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Approximate confidence intervals are given for the lognormal regression problem. The error in the nominal level can be reduced to O(n ?2), where n is the sample size. An alternative procedure is given which avoids the non-robust assumption of lognormality. This amounts to finding a confidence interval based on M-estimates for a general smooth function of both ? and F, where ? are the parameters of the general (possibly nonlinear) regression problem and F is the unknown distribution function of the residuals. The derived intervals are compared using theory, simulation and real data sets.  相似文献   

Consider the problem of obtaining a confidence interval for some function g(θ) of an unknown parameter θ, for which a (1-α)-confidence interval is given. If g(θ) is one-to-one the solution is immediate. However, if g is not one-to-one the problem is more complex and depends on the structure of g. In this note the situation where g is a nonmonotone convex function is considered. Based on some inequality, a confidence interval for g(θ) with confidence level at least 1-α is obtained from the given (1-α) confidence interval on θ. Such a result is then applied to the n(μ, σ 2) distribution with σ known. It is shown that the coverage probability of the resulting confidence interval, while being greater than 1-α, has in addition an upper bound which does not exceed Θ(3z1−α/2)-α/2.  相似文献   


This article develops an adjusted empirical likelihood (EL) method for the additive hazards model. The adjusted EL ratio is shown to have a central chi-squared limiting distribution under the null hypothesis. We also evaluate its asymptotic distribution as a non central chi-squared distribution under the local alternatives of order n? 1/2, deriving the expression for the asymptotic power function. Simulation studies and a real example are conducted to evaluate the finite sample performance of the proposed method. Compared with the normal approximation-based method, the proposed method tends to have more larger empirical power and smaller confidence regions with comparable coverage probabilities.  相似文献   

Suppose we observe two independent random vectors each having a multivariate normal distribution with covariance matrix known up to an unknown scale factor σ . The first random vector has a known mean vector while the second has an unknown mean vector. Interest centers around finding confidence intervals for σ2 with confidence coefficient 1 ? α. Standard results show that, when we only observe the first random vector, an optimal (i.e., smallest length) confidence interval C, based on the well-known chi- squared statistic, can be constructed for σ2 . When we additionally observe the second random vector, the confidence interval C is no longer optimal for estimating σ2. One criterion useful for detecting the non-optimality of a confidence interval C concerns whether C admits positively or negatively biased relevant subsets. This criterion has recently received a good deal of attention. It is shown here that under some conditions the confidence interval C admits positively biased relevant subsets.

Applications of this result to the construction of ‘better‘ unconditional confidence intervals for σ2 are presented. Some simulation results are given to indicate the typical extent of improvement attained.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the construction of confidence intervals for a probability density function under a negatively associated sample by using the blockwise technique. It is shown that the blockwise empirical likelihood (EL) ratio statistic is asymptotically χ2‐type distributed. The result is used to obtain EL based confidence interval on the probability density function.  相似文献   


In this paper, we consider the problem of constructing non parametric confidence intervals for the mean of a positively skewed distribution. We suggest calibrated, smoothed bootstrap upper and lower percentile confidence intervals. For the theoretical properties, we show that the proposed one-sided confidence intervals have coverage probability α + O(n? 3/2). This is an improvement upon the traditional bootstrap confidence intervals in terms of coverage probability. A version smoothed approach is also considered for constructing a two-sided confidence interval and its theoretical properties are also studied. A simulation study is performed to illustrate the performance of our confidence interval methods. We then apply the methods to a real data set.  相似文献   

This paper discusses five methods for constructing approximate confidence intervals for the binomial parameter Θ, based on Y successes in n Bernoulli trials. In a recent paper, Chen (1990) discusses various approximate methods and suggests a new method based on a Bayes argument, which we call method I here. Methods II and III are based on the normal approximation without and with continuity correction. Method IV uses the Poisson approximation of the binomial distribution and then exploits the fact that the exact confidence limits for the parameter of the Poisson distribution can be found through the x2 distribution. The confidence limits of method IV are then provided by the Wilson-Hilferty approximation of the x2. Similarly, the exact confidence limits for the binomial parameter can be expressed through the F distribution. Method V approximates these limits through a suitable version of the Wilson-Hilferty approximation. We undertake a comparison of the five methods in respect to coverage probability and expected length. The results indicate that method V has an advantage over Chen's Bayes method as well as over the other three methods.  相似文献   

