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In this paper, we are interested in the study of beta kernel density estimators from an asymptotic minimax point of view. These estimators allows to estimate density functions with support in [0,1]. It is well-known that beta kernel estimators are - on the contrary of classical kernel estimators - “free of boundary effect” and thus are very useful in practice. The goal of this paper is to prove that there is a price to pay: for very regular density functions or for certain losses, these estimators are not minimax. Nevertheless they are minimax for classical regularities such as regularity of order two or less than two, supposed commonly in the practice and for some classical losses.  相似文献   

Optimal Change-point Estimation in Inverse Problems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We develop a method of estimating a change-point of an otherwise smooth function in the case of indirect noisy observations. As two paradigms we consider deconvolution and non-parametric errors-in-variables regression. In a similar manner to well-established methods for estimating change-points in non-parametric regression, we look essentially at the difference of one-sided kernel estimators. Because of the indirect nature of the observations we employ deconvoluting kernels. We obtain an estimate of the change-point by the extremal point of the differences between these two-sided kernel estimators. We derive rates of convergence for this estimator. They depend on the degree of ill-posedness of the problem, which derives from the smoothness of the error density. Analysing the Hellinger modulus of continuity of the problem we show that these rates are minimax  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose nonparametric kernel estimators of the semivariogram, under the assumption of isotropy. At first, a symmetric kernel is considered in order to construct a consistent estimator, so that the selection of the bandwidth parameter is treated via the MSE or the MISE criteria. Next, the use of a boundary kernel will be suggested in order to obtain satisfactory estimates near the semivariogram endpoint. In all cases, an adaptation of Shapiro and Botha's fit is proposed to produce valid semivariogram estimators. Finally, we describe a numerical study carried out to illustrate the performance of the kernel estimators.  相似文献   

Discrete associated kernels method and extensions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Discrete kernel estimation of a probability mass function (p.m.f.), often mentioned in the literature, has been far less investigated in comparison with continuous kernel estimation of a probability density function (p.d.f.). In this paper, we are concerned with a general methodology of discrete kernels for smoothing a p.m.f. f. We give a basic of mathematical tools for further investigations. First, we point out a generalizable notion of discrete associated kernel which is defined at each point of the support of f and built from any parametric discrete probability distribution. Then, some properties of the corresponding estimators are shown, in particular pointwise and global (asymptotical) properties. Other discrete kernels are constructed from usual discrete probability distributions such as Poisson, binomial and negative binomial. For small samples sizes, underdispersed discrete kernel estimators are more interesting than the empirical estimator; thus, an importance of discrete kernels is illustrated. The choice of smoothing bandwidth is classically investigated according to cross-validation and, novelly, to excess of zeros methods. Finally, a unification way of this method concerning the general probability function is discussed.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a class of partial deconvolution kernel estimators for the nonparametric regression function when some covariates are measured with error and some are not. The estimation procedure combines the classical kernel methodology and the deconvolution kernel technique. According to whether the measurement error is ordinarily smooth or supersmooth, we establish the optimal local and global convergence rates for these proposed estimators, and the optimal bandwidths are also identified. Furthermore, lower bounds for the convergence rates of all possible estimators for the nonparametric regression functions are developed. It is shown that, in both the super and ordinarily smooth cases, the convergence rates of the proposed partial deconvolution kernel estimators attain the lower bound. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 48: 535–560; 2020 © 2020 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

In biomedical studies, correlated failure time data arise often. Although point and confidence interval estimation for quantiles with independent censored failure time data have been extensively studied, estimation for quantiles with correlated failure time data has not been developed. In this article, we propose a nonparametric estimation method for quantiles with correlated failure time data. We derive the asymptotic properties of the quantile estimator and propose confidence interval estimators based on the bootstrap and kernel smoothing methods. Simulation studies are carried out to investigate the finite sample properties of the proposed estimators. Finally, we illustrate the proposed method with a data set from a study of patients with otitis media.  相似文献   

