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In this article, we apply an autoregressive correlation structure to the analysis of balanced familial clustered data in the one-parent case with homogeneous intra-class variance. We use the quasi-least squares procedure to derive estimators of the correlation parameters and compare them with maximum likelihood and moment estimators. Asymptotically, the quasi-least squares estimators are nearly as efficient as the maximum likelihood estimators. The small-sample case is analyzed through simulation, and the quasi-least squares estimators are found to be more robust than the maximum likelihood estimators. To show the application of the estimation procedures, data provided in Katapa (1993 Katapa , R. S. ( 1993 ). A test of hypothesis on familial correlations . Biometrics 49 : 569576 . [Google Scholar]) are re-analyzed. For non stationary unbalanced familial data, we outline general correlation models which are natural extensions of the structure studied in this article.  相似文献   

We consider the semiparametric profile likelihood inference for the distribution function under doubly censored data. For further developments of the statistical inference based on the profile likelihood ratio and alternative tools such as the score or Wald-type inference, we discuss the structures of the profile likelihood estimators and their derivatives included in the score function and the Fisher function of the profile likelihood, establishing the consistencies of their estimators.  相似文献   

Inverse sampling is widely applied in studies with dichotomous outcomes, especially when the subjects arrive sequentially or the response of interest is difficult to obtain. In this paper, we investigate the rate ratio test problem under inverse sampling based on gradient statistic with the asymptotic method and parametric bootstrap technique. The gradient statistic has many advantages, for example, it is simple to calculate and competitive with Wald-type, score and likelihood ratio tests in terms of local power. Numerical studies are carried out to evaluate the performance of our gradient test and the existing tests, namely Wald-type, score and likelihood ratio tests. The simulation results suggest that the gradient test based on the parametric bootstrap method has excellent type I error control and large powers even in small sample design. Two real examples, from a heart disease study and a drug comparison study, are applied to illustrate our methods.  相似文献   

Inferences concerning exponential distributions are considered from a sampling theory viewpoint when the data are randomly right censored and the censored values are missing. Both one-sample and m-sample (m 2) problems are considered. Likelihood functions are obtained for situations in which the censoring mechanism is informative which leads to natural and intuitively appealing estimators of the unknown proportions of censored observations. For testing hypotheses about the unknown parameters, three well-known test statistics, namely, likelihood ratio test, score test, and Wald-type test are considered.  相似文献   

In testing of hypothesis, the robustness of the tests is an important concern. Generally, the maximum likelihood-based tests are most efficient under standard regularity conditions, but they are highly non-robust even under small deviations from the assumed conditions. In this paper, we have proposed generalized Wald-type tests based on minimum density power divergence estimators for parametric hypotheses. This method avoids the use of nonparametric density estimation and the bandwidth selection. The trade-off between efficiency and robustness is controlled by a tuning parameter β. The asymptotic distributions of the test statistics are chi-square with appropriate degrees of freedom. The performance of the proposed tests is explored through simulations and real data analysis.  相似文献   

The minimum disparity estimators proposed by Lindsay (1994) for discrete models form an attractive subclass of minimum distance estimators which achieve their robustness without sacrificing first order efficiency at the model. Similarly, disparity test statistics are useful robust alternatives to the likelihood ratio test for testing of hypotheses in parametric models; they are asymptotically equivalent to the likelihood ratio test statistics under the null hypothesis and contiguous alternatives. Despite their asymptotic optimality properties, the small sample performance of many of the minimum disparity estimators and disparity tests can be considerably worse compared to the maximum likelihood estimator and the likelihood ratio test respectively. In this paper we focus on the class of blended weight Hellinger distances, a general subfamily of disparities, and study the effects of combining two different distances within this class to generate the family of “combined” blended weight Hellinger distances, and identify the members of this family which generally perform well. More generally, we investigate the class of "combined and penal-ized" blended weight Hellinger distances; the penalty is based on reweighting the empty cells, following Harris and Basu (1994). It is shown that some members of the combined and penalized family have rather attractive properties  相似文献   

The small sample powers of two statistics, the likelihood ratio test, and a test based on the asymptotic normality of maximum likelihood estimators (z-test) were compared in a simulation experiment. Two models were specified, one containing the Box-Cox transformation on the dependent variable only, and one containing the Box Cox transformation on both the dependent and independent variables. The transformation parameter,λ was estimated 200 times, for each of six different values of z in each of three sample sizes foi both models. At each replication. 17 hypotheses were tested using both a likelihood ratio test and a z-test. Results indicate that w hiic both likelihood ratio tests and z-tests are unbiased, in small samples the z-test is generally preferable to the likelihood ratio test.  相似文献   

