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This article outlines the structure of a generalized family of three-stage chain sampling plans, extending the concept of two-stage chain sampling plans of Dodge and Stephens (1966) which is an extension of the original work of Dodge (1955). Expressions are derived for the OC curves for several sets of general sets of three-stage chain sampling plans, with cumulative acceptance numbers of (c1,c2,c3) = (0,1,2), (0,1,3), (0,2,3), (1,2,3),(0,1,4),(0,2,4), (0,3,4), (1,2,4), (1,3,4) and (2,3,4). In the original work of Dodge (1955) only acceptance numbers of 0,1 were used and in the extension work of Dodge and Stephens (1966) acceptance numbers of (c1,c2) = (0,1) ,(0,2), (1,2), (0,3), (1,3), (0,4) and (1,4) were used with selected sets of values of k1,and k2 (the number of lots considered for cumulation in the first and second stage respectively). In this paper the 0C curves are derived more generally for any k1, k2and k3(the number of lots considered for cumulation in the first, second and third stages respectively) combination and 0C curves of a number of plans are given and comparisons are made with some single sampling, two-stage chain sampling and multiple sampling plans.  相似文献   

Tables have been prepared for the construction and selection of multiple dependent (deferred) state (MDS) sampling plans of type MDS-(c1,c2). These plans are compared with conventional sampling plans (such as single and double sampling) and it is shown that MDS-type plans require a smaller sample size. A special feature of the MDS-(0,1) plan is highlighted and its design procedure is indicated.  相似文献   

The tightened-normal-tightened (TNT) attributes sampling scheme was devised by Calvin (1977). In this paper, a TNT Scheme with variables sampling plan as the reference plan, designated as TNTVSS (nσ; kT, kN) is introduced, where nσ is the sample size under the reference plan, and kT and kN are the acceptance constants corresponding to tightened and normal plans respectively. The behaviour of OC curves of the TNTVSS (nσ; kT, kN) is studied. The efficiency of TNTVSS (nσ; kT, kN) with respect to smaller sample sizes has been established over the attributes scheme. The TNTVSS is matched with the TNT (n; cN, cT) of Vijayaraghavan and Soundararajan (1996), for the specified points on the OC curves, namely (p1, α) and (p2, β) and it is shown that the sample size of the variables scheme is much smaller than that of the attributes scheme. The TNT scheme with an unknown σ variables plan as the reference plan is also introduced along with the procedure of selection of the parameters. The method of designing the scheme based on the given AQL (Acceptable Quality level), α (producer's risk), LQL (Limiting Quality Level) and β (consumer's risk) is indicated. Among the class of TNTVSS which exists, for a given (p1,α) and (p2, β), a scheme, which will have a more steeper OC curve than that of any other scheme, is identified and given.  相似文献   

We deal sith sampling by variables with two-way-protection in the case of aN(μσ2) distributed characteristic with unknown σ2. For the sampling plan by Lieberman and Resnikoff (1955), which is based on the MVU estimator of the percent defective, we prove a formula for the OC. If the sampling parametersp 1 (AQL),p 2 (LQ) and α, β (type I, II errors) are given, we are able to compute the true type I and II errors of the usual (one-sided) approximation plans. Furthermore it is possible to compute exact two-sided Lieberman-Resnikoff sampling plans.  相似文献   

In this article the outgoing quality and the total inspection for the chain sampling plan ChSP-4(c 1, c 2) are introduced as well-defined random variables. The probability distributions of outgoing quality and total inspection are stated based on total rectification of non conforming units. The variances of these random variables are studied. The aim of this article is to develop procedures for minimum variance ChSP-4(c 1, c 2) sampling plans and their determination. In addition to minimum variance sampling plans, a procedure is developed for designing plans with a designated maximum variance, a VOQL (Variance of Outgoing Quality Limit) plan. The VOQL concept is analogous to the AOQL (Average Outgoing Quality Limit) except in the VOQL plan, it is the maximum variance which is established instead of the usual maximum AOQ.  相似文献   

We deal with single sampling by variables with two-way-protection in case of normally distributed characteristics with unknown variance. Givenp 1(AQL),p 2 (LQ) and α, β (risks of errors of the first and the second kind), there are two well-known methods of determining the corresponding sampling plans. Both methods are based on an approximation of the OC. Therefore these plans are only approximations, the true risks α and β are not known exactly. In section II we present a new sampling scheme based on an estimatorp for the percent defectivep. We give an exact formula for the OC. Thus we are able to determine these plans exactly without any approximations.  相似文献   

