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The present paper introduces a new family of distributions with quadratic mean residual quantile function. Various distributional properties as well as reliability characteristics are discussed. Some characterizations of the class of distributions are presented. The estimation of parameters of the model using method of L-moments is studied. The practical application of the class of models is illustrated with a real life data set.  相似文献   

The beta normal distribution is a generalization of both the normal distribution and the normal order statistics. Some of its mathematical properties and a few applications have been studied in the literature. We provide a better foundation for some properties and an analytical study of its bimodality. The hazard rate function and the limiting behavior are examined. We derive explicit expressions for moments, generating function, mean deviations using a power series expansion for the quantile function, and Shannon entropy.  相似文献   

In the present paper, we introduce and study a class of distributions that has the linear mean residual quantile function. Various distributional properties and reliability characteristics of the class are studied. Some characterizations of the class of distributions are presented. We then present generalizations of this class of distributions using the relationship between various quantile based reliability measures. The method of L-moments is employed to estimate parameters of the class of distributions. Finally, we apply the proposed class of distributions to a real data set.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a new class of distributions defined by a quantile function, which nests several distributions as its members. The quantile function proposed here is the sum of the quantile functions of the generalized Pareto and Weibull distributions. Various distributional properties and reliability characteristics of the class are discussed. The estimation of the parameters of the model using L-moments is studied. Finally, we apply the model to a real life dataset.  相似文献   

Recently, in the literature, the use of quantile functions in the place of distribution functions has provided new models, alternative methodology and easier algebraic manipulations. In this paper, we introduce new orders among the random variables in terms of their quantile functions like the reversed hazard quantile function, the reversed mean residual quantile function and the reversed variance residual quantile function orders. The relationships among the proposed orders and some existing orders are also discussed.  相似文献   

The q-Weibull distribution is a stretched model for Weibull distribution, obtained by introducing a new pathway parameter q, which facilitates a slow transition to the Weibull as q → 1. In this article, we make a detailed study of the properties of the q-Weibull distribution and we apply it to a data on cancer remission times for which this distribution is a better fit than Weibull. Results relating to reliability properties, estimation of parameters, and applications in stress-strength analysis are also obtained.  相似文献   

Sometimes additive hazard rate model becomes more important to study than the celebrated (Cox, 1972) proportional hazard rate model. But the concept of the hazard function is sometimes abstract, in comparison to the concept of mean residual life function. In this paper, we have defined a new model called ‘dynamic additive mean residual life model’ where the covariates are time dependent, and study the closure of this model under different stochastic orders.  相似文献   

This article introduces a five-parameter Beta-Dagum distribution from which moments, hazard and entropy, and reliability measures are then derived. These properties show the high flexibility of the said distribution. The maximum likelihood estimators of the Beta-Dagum parameters are examined and the expected Fisher information matrix provided. Next, a simulation study is carried out which shows the good performance of maximum likelihood estimators for finite samples. Finally, the usefulness of the new distribution is illustrated through real data sets.  相似文献   

Often, in reliability theory, risk analysis, renewal processes and actuarial studies, mean residual life function or life expectancy plays an important role in studying the conditional tail measure of lifetime data. In this paper, we introduce the notion of the mean residual waiting time of records and present some monotonic and aging properties. Sharp bounds for the mean residual waiting time of records are also investigated.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a measure for obtaining the expectation of time between two lower k-records under the condition that the greater one is given. Several properties of the proposed measure are derived. Some characterization results and stochastic comparisons based on the new measure are also provided.  相似文献   

Let Xi:j denote the ith order statistic of a random sample of size j from a continuous life distribution. We show that if Xk:n, is IFR, IFRA, NBU, or DMRL, so are Xk+1:n, Xk+1:n?1 and Xk+1:n+1. Further we show that, in the first three cases, Xk+1:n+2 also shares the corresponding property if k ≤ (n+3)/2. We also present dual results for DFR, DFRA and NWU classes.  相似文献   

