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We derive a generalization of the exponential distribution by making log transformation of the standard two-sided power distribution. We show that this new generalization is in fact a mixture of a truncated exponential distribution and truncated generalized exponential distribution introduced by Gupta and Kundu [Generalized exponential distributions. Aust. N. Z. J. Stat. 41(1999):173–188]. The newly defined distribution is more flexible for modeling data than the ordinary exponential distribution. We study its properties, estimate the parameters, and demonstrate it on some well-known real data sets comparing other existing methods.  相似文献   

In this article, a transmuted linear exponential distribution is developed that generalizes the linear exponential distribution with an additional parameter using the quadratic rank transmutation map which was studied by Shaw et al. Some statistical properties of the proposed distribution such as moments, quantiles, and the failure rate function are investigated. The maximum likelihood estimators of unknown parameters are also discussed and a real data analysis is carried out to illustrate the superiority of the proposed distribution.  相似文献   

Shared frailty models are often used to model heterogeneity in survival analysis. There are certain assumptions about the baseline distribution and distribution of frailty. In this paper, four shared frailty models with frailty distribution gamma, inverse Gaussian, compound Poisson, and compound negative binomial with exponential power as baseline distribution are proposed. These models are fitted using Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods. These models are illustrated with a real life bivariate survival data set of McGilchrist and Aisbett (1991) related to kidney infection, and the best model is suggested for the data using different model comparison criteria.  相似文献   

Exponentiated geometric distribution with two parameters q(0 < q < 1) and α( > 0) is proposed as a new generalization of the geometric distribution by employing the techniques of Mudholkar and Srivastava (1993). A few realistics basis where the proposed distribution may arise naturally are discussed, its distributional and reliability properties are investigated. Parameter estimation is discussed. Application in discrete failure time data modeling is illustrated with real life data. The suitability of the proposed distribution in empirical modeling of other count data is investigated by conducting comparative data fitting experiments with over and under dispersed data sets.  相似文献   

A sampling plan with a polynomial loss function for the exponential distribution is considered. From the distribution of the maximum likelihood estimator of the mean of an exponential distribution based on Type-I and Type-II hybrid censored samples, we obtain an explicit expression for the Bayes risk of a sampling plan with a quadratic loss function. Some numerical examples and comparisons are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, and a robustness study reveals that the proposed optimal sampling plans are quite robust.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to discuss homogeneity testing of the exponential distribution. We introduce the exact likelihood ratio test of homogeneity in the subpopulation model, ELR, and the exact likelihood ratio test of homogeneity against the two-components subpopulation alternative, ELR2. The ELR test is asymptotically optimal in the Bahadur sense when the alternative consists of sampling from a fixed number of components. Thus, in some setups the ELR is superior to frequently used tests for exponential homogeneity which are based on the EM algorithm (like the MLRT, ADDS, and D-tests). One important example of superiority of ELR and ELR2 tests is the case of lower contamination. We demonstrate this fact by both theoretical comparisons and simulations.  相似文献   

In this article, we deal with the problem of testing a point null hypothesis for the mean of a multivariate power exponential distribution. We study the conditions under which Bayesian and frequentist approaches can match. In this comparison it is observed that the tails of the model are the key to explain the reconciliability or irreconciliability between the two approaches.  相似文献   


We give a sufficient condition for the exponential decay of the tail of a discrete probability distribution π = (π n ) n≥0 in the sense that lim n→∞(1/n) log∑ i>n π i  = ?θ with 0 < θ < ∞. We focus on analytic properties of the probability generating function of a discrete probability distribution, especially, the radius of convergence and the number of poles on the circle of convergence. Furthermore, we give an example of an M/G/1 type Markov chain such that the tail of its stationary distribution does not decay exponentially.  相似文献   

This paper addresses a generalization of the bivariate Cauchy distribution discussed by Fang et al. (1990 Fang , K. T. , Kotz , S. , Ng , K. W. ( 1990 ). Symmetric Multivariate and Related Distributions . London : Chapman and Hall .[Crossref] [Google Scholar]), derived from a trivariate normal distribution with a general correlation matrix. We obtain explicit expressions for the joint distribution function and joint density function, and show that they reduce in a special case to the corresponding expressions of Fang et al. (1990 Fang , K. T. , Kotz , S. , Ng , K. W. ( 1990 ). Symmetric Multivariate and Related Distributions . London : Chapman and Hall .[Crossref] [Google Scholar]). Finally, we show that this generalized distribution is useful in determining the orthant probability of a bivariate skew-normal distribution of Azzalini and Dalla Valle (1996 Azzalini , A. , Dalla Valle , A. ( 1996 ). The multivariate skew-normal distribution . Biometrika 83 : 715726 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   

Confidence intervals for the pth-quantile Q of a two-parameter exponential distribution provide useful information on the plausible range of Q, and only inefficient equal-tail confidence intervals have been discussed in the statistical literature so far. In this article, the construction of the shortest possible confidence interval within a family of two-sided confidence intervals is addressed. This shortest confidence interval is always shorter, and can be substantially shorter, than the corresponding equal-tail confidence interval. Furthermore, the computational intensity of both methodologies is similar, and therefore it is advantageous to use the shortest confidence interval. It is shown how the results provided in this paper can apply to data obtained from progressive Type II censoring, with standard Type II censoring as a special case. The applications of more complex confidence interval constructions through acceptance set inversions that can employ prior information are also discussed.  相似文献   