This paper provides tables for the construction and selection of tightened–normal–tightened variables sampling scheme of type TNTVSS (n 1, n 2; k). The method of designing the scheme indexed by (AQL, α) and (LQL, β) is indicated. The TNTVSS (n T , n N; k) is compared with conventional single sampling plans for variables and with TNT (n 1, n 2; c) scheme for attributes, and it is shown that the TNTVSS is more efficient.  相似文献   

Simulated tempering (ST) is an established Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method for sampling from a multimodal density π(θ). Typically, ST involves introducing an auxiliary variable k taking values in a finite subset of [0,1] and indexing a set of tempered distributions, say π k (θ) π(θ) k . In this case, small values of k encourage better mixing, but samples from π are only obtained when the joint chain for (θ,k) reaches k=1. However, the entire chain can be used to estimate expectations under π of functions of interest, provided that importance sampling (IS) weights are calculated. Unfortunately this method, which we call importance tempering (IT), can disappoint. This is partly because the most immediately obvious implementation is naïve and can lead to high variance estimators. We derive a new optimal method for combining multiple IS estimators and prove that the resulting estimator has a highly desirable property related to the notion of effective sample size. We briefly report on the success of the optimal combination in two modelling scenarios requiring reversible-jump MCMC, where the naïve approach fails.  相似文献   

Three tables for selection of double sampling plans each for the cases when n2 = n1and when n2 = 2n1with anyu one of the following combination of entry parameters are given :

1) the indifference quality level and the average out-going quality limit;

2) the indifference quality level with relative slope of the curve at that quality level and

3) the quality level corresponding to the inflection point with relative slope of the OC curve at that quality level.

Two tables enabling the transition from one set of parameters to match the OC curve of other similar sets are also given.  相似文献   

In this paper, the notion of average total inspection (ATI) is introduced to ChSP-4(c1,c2) sampling plans. Procedures have been developed for the construction and selection of ChSP-4(c1, c2 plans, minimizing ATI at a given process average, while protection to the consumer is given in terms of the (i) average outgoing quality limit and (ii) limiting quality level.A wide range of c1 and c2 values are considered for developing tables which cover almost all practical situations. The procedure described is similar to that of Dodge and Romig.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new mixed sampling plan based on the process capability index (PCI) Cpk is proposed and the resultant plan is called mixed variable lot-size chain sampling plan (ChSP). The proposed mixed plan comprises of both attribute and variables inspections. The variable lot-size sampling plan can be used for inspection of attribute quality characteristics and for the inspection of measurable quality characteristics, the variables ChSP based on PCI will be used. We have considered both symmetric and asymmetric fraction non conforming cases for the variables ChSP. Tables are developed for determining the optimal parameters of the proposed mixed plan based on two points on the operating characteristic (OC) approach. In order to construct the tables, the problem is formulated as a non linear programming where the average sample number function is considered as an objective function to be minimized and the lot acceptance probabilities at acceptable quality level and limiting quality level under the OC curve are considered as constraints. The practical implementation of the proposed mixed sampling plan is explained with an illustrative real time example. Advantages of the proposed sampling plan are also discussed in terms of comparison with other existing sampling plans.  相似文献   

When the manufacturing process is well monitored, occurrence of nondefects would be a frequent event in sampling inspection. The appropriate probability distribution of the number of defects is a zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) distribution. In this article, determination of single sampling plans (SSPs) by attributes using unity values is considered, when the number of defects follows a ZIP distribution. The operating characteristic (OC) function of the sampling plan is derived. Plan parameters are obtained for some sets of values of (p1, α, p2, β). Numerical illustrations are given to describe the determination of SSP under ZIP distribution and to study its performance in comparison with Poisson SSP.  相似文献   

A number of D-optimal weighing designs are constructed with the help of block matrices. The D-optimal designs (n,k,s)=(19,13,10), (19,14,7), (19,14,8), (19,15,7), (19,15,8), (19,17,6), (19,18,6), (23,16,8), (23,17,8), (23,18,8), (4n?1,2n+3,(3n+4)/2), (4n?1,2n+4,n+3), (4n?1,2n+4,n+2) where n≡0 mod 4 and a skew Hn exists, (31,24,8), (31,25,8) and many others are constructed. A computer routine leading to locally D-optimal designs is presented.  相似文献   