In this article, we give a new family of univariate distributions generated by the Logistic random variable. A special case of this family is the Logistic-Uniform distribution. We show that the Logistic-Uniform distribution provides great flexibility in modeling for symmetric, negatively and positively skewed, bathtub-shaped, “J”-shaped, and reverse “J”-shaped distributions. We discuss simulation issues, estimation by the methods of moments, maximum likelihood, and the new method of minimum spacing distance estimator. We also derive Shannon entropy and asymptotic distribution of the extreme order statistics of this distribution. The new distribution can be used effectively in the analysis of survival data since the hazard function of the distribution can be “J,” bathtub, and concave-convex shaped. The usefulness of the new distribution is illustrated through two real datasets by showing that it is more flexible in analyzing the data than the Beta Generalized-Exponential, Beta-Exponential, Beta-Normal, Beta-Laplace, Beta Generalized half-Normal, β-Birnbaum-Saunders, Gamma-Uniform, Beta Generalized Pareto, Beta Modified Weibull, Beta-Pareto, Generalized Modified Weibull, Beta-Weibull, and Modified-Weibull distributions.  相似文献   

The paper discusses a quantile-based definition for the well-known proportional odds model. We present various reliability properties of the model using quantile functions. Different ageing properties are derived. A generalization for the class of distributions with bilinear hazard quantile function is established and the practical application of this model is illustrated with a real-life data set.  相似文献   

For the two-sided Student t confidence interval for the mean of a normal distribution there is, for any sample size, a sufficiently large confidence level that ensures that the interval covers all the observations; there are also sufficiently small confidence levels guaranteeing, respectively, that (a) the interval does not cover all the observations and (b) the interval lies within the extreme observations. Necessary and sufficient conditions are also obtained for the width of the confidence interval to always exceed the sample range, as well as for the reverse inequality. Some implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

We consider simple approximations of variances and covariances for order statistics from the standard extreme value distribution. Exact values and simulation results of the variances and covariances for certain sample sizes are used to determine the validity of the suggested approximations.  相似文献   

The new class of weighted exponential (WE) distributions obtained by Gupta and Kundu (2009) by implementing Azzalini's method to the exponential distribution. In this study, we generalize the WE distribution to a new class of generalized weighted exponential (GWE) distribution. Several statistical and reliability properties of this new class of distribution are obtained. Estimation and inference procedure for distribution parameters are investigated. Finally, we show that the proposed model can provide better fit than the recent class of weighted exponential by using two real data examples.  相似文献   

Knowledge concerning the family of univariate continuous distributions with density function f and distribution function F defined through the relation f(x) = F α(x)(1 ? F(x))β, α, β ? , is reviewed and modestly extended. Symmetry, modality, tail behavior, order statistics, shape properties based on the mode, L-moments, and—for the first time—transformations between members of the family are the general properties considered. Fully tractable special cases include all the complementary beta distributions (including uniform, power law and cosine distributions), the logistic, exponential and Pareto distributions, the Student t distribution on 2 degrees of freedom and, newly, the distribution corresponding to α = β = 5/2. The logistic distribution is central to some of the developments of the article.  相似文献   

In this article, we review some recent results on the stochastic comparison of convolutions from independent and heterogeneous random variables. We highlight the close connections that exist between some classical stochastic orders and majorization-type orders.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the effect of a cold standby component on the mean residual life (MRL) of a system. When the system fails, a cold standby component is immediately put in operation. We particularly focus on the coherent systems in which, after putting the standby component into operation, the failure of the system is due to the next component failure. For these systems, we define MRL functions and obtain their explicit expressions. Also some stochastic ordering results are provided. Such systems include k-out-of-n systems. Hence, our results extend some results in literature.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the generalized exponential distribution (GED) with shape parameter α. We establish several recurrence relations satisfied by the single and the product moments for order statistics from the GED. The relationships can be written in terms of polygamma and hypergeometric functions and used in a simple recursive manner in order to compute the single and the product moments of all order statistics for all sample sizes.  相似文献   

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