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In this paper, we develop a zero-inflated NGINAR(1) process as an alternative to the NGINAR(1) process (Risti?, Nasti?, and Bakouch 2009 Risti?, M. M., A. S. Nasti?, and H. S. Bakouch. 2009. A new geometric first-order integer-valued autoregressive (NGINAR(1)) process. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 139:221826.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) when the number of zeros in the data is larger than the expected number of zeros by the geometric process. The proposed process has zero-inflated geometric marginals and contains the NGINAR(1) process as a particular case. In addition, various properties of the new process are derived such as conditional distribution and autocorrelation structure. Yule-Walker, probability based Yule-Walker, conditional least squares and conditional maximum likelihood estimators of the model parameters are derived. An extensive Monte Carlo experiment is conducted to evaluate the performances of these estimators in finite samples. Forecasting performances of the model are discussed. Application to a real data set shows the flexibility and potentiality of the new model.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in modelling integred-valued time series. In this article, we propose a modified and generalized version of the first order rounded integer-valued autoregressive RINAR(1) model, originally introduced by Kachour and Yao (2009 Kachour , M. , Yao , J. F. ( 2009 ). First-order rounded integer-valued autoregressive (RINAR(1)) process . Journal of Time Series Analysis 30 ( 4 ): 417448 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Indeed, this class can be considered as an alternative of classical models based on the thinning operators. Using a Markov chain method, conditions for stationarity and the existence of moments are investigated. Least squares estimator of the model parameters is considered and its consistence is established. Finally, we describe the price change data using a model of the new class.  相似文献   

Estimation of a cross-sectional spatial model containing both a spatial lag of the dependent variable and spatially autoregressive disturbances are considered. [Kelejian and Prucha (1998)]described a generalized two-stage least squares procedure for estimating such a spatial model. Their estimator is, however, not asymptotically optimal. We propose best spatial 2SLS estimators that are asymptotically optimal instrumental variable (IV) estimators. An associated goodness-of-fit (or over identification) test is available. We suggest computationally simple and tractable numerical procedures for constructing the optimal instruments.  相似文献   


In this article, we introduce an extended binomial AR(1) model based on the generalized binomial thinning operator. This operator relaxes the independence assumption of the binomial thinning operator and contains dependent Bernoulli counting series. The new model contains the binomial AR(1) model as a particular case. Some probabilistic and statistical properties are explored. Estimators of the model parameters are derived by conditional maximum likelihood (CML), conditional least squares (CLS) and weighted conditional least squares (WCLS) methods. Some asymptotic properties and numerical results of the estimators are studied. The good performance of the new model is illustrated, among other competitive models in the literature, by an application to the monthly drunken driving counts.  相似文献   

In this article, we focus on some diagnostics for linear regression model with first-order autoregressive and symmetrical errors. The symmetrical class includes both light- and heavy-tailed univariate symmetrical distributions, which offers a more flexible framework for modeling. Maximum likelihood estimates are computed via the Fisher-score method. Score statistic and its adjustment are proposed for testing autocorrelation of the random errors. Local influence diagnostics are also derived for the model under some usual perturbation schemes. The performances of the test statistics are investigated through Monte Carlo simulations. Finally, a real data set is used to illustrate our diagnostic methods.  相似文献   

In this article, we introduce a bivariate autoregressive process with Gamma marginal distributions using the form of the BGAR(2) process (Risti?, 2005 Risti? , M. M. ( 2005 ). A Beta-Gamma autoregressive process of the second-order (BGAR(2)) . Statist. Probab. Lett. 73 : 403410 . [Google Scholar]) and the Beta-Gamma transformation. Some properties of the process such as the autocovariance matrix, the autocorrelation matrix, and the spectral density matrix are derived. The unknown parameters of the process are estimated using the method of moments and the method of conditional least squares. Some numerical results of the estimators are given. We investigate nonparametric and parametric estimation of the spectral density matrix of this process.  相似文献   

The least squares estimate of the autoregressive coefficient in the AR(1) model is known to be biased towards zero, especially for parameters close to the stationarity boundary. Several methods for correcting the autoregressive parameter estimate for the bias have been suggested. Using simulations, we study the bias and the mean square error of the least squares estimate and the bias-corrections proposed by Kendall and Quenouille.