Time series regression models have been widely studied in the literature by several authors. However, statistical analysis of replicated time series regression models has received little attention. In this paper, we study the application of the quasi-least squares method to estimate the parameters in a replicated time series model with errors that follow an autoregressive process of order p. We also discuss two other established methods for estimating the parameters: maximum likelihood assuming normality and the Yule-Walker method. When the number of repeated measurements is bounded and the number of replications n goes to infinity, the regression and the autocorrelation parameters are consistent and asymptotically normal for all three methods of estimation. Basically, the three methods estimate the regression parameter efficiently and differ in how they estimate the autocorrelation. When p=2, for normal data we use simulations to show that the quasi-least squares estimate of the autocorrelation is undoubtedly better than the Yule-Walker estimate. And the former estimate is as good as the maximum likelihood estimate almost over the entire parameter space.  相似文献   

In this paper we deal with robust inference in heteroscedastic measurement error models. Rather than the normal distribution, we postulate a Student t distribution for the observed variables. Maximum likelihood estimates are computed numerically. Consistent estimation of the asymptotic covariance matrices of the maximum likelihood and generalized least squares estimators is also discussed. Three test statistics are proposed for testing hypotheses of interest with the asymptotic chi-square distribution which guarantees correct asymptotic significance levels. Results of simulations and an application to a real data set are also reported.  相似文献   

A stratified study is often designed for adjusting several independent trials in modern medical research. We consider the problem of non-inferiority tests and sample size determinations for a nonzero risk difference in stratified matched-pair studies, and develop the likelihood ratio and Wald-type weighted statistics for testing a null hypothesis of non-zero risk difference for each stratum in stratified matched-pair studies on the basis of (1) the sample-based method and (2) the constrained maximum likelihood estimation (CMLE) method. Sample size formulae for the above proposed statistics are derived, and several choices of weights for Wald-type weighted statistics are considered. We evaluate the performance of the proposed tests according to type I error rates and empirical powers via simulation studies. Empirical results show that (1) the likelihood ratio and the Wald-type CMLE test based on harmonic means of the stratum-specific sample size (SSIZE) weight (the Cochran's test) behave satisfactorily in the sense that their significance levels are much closer to the prespecified nominal level; (2) the likelihood ratio test is better than Nam's [2006. Non-inferiority of new procedure to standard procedure in stratified matched-pair design. Biometrical J. 48, 966–977] score test; (3) the sample sizes obtained by using SSIZE weight are smaller than other weighted statistics in general; (4) the Cochran's test statistic is generally much better than other weighted statistics with CMLE method. A real example from a clinical laboratory study is used to illustrate the proposed methodologies.  相似文献   

Testing of hypotheses under balanced ANOVA models is fairly simple and generally based on the usual ANOVA sums of squares. Difficulties may arise in special cases when these sums of squares do not form a complete sufficient statistic. There is a huge literature on this subject which was recently surveyed in Seifert's contribution to the book of Mumak (1904). But there are only a few results about unbalanced models. In such models the consideration of likelihood ratios leads to more complex sums of squares known from MINQUE theory.

Uniform optimality of testsusually reduces to local optimality. Here we prespnt a small review of methods proposed for testing of hypotheses in unbalanced models. where MINQUEI playb a major role. We discuss the use of iterated MINQUE for the construction of asymptotically optimal tests described in Humak (1984) and approximate tests based on locally uncorrelated linear combinations of MINQUE estimators by Seifert (1985), We show that the latter tests coincide with robust locally optimal invariant tests proposeci by Kariya and Sinha and Das and Sinha, if the number of variance components is two. Explicit expressions for corresponding tests are given for the unbalanced two-way cross classification random model, which covers some other models as special cases. A simulation study under lines the relevance of MINQUE for testing of hypotheses problems.  相似文献   

During the past 15 years, the ordinary least squares estimator and the corresponding pivotal statistic have been widely used for testing the unit-root hypothesis in autoregressive processes. Recently, several new criteria, based on maximum likelihood estimators and weighted symmetric estimators, have been proposed. In this article, we describe several different test criteria. Results from a Monte Carlo study that compares the power of the different criteria indicate that the new tests are more powerful against the stationary alternative. Of the procedures studied, the weighted symmetric estimator and the unconditional maximum likelihood estimator provide the most powerful tests against the stationary alternative. As an illustration, the weekly series of one-month treasury-bill rates is analyzed.  相似文献   


Statistical distributions are very useful in describing and predicting real world phenomena. In many applied areas there is a clear need for the extended forms of the well-known distributions. Generally, the new distributions are more flexible to model real data that present a high degree of skewness and kurtosis. The choice of the best-suited statistical distribution for modeling data is very important.

