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Observations collected over time are often autocorrelated rather than independent, and sometimes include observations below or above detection limits (i.e. censored values reported as less or more than a level of detection) and/or missing data. Practitioners commonly disregard censored data cases or replace these observations with some function of the limit of detection, which often results in biased estimates. Moreover, parameter estimation can be greatly affected by the presence of influential observations in the data. In this paper we derive local influence diagnostic measures for censored regression models with autoregressive errors of order p (hereafter, AR(p)‐CR models) on the basis of the Q‐function under three useful perturbation schemes. In order to account for censoring in a likelihood‐based estimation procedure for AR(p)‐CR models, we used a stochastic approximation version of the expectation‐maximisation algorithm. The accuracy of the local influence diagnostic measure in detecting influential observations is explored through the analysis of empirical studies. The proposed methods are illustrated using data, from a study of total phosphorus concentration, that contain left‐censored observations. These methods are implemented in the R package ARCensReg.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to define and develop diagnostic measures with respect to kernel ridge regression in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS). To identify influential observations, we define a particular version of Cook’s distance for the kernel ridge regression model in RKHS, which is conceptually consistent with Cook’s distance in a classical regression model. Then, by using the perturbation formula for the regularized conditional expectation of the outcome in RKHS, we develop an approximate version of Cook”s distance in RKHS because the original definition requires intensive computations. Such an approximated Cook”s distance is represented in terms of basic building blocks such as residuals and leverages of the kernel ridge regression. The results of the simulation and real application demonstrate that our diagnostic measure successfully detects potentially influential observations on estimators in kernel ridge regression.  相似文献   

In fitting regression model, one or more observations may have substantial effects on estimators. These unusual observations are precisely detected by a new diagnostic measure, Pena's statistic. In this article, we introduce a type of Pena's statistic for each point in Liu regression. Using the forecast change property, we simplify the Pena's statistic in a numerical sense. It is found that the simplified Pena's statistic behaves quite well as far as detection of influential observations is concerned. We express Pena's statistic in terms of the Liu leverages and residuals. The normality of this statistic is also discussed and it is demonstrated that it can identify a subset of high Liu leverage outliers. For numerical evaluation, simulated studies are given and a real data set has been analysed for illustration.  相似文献   

Because outliers and leverage observations unduly affect the least squares regression, the identification of influential observations is considered an important and integrai part of the analysis. However, very few techniques have been developed for the residual analysis and diagnostics for the minimum sum of absolute errors, L1 regression. Although the L1 regression is more resistant to the outliers than the least squares regression, it appears that outliers (leverage) in the predictor variables may affect it. In this paper, our objective is to develop an influence measure for the L1 regression based on the likelihood displacement function. We illustrate the proposed influence measure with examples.  相似文献   

A large number of statistics are used in the literature to detect outliers and influential observations in the linear regression model. In this paper comparison studies have been made for determining a statistic which performs better than the other. This includes: (i) a detailed simulation study, and (ii) analyses of several data sets studied by different authors. Different choices of the design matrix of regression model are considered. Design A studies the performance of the various statistics for detecting the scale shift type outliers, and designs B and C provide information on the performance of the statistics for identifying the influential observations. We have used cutoff points using the exact distributions and Bonferroni's inequality for each statistic. The results show that the studentized residual which is used for detection of mean shift outliers is appropriate for detection of scale shift outliers also, and the Welsch's statistic and the Cook's distance are appropriate for detection of influential observations.  相似文献   

Summary. Many geophysical regression problems require the analysis of large (more than 104 values) data sets, and, because the data may represent mixtures of concurrent natural processes with widely varying statistical properties, contamination of both response and predictor variables is common. Existing bounded influence or high breakdown point estimators frequently lack the ability to eliminate extremely influential data and/or the computational efficiency to handle large data sets. A new bounded influence estimator is proposed that combines high asymptotic efficiency for normal data, high breakdown point behaviour with contaminated data and computational simplicity for large data sets. The algorithm combines a standard M -estimator to downweight data corresponding to extreme regression residuals and removal of overly influential predictor values (leverage points) on the basis of the statistics of the hat matrix diagonal elements. For this, the exact distribution of the hat matrix diagonal elements p ii for complex multivariate Gaussian predictor data is shown to be β ( p ii ,  m ,  N − m ), where N is the number of data and m is the number of parameters. Real geophysical data from an auroral zone magnetotelluric study which exhibit severe outlier and leverage point contamination are used to illustrate the estimator's performance. The examples also demonstrate the utility of looking at both the residual and the hat matrix distributions through quantile–quantile plots to diagnose robust regression problems.  相似文献   