We also study the mean square forecast error and the coverage of the 95% prediction interval when using the biased least squares estimate or one of its bias-corrected versions. We find that the estimation bias matters little for point forecasts, but that it affects the coverage of the prediction intervals. Prediction intervals for forecasts more than one step ahead, when calculated with the biased least squares estimate, are too narrow.  相似文献   

In this article, we implement the Regression Method for estimating (d 1, d 2) of the FISSAR(1, 1) model. It is also possible to estimate d 1 and d 2 by Whittle's method. We also compute the estimated bias, standard error, and root mean square error by a simulation study. A comparison was made between the Regression Method of estimating d 1 and d 2 to that of the Whittle's method. It was found in this simulation study that the Regression Method of estimation was better when compare with the Whittle's estimator, in the sense that it had smaller root mean square errors (RMSE) values.  相似文献   

A new stationary first-order integer-valued autoregressive process with geometric marginal distributions is introduced based on negative binomial thinning. Some properties of the process are established. Estimators of the parameters of the process are obtained using the methods of conditional least squares, Yule–Walker and maximum likelihood. Also, the asymptotic properties of the estimators are derived involving their distributions. Some numerical results of the estimators are presented with a discussion to the obtained results. Real data are used and a possible application is discussed.  相似文献   

The present work proposes a new integer valued autoregressive model with Poisson marginal distribution based on the mixing Pegram and dependent Bernoulli thinning operators. Properties of the model are discussed. We consider several methods for estimating the unknown parameters of the model. Also, the classical and Bayesian approaches are used for forecasting. Simulations are performed for the performance of these estimators and forecasting methods. Finally, the analysis of two real data has been presented for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   

A statistical test procedure is proposed to check whether the parameters in the parametric component of the partially linear spatial autoregressive models satisfy certain linear constraint conditions, in which a residual-based bootstrap procedure is suggested to derive the p-value of the test. Some simulations are conducted to assess the performance of the test and the results show that the bootstrap approximation to the null distribution of the test statistic is valid and the test is of satisfactory power. Furthermore, a real-world example is given to demonstrate the application of the proposed test.  相似文献   


A bivariate integer-valued autoregressive time series model is presented. The model structure is based on binomial thinning. The unconditional and conditional first and second moments are considered. Correlation structure of marginal processes is shown to be analogous to the ARMA(2, 1) model. Some estimation methods such as the Yule–Walker and conditional least squares are considered and the asymptotic distributions of the obtained estimators are derived. Comparison between bivariate model with binomial thinning and bivariate model with negative binomial thinning is given.  相似文献   

This article deals with some probabilistic and statistical properties of a periodic integer-valued GARCH(1,1) model. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the periodical stationary, both in mean and second order, are established. The closed-forms of the mean and the second moment are, under these conditions, obtained. The condition of the existence of higher moment orders and their explicit formula in terms of the parameters are established. The autocovariance structure is studied, while providing the closed-form of the periodic autocorrelation function. The Yule–Walker and the likelihood estimations of the underlying parameters are obtained. A simulation study and an application on real dataset are provided.  相似文献   

This article evaluates the performance of two estimators namely, the Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE) and Whittle's Estimator (WE), through a simulation study for the Generalised Autoregressive (GAR) model.

