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T. S. T. Wong 《Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics》2015,57(4):463-480
The recent blistering heat waves of 2009 in the state of Victoria in Australia were so unprecedented in terms of duration and intensity that society was largely unprepared. These heat waves caused serious health, social and economic problems. In this paper, the daily maximum temperatures at ten selected stations are studied. Auto‐regressive integrated moving‐average models are used to prewhiten the time series. Uncorrelated, non‐normal and heavy‐tailed residuals are analyzed by means of a new skew t‐mixture distribution. The number of mixture components is effectively determined by an innovative penalisation procedure. It is shown that the resulting skew t‐mixture models provide an acceptable fit in all cases. Possible future temperature patterns are obtained through simulation. It is forecast that the average duration of high temperature episodes will increase by two to three days per year and a new eight‐year high temperature level is very likely in the coming few years. The relationship between heavy tail behaviour of the fitted distribution and heat waves is noteworthy. 相似文献
Langford IH Leyland AH Rasbash J Goldstein H 《Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C, Applied statistics》1999,48(2):253-268
Multilevel modelling is used on problems arising from the analysis of spatially distributed health data. We use three applications to demonstrate the use of multilevel modelling in this area. The first concerns small area all-cause mortality rates from Glasgow where spatial autocorrelation between residuals is examined. The second analysis is of prostate cancer cases in Scottish counties where we use a range of models to examine whether the incidence is higher in more rural areas. The third develops a multiple-cause model in which deaths from cancer and cardiovascular disease in Glasgow are examined simultaneously in a spatial model. We discuss some of the issues surrounding the use of complex spatial models and the potential for future developments. 相似文献
We study the persistence of intertrade durations, counts (number of transactions in equally spaced intervals of clock time), squared returns and realized volatility in 10 stocks trading on the New York Stock Exchange. A semiparametric analysis reveals the presence of long memory in all of these series, with potentially the same memory parameter. We introduce a parametric latent-variable long-memory stochastic duration (LMSD) model which is shown to better fit the data than the autoregressive conditional duration model (ACD) in a variety of ways. The empirical evidence we present here is in agreement with theoretical results on the propagation of memory from durations to counts and realized volatility presented in Deo et al. (2009). 相似文献
The Knox and Mantel procedures of time-space disease clustering are shown to be nonrobust in certain situations. The effect of selecting the necessary constants by a trial-and-error approach drastically alters the nominal significance level. When the population is shifting over time or when the detection rate of the disease is not constant, this artificially induced space-time clustering can increase the probability of rejection to two or more times the nominal significance level. 相似文献
The paper revisits the concept of a power series distribution by defining its series function, its power parameter, and hence its probability generating function. Realization that the series function for a particular distribution is a special case of a recognized mathematical function enables distributions to be classified into families. Examples are the generalized hypergeometric family and the q-series family, both of which contain generalizations of the geometric distribution. The Lerch function (a third generalization of the geometric series) is the series function for the Lerch family. A list of distributions belonging to the Lerch family is provided. 相似文献
Leyland AH Næss O 《Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A, (Statistics in Society)》2009,172(3):555-578
Summary. Life course epidemiology concentrates on the contribution that social or physical exposures have across the life course on adult health. It is known that the area of residence can affect health, but little is known about the effect of the area of residence across the life course. We examine the contribution that area of residence in 1960, 1970, 1980 and 1990 made on subsequent mortality for 49736 male inhabitants of Oslo in 1990. We compare the performance of multiple-membership and cross-classified multilevel models on these data with a correlated cross-classified model that was developed for this. 相似文献
A procedure is developed for seasonally adjusting weekly time series, based on a composite of regression and time series models. The procedure is applied to some weekly U.S. money supply series currently seasonally adjusted by the Federal Reserve. 相似文献
