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We define zonal polynomials of quaternion matrix argument and deduce some impor-tant formulae of zonal polynomials and hypergeometric functions of quaternion matrix argument. As an application, we give the distributions of the largest and smallest eigenvalues of a quaternion central Wishart matrix W ~ ?W(n, Σ), respectively.  相似文献   

For the general linear model Y = X$sZ + e in which e has a singular dispersion matrix $sG2A, $sG > 0, where A is n x n and singular, Mitra [2] considers the problem of testing F$sZ, where F is a known q x q matrix and claims that the sum of squares (SS) due to hypothesis is not distributed (as a x2 variate with degrees of freedom (d. f.) equal to the rank of F) independent of the SS due to error, when a generalized inverse of A is chosen as (A + X'X). This claim does not hold if a pseudo-inverse of A is taken to be (A + X'X)+ where A+ denotes the unique Moore-Penrose inverse (MPI) of A.  相似文献   

A characterization of the distribution of the multivariate quadratic form given by X A X′, where X is a p × n normally distributed matrix and A is an n × n symmetric real matrix, is presented. We show that the distribution of the quadratic form is the same as the distribution of a weighted sum of non central Wishart distributed matrices. This is applied to derive the distribution of the sample covariance between the rows of X when the expectation is the same for every column and is estimated with the regular mean.  相似文献   

Abstract. In this article we analyse the product of the inverse Wishart matrix and a normal vector. We derive the explicit joint distribution of the components of the product. Furthermore, we suggest several exact tests of general linear hypothesis about the elements of the product. We illustrate the developed techniques on examples from discriminant analysis and from portfolio theory.  相似文献   

Matrix analogues are given for a known scalar identity which relates certain expectations with respect to the Wishart distribution. (The scalar identity was independently derived by C. Stein and L. Haff.) The matrix analogues are more aptly called “matrix extensions.” They can be derived by using the scalar identity; nevertheless, they are seen (in quite elementary terms) to be more general than the latter. A method of doing multivariate calculations is developed from the identities, and several examples are worked in detail. We compute the first two moments of the regression coefficients and another matrix arising in regression analysis. Also, we give a new result for the matrix analogue of squared multiple correlation: the bias correction of Ezekiel (1930), a result often used in model building, is extended to the case of two or more dependent variables.  相似文献   

Abstract.  In this paper, we compute moments of a Wishart matrix variate U of the form E ( Q ( U )) where Q ( u ) is a polynomial with respect to the entries of the symmetric matrix u , invariant in the sense that it depends only on the eigenvalues of the matrix u . This gives us in particular the expected value of any power of the Wishart matrix U or its inverse U − 1. For our proofs, we do not rely on traditional combinatorial methods but rather on the interplay between two bases of the space of invariant polynomials in U . This means that all moments can be obtained through the multiplication of three matrices with known entries. Practically, the moments are obtained by computer with an extremely simple Maple program.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to extend the characterization of the ordinary Wishart on symmetric matrices as given by Bobecka and Weso?owski (2002 Bobecka , K. , Weso?owski , J. ( 2002 ). The Lukacs–Olkin–Rubin theorem without invariance of the “quotient” . Studia Math. 152 : 147160 . [Google Scholar]) to the Wishart distribution on homogeneous cones.  相似文献   

Maximum likelihood estimation under constraints for estimation in the Wishart class of distributions, is considered. It provides a unified approach to estimation in a variety of problems concerning covariance matrices. Virtually all covariance structures can be translated to constraints on the covariances. This includes covariance matrices with given structure such as linearly patterned covariance matrices, covariance matrices with zeros, independent covariance matrices and structurally dependent covariance matrices. The methodology followed in this paper provides a useful and simple approach to directly obtain the exact maximum likelihood estimates. These maximum likelihood estimates are obtained via an estimation procedure for the exponential class using constraints.  相似文献   

Generalized Inverse Gaussian Distributions and their Wishart Connections   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The matrix generalized inverse Gaussian distribution (MGIG) is shown to arise as a conditional distribution of components of a Wishart distributio n. In the special scalar case, the characterization refers to members of the class of generalized inverse Gaussian distributions (GIGs) and includes the inverse Gaussian distribution among others  相似文献   

While conjugate Bayesian inference in decomposable Gaussian graphical models is largely solved, the non-decomposable case still poses difficulties concerned with the specification of suitable priors and the evaluation of normalizing constants. In this paper we derive the DY-conjugate prior ( Diaconis & Ylvisaker, 1979 ) for non-decomposable models and show that it can be regarded as a generalization to an arbitrary graph G of the hyper inverse Wishart distribution ( Dawid & Lauritzen, 1993 ). In particular, if G is an incomplete prime graph it constitutes a non-trivial generalization of the inverse Wishart distribution. Inference based on marginal likelihood requires the evaluation of a normalizing constant and we propose an importance sampling algorithm for its computation. Examples of structural learning involving non-decomposable models are given. In order to deal efficiently with the set of all positive definite matrices with non-decomposable zero-pattern we introduce the operation of triangular completion of an incomplete triangular matrix. Such a device turns out to be extremely useful both in the proof of theoretical results and in the implementation of the Monte Carlo procedure.  相似文献   

In this article, we focus upon a family of matrix valued stochastic processes and study the problem of determining the smallest time such that their Laplace transforms become infinite. In particular, we concentrate upon the class of Wishart processes, which have proved to be very useful in different applications by their ability in describing non-trivial dependence. Thanks to this remarkable property we are able to explain the behavior of the explosion times for the Laplace transforms of the Wishart process and its time integral in terms of the relative importance of the involved factors and their correlations.  相似文献   


