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The problem of estimation of the parameters in a logistic regression model is considered under multicollinearity situation when it is suspected that the parameter of the logistic regression model may be restricted to a subspace. We study the properties of the preliminary test based on the minimum ϕ -divergence estimator as well as in the ϕ -divergence test statistic. The minimum ϕ -divergence estimator is a natural extension of the maximum likelihood estimator and the ϕ -divergence test statistics is a family of the test statistics for testing the hypothesis that the regression coefficients may be restricted to a subspace.  相似文献   

We consider the asymptotic distribution of divergence-based influence measures which are an extension for polytomous logistic regression of an influence measure proposed in Johnson (1985 Johnson, W.O. (1985). Influence measures for logistic regression: Another point of view. Biometrika 72: 5965.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), for binary logistic regression. A numerical example compares the classical Cook’s distance with the divergence based influence measures.  相似文献   

In testing a general linear hypothesis of the form K β ? ( W ′) under a general linear model, an equivalent hypothesis involving only estimable parametric functions is provided, and then an explicit test statistic in terms of the model matrices is given. The corresponding results are expanded to the case of a general linear model with a restriction and are illustrated by an example.  相似文献   

In this paper a new family of test statistics is presented for testing the independence between the binary response Y and an ordered categorical explanatory variable X (doses) against the alternative hypothesis of an increase dose-response relationship between a response variable Y and X (doses). The properties of these test statistics are studied. This new family of test statistics is based on the family of φ-divergence measures and contains as a particular case the likelihood ratio test. We pay special attention to the family of test statistics associated with the power divergence family. A simulation study is included in order to analyze the behavior of the power divergence family of test statistics.  相似文献   


It is known that due to the existence of the nonparametric component, the usual estimators for the parametric component or its function in partially linear regression models are biased. Sometimes this bias is severe. To reduce the bias, we propose two jackknife estimators and compare them with the naive estimator. All three estimators are shown to be asymptotically equivalent and asymptotically normally distributed under some regularity conditions. However, through simulation we demonstrate that the jackknife estimators perform better than the naive estimator in terms of bias when the sample size is small to moderate. To make our results more useful, we also construct consistent estimators of the asymptotic variance, which are robust against heterogeneity of the error variances.  相似文献   

We propose a new statistic for testing linear hypotheses in the non parametric regression model in the case of a homoscedastic error structure and fixed design. In contrast to most models suggested in the literature, our procedure is applicable in the non parametric model case without regularity condition, and also under either the null or the alternative hypotheses. We show the asymptotic normality of the test statistic under the null hypothesis and the alternative one. A simulation study is conducted to investigate the finite sample properties of the test with application to regime switching.  相似文献   

Motivated by covariate-adjusted regression (CAR) proposed by Sentürk and Müller (2005 Sentürk , D. , Müller , H. G. ( 2005 ). Covariate-adjusted regression . Biometrika 92 : 7589 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and an application problem, in this article we introduce and investigate a covariate-adjusted partially linear regression model (CAPLM), in which both response and predictor vector can only be observed after being distorted by some multiplicative factors, and an additional variable such as age or period is taken into account. Although our model seems to be a special case of covariate-adjusted varying coefficient model (CAVCM) given by Sentürk (2006 Sentürk , D. ( 2006 ). Covariate-adjusted varying coefficient models . Biostatistics 7 : 235251 .[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), the data types of CAPLM and CAVCM are basically different and then the methods for inferring the two models are different. In this article, the estimate method motivated by Cui et al. (2008 Cui , X. , Guo , W. S. , Lin , L. , Zhu , L. X. ( 2008 ). Covariate-adjusted nonlinear regression . Ann. Statist. 37 : 18391870 . [Google Scholar]) is employed to infer the new model. Furthermore, under some mild conditions, the asymptotic normality of estimator for the parametric component is obtained. Combined with the consistent estimate of asymptotic covariance, we obtain confidence intervals for the regression coefficients. Also, some simulations and a real data analysis are made to illustrate the new model and methods.  相似文献   

A test statistic is constructed to test linear relationships in randomly right-censored varying-coefficient models. A residual-based bootstrap procedure is employed to derive the p-value of the test. The performance of the test is examined by extensive simulations. The simulation results show that the bootstrap estimate of the null distribution of the test statistic is approximately valid and the test method with the residual-based bootstrap works satisfactorily for at least moderate censoring rates of the response. Furthermore, the proposed test is applied to the Stanford heart transplant data for exploring a linear regression relationship between the logrithm of the survival time and the age of the patients.  相似文献   

Heteroscedasticity generally exists when a linear regression model is applied to analyzing some real-world problems. Therefore, how to accurately estimate the variance functions of the error term in a heteroscedastic linear regression model is of great importance for obtaining efficient estimates of the regression parameters and making valid statistical inferences. A method for estimating the variance function of heteroscedastic linear regression models is proposed in this article based on the variance-reduced local linear smoothing technique. Some simulations and comparisons with other method are conducted to assess the performance of the proposed method. The results demonstrate that the proposed method can accurately estimate the variance functions and therefore produce more efficient estimates of the regression parameters.  相似文献   