The hat matrix is widely used as a diagnostic tool in linear regression because it contains the leverages which the independent variables exert on the fitted values. In some experiments, cases with high leverage may be avoided by judicious choice of design for the independent variables. A variety of methods for constructing equileverage designs for linear regression are discussed. Such designs remove one of the factors, namely large leverage points, which can lead to nonrobust estimators and tests. In addition, a method is given for combining equileverage designs to test for lack of fit of the linear model.  相似文献   

The identification of influential observations in logistic regression has drawn a great deal of attention in recent years. Most of the available techniques like Cook's distance and difference of fits (DFFITS) are based on single-case deletion. But there is evidence that these techniques suffer from masking and swamping problems and consequently fail to detect multiple influential observations. In this paper, we have developed a new measure for the identification of multiple influential observations in logistic regression based on a generalized version of DFFITS. The advantage of the proposed method is then investigated through several well-referred data sets and a simulation study.  相似文献   

Plots are presented which are based on the singular value decomposition of the augmented data matrix in regression. In general, these plots assist in identifying discrepant observations, and in conjunction with associated diagnostics they are useful for identifying influential observations.  相似文献   

For the linear regression with AR(1) errors model, the robust generalized and feasible generalized estimators of Lai et al. (2003) of regression parameters are shown to have the desired property of a robust Gauss Markov theorem. This is done by showing that these two estimators are the best among classes of linear trimmed means. Monte Carlo and data analysis for this technique have been performed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we extend the censored linear regression model with normal errors to Student-t errors. A simple EM-type algorithm for iteratively computing maximum-likelihood estimates of the parameters is presented. To examine the performance of the proposed model, case-deletion and local influence techniques are developed to show its robust aspect against outlying and influential observations. This is done by the analysis of the sensitivity of the EM estimates under some usual perturbation schemes in the model or data and by inspecting some proposed diagnostic graphics. The efficacy of the method is verified through the analysis of simulated data sets and modelling a real data set first analysed under normal errors. The proposed algorithm and methods are implemented in the R package CensRegMod.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigated the Andrews–Pregibon (AP), COVRATIO and Cook–Weisberg (CW) statistics to determine the influential observations on the confidence ellipsoids in linear regression model with correlated errors and correlated regressors. A real example and a Monte Carlo simulation study are given to detect the effects of autocorrelation coefficient and ridge parameter on the AP, COVRATIO and CW statistics.  相似文献   

The detection of outliers and influential observations has received a great deal of attention in the statistical literature in the context of least-squares (LS) regression. However, the explanatory variables can be correlated with each other and alternatives to LS come out to address outliers/influential observations and multicollinearity, simultaneously. This paper proposes new influence measures based on the affine combination type regression for the detection of influential observations in the linear regression model when multicollinearity exists. Approximate influence measures are also proposed for the affine combination type regression. Since the affine combination type regression includes the ridge, the Liu and the shrunken regressions as special cases, influence measures under the ridge, the Liu and the shrunken regressions are also examined to see the possible effect that multicollinearity can have on the influence of an observation. The Longley data set is given illustrating the influence measures in affine combination type regression and also in ridge, Liu and shrunken regressions so that the performance of different biased regressions on detecting and assessing the influential observations is examined.  相似文献   

It sometimes occurs that one or more components of the data exert a disproportionate influence on the model estimation. We need a reliable tool for identifying such troublesome cases in order to decide either eliminate from the sample, when the data collect was badly realized, or otherwise take care on the use of the model because the results could be affected by such components. Since a measure for detecting influential cases in linear regression setting was proposed by Cook [Detection of influential observations in linear regression, Technometrics 19 (1977), pp. 15–18.], apart from the same measure for other models, several new measures have been suggested as single-case diagnostics. For most of them some cutoff values have been recommended (see [D.A. Belsley, E. Kuh, and R.E. Welsch, Regression Diagnostics: Identifying Influential Data and Sources of Collinearity, 2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York, Chichester, Brisban, (2004).], for instance), however the lack of a quantile type cutoff for Cook's statistics has induced the analyst to deal only with index plots as worthy diagnostic tools. Focussed on logistic regression, the aim of this paper is to provide the asymptotic distribution of Cook's distance in order to look for a meaningful cutoff point for detecting influential and leverage observations.  相似文献   