目前有关重尾或偏态数据的统计分析和理论模型相对较少,基于传统的Laplace分布,提出一种处理偏态和重尾数据的新模型——斜Laplace分布,以研究其参数估计方法。利用数理统计知识推导出该分布与一些常见分布(如正态分布、指数分布)间的统计关系,并给出一种可通过设置不同参数值得到不同分布的Levy偏稳定分布及其稳定性。  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the problem of unbiased estimation of the distribution function of a two-parameter exponential population using order statistics based on a random sample from the population. We give necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of an unbiased estimator based on an arbitrary set of order statistics and suggest unbiased estimators in some situations where unbiased estimators exist. A few properties of the suggested estimators for some special cases have also been discussed.  相似文献   

A wide selection of tests for exponentiality is discussed and compared. Power computations, using simulations, were done for each procedure. Certain tests (e.g. Gnedenko (1969), Lin and Mudholkar (1980), Harris (1376), Cox and Oakes (1384), and Deshpande (1983)) performed well for alternative distributions with non-monotonic hazard rates, while others (e.g. Deshpande (1983), Gail and Gastwirth (1978), Kolmogorov-Smirnov (LillViefors (1969)), Hahn and Shapiro (1967), Hollander and Proschan (1972), and Cox and Oakes (1984)) fared well for monotonic hazard rates. Of all the procedures compared, the score test presented in Cox and Oakes (1984) appears to be the best if one does not have a particular alternative in mind.  相似文献   

In this article, we attempt to introduce a discrete analog of the generalized exponential distribution of Gupta and Kundu (1999 Gupta , R. D. and Kundu , D. ( 1999 ). Generalized exponential distributions . Austral. NZ J. Statist. 41 ( 2 ): 173188 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). This new discrete generalized exponential (DGE(α, p)) distribution can be viewed as another generalization of the geometric distribution and it is more flexible in data modeling. We shall first study some basic distributional and moment properties of this family of new distributions. Then, we will reveal their structural properties and applications and also investigate estimation of their parameters. Finally, we shall discuss their convolution properties and arrive at some characterizations in the special cases DGE(2, p) and DGE(3, p).  相似文献   

We consider a new generalization of the skew-normal distribution introduced by Azzalini (1985 Azzalini , A. ( 1985 ). A class of distributions which includes the normal ones . Scand. J. Statis. 12 ( 2 ): 171178 .[Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). We denote this distribution Beta skew-normal (BSN) since it is a special case of the Beta generated distribution (Jones, 2004 Jones , M. C. ( 2004 ). Families of distributions of order statistics . Test 13 ( 1 ): 143 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Some properties of the BSN are studied. We pay attention to some generalizations of the skew-normal distribution (Bahrami et al., 2009 Bahrami , W. , Agahi , H. , Rangin , H. ( 2009 ). A two-parameter Balakrishnan skew-normal distribution . J. Statist. Res. Iran 6 : 231242 . [Google Scholar]; Sharafi and Behboodian, 2008 Sharafi , M. , Behboodian , J. ( 2008 ). The Balakrishnan skew-normal density . Statist. Pap. 49 : 769778 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Yadegari et al., 2008 Yadegari , I. , Gerami , A. , Khaledi , M. J. ( 2008 ). A generalization of the Balakrishnan skew-normal distribution . Statist. Probab. Lett. 78 : 11651167 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and to their relations with the BSN.  相似文献   

We study the joint distribution of X and N, where N has a geometric distribution and X is the maximum of N i.i.d. exponential variables, independent of N. We present basic properties of these mixed bivariate distributions and discuss parameter estimation for this model. An example from finance, where N represents the number of consecutive positive daily log-returns of currency exchange rates, illustrates stochastic modeling potential of these laws.  相似文献   

In this article, we study the problem of selecting the best population from among several exponential populations based on interval censored samples using a Bayesian approach. A Bayes selection procedure and a curtailed Bayes selection procedure are derived. We show that these two Bayes selection procedures are equivalent. A numerical example is provided to illustrate the application of the two selection procedure. We also use Monte Carlo simulation to study performance of the two selection procedures. The numerical results of the simulation study demonstrate that the curtailed Bayes selection procedure has good performance because it can substantially reduce the duration time of life test experiment.  相似文献   

In this article, the simple step-stress model is considered based on generalized Type-I hybrid censored data from the exponential distribution. The maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs) of the unknown parameters are derived assuming a cumulative exposure model. We then derive the exact distributions of the MLEs of the parameters using conditional moment generating functions. The Bayesian estimators of the parameters are derived and then compared with the MLEs. We also derive confidence intervals for the parameters using these exact distributions, asymptotic distributions of the MLEs, Bayesian, and the parametric bootstrap methods. The problem of determining the optimal stress-changing point is discussed and the MLEs of the pth quantile and reliability functions at the use condition are obtained. Finally, Monte Carlo simulation and some numerical results are presented for illustrating all the inferential methods developed here.  相似文献   

In this note we provide a characterization of the exponential distribution by means of the coincidence of location and truncated densities. We provide two proofs. The first is obtained directly via simple calculus while the second hinges on the characterization of the exponential distribution by its constant hazard rate.  相似文献   

Heavy-tailed distributions have been used to model phenomena in which extreme events occur with high probability. In these type of occurrences, it is likely that extreme events are not observable after a certain threshold. Appropriate estimators are needed to deal with this type of censored data. We show that the well-known Hill-Hall estimator is unable to deal with censored data and yields highly biased estimates. We propose and study an unbiased modified maximum likelihood estimator, as well as a truncated tail regression estimator. We assess the expected value and the variance of these estimators in the cases of stable- and Pareto-distributed data.  相似文献   

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