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In this article we consider an unreliable MX/G/1 queue with two types of general heterogeneous service and optional repeated service subject to server’s break down and delayed repair under randomized vacation policy. We assume that customer arrive to the system according to a compound Poisson process. The server provides two types of general heterogeneous service and a customer can choose either type of service before its service start. After the completion of either type of service, the customer has the further option to repeat the same type of service once again. While the server is working with any types of service or repeated service, it may breakdown at any instant. Further the concept of randomized vacation is also introduced. For this model, we first derive the joint distribution of state of the server and queue size by considering both elapsed and remaining time, which is one of the objective of this article. Next, we derive Laplace Stieltjes transform of busy period distribution. Finally, we obtain some important performance measure and reliability indices of this model.  相似文献   


In this article, we consider a batch arrival MX/M/1 queue with two-stage vacations policy that comprises of single working vacation and multiple vacations, denoted by MX/M/1/SWV?+?MV. Using the matrix analytic method, we derive the probability generating function (PGF) of the stationary system size and investigate the stochastic decomposition structure of stationary system size. Further, we obtain the Laplace–Stieltjes transform (LST) of stationary sojourn time of a customer by the first passage time analysis. At last, we illustrate the effects of various parameters on the performance measures numerically and graphically by some numerical examples.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the queue size distribution of an Mx/G/1 queue with a random set-up time and with a Bernoulli vacation schedule under a restricted admissibility policy. This generalizes the model studied by Madan and Choudhury [Sankhyá 66 (2004) 175–193].  相似文献   

This paper deals with a single server Poisson arrival queue with two phases of heterogeneous service along with a Bernoulli schedule vacation model, where after two successive phases service the server either goes for a vacation with probability p (0≤p≤1) or may continue to serve the next unit, if any, with probability q(=1−p). Further the concept of multiple vacation policy is also introduced here. We obtained the queue size distributions at a departure epoch and at a random epoch, Laplace Stieltjes Transform of the waiting time distribution and busy period distribution along with some mean performance measures. Finally we discuss some statistical inference related issues.  相似文献   

This paper considers an M[X]/G/1 queue with breakdowns, repair, Bernoulli vacation, two delays and geometric loss. In this paper, a special attention is given to the limiting distribution of system states. We obtain simplified expressions for the Probability Generating Functions (PGFs) of the joint distribution of server state and system size. Some performance measures were derived from the analysis of the steady state probabilities. PGF of a departure point system size distribution is developed. Particular cases of the studied system were investigated. The effect of system parameters on the main performance measures are illustrated and discussed.  相似文献   

We consider an infinite-buffer single server queue with batch Markovian arrival process (BMAP) and exhaustive service discipline under multiple working vacation policy. The service time during a working vacation is generally distributed random variable which is independent of the service times during a normal busy period as well as the arrival process. Duration of service times during a normal busy period and duration of working vacation times follow the class of distributions whose Laplace-Stieltjes transforms are rational functions (R-type distributions). The service time during a normal busy period, working vacation time, and the service time during a working vacation are independent of each other as well as of the arrival process. If a working vacation terminates while service is going on for a customer at head of the queue in vacation mode then, the server switches to normal mode and the customer at head of the queue is entitled to receive a full service time in the normal busy period irrespective of the amount of service received by the customer at head of the queue during the previous working vacation period. We obtain system-length distributions at various epoch, such as post-departure, pre-arrival, arbitrary, and pre-service. The proposed analysis is based on the use of matrix-analytic procedure to obtain system-length distribution at post-departure epoch. Later, we use supplementary variable technique and simple algebraic manipulations to obtain system-length distribution at arbitrary epoch using the system-length distribution at post-departure epoch. Some important performance measures, such as mean system lengths and mean waiting time have been obtained. Finally, some numerical results have been presented in the form of tables and graphs to show the applicability of the results obtained in this article. The model has potential application in areas of computer and communication networks, such as ethernet passive optical network (EPON).  相似文献   

In the context of the general linear model Y=Xβ+ε, the matrix Pz =Z(ZTZ)?1 ZT , where Z=(X: Y), plays an important role in determining least squares results. In this article we propose two graphical displays for the off-diagonal as well as the diagonal elements of PZ . The two graphs are based on simple ideas and are useful in the detection of potentially influential subsets of observations in regression. Since PZ is invariant with respect to permutations of the columns of Z, an added advantage of these graphs is that they can be used to detect outliers in multivariate data where the rows of Z are usually regarded as a random sample from a multivariate population. We also suggest two calibration points, one for the diagonal elements of PZ and the other for the off-diagonal elements. The advantage of these calibration points is that they take into consideration the variability of the off-diagonal as well as the diagonal elements of PZ . They also do not suffer from masking.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate an M/M/1 queue with a two-stage vacation policy which comprises of single working vacation and single vacation. Using the matrix-analytic method, we obtain the distribution of stationary system size, and then the decomposition structures of the stationary system size and the sojourn time are demonstrated. Furthermore, we study the waiting time by first-passage time analysis. Meanwhile, the busy-cycle analysis is provided by the limiting theorem of alternative renewal process. Finally, several numerical examples are presented in the paper.  相似文献   

