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Let Y be an observable random vector and Z be an unobserved random variable with joint density f(y, z | θ), where θ is an unknown parameter vector. Considering the problem of predicting Z based on Y, we derive Kshirsagar type lower bounds for the mean squared error of any predictor of Z. These bounds do not require the regularity conditions of Bhattacharyya bounds and hence are more widely applicable. Moreover, the new bounds are shown to be sharper than the corresponding Bhattacharyya bounds. The conditions for attaining the new lower bounds are useful for easy derivation of best unbiased predictors, which we illustrate with some examples.  相似文献   

In this article, some results are derived on stochastic comparisons of the residual and past lifetimes of an (n ? k + 1)-out-of-n system with dependent components. These findings generalize some recent results obtained on systems with independent components and provide some interesting results for a system with dependent components following an Archimedean copula. An illustrative example is provided.  相似文献   

Based on data depth, three types of nonparametric goodness-of-fit tests for multivariate distribution are proposed in this paper. They are Pearson’s chi-square test, tests based on EDF and tests based on spacings, respectively. The Anderson–Darling (AD) test and the Greenwood test for bivariate normal distribution and uniform distribution are simulated. The results of simulation show that these two tests have low type I error rates and become more efficient with the increase in sample size. The AD-type test performs more powerfully than the Greenwood type test.  相似文献   


Consider the heteroscedastic partially linear errors-in-variables (EV) model yi = xiβ + g(ti) + εi, ξi = xi + μi (1 ? i ? n), where εi = σiei are random errors with mean zero, σ2i = f(ui), (xi, ti, ui) are non random design points, xi are observed with measurement errors μi. When f( · ) is known, we derive the Berry–Esseen type bounds for estimators of β and g( · ) under {ei,?1 ? i ? n} is a sequence of stationary α-mixing random variables, when f( · ) is unknown, the Berry–Esseen type bounds for estimators of β, g( · ), and f( · ) are discussed under independent errors.  相似文献   

This article considers the uncertainty of a proportion based on a stratified random sample of a small population. Using the hypergeometric distribution, a Clopper–Pearson type upper confidence bound is presented. Another frequentist approach that uses the estimated variance of the proportion estimator is also considered as well as a Bayesian alternative. These methods are demonstrated with an illustrative example. Some aspects of planning, that is, the impact of specified strata sample sizes, on uncertainty are studied through a simulation study.  相似文献   

Respondent-driven sampling (RDS) is a link-tracing network sampling strategy for collecting data from hard-to-reach populations, such as injection drug users or individuals at high risk of being infected with HIV. The mechanism is to find initial participants (seeds), and give each of them a fixed number of coupons allowing them to recruit people they know from the population of interest, with a mutual financial incentive. The new participants are again given coupons and the process repeats. Currently, the standard RDS estimator used in practice is known as the Volz–Heckathorn (VH) estimator. It relies on strong assumptions about the underlying social network and the RDS process. Via simulation, we study the relative performance of the plain mean and VH estimators when assumptions of the latter are not satisfied, under different network types (including homophily and rich-get-richer networks), participant referral patterns, and varying number of coupons. The analysis demonstrates that the plain mean outperforms the VH estimator in many but not all of the simulated settings, including homophily networks. Also, we highlight the implications of multiple recruitment and varying referral patterns on the depth of RDS process. We develop interactive visualizations of the findings and RDS process to further build insight into the various factors contributing to the performance of current RDS estimation techniques.  相似文献   


In order to investigate the convergence rate of the asymptotic normality for the estimator of the conditional mode function for the left-truncation model, we derive a Berry–Esseen type bound of the estimator when the lifetime observations with multivariate covariates form a stationary α-mixing sequence. The finite sample performance of the estimator of the conditional mode function is explored through simulations.  相似文献   

In this paper the researchers are presenting an upper bound for the distribution function of quadratic forms in normal vector with mean zero and positive definite covariance matrix. They also will show that the new upper bound is more precise than the one introduced by Okamoto [4] and the one introduced by Siddiqui [5]. Theoretical Error bounds for both, the new and Okamoto upper bounds are derived in this paper. For larger number of terms in any given positive definite quadratic form, a rough and easier upper bound is suggested.  相似文献   

We establish the upper nonpositive and all the lower bounds on the expectations of generalized order statistics based on a given distribution function with the finite mean and central absolute moment of a fixed order. We also describe the distributions for which the bounds are attained. The methods of deriving the lower nonpositive (upper nonnegative) and lower nonnegative (upper nonpositive) bounds are totally different. The first one, the greatest convex minorant method is the combination of the Moriguti and well-known Hölder inequalities and the latter one is based on the maximization of some norm on the properly chosen convex set. The paper completes the results of Cramer et al. [Evaluations of expected generalized order statistics in various scale units. Appl Math. 2002;29:285–295].  相似文献   

On a multiple choice test in which each item has r alternative options, a given number c of which are correct, various scoring models have been proposed. In one case the test-taker is allowed to choose any size solution subset and he/she is graded according to whether the subset is small and according to how many correct answers the subset contains. In a second case the test-taker is allowed to select only solution subsets of a prespecified maximum size and is graded as above. The first case is analogous to the situation where the test-taker is given a set of r options with each question; each question calls for a solution which consists of selecting that subset of the r responses which he/she believes to be correct. In the second case, when the prespecified solution subset is restricted to be of size at most one, the resulting scoring model corresponds to the usual model, referred to below as standard. The number c of correct options per item is usually known to the test-taker in this case.