We obtain the optimal fixed width Bayes confidence interval (optimal in the sense that the posterior probability of 8 being in the interval is maximum) for the parameter 6 , when the posterior distribution of ?-1 , given the data is known to be a truncated gamma distribution.  相似文献   

Distribution function estimation plays a significant role of foundation in statistics since the population distribution is always involved in statistical inference and is usually unknown. In this paper, we consider the estimation of the distribution function of a response variable Y with missing responses in the regression problems. It is proved that the augmented inverse probability weighted estimator converges weakly to a zero mean Gaussian process. A augmented inverse probability weighted empirical log-likelihood function is also defined. It is shown that the empirical log-likelihood converges weakly to the square of a Gaussian process with mean zero and variance one. We apply these results to the construction of Gaussian process approximation based confidence bands and empirical likelihood based confidence bands of the distribution function of Y. A simulation is conducted to evaluate the confidence bands.  相似文献   

We extend the confidence interval construction procedure for location for symmetric iid data using the one-sample Wilcoxon signed rank statistic (T+) to stationary time series data. We propose a normal approximation procedure when explicit knowledge of the underlying dependence structure/distribution is unknown. By conducting extensive simulations from linear and nonlinear time series models, we show that the extended procedure is a strong contender for use in the construction of confidence intervals in time series analysis. Finally we demonstrate real application implementations in two case studies.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the empirical likelihood for the autoregressive error-in-explanatory variable models. With the help of validation, we first develop an empirical likelihood ratio test statistic for the parameters of interest, and prove that its asymptotic distribution is that of a weighted sum of independent standard χ21 random variables with unknown weights. Also, we propose an adjusted empirical likelihood and prove that its asymptotic distribution is a standard χ2. Furthermore, an empirical likelihood-based confidence region is given. Simulation results indicate that the proposed method works well for practical situations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the construction of confidence intervals for a probability density function under a (positively) associated sample by using the blockwise technique. It is shown that the blockwise empirical likelihood (EL) ratio statistic is asymptotically χ2-typeχ2-type distributed. The result is used to obtain EL-based confidence interval for the probability density function.  相似文献   

One of the basic parameters in survival analysis is the mean residual life M 0. For right censored observation, the usual empirical likelihood based log-likelihood ratio leads to a scaled c12{\chi_1^2} limit distribution and estimating the scaled parameter leads to lower coverage of the corresponding confidence interval. To solve the problem, we present a log-likelihood ratio l(M 0) by methods of Murphy and van der Vaart (Ann Stat 1471–1509, 1997). The limit distribution of l(M 0) is the standard c12{\chi_1^2} distribution. Based on the limit distribution of l(M 0), the corresponding confidence interval of M 0 is constructed. Since the proof of the limit distribution does not offer a computational method for the maximization of the log-likelihood ratio, an EM algorithm is proposed. Simulation studies support the theoretical result.  相似文献   

A higher order approximation formula for a percentage point of the noncentral t–distribution with v degrees of freedom is given up to the order o(v-3), using the Cornish-Fisher expansion for the statistic based on a lin-ear combination of a normal random variable and a chi-random variable. The upper confidence limit and the confidence interval for the non–centrality parameter are given. Numerical results are also obtained.  相似文献   

In this paper, progressive-stress accelerated life tests are applied when the lifetime of a product under design stress follows the exponentiated distribution [G(x)]α. The baseline distribution, G(x), follows a general class of distributions which includes, among others, Weibull, compound Weibull, power function, Pareto, Gompertz, compound Gompertz, normal and logistic distributions. The scale parameter of G(x) satisfies the inverse power law and the cumulative exposure model holds for the effect of changing stress. A special case for an exponentiated exponential distribution has been discussed. Using type-II progressive hybrid censoring and MCMC algorithm, Bayes estimates of the unknown parameters based on symmetric and asymmetric loss functions are obtained and compared with the maximum likelihood estimates. Normal approximation and bootstrap confidence intervals for the unknown parameters are obtained and compared via a simulation study.  相似文献   