The logistic regression model is used when the response variables are dichotomous. In the presence of multicollinearity, the variance of the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) becomes inflated. The Liu estimator for the linear regression model is proposed by Liu to remedy this problem. Urgan and Tez and Mansson et al. examined the Liu estimator (LE) for the logistic regression model. We introduced the restricted Liu estimator (RLE) for the logistic regression model. Moreover, a Monte Carlo simulation study is conducted for comparing the performances of the MLE, restricted maximum likelihood estimator (RMLE), LE, and RLE for the logistic regression model.  相似文献   

Maximum likelihood estimation is investigated in the context of linear regression models under partial independence restrictions. These restrictions aim to assume a kind of completeness of a set of predictors Z in the sense that they are sufficient to explain the dependencies between an outcome Y and predictors X: ?(Y|Z, X) = ?(Y|Z), where ?(·|·) stands for the conditional distribution. From a practical point of view, the former model is particularly interesting in a double sampling scheme where Y and Z are measured together on a first sample and Z and X on a second separate sample. In that case, estimation procedures are close to those developed in the study of double‐regression by Engel & Walstra (1991) and Causeur & Dhorne (1998) . Properties of the estimators are derived in a small sample framework and in an asymptotic one, and the procedure is illustrated by an example from the food industry context.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to present a new method to predict the response variable of an observation in a new cluster for a multilevel logistic regression. The central idea is based on the empirical best estimator for the random effect. Two estimation methods for multilevel model are compared: penalized quasi-likelihood and Gauss–Hermite quadrature. The performance measures for the prediction of the probability for a new cluster observation of the multilevel logistic model in comparison with the usual logistic model are examined through simulations and an application.  相似文献   

In this article, we aim to study the linearized ridge regression (LRR) estimator in a linear regression model motivated by the work of Liu (1993). The LRR estimator and the two types of generalized Liu estimators are investigated under the PRESS criterion. The method of obtaining the optimal generalized ridge regression (GRR) estimator is derived from the optimal LRR estimator. We apply the Hald data as a numerical example and then make a simulation study to show the main results. It is concluded that the idea of transforming the GRR estimator as a complicated function of the biasing parameters to a linearized version should be paid more attention in the future.  相似文献   

This article primarily aims to put forward the linearized restricted ridge regression (LRRR) estimator in linear regression models. Two types of LRRR estimators are investigated under the PRESS criterion and the optimal LRRR estimators and the optimal restricted generalized ridge regression estimator are obtained. We apply the results to the Hald data and finally make a simulation study by using the method of McDonald and Galarneau.  相似文献   

In this article, the partially linear covariate-adjusted regression models are considered, and the penalized least-squares procedure is proposed to simultaneously select variables and estimate the parametric components. The rate of convergence and the asymptotic normality of the resulting estimators are established under some regularization conditions. With the proper choices of the penalty functions and tuning parameters, it is shown that the proposed procedure can be as efficient as the oracle estimators. Some Monte Carlo simulation studies and a real data application are carried out to assess the finite sample performances for the proposed method.  相似文献   

In the literature, there were only a few reports on goodness-of-fit tests on logistic regression models specifically derived for case-control studies. In this article, we propose a goodness-of-fit test for logistic regression models in stratified case-control studies using an empirical likelihood approach. The proposed statistic is an alternative to the statistic G o , recently proposed by Arbigast and Lin (2005 Arbigast , P. G. , Lin , D. Y. ( 2005 ). Model-checking techniques for stratified case-control studies . Statist. Med. 24 : 229247 . [Google Scholar]). Simulation results show that the proposed statistic is often slightly more powerful than G o , although their performances are always close to each other. Moreover, implementation of our method is easy since the usual stratified logistic regression procedures in many statistical softwares can be employed. Some asymptotic results and application of the proposed statistic to two real datasets are also presented.  相似文献   

In this paper we study polytomous logistic regression model and the asymptotic properties of the minimum ϕ-divergence estimators for this model. A simulation study is conducted to analyze the behavior of these estimators as function of the power-divergence measure ϕ(λ) Research partially done when was visiting the Bowling Green State University as the Distinguished Lukacs Professor  相似文献   

Clustering due to unobserved heterogeneity may seriously impact on inference from binary regression models. We examined the performance of the logistic, and the logistic-normal models for data with such clustering. The total variance of unobserved heterogeneity rather than the level of clustering determines the size of bias of the maximum likelihood (ML) estimator, for the logistic model. Incorrect specification of clustering as level 2, using the logistic-normal model, provides biased estimates of the structural and random parameters, while specifying level 1, provides unbiased estimates for the former, and adequately estimates the latter. The proposed procedure appeals to many research areas.  相似文献   

This article generalizes the ordinary mixed estimator (OME) in theory, and obtains the estimator of the unknown regression parameters in singular linear models with stochastic linear restrictions: singular mixed estimator (SME). We also give some properties of SME obtained in this article, and prove that it is superior to unrestricted least squared estimator (LSE) in singular linear models in the sense of the covariance matrix and generalized mean square error (GMSE). After that, we also have a discussion about the two-stage estimator of SME. The result we give in this article could be regarded as generalizations of both OME and unrestricted LSE at the same time.  相似文献   

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