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Ordinal data, such as student's grades or customer satisfaction surveys, are widely used in daily life. We can fit a probit or logistic regression model to the ordinal data using software such as SAS and get the estimates of regression parameters. However, it is hard to define residuals and detect outliers due to the fact that the estimated probabilities of an observation falling in every category form a vector instead of a scalar. With the help of latent variable and latent residuals, a Bayesian perspective of detecting outliers is explored and several methods were proposed in this article. Several figures are also given. 相似文献
In this article, we obtained a dependence measure for generalized Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern (FGM) family in view of Kochar and Gupta (1987) and then compared this measure with Spearman's rho and Kendall's tau in FGM family. Moreover, we evaluated the empirical power of the class of distribution-free tests proposed by Kochar and Gupta (1987, 1990) based on exact distribution of a U-statistics. This is derived via a simulation study for sample of sizes n = 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, and 20. Also, we compared our simulation results with those achieved by Amini et al. (2010) and Güven and Kotz (2008). 相似文献
Abstract Although there exists a large variety of copula functions, only a few are practically manageable, and often the choice in dependence modeling falls on the Gaussian copula. Furthermore most copulas are exchangeable, thus implying symmetric dependence. We introduce a way to construct copulas based on periodic functions. We study the two-dimensional case based on one dependence parameter and then provide a way to extend the construction to the n-dimensional framework. We can thus construct families of copulas in dimension n and parameterized by n ? 1 parameters, implying possibly asymmetric relations. Such “periodic” copulas can be simulated easily. 相似文献
《Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation》2012,82(9):1990-2010
The directional dependence between variables using asymmetric copula regression has drawn much attention in recent years. There are, however, some critical issues which have not been properly addressed in regards to the statistical inference of the directional dependence. For example, the previous use of asymmetric copulas failed to fully capture the dependence patterns between variables, and the method used for the parameter estimation was not optimal. In addition, no method was considered for selecting a suitable asymmetric copula or for computing the general measurements of the directional dependence when there are no closed-form expressions. In this paper, we propose a generalized multiple-step procedure for the full inference of the directional dependence in joint behaviour based on the asymmetric copula regression. The proposed procedure utilizes several novel methodologies that have not been considered in the literature of the analysis of directional dependence. The performance and advantages of the proposed procedure are illustrated using two real data examples, one from biological research on histone genes, and the other from developmental research on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. 相似文献
Abstract. The asymptotic behaviour of several goodness-of-fit statistics for copula families is obtained under contiguous alternatives. Many comparisons between a Cramér–von Mises functional of the empirical copula process and new moment-based goodness-of-fit statistics are made by considering their associated asymptotic local power curves. It is shown that the choice of the estimator for the unknown parameter can have a significant influence on the power of the Cramér–von Mises test and that some of the moment-based statistics can provide simple and efficient goodness-of-fit methods. 相似文献
AbstractSeveral approximations of copulas have been proposed in the literature. By using empirical versions of checker-type copulas approximations, we propose non parametric estimators of the copula. Under some conditions, the proposed estimators are copulas and their main advantage is that they can be sampled from easily. One possible application is the estimation of quantiles of sums of dependent random variables from a small sample of the multivariate law and a full knowledge of the marginal laws. We show that estimations may be improved by including in an easy way in the approximated copula some additional information on the law of a sub-vector for example. Our approach is illustrated by numerical examples. 相似文献
Non-parametric Estimation of Tail Dependence 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Abstract. Dependencies between extreme events (extremal dependencies) are attracting an increasing attention in modern risk management. In practice, the concept of tail dependence represents the current standard to describe the amount of extremal dependence. In theory, multi-variate extreme-value theory turns out to be the natural choice to model the latter dependencies. The present paper embeds tail dependence into the concept of tail copulae which describes the dependence structure in the tail of multivariate distributions but works more generally. Various non-parametric estimators for tail copulae and tail dependence are discussed, and weak convergence, asymptotic normality, and strong consistency of these estimators are shown by means of a functional delta method. Further, weak convergence of a general upper-order rank-statistics for extreme events is investigated and the relationship to tail dependence is provided. A simulation study compares the introduced estimators and two financial data sets were analysed by our methods. 相似文献
Josemar Rodrigues 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2013,42(18):2943-2952