Scoring models are evaluated according to how well they correctly identify the total scores of the individuals in the class of test-takers. Loss functions are constructed which penalize scoring models resulting in student scores which are not associated with the students true (or average) total score on the exam. Scoring models are compared on the basis of cross-validated assessments of the loss incurred by using each of the given models. It is shown that in many cases the assessment of the loss for scoring models which allow students the opportunity to choose more than one option for each question are smaller than the assessment of the loss for the standard scoring model.  相似文献   

Probability proportional to size (PPS) sampling is one of the most widely used designs for finite populations. We propose modifications to PPS designs with replacement and Rao–Hartley–Cochran design without replacement. These modifications consist of division of the population into two groups. Units in the first group are included in the sample with probability one. Under certain conditions, in both with and without replacement designs, the estimator of the population total based on the modified PPS sampling design is shown to be better than the corresponding estimator based on a PPS design. We illustrate our modification by an example and an application.  相似文献   

Lower bounds for the Bayes risk are obtained. The bounds improve the Brown-Gajek bound and the asymptotic expression is derived. As an application of the bound, lower bounds for the local minimax and Bayes prediction risk are also given.  相似文献   

In this paper, a Nelson–Aalen (NA) type estimator is derived and its sample properties are compared with the partial Abdushukurov–Cheng–Lin (PACL), generalized maximum likelihood (GMLE), and Kaplan–Meier (KM) estimators under the partial Koziol–Green model. These comparisons are made through Monto Carlo simulations under various sample sizes. The results indicate that the NA estimator always performs better than the KM estimator and is competitive with other estimators. Moreover, the PACL, GMLE, and NA estimators are shown to be asymptotically equivalent.  相似文献   

In the analysis of experiments with mixtures, quadratic models have been widely used. The optimum designs for the estimation of optimum mixing proportions in a quadratic mixture model have been studied by Pal and Mandal [Optimum designs for optimum mixtures. Statist Probab Lett. 2006;76:1369–1379] and Mandal et al. [Optimum mixture designs: a pseudo-Bayesian approach. J Ind Soc Agric Stat. 2008;62(2):174–182; Optimum mixture designs under constraints on mixing components. Statist Appl. 2008;6(1&2) (New Series): 189–205], using a pseudo-Bayesian approach. In this paper, a similar approach has been employed to obtain the A-optimal designs for the estimation of optimum proportions in an additive quadratic mixture model, proposed by Darroch and Waller [Additivity and interaction in three-component experiments with mixture. Biometrika. 1985;72:153–163], when the number of components is 3, 4 and 5. It has been shown that the vertices of the simplex are necessarily the support points of the optimum design, and the other support points include barycentres of depth at most 2.  相似文献   

Local depth     
Local depth is a generalization of ordinary depth able to reveal local features of the probability distribution. Liu's simplicial depth is primarily used, but results for Tukey's halfspace depth are also derived. It is shown that the maximizers of local depth can help to detect the mode(s) of a probability distribution. This work is devoted to the univariate case, but the main definitions are stated in the general multivariate case. Theoretical results and applications are illustrated with several examples.  相似文献   

The foldover is a useful technique in construction of two-level factorial designs. A foldover design is the follow-up experiment generated by reversing the sign(s) of one or more factors in the initial design. The full design obtained by joining the runs in the foldover design to those of the initial design is called the combined design. In this article, some new lower bounds of various discrepancies of combined designs, such as the centered, symmetric, and wrap-around L2-discrepancies, are obtained, which can be used as a better benchmark for searching optimal foldover plans. Our results provide a theoretical justification for optimal foldover plans in terms of uniformity criterion.  相似文献   

Many parametric statistical inferential procedures in finite samples depend crucially on the underlying normal distribution assumption. Dozens of normality tests are available in the literature to test the hypothesis of normality. Availability of such a large number of normality tests has generated a large number of simulation studies to find a best test but no one arrived at a definite answer as all depends critically on the alternative distributions which cannot be specified. A new framework, based on stringency concept, is devised to evaluate the performance of the existing normality tests. Mixture of t-distributions is used to generate the alternative space. The LR-tests, based on Neyman–Pearson Lemma, have been computed to construct a power envelope for calculating the stringencies of the selected normality tests. While evaluating the stringencies, Anderson–Darling (AD) statistic turns out to be the best normality test.  相似文献   

The Bayesian vector autoregression (BVAR) employment-forecasting approach is generalized using data for the state of Georgia. This study advances previous regional BVAR approaches by (a) incorporating regional input-output coefficients instead of national coefficients, (b) using the coefficients both to specify the prior means in one model and to weight the variances of a Minnesota-type prior in a second model, and (c) including final-demand effects and links to national and world economies. Out-of-sample forecasts produced by the generalized BVAR models are compared to forecasts produced from an autoregressive model, an unconstrained VAR model, and a Minnesota BVAR model.  相似文献   

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