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The magnitude of light intensity of many stars varies over time in a periodic way. Therefore, estimation of period and making inference about this parameter are of great interest in astronomy. The periodogram can be used to estimate period, properly. Bootstrap confidence intervals for period suggested here, are based on using the periodogram and constructed by percentile-t methods. We prove that the equal-tailed percentile-t bootstrap confidence intervals for period have an error of order n ?1. We also show that the symmetric percentile-t bootstrap confidence intervals reduce the error to order n ?2, and hence have a better performance. Finally, we assess the theoretical results by conducting a simulation study, compare the results with the coverages of percentile bootstrap confidence intervals for period and then analyze a real data set related to the eclipsing system R Canis Majoris collected by Shiraz Biruni Observatory.  相似文献   

Recently, the methods used to estimate monotonic regression (MR) models have been substantially improved, and some algorithms can now produce high-accuracy monotonic fits to multivariate datasets containing over a million observations. Nevertheless, the computational burden can be prohibitively large for resampling techniques in which numerous datasets are processed independently of each other. Here, we present efficient algorithms for estimation of confidence limits in large-scale settings that take into account the similarity of the bootstrap or jackknifed datasets to which MR models are fitted. In addition, we introduce modifications that substantially improve the accuracy of MR solutions for binary response variables. The performance of our algorithms is illustrated using data on death in coronary heart disease for a large population. This example also illustrates that MR can be a valuable complement to logistic regression.  相似文献   

The periodic multiplicative intensity model is considered. A new bootstrap method for non stationary counting processes which intensity function has some periodicity properties is presented. Its main advantage is that it does not destroy the temporal order and the original periodicity of the underlying counting process. The proposed algorithm is used to construct a bootstrap version of the maximum likelihood hazard function estimator. The consistency of the bootstrap method is shown. A possible modification of the proposed bootstrap method is discussed. The bootstrap simultaneous confidence intervals for the hazard function are presented. The telecommunication network traffic real data example is discussed.  相似文献   

Some studies of the bootstrap have assessed the effect of smoothing the estimated distribution that is resampled, a process usually known as the smoothed bootstrap. Generally, the smoothed distribution for resampling is a kernel estimate and is often rescaled to retain certain characteristics of the empirical distribution. Typically the effect of such smoothing has been measured in terms of the mean-squared error of bootstrap point estimates. The reports of these previous investigations have not been encouraging about the efficacy of smoothing. In this paper the effect of resampling a kernel-smoothed distribution is evaluated through expansions for the coverage of bootstrap percentile confidence intervals. It is shown that, under the smooth function model, proper bandwidth selection can accomplish a first-order correction for the one-sided percentile method. With the objective of reducing the coverage error the appropriate bandwidth for one-sided intervals converges at a rate of n −1/4, rather than the familiar n −1/5 for kernel density estimation. Applications of this same approach to bootstrap t and two-sided intervals yield optimal bandwidths of order n −1/2. These bandwidths depend on moments of the smooth function model and not on derivatives of the underlying density of the data. The relationship of this smoothing method to both the accelerated bias correction and the bootstrap t methods provides some insight into the connections between three quite distinct approximate confidence intervals.  相似文献   

传统计算非正态分布过程能力指数最经典的方法——Clement方法,其最大的缺点是必须有足够多的观测样本才能得到较为准确的结果。文章利用加权标准差可将非正态过程分解成两个正态过程的思想,结合样本估计相关理论构建了一种基于加权标准差的过程能力指数。新指数无论是在小样本还是大样本的情况下,都比Clement方法估计结果的准确性更高,且在此方法基础上构建的Bootstrap置信区间的真实值覆盖率均远远高于同等条件下Clement方法构建的置信区间。  相似文献   

Given a pair of sample estimators of two independent proportions, bootstrap methods are a common strategy towards deriving the associated confidence interval for the relative risk. We develop a new smooth bootstrap procedure, which generates pseudo-samples from a continuous quantile function. Under a variety of settings, our simulation studies show that our method possesses a better or equal performance in comparison with asymptotic theory based and existing bootstrap methods, particularly for heavily unbalanced data in terms of coverage probability and power. We illustrate our procedure as applied to several published data sets.  相似文献   

In this article, the weighted bootstrap difference between two-sample means for generalized Behrens-Fisher problems is investigated along with its strong consistency. Moreover, the one-order accurate weighted bootstrap approximation to the sample distribution of sample difference is also established and hence based on it the weighted bootstrap intervals for the population difference is constructed. Simulation studies show that the weighted bootstrap interval performs better than other intervals we considered in some cases.  相似文献   

Haibing (2009) proposed a procedure for successive comparisons between ordered treatment effects in one-way layout and showed that the proposed procedure has greater power than the procedure proposed by Lee and Spurrier (1995). Critical constants required for the proposed procedure were estimated using Monte Carlo simulation and few values of the constants were tabulated which limit the applications of the proposed procedure. In this article, a numerical method, using recursive integration methodology, is discussed to compute the critical constants which work efficiently for a large number of treatments and extensive values of critical constants are tabulated for the use of practitioners. Power comparisons of Haibing's and Lee and Spurrier's procedure is also discussed.  相似文献   