In this article, we proposed an extended generalized Gompertz (EGGo) family of EGGo. Certain statistical properties of EGGo family including distribution shapes, hazard function, skewness, limit behavior, moments and order statistics are discussed. The flexibility of this family is assessed by its application to real data sets and comparison with other competing distributions. The maximum likelihood equations for estimating the parameters based on real data are given. The performances of the estimators such as maximum likelihood estimators, least squares estimators, weighted least squares estimators, Cramer-von-Mises estimators, Anderson-Darling estimators and right tailed Anderson-Darling estimators are discussed. The likelihood ratio test is derived to illustrate that the EGGo distribution is better than other nested models in fitting data set or not. We use R software for simulation in order to perform applications and test the validity of this model.  相似文献   

Using divergence measures based on entropy functions, a procedure to test statistical hypotheses is proposed. Replacing the parameters by suitable estimators in the expresion of the divergence measure, the test statistics are obtained. Asymptotic distributions for these statistics are given in several cases when maximum likelihood estimators are considered, so they can be used to construct confidence intervals and to test statistical hypotheses based on one or more samples. These results can also be applied to multinomial populations. Tests of goodness of fit and tests of homogeneity can be constructed.  相似文献   

In mixed linear models, it is frequently of interest to test hypotheses on the variance components. F-test and likelihood ratio test (LRT) are commonly used for such purposes. Current LRTs available in literature are based on limiting distribution theory. With the development of finite sample distribution theory, it becomes possible to derive the exact test for likelihood ratio statistic. In this paper, we consider the problem of testing null hypotheses on the variance component in a one-way balanced random effects model. We use the exact test for the likelihood ratio statistic and compare the performance of F-test and LRT. Simulations provide strong support of the equivalence between these two tests. Furthermore, we prove the equivalence between these two tests mathematically.  相似文献   

Inverse sampling is an appropriate design for the second phase of capture-recapture experiments which provides an exactly unbiased estimator of the population size. However, the sampling distribution of the resulting estimator tends to be highly right skewed for small recapture samples, so, the traditional Wald-type confidence intervals appear to be inappropriate. The objective of this paper is to study the performance of interval estimators for the population size under inverse recapture sampling without replacement. To this aim, we consider the Wald-type, the logarithmic transformation-based, the Wilson score, the likelihood ratio and the exact methods. Also, we propose some bootstrap confidence intervals for the population size, including the with-replacement bootstrap (BWR), the without replacement bootstrap (BWO), and the Rao–Wu’s rescaling method. A Monte Carlo simulation is employed to evaluate the performance of suggested methods in terms of the coverage probability, error rates and standardized average length. Our results show that the likelihood ratio and exact confidence intervals are preferred to other competitors, having the coverage probabilities close to the desired nominal level for any sample size, with more balanced error rate for exact method and shorter length for likelihood ratio method. It is notable that the BWO and Rao–Wu’s rescaling methods also may provide good intervals for some situations, however, those coverage probabilities are not invariant with respect to the population arguments, so one must be careful to use them.  相似文献   

Paired binary data arise naturally when paired body parts are investigated in clinical trials. One of the widely used models for dealing with this kind of data is the equal correlation coefficients model. Before using this model, it is necessary to test whether the correlation coefficients in each group are actually equal. In this paper, three test statistics (likelihood ratio test, Wald-type test, and Score test) are derived for this purpose. The simulation results show that the Score test statistic maintains type I error rate and has satisfactory power, and therefore is recommended among the three methods. The likelihood ratio test is over conservative in most cases, and the Wald-type statistic is not robust with respect to empirical type I error. Three real examples, including a multi-centre Phase II double-blind placebo randomized controlled trial, are given to illustrate the three proposed test statistics.  相似文献   

Two-phase regression models with inequality constraints on the regression coefficients and with a small number of measurements is considered. A new test based on the likelihood ratio in linear model with inequality constraints for the presence of a change-point is proposed. Numerical approximations to the powers against various alternatives are given and compared with the powers of the likelihood ratio test in the two-phase regression models without inequality constraints, the backwards CUSUM test, and the k-linear-r-ahead recursive residuals tests. Performance of related likelihood based estimators of the change-point is briefly studied in a Monte Carlo experiment.  相似文献   

A robust procedure is developed for testing the equality of means in the two sample normal model. This is based on the weighted likelihood estimators of Basu et al. (1993). When the normal model is true the tests proposed have the same asymptotic power as the two sample Student's t-statistic in the equal variance case. However, when the normality assumptions are only approximately true the proposed tests can be substantially more powerful than the classical tests. In a Monte Carlo study for the equal variance case under various outlier models the proposed test using Hellinger distance based weighted likelihood estimator compared favorably with the classical test as well as the robust test proposed by Tiku (1980).  相似文献   

In this paper we have provided a general result on the moments of a function of nonnormal random vector. The results for the normal case follow as a special case of this result. It is also indicated that the moments of a large class of econometric estimators and test statistics can be obtained by using our general result. This includes least squares estimator in the dynamic model, unit root tests, and the two step semiparametric estimators, among others.  相似文献   

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