Peter C. Smith Andrew Street 《Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A, (Statistics in Society)》2005,168(2):401-417
Summary. Policy makers are increasingly seeking to develop overall measures of the effi-ciency of public service organizations. For that, the use of 'off-the-shelf' statistical tools such as data envelopment analysis and stochastic frontier analysis have been advocated as tools to measure organizational efficiency. The analytical sophistication of such methods has reached an advanced stage of development. We discuss the context within which such models are deployed, their underlying assumptions and their usefulness for a regulator of public services. Four specific model building issues are discussed: the weights that are attached to public service outputs; the specification of the statistical model; the treatment of environmental influences on performance; the treatment of dynamic effects. The paper concludes with recommendations for policy makers and researchers on the development and use of efficiency measurement techniques. 相似文献
G. Vasiliadis 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2014,43(7):1548-1562
In this article, the M/M/k/N/N queue is modeled as a continuous-time homogeneous Markov system with finite state size capacity (HMS/cs). In order to examine the behavior of the queue a continuous-time homogeneous Markov system (HMS) constituted of two states is used. The first state of this HMS corresponds to the source and the second one to the state with the servers. The second state has a finite capacity which corresponds to the number of servers. The members of the system which can not enter the second state, due to its finite capacity, enter the buffer state which represents the system's queue. In order to examine the variability of the state sizes formulae for their factorial and mixed factorial moments are derived in matrix form. As a consequence, the pmf of each state size can be evaluated for any t ∈ ?+. The theoretical results are illustrated by a numerical example. 相似文献
中国各地区医疗卫生服务的生产效率分析 总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13
医疗卫生是与国民密切相关的一个问题,所以医疗卫生服务的生产效率如何倍受人们的关注。运用DEA模型可以对中国各地区的医疗卫生服务生产效率进行研究,分析不同地区效率高低的原因。结果显示,虽然总体上中国的医疗卫生服务的生产效率处于一个较低水平,但地区之间还是存在着很大的区别,并且地区间即便都是高效率或者低效率的地区,其投入和产出水平也不尽相同。 相似文献
The Hidden semi-Markov models (HSMMs) were introduced to overcome the constraint of a geometric sojourn time distribution for the different hidden states in the classical hidden Markov models. Several variations of HSMMs were proposed that model the sojourn times by a parametric or a nonparametric family of distributions. In this article, we concentrate our interest on the nonparametric case where the duration distributions are attached to transitions and not to states as in most of the published papers in HSMMs. Therefore, it is worth noticing that here we treat the underlying hidden semi-Markov chain in its general probabilistic structure. In that case, Barbu and Limnios (2008) proposed an Expectation–Maximization (EM) algorithm in order to estimate the semi-Markov kernel and the emission probabilities that characterize the dynamics of the model. In this article, we consider an improved version of Barbu and Limnios' EM algorithm which is faster than the original one. Moreover, we propose a stochastic version of the EM algorithm that achieves comparable estimates with the EM algorithm in less execution time. Some numerical examples are provided which illustrate the efficient performance of the proposed algorithms. 相似文献
The parameters of a periodic model are allowed to vary according to the time at which observations are made. Periodic autoregressive models are fitted to the quarterly values of seasonally unadjusted real nondurable consumers' expenditure for the United Kingdom and its components. The periodic model offers no improvement over conventional specifications if the aggregate is modeled directly. On the other hand, periodic models generally perform well for the components, which contain additional seasonal information. The choice between a periodic or nonperiodic specification is also shown to have an important influence on the resulting dynamic properties. 相似文献
The problems of estimation and hypotheses testing on the parameters of two correlated linear models are discussed. Such models are known to have direct applications in epidemiologic research, particularly in the field of family studies. When the data are unbalanced, the maximum-likelihood estimation of the parameters is achieved by adopting a fairly simple numerical algorithm. The asymptotic variances and covariances of the estimators are derived, and the procedures are illustrated on arterial-blood-pressure data from the literature. 相似文献