The paper considers the problem of finding accurate small sample confidence intervals for regression parameters. Its approach is to construct conditional intervals with good robustness characteristics. This robustness is obtained by the choice of the density under which the conditional interval is computed. Both bounded influence and S-estimate style intervals are given. The required tail area computations are carried out using the results of DiCiccio, Field & Fraser (1990).  相似文献   

This article deals with the bootstrap as an alternative method to construct confidence intervals for the hyperparameters of structural models. The bootstrap procedure considered is the classical nonparametric bootstrap in the residuals of the fitted model using a well-known approach. The performance of this procedure is empirically obtained through Monte Carlo simulations implemented in Ox. Asymptotic and percentile bootstrap confidence intervals for the hyperparameters are built and compared by means of the coverage percentages. The results are similar but the bootstrap procedure is better for small sample sizes. The methods are applied to a real time series and confidence intervals are built for the hyperparameters.  相似文献   

In traditional bootstrap applications the size of a bootstrap sample equals the parent sample size, n say. Recent studies have shown that using a bootstrap sample size different from n may sometimes provide a more satisfactory solution. In this paper we apply the latter approach to correct for coverage error in construction of bootstrap confidence bounds. We show that the coverage error of a bootstrap percentile method confidence bound, which is of order O ( n −2/2) typically, can be reduced to O ( n −1) by use of an optimal bootstrap sample size. A simulation study is conducted to illustrate our findings, which also suggest that the new method yields intervals of shorter length and greater stability compared to competitors of similar coverage accuracy.  相似文献   

A simple derivation of expected mean squares is given for the randomized (complete) block design, showing that “experimental error,” the error term for testing treatments, is comprised of three sources of variability: block by treatment interaction, within block plot-to-plot variability, and within experimental plot sampling variation. The approach could readily be extended to incorporate measurement error as a fourth component of experimental error.  相似文献   

This article proposes a method for constructing confidence intervals for the impulse response function of a univariate time series with a near unit root. These confidence intervals control coverage, whereas the existing techniques can all have coverage far below the nominal level. I apply the proposed method to several measures of U.S. aggregate output.  相似文献   

We construct bootstrap confidence intervals for smoothing spline estimates based on Gaussian data, and penalized likelihood smoothing spline estimates based on data from .exponential families. Several vari- ations of bootstrap confidence intervals are considered and compared. We find that the commonly used ootstrap percentile intervals are inferior to the T intervals and to intervals based on bootstrap estimation of mean squared errors. The best variations of the bootstrap confidence intervals behave similar to the well known Bayesian confidence intervals. These bootstrap confidence intervals have an average coverage probability across the function being estimated, as opposed to a pointwise property.  相似文献   

This article computes simultaneous confidence intervals for the ratios of marginal means of a multivariate Poisson distribution. For this, we propose a lognormal approximation technique and a bootstrap method. We demonstrate advantages of the proposed methods over existing ones through a simulation study. To illustrate their applicability to real-world problems, we apply the proposed methods to US data on infectious diseases.  相似文献   

An explicit formula for confidence intervals for ratios of variances of several populations is presented. The intervals are based on jackknife statistics and the critical point of the studentized range distribution. The asymptotic probability of coverage is not less than the nominal value provided that the distributions of the sampled populations belong to a location-scale family of probabilities with finite fourth moment.  相似文献   

We discuss a new way of constructing pointwise confidence intervals for the distribution function in the current status model. The confidence intervals are based on the smoothed maximum likelihood estimator, using local smooth functional theory and normal limit distributions. Bootstrap methods for constructing these intervals are considered. Other methods to construct confidence intervals, using the non‐standard limit distribution of the (restricted) maximum likelihood estimator, are compared with our approach via simulations and real data applications.  相似文献   

In this article, we investigated the bootstrap calibrated generalized confidence limits for process capability indices C pk for the one-way random effect model. Also, we derived Bissell's approximation formula for the lower confidence limit using Satterthwaite's method and calculated its coverage probabilities and expected values. Then we compared it with standard bootstrap (SB) method and generalized confidence interval method. The simulation results indicate that the confidence limit obtained offers satisfactory coverage probabilities. The proposed method is illustrated with the help of simulation studies and data sets.  相似文献   

For constructing simultaneous confidence intervals for ratios of means for lognormal distributions, two approaches using a two-step method of variance estimates recovery are proposed. The first approach proposes fiducial generalized confidence intervals (FGCIs) in the first step followed by the method of variance estimates recovery (MOVER) in the second step (FGCIs–MOVER). The second approach uses MOVER in the first and second steps (MOVER–MOVER). Performance of proposed approaches is compared with simultaneous fiducial generalized confidence intervals (SFGCIs). Monte Carlo simulation is used to evaluate the performance of these approaches in terms of coverage probability, average interval width, and time consumption.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of simultaneously estimating Poisson rate differences via applications of the Hsu and Berger stepwise confidence interval method (termed HBM), where comparisons to a common reference group are performed. We discuss continuity-corrected confidence intervals (CIs) and investigate the HBM performance with a moment-based CI, and uncorrected and corrected for continuity Wald and Pooled confidence intervals (CIs). Using simulations, we compare nine individual CIs in terms of coverage probability and the HBM with nine intervals in terms of family-wise error rate (FWER) and overall and local power. The simulations show that these statistical properties depend highly on parameter settings.  相似文献   

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