As expected, it is found that for the parameters α and σ2, the MLE and WE have a better performance than Method of Moments (MOM) estimator. For the parameter δ, MOM sometimes appears to have a slightly better performance than MLE and WE, possibly due to truncation approximations associated with the hypergeometric functions for calculating the autocorrelation function. However, the MLE and WE can be used in practice without loss of efficiency.  相似文献   

This article suggests random and fixed effects spatial two-stage least squares estimators for the generalized mixed regressive spatial autoregressive panel data model. This extends the generalized spatial panel model of Baltagi et al. (2013 Baltagi, B. H., Egger, P., Pfaffermayr, M. (2013). A generalized spatial panel data model with random effects. Econometric Reviews 32:650685.[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) by the inclusion of a spatial lag term. The estimation method utilizes the Generalized Moments method suggested by Kapoor et al. (2007 Kapoor, M., Kelejian, H. H., Prucha, I. R. (2007). Panel data models with spatially correlated error components. Journal of Econometrics 127(1):97130.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) for a spatial autoregressive panel data model. We derive the asymptotic distributions of these estimators and suggest a Hausman test a la Mutl and Pfaffermayr (2011 Mutl, J., Pfaffermayr, M. (2011). The Hausman test in a Cliff and Ord panel model. Econometrics Journal 14:4876.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) based on the difference between these estimators. Monte Carlo experiments are performed to investigate the performance of these estimators as well as the corresponding Hausman test.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a new estimate algorithm for the parameters of a first-order Random Coefficient Autoregressive (RCA) Model. This algorithm turns out to be very reliable in estimating the true parameter values of a given model. It combines quasi-maximum likelihood method, the Kalman filter algorithm, and the Powell's method. Simulation results demonstrate that the algorithm is viable and promising.  相似文献   

针对传统的MGM(1,m)模型存在模拟精度和预测精度不高的问题,文章给出了改进的初值和背景值优化的MGM(1,m)模型。在模型初值的选取上,选取使得模拟值的平均相对误差达到最小的向量X((1))(i)作为初值;在模型背景值的构造上,提出结合辛普森3/8公式的动态序列模型来求解背景值的方法。最后以两组指数型数据序列为例建立了传统MGM(1,2)模型及改进后的模型,并进行数据模拟和预测。结果表明,改进后的MGM(1,m)模型的模拟精度和预测精度均有显著地提高,从而验证了模型的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

针对GM(1,1)幂模型灰微分方程与白化方程无法匹配的缺陷,以灰微分方程的重构为基础,建立无偏GM(1,1)幂模型。该方法使得差分方程的参数与其在微分方程中对应的参数具有更好的一致性。将无偏GM(1,1)幂模型应用到旅游客源预测中,实例应用结果显示无偏GM(1,1)幂模型预测精度高于GM(1,1)模型。  相似文献   

Spatial outliers are spatially referenced objects whose non spatial attribute values are significantly different from the corresponding values in their spatial neighborhoods. In other words, a spatial outlier is a local instability or an extreme observation that deviates significantly in its spatial neighborhood, but possibly not be in the entire dataset. In this article, we have proposed a novel spatial outlier detection algorithm, location quotient (LQ) for multiple attributes spatial datasets, and compared its performance with the well-known mean and median algorithms for multiple attributes spatial datasets, in the literature. In particular, we have applied the mean, median, and LQ algorithms on a real dataset and on simulated spatial datasets of 13 different sizes to compare their performances. In addition, we have calculated area under the curve values in all the cases, which shows that our proposed algorithm is more powerful than the mean and median algorithms in almost all the considered cases and also plotted receiver operating characteristic curves in some cases.  相似文献   

张进峰 《统计研究》2011,28(4):93-98
 在扰动项分布未知的情况下,直接采用传统的空间模型检验方法是存在问题的。针对传统空间模型检验方法的不足,本文以Lee和Yu(2010)的研究为基础,采用Lee和Liu(2006)提出的最优矩条件,构造分布未知情况下空间滞后模型的稳健检验统计量。这种检验方法仅需参数的一致估计量,便于计算。蒙特卡罗结果表明,在小样本情况下,本文提出的检验有良好的性质,且明显优于Saavedra(2003)提出的检验。  相似文献   

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