Multivariate associated kernel estimators, which depend on both target point and bandwidth matrix, are appropriate for distributions with partially or totally bounded supports and generalize the classical ones such as the Gaussian. Previous studies on multivariate associated kernels have been restricted to products of univariate associated kernels, also considered having diagonal bandwidth matrices. However, it has been shown in classical cases that, for certain forms of target density such as multimodal ones, the use of full bandwidth matrices offers the potential for significantly improved density estimation. In this paper, general associated kernel estimators with correlation structure are introduced. Asymptotic properties of these estimators are presented; in particular, the boundary bias is investigated. Generalized bivariate beta kernels are handled in more details. The associated kernel with a correlation structure is built with a variant of the mode-dispersion method and two families of bandwidth matrices are discussed using the least squared cross validation method. Simulation studies are done. In the particular situation of bivariate beta kernels, a very good performance of associated kernel estimators with correlation structure is observed compared to the diagonal case. Finally, an illustration on a real dataset of paired rates in a framework of political elections is presented.  相似文献   

We provide a common approach for studying several nonparametric estimators used for smoothing functional time series data. Linear filters based on different building assumptions are transformed into kernel functions via reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces. For each estimator, we identify a density function or second order kernel, from which a hierarchy of higher order estimators is derived. These are shown to give excellent representations for the currently applied symmetric filters. In particular, we derive equivalent kernels of smoothing splines in Sobolev and polynomial spaces. The asymmetric weights are obtained by adapting the kernel functions to the length of the various filters, and a theoretical and empirical comparison is made with the classical estimators used in real time analysis. The former are shown to be superior in terms of signal passing, noise suppression and speed of convergence to the symmetric filter.  相似文献   

Under von Mises's condition, the kernel tail index estimators of Csörgő et al. (Ann. Statist. 13 (1985) 1050) have been generalized by Groeneboon et al. (Ann. Statist. 31 (2003) 1956) for all real tail indices. Weak consistency and asymptotic normality of their kernel estimators have been established. In this paper, we present a characterization of the almost sure behavior of these estimators and we show their strong consistency.  相似文献   

In the fixed design regression model, additional weights are considered for the Nad a ray a-Watson and Gasser-Miiller kernel estimators. We study their asymptotic behavior and the relationships between new and classical estimators. For a simple family of weights, and considering the AIMSEAS global loss criterion, we show some possible theoretical advantages. An empirical study illustrates the performance of the weighted kernel estimators in theoretical ideal situations and in simulated data sets. Also some results concerning the use of weights for local polynomial estimators are given.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a nonparametric estimator for percentiles of the time-to-failure distribution obtained from a linear degradation model using the kernel density method. The properties of the proposed kernel estimator are investigated and compared with well-known maximum likelihood and ordinary least squares estimators via a simulation technique. The mean squared error and the length of the bootstrap confidence interval are used as the basis criteria of the comparisons. The simulation study shows that the performance of the kernel estimator is acceptable as a general estimator. When the distribution of the data is assumed to be known, the maximum likelihood and ordinary least squares estimators perform better than the kernel estimator, while the kernel estimator is superior when the assumption of our knowledge of the data distribution is violated. A comparison among different estimators is achieved using a real data set.  相似文献   

We propose kernel density estimators based on prebinned data. We use generalized binning schemes based on the quantiles points of a certain auxiliary distribution function. Therein the uniform distribution corresponds to usual binning. The statistical accuracy of the resulting kernel estimators is studied, i.e. we derive mean squared error results for the closeness of these estimators to both the true function and the kernel estimator based on the original data set. Our results show the influence of the choice of the auxiliary density on the binned kernel estimators and they reveal that non-uniform binning can be worthwhile.  相似文献   

Non‐parametric estimation and bootstrap techniques play an important role in many areas of Statistics. In the point process context, kernel intensity estimation has been limited to exploratory analysis because of its inconsistency, and some consistent alternatives have been proposed. Furthermore, most authors have considered kernel intensity estimators with scalar bandwidths, which can be very restrictive. This work focuses on a consistent kernel intensity estimator with unconstrained bandwidth matrix. We propose a smooth bootstrap for inhomogeneous spatial point processes. The consistency of the bootstrap mean integrated squared error (MISE) as an estimator of the MISE of the consistent kernel intensity estimator proves the validity of the resampling procedure. Finally, we propose a plug‐in bandwidth selection procedure based on the bootstrap MISE and compare its performance with several methods currently used through both as a simulation study and an application to the spatial pattern of wildfires registered in Galicia (Spain) during 2006.  相似文献   