In this article, we study the joint distribution of X and two linear combinations of order statistics, a T Y (2) and b T Y (2), where a = (a 1, a 2) T and b = (b 1, b 2) T are arbitrary vectors in R 2 and Y (2) = (Y (1), Y (2)) T is a vector of ordered statistics obtained from (Y 1, Y 2) T when (X, Y 1, Y 2) T follows a trivariate normal distribution with a positive definite covariance matrix. We show that this distribution belongs to the skew-normal family and hence our work is a generalization of Olkin and Viana (J Am Stat Assoc 90:1373–1379, 1995) and Loperfido (Test 17:370–380, 2008).  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung: Dieser Beitrag beleuchtet aus der Sicht der wirtschaftspolitischen Beratung einige Anforderungen an die Arbeitsmarkt?konomik und Arbeitsmarktstatistik. Drei Bereiche werden angesprochen: die Arbeitslosenstatistik, die Tariflohnpolitik und die aktive Arbeitsmarktpolitik. Dabei werden zun?chst die Bemühungen hinsichtlich einer realistischeren Erfassung der Unterbesch?ftigung gewürdigt, zugleich aber Hinweise auf Verbesserungsm?glichkeiten gegeben. Anforderungen an die amtliche Statistik ergeben sich des Weiteren hinsichtlich der Tarifentgelte. In diesem Zusammenhang wird die Umsetzung der Erkenntnisse der Arbeitsmarkt?konomik in eine lohnpolitische Orientierungshilfe skizziert. Schlie?lich erfolgt eine kritische Einsch?tzung des Erfolgs der aktiven Arbeitsmarktpolitik, wobei eine zunehmende Willigkeit zur Bereitstellung der für die Evaluation erforderlichen Daten konstatiert werden kann.
Summary: This paper deals with three demands on labor economics and labor statistics put forward from the point of view of an advisor to economic policy. Despite several improvements of unemployment statistics, a lot of work remains to be done. With respect to wage policy attempts by the German Council of Economic Experts are discussed how to formulate a guidance for wage policy both on scientific grounds and understandable by the public. Finally, a critical assessment of active labor market policies is presented together with a plea for adequate individual data in order to carry out a sound evaluation of these policies.
* Vortrag für die „Statistische Woche“, die Jahrestagung der Deutschen Statistischen Gesellschaft am 20. September 2004 in Frankfurt/Main. Der Vortragsstil wurde beibehalten. Die hier vorgetragenen Auffassungen liegen allein in der Verantwortung des Autors und stellen nicht notwendigerweise die Auffassungen anderer Institutionen dar. Ich danke Bernd Fitzenberger (Universit?t Frankfurt/Main und ZEW), Joachim M?ller (Universit?t Regensburg), Bernhard Boockmann und Tobias Hagen (ZEW), Irmtraud Beuerlein und Dirk Heinlein (Statistisches Bundesamt) für hilfreiche Kommentare und Anregungen. Verbleibende M?ngel gehen—leider—zu meinen Lasten.  相似文献   


This paper studies a machine repair problem with repairman’s single working vacation in which repairman works with a lower repair rate rather than completely terminating repair during vacation period. Employing Markov process theory and matrix analytical method, various system performance measures are obtained in transient and stationary regimes. Moreover, we deduce the system reliability, the mean time to failure, the repairman’s busy period and the waiting time of failed machine by using the probabilistic properties of phase type distribution. Further, some numerical examples are provided. Finally, a cost model is developed to determine the optimum value of operating machines.  相似文献   


In this work, we establish some exponential inequalities for widely orthant-dependent random variables. We also obtain the convergence rate O(n? 1/2ln?1/2n) for the strong law of large numbers for widely orthant-dependent random variables.  相似文献   

