time series of counts may be induced by a number of time-varying covariates affecting the bivariate responses due to which the innovation terms of the individual series as well as the bivariate dependence structure becomes non-stationary. So far, in the existing models, the innovation terms of individual INAR(1) series and the dependence structure are assumed to be constant even though the individual time series are non-stationary. Under this assumption, the reliability of the regression and correlation estimates is questionable. Besides, the existing estimation methodologies such as the conditional maximum likelihood (CMLE) and the composite likelihood estimation are computationally intensive. To address these issues, this paper proposes a BINAR(1) model where the innovation series follow a bivariate Poisson distribution under some non-stationary distributional assumptions. The method of generalized quasi-likelihood (GQL) is used to estimate the regression effects while the serial and bivariate correlations are estimated using a robust moment estimation technique. The application of model and estimation method is made in the simulated data. The GQL method is also compared with the CMLE, generalized method of moments (GMM) and generalized estimating equation (GEE) approaches where through simulation studies, it is shown that GQL yields more efficient estimates than GMM and equally or slightly more efficient estimates than CMLE and GEE.  相似文献   

In recent years analyses of dependence structures using copulas have become more popular than the standard correlation analysis. Starting from Aas et al. ( 2009 ) regular vine pair‐copula constructions (PCCs) are considered the most flexible class of multivariate copulas. PCCs are involved objects but (conditional) independence present in data can simplify and reduce them significantly. In this paper the authors detect (conditional) independence in a particular vine PCC model based on bivariate t copulas by deriving and implementing a reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm. However, the methodology is general and can be extended to any regular vine PCC and to all known bivariate copula families. The proposed approach considers model selection and estimation problems for PCCs simultaneously. The effectiveness of the developed algorithm is shown in simulations and its usefulness is illustrated in two real data applications. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 39: 239–258; 2011 © 2011 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

The recent literature on time series has developed a lot of models for the analysis of the dynamic conditional correlation, involving the same variable observed in different locations; very often, in this framework, the consideration of the spatial interactions is omitted. We propose to extend a time-varying conditional correlation model (following an autoregressive moving average dynamics) to include the spatial effects, with a specification depending on the local spatial interactions. The spatial part is based on a fixed symmetric weight matrix, called Gaussian kernel matrix, but its effect will vary along the time depending on the degree of time correlation in a certain period. We show the theoretical aspects, with the support of simulation experiments, and apply this methodology to two space–time data sets, in a demographic and a financial framework, respectively.  相似文献   

The article develops a semiparametric estimation method for the bivariate count data regression model. We develop a series expansion approach in which dependence between count variables is introduced by means of stochastically related unobserved heterogeneity components, and in which, unlike existing commonly used models, positive as well as negative correlations are allowed. Extensions that accommodate excess zeros, censored data, and multivariate generalizations are also given. Monte Carlo experiments and an empirical application to tobacco use confirms that the model performs well relative to existing bivariate models, in terms of various statistical criteria and in capturing the range of correlation among dependent variables. This article has supplementary materials online.  相似文献   


The most common measure of dependence between two time series is the cross-correlation function. This measure gives a complete characterization of dependence for two linear and jointly Gaussian time series, but it often fails for nonlinear and non-Gaussian time series models, such as the ARCH-type models used in finance. The cross-correlation function is a global measure of dependence. In this article, we apply to bivariate time series the nonlinear local measure of dependence called local Gaussian correlation. It generally works well also for nonlinear models, and it can distinguish between positive and negative local dependence. We construct confidence intervals for the local Gaussian correlation and develop a test based on this measure of dependence. Asymptotic properties are derived for the parameter estimates, for the test functional and for a block bootstrap procedure. For both simulated and financial index data, we construct confidence intervals and we compare the proposed test with one based on the ordinary correlation and with one based on the Brownian distance correlation. Financial indexes are examined over a long time period and their local joint behavior, including tail behavior, is analyzed prior to, during and after the financial crisis. Supplementary material for this article is available online.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a generalisation of the backward simulation method of Duch et al. [New approaches to operational risk modeling. IBM J Res Develop. 2014;58:1–9] to build bivariate Poisson processes with flexible time correlation structures, and to simulate the arrival times of the processes. The proposed backward construction approach uses the Marshall–Olkin bivariate binomial distribution for the conditional law and some well-known families of bivariate copulas for the joint success probability in lieu of the typical conditional independence assumption. The resulting bivariate Poisson process can exhibit various time correlation structures which are commonly observed in real data.  相似文献   

A mixture model is proposed to analyze a bivariate interval censored data with cure rates. There exist two types of association related with bivariate failure times and bivariate cure rates, respectively. A correlation coefficient is adopted for the association of bivariate cure rates and a copula function is applied for bivariate survival times. The conditional expectation of unknown quantities attributable to interval censored data and cure rates are calculated in the E-step in ES (Expectation-Solving algorithm) and the marginal estimates and the association measures are estimated in the S-step through a two-stage procedure. A simulation study is performed to evaluate the suggested method and a real data from HIV patients is analyzed as a real data example.  相似文献   

Cordeiro and Andrade [Transformed generalized linear models. J Stat Plan Inference. 2009;139:2970–2987] incorporated the idea of transforming the response variable to the generalized autoregressive moving average (GARMA) model, introduced by Benjamin et al. [Generalized autoregressive moving average models. J Am Stat Assoc. 2003;98:214–223], thus developing the transformed generalized autoregressive moving average (TGARMA) model. The goal of this article is to develop the TGARMA model for symmetric continuous conditional distributions with a possible nonlinear structure for the mean that enables the fitting of a wide range of models to several time series data types. We derive an iterative process for estimating the parameters of the new model by maximum likelihood and obtain a simple formula to estimate the parameter that defines the transformation of the response variable. Furthermore, we determine the moments of the original dependent variable which generalize previous published results. We illustrate the theory by means of real data sets and evaluate the results developed through simulation studies.  相似文献   

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