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In this paper we consider test of dimensionality in MANOVA model. For this testing problem, the likelihood ratio (=LR) test, Lawley-Hotelling (=LH) type test and Bartlett-Nanda-Pillai (=BNP) type test are often used. We obtain the asymptotic expansions of powers of these tests under the local alternatives. Also Bahadur exact slopes of these tests are obtained. Based on these results, we obtain a unified opinion concerning comparison of LR test, LH type test and BNP type test.  相似文献   

To evaluate the validity of the mean function in generalized linear models, Su and Wei (1991 Su, J.Q., Wei, L.T. (1991). A lack-of-fit test for the mean function in a generalized linear model. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 86:420426.[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) proposed a lack-of-fit test based on partial sums of residuals. They compute P values using an unusual bootstrapping simulation. However, the simulations can hardly be performed with more than a few predictor variables because it is prohibitively time consuming. We modify their test for linear models and propose another lack of fit test based on partial sums of residuals. We find the non normal limiting distributions for both tests thus enabling more direct calculation of P values. Finally, we examine how the nature of the simulation reduces the power of Su-Wei’s test.  相似文献   

The zero-inflated binomial (ZIB) regression model was proposed to account for excess zeros in binomial regression. Since then, the model has been applied in various fields, such as ecology and epidemiology. In these applications, maximum-likelihood estimation (MLE) is used to derive parameter estimates. However, theoretical properties of the MLE in ZIB regression have not yet been rigorously established. The current paper fills this gap and thus provides a rigorous basis for applying the model. Consistency and asymptotic normality of the MLE in ZIB regression are proved. A consistent estimator of the asymptotic variance–covariance matrix of the MLE is also provided. Finite-sample behavior of the estimator is assessed via simulations. Finally, an analysis of a data set in the field of health economics illustrates the paper.  相似文献   

This paper studies a generalized Stein estimator of regression coefficients. The small disturbance approximations for the bias and mean square error matrix of the estimator are derived and a necessary and sufficient condition is obtained for the estimator to dominate the ordinary least squares estimator under the mean square error criterion.  相似文献   

The optimum quality that can be asymptotically achieved in the estimation of a probability p using inverse binomial sampling is addressed. A general definition of quality is used in terms of the risk associated with a loss function that satisfies certain assumptions. It is shown that the limit superior of the risk for p asymptotically small has a minimum over all (possibly randomized) estimators. This minimum is achieved by certain non-randomized estimators. The model includes commonly used quality criteria as particular cases. Applications to the non-asymptotic regime are discussed considering specific loss functions, for which minimax estimators are derived.  相似文献   

For simplicity or tractability reasons one sometimes uses modified test statistics, which differ from the original ones up to Op(an) terms with an→0. In this note, some technical conditions are provided under which a corresponding expansion for the powers of such perturbed tests holds. The necessity of some of these conditions is discussed and illustrated by examples. An application to invariant testing multivariate normality is presented.  相似文献   

Extensions of some limit theorems are proved for tail probabilities of sums of independent identically distributed random variables satisfying the one-sided or two-sided Cramér's condition. The large deviation x-region under consideration is broader than in the classical Cramér's theorem, and the estimate of the remainder is uniform with respect to x. The corresponding asymptotic expansion with arbitrarily many summands is also obtained.  相似文献   

If two parameters ψ and λ, are orthogonal, λψ, the maximum-likelihood estimate of λ for given ψ, varies only slowly with ψ in the neighbourhood of the overall maximum-likelihood point. The same is true if ψλ is replaced by a nonlinear function h(ψλ). The detailed form of the variation of ψλ with ψ is studied, and a basis suggested for choosing a particular function h(ψλ) that shows the dependence in the least informative fashion.  相似文献   

We revisit the classic problem of estimation of the binomial parameters when both parameters n,p are unknown. We start with a series of results that illustrate the fundamental difficulties in the problem. Specifically, we establish lack of unbiased estimates for essentially any functions of just n or just p. We also quantify just how badly biased the sample maximum is as an estimator of n. Then, we motivate and present two new estimators of n. One is a new moment estimate and the other is a bias correction of the sample maximum. Both are easy to motivate, compute, and jackknife. The second estimate frequently beats most common estimates of n in the simulations, including the Carroll–Lombard estimate. This estimate is very promising. We end with a family of estimates for p; a specific one from the family is compared to the presently common estimate and the improvements in mean-squared error are often very significant. In all cases, the asymptotics are derived in one domain. Some other possible estimates such as a truncated MLE and empirical Bayes methods are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The well-known Wilson and Agresti–Coull confidence intervals for a binomial proportion p are centered around a Bayesian estimator. Using this as a starting point, similarities between frequentist confidence intervals for proportions and Bayesian credible intervals based on low-informative priors are studied using asymptotic expansions. A Bayesian motivation for a large class of frequentist confidence intervals is provided. It is shown that the likelihood ratio interval for p approximates a Bayesian credible interval based on Kerman’s neutral noninformative conjugate prior up to O(n? 1) in the confidence bounds. For the significance level α ? 0.317, the Bayesian interval based on the Jeffreys’ prior is then shown to be a compromise between the likelihood ratio and Wilson intervals. Supplementary materials for this article are available online.  相似文献   

The number ofl-overlapping success runs of lengthk inn trials, which was introduced and studied recently, is presently reconsidered in the Bernoulli case and two exact formulas are derived for its probability distribution function in terms of multinomial and binomial coefficients respectively. A recurrence relation concerning this distribution, as well as its mean, is also obtained. Furthermore, the number ofl-overlapping success runs of lengthk inn Bernoulli trials arranged on a circle is presently considered for the first time and its probability distribution function and mean are derived. Finally, the latter distribution is related to the first, two open problems regarding limiting distributions are stated, and numerical illustrations are given in two tables. All results are new and they unify and extend several results of various authors on binomial and circular binomial distributions of orderk.  相似文献   