Longitudinal studies with repeatedly measured dependent variable (out-come) and time-invariant covariates are common in biomedical and epidemi-ological studies. A useful statistical tool to evaluate the effects of covariates on the outcome variable over time is the varying-coefficient regression, which considers a linear relationship between the covariates and the outcome at a specific time point but assumes the linear coefficients to be smooth curves over time. In order to provide adequate smoothing for each coefficient curve, Wu and Chiang ( 1999 ) proposed a class of component-wise kernel estimators and determined the large sample convergence rates and some of the constant terms of the mean squared errors of their estimators. In this paper we calcu¬late the explicit large sample mean squared errors, including the convergence rates and ail the constant terms, and the asymptotic distributions of the kernel estimators of Wu and Chiang ( 1999 ). These asymptotic distributions are used to construct point-wise confidence intervals and Bonferroni-type confidence bands for the coefficient curves. Through a Monte Carlo simulation, wre show that our confidence regions have adequate coverage probabilities. Applying our procedures to a NIH fetal growth study, we show that our procedures are useful to determine the effects of maternal height, cigarette smoking and al¬cohol consumption on the growth of fetal abdominal circumference over time during pregnancy.  相似文献   

A new nonparametric quantile regression method based on the concept of optimal quantization was developed recently and was showed to provide estimators that often dominate their classical, kernel-type, competitors. In the present work, we extend this method to multiple-output regression problems. We show how quantization allows approximating population multiple-output regression quantiles based on halfspace depth. We prove that this approximation becomes arbitrarily accurate as the size of the quantization grid goes to infinity. We also derive a weak consistency result for a sample version of the proposed regression quantiles. Through simulations, we compare the performances of our estimators with (local constant and local bilinear) kernel competitors. The results reveal that the proposed quantization-based estimators, which are local constant in nature, outperform their kernel counterparts and even often dominate their local bilinear kernel competitors. The various approaches are also compared on artificial and real data.  相似文献   

In this article, we first propose the classical multivariate generalized Birnbaum–Saunders kernel estimator for probability density function estimation in the context of multivariate non negative data. Then, we apply two multiplicative bias correction (MBC) techniques for multivariate kernel density estimator. Some properties (bias, variance, and mean integrated squared error) of the corresponding estimators are also investigated. Finally, the performances of the classical and MBC estimators based on family of generalized Birnbaum–Saunders kernels are illustrated by a simulation study.  相似文献   

Symmetric kernel smoothing is commonly used in estimating the nonparametric component in the partial linear regression models. In this article, we propose a new estimation method for the partial linear regression models using the inverse Gaussian kernel when the explanatory variable of the nonparametric component is non-negatively supported. As an asymmetric kernel function, the inverse Gaussian kernel is also supported on the non-negative half line. The asymptotic properties, including the asymptotic normality, uniform almost sure convergence, and the iterated logarithm laws, of the proposed estimators are thoroughly discussed for both homoscedastic and heteroscedastic cases. The simulation study is conducted to evaluate the finite sample performance of the proposed estimators.  相似文献   

We develop and study in the framework of Pareto-type distributions a class of nonparametric kernel estimators for the conditional second order tail parameter. The estimators are obtained by local estimation of the conditional second order parameter using a moving window approach. Asymptotic normality of the proposed class of kernel estimators is proven under some suitable conditions on the kernel function and the conditional tail quantile function. The nonparametric estimators for the second order parameter are subsequently used to obtain a class of bias-corrected kernel estimators for the conditional tail index. In particular it is shown how for a given kernel function one obtains a bias-corrected kernel function, and that replacing the second order parameter in the latter with a consistent estimator does not change the limiting distribution of the bias-corrected estimator for the conditional tail index. The finite sample behavior of some specific estimators is illustrated with a simulation experiment. The developed methodology is also illustrated on fire insurance claim data.  相似文献   

In this paper we compare the kernel density estimators proposed by Bhattacharyya et al. (1988) and Jones (1991) for length biased data, showing the asymptotic normality of the estimators. A method to construct a new estimator is proposed. Moreover, we extend these results to weighted data and we study an estimator for the weight function.  相似文献   


We study the estimation of a hazard rate function based on censored data by non-linear wavelet method. We provide an asymptotic formula for the mean integrated squared error (MISE) of nonlinear wavelet-based hazard rate estimators under randomly censored data. We show this MISE formula, when the underlying hazard rate function and censoring distribution function are only piecewise smooth, has the same expansion as analogous kernel estimators, a feature not available for the kernel estimators. In addition, we establish an asymptotic normality of the nonlinear wavelet estimator.  相似文献   

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