Likelihood-ratio tests (LRTs) are often used for inferences on one or more logistic regression coefficients. Conventionally, for given parameters of interest, the nuisance parameters of the likelihood function are replaced by their maximum likelihood estimates. The new function created is called the profile likelihood function, and is used for inference from LRT. In small samples, LRT based on the profile likelihood does not follow χ2 distribution. Several corrections have been proposed to improve LRT when used with small-sample data. Additionally, complete or quasi-complete separation is a common geometric feature for small-sample binary data. In this article, for small-sample binary data, we have derived explicitly the correction factors of LRT for models with and without separation, and proposed an algorithm to construct confidence intervals. We have investigated the performances of different LRT corrections, and the corresponding confidence intervals through simulations. Based on the simulation results, we propose an empirical rule of thumb on the use of these methods. Our simulation findings are also supported by real-world data.  相似文献   

As a well known fact the standard X2-procedures (e.g. confidence intervals for σ2, tests of the hypothesis H:″σ=σo″ in the case of normal population with variance σ2) are biased. We refer to some useful tables which enable in the case of normal population to procure unbiased confidence intervals or confidence intervals with minimal length for σ2, control charts for σ with minimal distance between the limit lines, and unbiased tests of H:″σ=σo″. Another important application yields—as main result of the present paper—unbiased sampling plans in the case of an exponential distributed attribute with upper and lower specification limit (two-way-protection). It turns out to be possible, also in the case of exponential distribution, to reduce the sample size by using incomplete prior information about the proportion p of defectives.  相似文献   

Suppose that we have a nonparametric regression model Y = m(X) + ε with XRp, where X is a random design variable and is observed completely, and Y is the response variable and some Y-values are missing at random. Based on the “complete” data sets for Y after nonaprametric regression imputation and inverse probability weighted imputation, two estimators of the regression function m(x0) for fixed x0Rp are proposed. Asymptotic normality of two estimators is established, which is used to construct normal approximation-based confidence intervals for m(x0). We also construct an empirical likelihood (EL) statistic for m(x0) with limiting distribution of χ21, which is used to construct an EL confidence interval for m(x0).  相似文献   

Two methods for approximating the distribution of a noncentral random variable by a central distribution in the same family are presented. The first consists of relating a stochastic expansion of a random variable to a corresponding asymptotic expansion for its distribution function. The second approximates the cumulant generating function and is used to provide central χ2 and gamma approximations to the noncentral χ2 and gamma distributions.  相似文献   

It is well known that a Bayesian credible interval for a parameter of interest is derived from a prior distribution that appropriately describes the prior information. However, it is less well known that there exists a frequentist approach developed by Pratt (1961 Pratt , J. W. ( 1961 ). Length of confidence intervals . J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 56 : 549657 .[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) that also utilizes prior information in the construction of frequentist confidence intervals. This frequentist approach produces confidence intervals that have minimum weighted average expected length, averaged according to some weight function that appropriately describes the prior information. We begin with a simple model as a starting point in comparing these two distinct procedures in interval estimation. Consider X 1,…, X n that are independent and identically N(μ, σ2) distributed random variables, where σ2 is known, and the parameter of interest is μ. Suppose also that previous experience with similar data sets and/or specific background and expert opinion suggest that μ = 0. Our aim is to: (a) develop two types of Bayesian 1 ? α credible intervals for μ, derived from an appropriate prior cumulative distribution function F(μ) more importantly; (b) compare these Bayesian 1 ? α credible intervals for μ to the frequentist 1 ? α confidence interval for μ derived from Pratt's frequentist approach, in which the weight function corresponds to the prior cumulative distribution function F(μ). We show that the endpoints of the Bayesian 1 ? α credible intervals for μ are very different to the endpoints of the frequentist 1 ? α confidence interval for μ, when the prior information strongly suggests that μ = 0 and the data supports the uncertain prior information about μ. In addition, we assess the performance of these intervals by analyzing their coverage probability properties and expected lengths.  相似文献   

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