Bose and Clatworthy (1955) showed that the parameters of a two-class balanced incomplete block design with λ1=1,λ2=0 and satisfying r <k can be expressed in terms of just three parameters r,k,t. Later Bose (1963) showed that such a design is a partial geometry (r,k,t). Bose, Shrikhande and Singhi (1976) have defined partial geometric designs (r,k,t,c), which reduce to partial geometries when c=0. In this note we prove that any two class partially balanced (PBIB) design with r <k, is a partial geometric design for suitably chosen r,k,t,c and express the parameters of the PBIB design in terms of r,k,t,c and λ2. We also show that such PBIB designs belong to the class of special partially balanced designs (SPBIB) studied by Bridges and Shrikhande (1974).  相似文献   

Let q = mt + 1 be a prime power, and let v(m, t) be the (m + 1)-vector (b1, b2, …, bm + 1) of elements of GF(q) such that for each k, 1 ⩽ km + 1, the set {bibj:i∈{1,2,…m+1} − {m + 2 − k}, ji + k(mod m + 2) and 1⩽jm+1} forms a system of representatives for the cyclotomic classes of index m in GF(q). In this paper, we investigate the existence of such vectors. An upper bound on t for the existence of a v(m, t) is given for each fixed m unless both m and t are even, in which case there is no such a vector. Some special cases are also considered.  相似文献   

In 1955, Lieberman and Solomon introduced multi-level (MLP) continuous sampling plans. Derman et al . then extended the multi-level plans as tightened multi-level plans (MLP-T). In this paper, a generalization of MLP-T with two sampling levels is presented. Using a Markov chain model, expressions for the performance measures of the general MLP-T plans are derived. Tables are also presented for the selection of general MLP-T plans with two sampling levels when the acceptable quality level, limiting quality level, indiff erence quality level and average outgoing quality level are specified.  相似文献   

We deal with the double sampling plans by variables proposed by Bowker and Goode (Sampling Inspection by Variables, McGraw–Hill, New York, 1952) when the standard deviation is unknown. Using the procedure for the calculation of the OC given by Krumbholz and Rohr (Allg. Stat. Arch. 90:233–251, 2006), we present an optimization algorithm allowing to determine the ASN Minimax plan. This plan, among all double plans satisfying the classical two-point-condition on the OC, has the minimal ASN maximum.  相似文献   

Three tables for selection of single sampling plans with any one of the following combinations of entry parameters are givens.

1) the indifference quality level and the average outgoing quality limit.

2) the indifference quality level with relative slope of the OC curve at that quality leve land.

3) the quality level corresponding to the inflection point with relative slope of the OC curve at that quality level.

A table enabling the transition from one set of parameters to match the OC curve of other similar sets is also given.  相似文献   

Lieberman and Solomon (1955) introduced multi-level continuous sampling plans and Derman et al. (1957) extended them as tightened multi-level continuous plans. MLP-T plan is one of the three tightened multi-level continuous sampling plans of Derman et al. (1957). In this paper, we restrict our discussion to MLP-T plans with two sampling levels. Using a Markov chain model, expressions for the average outgoing quality, the average fraction inspected and the operating characteristic function are derived. Four tables are given to enable selection of MLP-T plans with two sampling levels when the acceptable quality level or the limiting quality level and the average outgoing quality limit are specified.  相似文献   


This paper presents an improved method to calculate the delay distribution of a type k customer in a first-come-first-serve (FCFS) discrete-time queueing system with multiple types of customers, where each type has different service requirements, and c servers, with c = 1, 2 (the MMAP[K]/PH[K]/c queue). The first algorithms to compute this delay distribution, using the GI/M/1 paradigm, were presented by Van Houdt and Blondia [Van Houdt, B.; Blondia, C. The delay distribution of a type k customer in a first come first served MMAP[K]/PH[K]/1 queue. J. Appl. Probab. 2002, 39 (1), 213–222; The waiting time distribution of a type k customer in a FCFS MMAP[K]/PH[K]/2 queue. Technical Report; 2002]. The two most limiting properties of these algorithms are: (i) the computation of the rate matrix R related to the GI/M/1 type Markov chain, (ii) the amount of memory needed to store the transition matrices A l and B l . In this paper we demonstrate that each of the three GI/M/1 type Markov chains used to develop the algorithms in the above articles can be reduced to a QBD with a block size which is only marginally larger than that of its corresponding GI/M/1 type Markov chain. As a result, the two major limiting factors of each of these algorithms are drastically reduced to computing the G matrix of the QBD and storing the 6 matrices that characterize the QBD. Moreover, these algorithms are easier to implement, especially for the system with c = 2 servers. We also include some numerical examples that further demonstrate the reduction in computational resources.  相似文献   

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