This article considers large deviation results for sums of independent non identically distributed random variables, generalizing the result of Petrov (1968 Petrov , V. V. ( 1968 ). Asymptotic behavior of probabilities of large deviations . Theor. Probab. Appl. 13 : 408420 . [Google Scholar]) by using a weaker and more natural condition on bounds of the cumulant generating functions of the sequence of random variables.  相似文献   

Inference concerning the negative binomial dispersion parameter, denoted by c, is important in many biological and biomedical investigations. Properties of the maximum-likelihood estimator of c and its bias-corrected version have been studied extensively, mainly, in terms of bias and efficiency [W.W. Piegorsch, Maximum likelihood estimation for the negative binomial dispersion parameter, Biometrics 46 (1990), pp. 863–867; S.J. Clark and J.N. Perry, Estimation of the negative binomial parameter κ by maximum quasi-likelihood, Biometrics 45 (1989), pp. 309–316; K.K. Saha and S.R. Paul, Bias corrected maximum likelihood estimator of the negative binomial dispersion parameter, Biometrics 61 (2005), pp. 179–185]. However, not much work has been done on the construction of confidence intervals (C.I.s) for c. The purpose of this paper is to study the behaviour of some C.I. procedures for c. We study, by simulations, three Wald type C.I. procedures based on the asymptotic distribution of the method of moments estimate (mme), the maximum-likelihood estimate (mle) and the bias-corrected mle (bcmle) [K.K. Saha and S.R. Paul, Bias corrected maximum likelihood estimator of the negative binomial dispersion parameter, Biometrics 61 (2005), pp. 179–185] of c. All three methods show serious under-coverage. We further study parametric bootstrap procedures based on these estimates of c, which significantly improve the coverage probabilities. The bootstrap C.I.s based on the mle (Boot-MLE method) and the bcmle (Boot-BCM method) have coverages that are significantly better (empirical coverage close to the nominal coverage) than the corresponding bootstrap C.I. based on the mme, especially for small sample size and highly over-dispersed data. However, simulation results on lengths of the C.I.s show evidence that all three bootstrap procedures have larger average coverage lengths. Therefore, for practical data analysis, the bootstrap C.I. Boot-MLE or Boot-BCM should be used, although Boot-MLE method seems to be preferable over the Boot-BCM method in terms of both coverage and length. Furthermore, Boot-MLE needs less computation than Boot-BCM.  相似文献   

This paper gives matrix formilae for the O(n-1 ) cerrecti0n applicable to asymptotically efficient conditional moment tests. These formulae only require expectations of functions involving, at most, second order derivatives of the log-likelihood; unlike those previously providcd by Ferrari and Corddro(1994). The correction is used to assess the reliability of first order asymptotic theory for arbitrary residual-based diagnostics in a class of accelerated failure time models: this correction is always parameter free, depending only on the number of included covariates in the regression design. For all but one of the tests considered, first order theory is found to be extremely unreliable, even in quite large samples, although this may not be widely appreciated by applied workers.  相似文献   

An expansion formula for the coverage probability of prediction region based on a shrinkage estimator proposed by Joshi [Joshi, V. M. (1967). Inadmissibility of the usual confidence sets for the mean of a multivariate normal population. Ann. Math. Statist., 38, 1868–1875.] is obtained. Its error bound is evaluated in terms of a function of an unknown parameter. Applying this result, three types of asymptotic expansions are derived. These expansions show inadmissibility of the usual prediction region.  相似文献   

This article studies the non null distribution of the two-sample t-statistic, or Welch statistic, under non normality. The asymptotic expansion of the non null distribution is derived up to n ?1, where n is the pooled sample size, under general conditions. It is used to compare the power with that obtained by normal theory method. A simple technique is recommended to achieve more power through a monotone transformation in practice.  相似文献   

For normally distributed data, the asymptotic bias and skewness of the pivotal statistic Studentized by the asymptotically distribution-free standard error are shown to be the same as those given by the normal theory in structural equation modeling. This gives the same asymptotic null distributions of the two pivotal statistics up to the next order beyond the usual normal approximation under normality. With an alternative hypothesis, the asymptotic variances of the two statistics under normality/non normality are also derived. It is, however, shown that the asymptotic variances of the non null distributions of the statistics are generally different even under normality.  相似文献   


For interval estimation of a binomial proportion and a Poisson mean, matching pseudocounts are derived, which give the one-sided Wald confidence intervals with second-order accuracy. The confidence intervals remove the bias of coverage probabilities given by the score confidence intervals. Partial poor behavior of the confidence intervals by the matching pseudocounts is corrected by hybrid methods using the score confidence interval depending on sample values.  相似文献   

Violation of correct specification may cause some undesirable results such as biased logistic regression coefficients and less efficient test statistics. In this paper, asymptotic relative efficiency (ARE) of various coefficients of determination in misspecified binary logistic regression models is investigated. Seven types of misspecification have been included. ARE of test statistics for exponential and Weibull distributions as a method of calculating optimal cutpoints is derived to demonstrate misspecification. Theoretical relationships between coefficients of determination have also been analyzed. Extensive simulations using bootstrap method and a real data application reveal more efficient one under various modeling scenarios.  相似文献   

This article provides a solution of a generalized eigenvalue problem for integrated processes of order 2 in a nonparametric framework. Our analysis focuses on a pair of random matrices related to such integrated process. The matrices are constructed considering some weight functions. Under asymptotic conditions on such weights, convergence results in distribution are obtained and the generalized eigenvalue problem is solved. Differential equations and stochastic calculus theory are used.  相似文献   

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