In partly linear models, the dependence of the response y on (x T, t) is modeled through the relationship y=x T β+g(t)+?, where ? is independent of (x T, t). We are interested in developing an estimation procedure that allows us to combine the flexibility of the partly linear models, studied by several authors, but including some variables that belong to a non-Euclidean space. The motivating application of this paper deals with the explanation of the atmospheric SO2 pollution incidents using these models when some of the predictive variables belong in a cylinder. In this paper, the estimators of β and g are constructed when the explanatory variables t take values on a Riemannian manifold and the asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators are obtained under suitable conditions. We illustrate the use of this estimation approach using an environmental data set and we explore the performance of the estimators through a simulation study.  相似文献   

Suppose that ξ and η be two random vectors and that (ξτ, ητ have an elliptically contoured distribution or a multivariate normal distribution. In this article, we obtain some necessary and sufficient (N.S.) conditions such that the ratio of two quadratic forms, say ξτ Aξ and ητ Bη(for some symmetric nonnegative matrices A and B), has an F-distribution. As applications, we extend the classical F-test to some dependent two group samples. Two cases are considered: elliptically contoured and normal distributions.  相似文献   


Collection development policies in small academic libraries may lack a formal policy statement about print periodical holdings retention. However, there is a need for a distinct policy about print periodicals holdings and their retention. Periodicals collections at academic libraries have been greatly affected by publishers’ decisions to discontinue print journal formats and move to online-only electronic versions. The move from one format to another produces challenges to the retention of an effective print periodicals collection. Given these continuous changes in publication format, it is necessary for academic libraries to rethink their print periodicals holdings retention. This article will present a literature review on and case study of periodicals collection management and explore strategies for developing holdings policies and guidelines for retention. It will argue that collection development policies ought to include a separate policy for the print periodicals collection and that unlike their reputation for being time-consuming and inflexible, periodical retention policies can improve flexibility and guide in decision making, helping to preserve core titles and acquire new titles that support academic programs and the work of the college community.  相似文献   


Freely accessible and open access resources present unique challenges for librarians working with electronic resources. Due to the fact that many of these resources lack high-quality metadata or the technical support provided by traditional publishers, making them discoverable and maintaining access over time can be tricky. Creating a policy allows for a systematic approach to the management of freely accessible/open access (OA) resources, alleviating problems surrounding lack of staff time or expertise. Many of these resources are already important parts of collections and will only continue to grow in importance. Freely accessible/OA resources allow for a more diverse representation of content, both by subject and format type, and allow a wider array of authors to have their work appear in library collections. This case study will provide a review of freely accessible/OA policies in other libraries, describe why these resources are important to add to our collections, discuss challenges libraries face with managing these resources, and explain how Duke University Libraries is addressing some of these challenges through the development of a policy.  相似文献   

Methods: Based on the index S (S = SENSITIVITY (SEN) × SPECIFICITY (SPE)), the new weighted product index Sw is defined as Sw = (SEN)2w × (SPE)2(1-w), where (0≤w≤1). The Sw is developed to be a new tool to select the optimal cut point in ROC analysis and be compared with the other two commonly used criteria.

Results: Comparing the optimal cut point for the three criteria, the wave range of the optimal cut point for the maximized weighted Youden index criterion is the widest, the weighted closest-to-(0,1) criterion is the narrowest and the weighted product index Sw criterion lays between the ranges of the two criteria.  相似文献   

The growth curve model Yn×p = An×p ξ mtimes;kBk×p+ Enxp, where Y is an observation matrix, &sigma is a matrix of unknown parameters, A is a known matrix of rank m, B is a known matrix of rank k with 1'= (1, …, 1) as its first row, and the rows of E are independent each distributed as Np(0,Σ,) is considered. The problem of constructing the prediction intervals for future observations using the above model is considered and approximate intervals assuming different structures on σ are derived. The results are illustrated with several data sets.  相似文献   


This article develops an adjusted empirical likelihood (EL) method for the additive hazards model. The adjusted EL ratio is shown to have a central chi-squared limiting distribution under the null hypothesis. We also evaluate its asymptotic distribution as a non central chi-squared distribution under the local alternatives of order n? 1/2, deriving the expression for the asymptotic power function. Simulation studies and a real example are conducted to evaluate the finite sample performance of the proposed method. Compared with the normal approximation-based method, the proposed method tends to have more larger empirical power and smaller confidence regions with comparable coverage probabilities.  相似文献   


This paper studies a cold standby repairable system with two identical components and one repairman having multiple vacations applying matrix-analytic methods. The lifetime of the component follows a phase-type distribution. The repair times and the vacation times of the repairman are governed by different phase-type distributions, respectively. For this system, the Markov process governing the system is constructed. The system is studied in a transient and stationary regime, the availability, the reliability, the rates of occurrence of the different types of failures, and the working probability of the repairman are calculated, respectively. A numerical application is performed to illustrate the calculations.  相似文献   

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