The normal distribution has been playing a key role in stochastic modeling for a continuous setup. But its distribution function does not have an analytical form. Moreover, the distribution of a complex multicomponent system made of normal variates occasionally poses derivational difficulties. It may be worth exploring the possibility of developing a discrete version of the normal distribution so that the same can be used for modeling discrete data. Keeping in mind the above requirement we propose a discrete version of the continuous normal distribution. The Increasing Failure Rate property in the discrete setup has been ensured. Characterization results have also been made to establish a direct link between the discrete normal distribution and its continuous counterpart. The corresponding concept of a discrete approximator for the normal deviate has been suggested. An application of the discrete normal distributions for evaluating the reliability of complex systems has been elaborated as an alternative to simulation methods.  相似文献   

Given p×n X N(βY, ∑?I), β, ∑ unknown, the noncentral multivariate beta density of the matrix L = [(YY′)-1/2Y X′ (XX′)-1XY′ (YY′)-1/2] is desired. Khatri (1964) finds this density when β is of rank unity. The present paper derives the noncentral density of L and the density of the roots matrix of L for full rank β. The dual case density of L is also obtained. The derivations are based on generalized Sverdrup's lemma, Kabe (1965), and the relationship between primal and dual density of L is explicitly established.  相似文献   

In this article, we present a new approximation to the cumulative distribution function of standard normal distribution. The approximation is fairly accurate with minimum accuracy of seven decimal digits. To the best of our knowledge, this formula outperforms other such approximations available in literature.  相似文献   

In this article, the normal inverse Gaussian stochastic volatility model of Barndorff-Nielsen is extended. The resulting model has a more flexible lag structure than the original one. In addition, the second-and fourth-order moments, important properties of a volatility model, are derived. The model can be considered either as a generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model with nonnormal errors or as a stochastic volatility model with an inverse Gaussian distributed conditional variance. A simulation study is made to investigate the performance of the maximum likelihood estimator of the model. Finally, the model is applied to stock returns and exchange-rate movements. Its fit to two stylized facts and its forecasting performance is compared with two other volatility models.  相似文献   

In reply to a question raised in the literature, and to settle an argument debated in the last decades, we give the exact closed form expression of the density of X/Y, where X and Y are normal random variables, in terms of Hermite and confluent hypergeometric functions. All cases will be considered: standardized and nonstandardized variables, independent or correlated variables. Examples in applied disciplines are presented, and generalizations to ratios of variables from scale mixtures of bivariate normal distributions show the potential of further new applications in applied statistics and operations research.  相似文献   

基于Wishart检验的金融市场风险溢出研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在假定两个金融市场均为有效市场的条件下,基于Wishart分布对不同滞后相关系数进行Wishart检验,来确定在这两个金融市场之间的风险溢出发生期和风险溢出强度。实证检验结果显示,沪、深两市之间的风险溢出发生期大约在3分钟之内,且在3分钟的风险溢出发生期内沪市对深市的风险溢出强度较深市对沪市的风险溢出强度衰减速度缓慢,这反映了沪市较深市具有更重要的影响力,该研究结果与金融市场的实际情况吻合。  相似文献   

In statistical practice, rectangular tables of numeric data are commonplace, and are often analyzed using dimension-reduction methods like the singular value decomposition and its close cousin, principal component analysis (PCA). This analysis produces score and loading matrices representing the rows and the columns of the original table and these matrices may be used for both prediction purposes and to gain structural understanding of the data. In some tables, the data entries are necessarily nonnegative (apart, perhaps, from some small random noise), and so the matrix factors meant to represent them should arguably also contain only nonnegative elements. This thinking, and the desire for parsimony, underlies such techniques as rotating factors in a search for “simple structure.” These attempts to transform score or loading matrices of mixed sign into nonnegative, parsimonious forms are, however, indirect and at best imperfect. The recent development of nonnegative matrix factorization, or NMF, is an attractive alternative. Rather than attempt to transform a loading or score matrix of mixed signs into one with only nonnegative elements, it directly seeks matrix factors containing only nonnegative elements. The resulting factorization often leads to substantial improvements in interpretability of the factors. We illustrate this potential by synthetic examples and a real dataset. The question of exactly when NMF is effective is not fully resolved, but some indicators of its domain of success are given. It is pointed out that the NMF factors can be used in much the same way as those coming from PCA for such tasks as ordination, clustering, and prediction. Supplementary materials for this article are available online.  相似文献   

This article develops a procedure to obtain highly accurate confidence interval estimates for the stress-strength reliability R = P(X > Y) where X and Y are data from independent normal distributions of unknown means and variances. Our method is based on third-order likelihood analysis and is compared to the conventional first-order likelihood ratio procedure as well as the approximate methods of Reiser and Guttman (1986 Reiser, B., Guttman, I. (1986). Statistical inference for Pr(Y < X): the normal case. Technometrics 28: 253257.[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and Guo and Krishnamoorthy (2004 Guo, H., Krishnamoorthy, K. (2004). New approximate inferential methods for the reliability parameter in a stress-strength model: the normal case. Commun. Statist. Theor. Meth. 33: 17151731.[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). The use of our proposed method is illustrated by an empirical example and its superior accuracy in terms of coverage probability and error rate are examined through Monte Carlo simulation studies.  相似文献   

In estimating the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix of a multivariate normal population, the usual estimates are the eigenvalues of the sample covariance matrix. It is well known that these estimates are biased. This paper investigates obtaining improved eigenvalue estimates through improved estimates of the characteristic polynomial, which is a function of the sample eigenvalues. A numerical study investigates the improvements evaluated under both a square error and an entropy loss function.  相似文献   

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