In this article, the validity of procedures for testing the significance of the slope in quantitative linear models with one explanatory variable and first-order autoregressive [AR(1)] errors is analyzed in a Monte Carlo study conducted in the time domain. Two cases are considered for the regressor: fixed and trended versus random and AR(1). In addition to the classical t -test using the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) estimator of the slope and its standard error, we consider seven t -tests with n-2\,\hbox{df} built on the Generalized Least Squares (GLS) estimator or an estimated GLS estimator, three variants of the classical t -test with different variances of the OLS estimator, two asymptotic tests built on the Maximum Likelihood (ML) estimator, the F -test for fixed effects based on the Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML) estimator in the mixed-model approach, two t -tests with n - 2 df based on first differences (FD) and first-difference ratios (FDR), and four modified t -tests using various corrections of the number of degrees of freedom. The FDR t -test, the REML F -test and the modified t -test using Dutilleul's effective sample size are the most valid among the testing procedures that do not assume the complete knowledge of the covariance matrix of the errors. However, modified t -tests are not applicable and the FDR t -test suffers from a lack of power when the regressor is fixed and trended ( i.e. , FDR is the same as FD in this case when observations are equally spaced), whereas the REML algorithm fails to converge at small sample sizes. The classical t -test is valid when the regressor is fixed and trended and autocorrelation among errors is predominantly negative, and when the regressor is random and AR(1), like the errors, and autocorrelation is moderately negative or positive. We discuss the results graphically, in terms of the circularity condition defined in repeated measures ANOVA and of the effective sample size used in correlation analysis with autocorrelated sample data. An example with environmental data is presented.  相似文献   

In this article, we proposed some influence diagnostics for the gamma regression model (GRM) and the gamma ridge regression model (GRRM). We assess the impact of influential observations on the GRM and GRRM estimates by extending the work of Pregibon [Logistic regression diagnostics. Ann Stat. 1981;9:705–724] and Walker and Birch [Influence measures in ridge regression. Technometrics. 1988;30:221–227]. Comparison of both models is made and demonstrated with the help of a simulation study and a real data set. We report some momentous results in detecting the influential observations and their effects on the GRM and GRRM estimates.  相似文献   

The detection of influential observations on the estimation of the dimension reduction subspace returned by Sliced Inverse Regression (SIR) is considered. Although there are many measures to detect influential observations in related methods such as multiple linear regression, there has been little development in this area with respect to dimension reduction. One particular influence measure for a version of SIR is examined and it is shown, via simulation and example, how this may be used to detect influential observations in practice.  相似文献   


Constrained general linear models (CGLMs) have wide applications in practice. Similar to other data analysis, the identification of influential observations that may be potential outliers is an important step beyond in the CGLMs. We develop multiple case-deletion diagnostics for detecting influential observations in the CGLMs. The diagnostics are functions of basic building blocks: studentized residuals, error contrast matrix, and the inverse of the response variable covariance matrix. The basic building blocks are computed only once from the complete data analysis and provide information on the influence of the data on different aspects of the model fit. Computational formulas are given which make the procedures feasible. An illustrative example with a real data set is also reported.  相似文献   

This paper examines local influence assessment in generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscesdasticity models with Gaussian and Student-t errors, where influence is examined via the likelihood displacement. The analysis of local influence is discussed under three perturbation schemes: data perturbation, innovative model perturbation and additive model perturbation. For each case, expressions for slope and curvature diagnostics are derived. Monte Carlo experiments are presented to determine the threshold values for locating influential observations. The empirical study of daily returns of the New York Stock Exchange composite index shows that local influence analysis is a useful technique for detecting influential observations; most of the observations detected as influential are associated with historical shocks in the market. Finally, based on this empirical study and the analysis of simulated data, some advice is given on how to use the discussed methodology.  相似文献   

Several methods have been suggested to detect influential observations in the linear regression model and a number of them have been extended for the multivariate regression model. In this article we consider the multivariate general linear model, Y = XB + k , which contains the linear regression model and the multivariate regression model as particular cases. Assuming that the random disturbances are normally distributed, the BLUE of v B is also normally distributed. Since the distribution of the BLUE of v B and the distribution of the BLUE of v B in the model with the omission of a set of observations differ, to study the influence that a set of observations has on the BLUE of v B , we propose to measure the distance between both distributions. To do this we use Rao distance.  相似文献   

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