This article applies composed error frontier regression techniques to estimate the minimal moments of inertia and radii of gyration for a unique and varied sample of shotguns. We find that minimum inertia depends on weight, center of gravity, length of pull, and barrel length, but not on gauge, action type, or number of barrels. Curiously, minimal radii of gyration does not depend on barrel length, suggesting that the constraints on these two related but non-identical measures of handling are significantly different despite their high correlation. We also provide evidence in support of G. T. Garwood's claim that a lower inertia, other things equal, is a market-validated characteristic associated with quality. 相似文献
提高基本公共服务均等化水平,是我国"十四五"时期的明确要求。文章利用泰尔指数法对长江中游城市群基本公共服务均等化水平进行测算和比较,得到以下结论:(1)2007—2018年,长江中游城市群基本公共服务的均等化在中等水平但不稳定,均等化水平较高的是基本设施和社会保障,均等化水平较低的是就业服务;(2)"十四五"时期长江中游城市群的基本公共服务均等化水平进入上升期,预计2024年达到优秀水平,但就业和教育文化的均等化仍然维持在较低水平;(3)武汉城市圈对长江中游城市群基本公共服务均等化总差距的贡献最大,武汉城市圈与长株潭"3+5"城市群差距最小,而长株潭"3+5"城市群与合肥都市圈差距最大。 相似文献
This paper is concerned with methods for the numerical calculation of the final outcome distribution for a well-known stochastic
epidemic model in a closed population. The model is of the SIR (Susceptible→Infected→ Removed) type, and the infectious period
can have any specified distribution. The final outcome distribution is specified by the solution of a triangular system of
linear equations, but the form of the distribution leads to inherent numerical problems in the solution. Here we employ multiple
precision arithmetic to surmount these problems. As applications of our methodology, we assess the accuracy of two approximations
that are frequently used in practice, namely an approximation for the probability of an epidemic occurring, and a Gaussian
approximation to the final number infected in the event of an outbreak. We also present an example of Bayesian inference for
the epidemic threshold parameter. 相似文献
Nicky Best Samantha Cockings James Bennett Jon Wakefield & Paul Elliott 《Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A, (Statistics in Society)》2001,164(1):155-174
Benzene is classified as a group 1 human carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, and it is now accepted that occupational exposure is associated with an increased risk of various leukaemias. However, occupational exposure accounts for less than 1% of all benzene exposures, the major sources being cigarette smoking and vehicle exhaust emissions. Whether such low level exposures to environmental benzene are also associated with the risk of leukaemia is currently not known. In this study, we investigate the relationship between benzene emissions arising from outdoor sources (predominantly road traffic and petrol stations) and the incidence of childhood leukaemia in Greater London. An ecological design was used because of the rarity of the disease, the difficulty of obtaining individual level measurements of benzene exposure and the availability of data. However, some methodological difficulties were encountered, including problems of case registration errors, the choice of geographical areas for analysis, exposure measurement errors and ecological bias. We use a Bayesian hierarchical modelling framework to address these issues, and we investigate the sensitivity of our inference to various modelling assumptions. 相似文献
This article discusses the conocepts of estimation of parameters and tests of linear hyp hypotheses in the fixed effects (ANOVA) model with some zero cell frequencies. The concept of connected experiments is generalized ot he cel1-means model and relatedtotheest imation of and test of hy pothe sesa bout the cell means. A simple test for connectedness is developed as a n atur alre sult of thea nalysis of the constrai nedcell means model. The a nalysis of unconnected experimentsisbriefly discussed. Examples are presented toillustrate the ideas. 相似文献
Su Yun Kang James McGree Peter Baade Kerrie Mengersen 《Journal of applied statistics》2014,41(11):2515-2538
Ecological studies are based on characteristics of groups of individuals, which are common in various disciplines including epidemiology. It is of great interest for epidemiologists to study the geographical variation of a disease by accounting for the positive spatial dependence between neighbouring areas. However, the choice of scale of the spatial correlation requires much attention. In view of a lack of studies in this area, this study aims to investigate the impact of differing definitions of geographical scales using a multilevel model. We propose a new approach – the grid-based partitions and compare it with the popular census region approach. Unexplained geographical variation is accounted for via area-specific unstructured random effects and spatially structured random effects specified as an intrinsic conditional autoregressive process. Using grid-based modelling of random effects in contrast to the census region approach, we illustrate conditions where improvements are observed in the estimation of the linear predictor, random effects, parameters, and the identification of the distribution of residual risk and the aggregate risk in a study region. The study has found that grid-based modelling is a valuable approach for spatially sparse data while the statistical local area-based and grid-based approaches perform equally well for spatially dense data. 相似文献