In this article, we obtain a mixture representation of the maximum entropy density introduced by Rodrigues (2004) via Laplace approximation. This representation suggests, as in Sklar (1959), a dependence structure through Archimedean copulas independently of the specified marginal distributions. This result can be used as a natural Bayesian and non Bayesian procedure to estimate the dependence function and the marginal, separately. 相似文献
This article answers to a problem by Kolesárová, Mesiar, and Sempi about the class of all copulas that are compatible with two given bivariate copulas A and B. It is shown that, even if A and B are not completely dependent, the class of all copulas compatible with A and B may consist of a singleton. 相似文献
In this article, using longitudinal data, we develop the theory of credibility by copula model. The convex combination of copulas is used to describe the dependencies among claims. Finally, for comparing with the results of a single copula, using EM algorithm, some simulations of Massachusetts automobile claims are presented. 相似文献
The authors define a new semiparametric Archimedean copula family which has a flexible dependence structure. The generator of the family is a local interpolation of existing generators. It has locally‐defined dependence parameters. The authors present a penalized constrained least‐squares method to estimate and smooth these parameters. They illustrate the flexibility of their dependence model in a bi‐variate survival example. 相似文献
Extreme-value copulas arise in the asymptotic theory for componentwise maxima of independent random samples. An extreme-value copula is determined by its Pickands dependence function, which is a function on the unit simplex subject to certain shape constraints that arise from an integral transform of an underlying measure called spectral measure. Multivariate extensions are provided of certain rank-based nonparametric estimators of the Pickands dependence function. The shape constraint that the estimator should itself be a Pickands dependence function is enforced by replacing an initial estimator by its best least-squares approximation in the set of Pickands dependence functions having a discrete spectral measure supported on a sufficiently fine grid. Weak convergence of the standardized estimators is demonstrated and the finite-sample performance of the estimators is investigated by means of a simulation experiment. 相似文献
In financial analysis it is useful to study the dependence between two or more time series as well as the temporal dependence in a univariate time series. This article is concerned with the statistical modeling of the dependence structure in a univariate financial time series using the concept of copula. We treat the series of financial returns as a first order Markov process. The Archimedean two-parameter BB7 copula is adopted to describe the underlying dependence structure between two consecutive returns, while the log-Dagum distribution is employed to model the margins marked by skewness and kurtosis. A simulation study is carried out to evaluate the performance of the maximum likelihood estimates. Furthermore, we apply the model to the daily returns of four stocks and, finally, we illustrate how its fitting to data can be improved when the dependence between consecutive returns is described through a copula function. 相似文献
Amélie Fils‐Villetard Armelle Guillou Johan Segers 《Revue canadienne de statistique》2008,36(3):369-382
The authors consider the construction of intrinsic estimators for the Pickands dependence function of an extreme‐value copula. They show how an arbitrary initial estimator can be modified to satisfy the required shape constraints. Their solution consists in projecting this estimator in the space of Pickands functions, which forms a closed and convex subset of a Hilbert space. As the solution is not explicit, they replace this functional parameter space by a sieve of finite‐dimensional subsets. They establish the asymptotic distribution of the projection estimator and its finite‐dimensional approximations, from which they conclude that the projected estimator is at least as efficient as the initial one. 相似文献
Abstract. A non‐parametric rank‐based test of exchangeability for bivariate extreme‐value copulas is first proposed. The two key ingredients of the suggested approach are the non‐parametric rank‐based estimators of the Pickands dependence function recently studied by Genest and Segers, and a multiplier technique for obtaining approximate p‐values for the derived statistics. The proposed approach is then extended to left‐tail decreasing dependence structures that are not necessarily extreme‐value copulas. Large‐scale Monte Carlo experiments are used to investigate the level and power of the various versions of the test and show that the proposed procedure can be substantially more powerful than tests of exchangeability derived directly from the empirical copula. The approach is illustrated on well‐known financial data. 相似文献
Hotelling's T2 statistic has many applications in multivariate analysis. In particular, it can be used to measure the influence that a particular observation vector has on parameter estimation. For example, in the bivariate case, there exists a direct relationship between the ellipse generated using a T2 statistic for individual observations and the hyperbolae generated using Hampel's influence function for the corresponding correlation coefficient. In this paper, we jointly use the components of an orthogonal decomposition of the T2 statistic and some influence functions to identify outliers or influential observations. Since the conditional components in the T2 statistic are related to the possible changes in the correlation between a variable and a group of other variables, we consider the theoretical influence functions of the correlations and multiple correlation coefficients. Finite-sample versions of these influence functions are used to find the estimated influence function values. 相似文献
Multivariate copula models are commonly used in place of Gaussian dependence models when plots of the data suggest tail dependence and tail asymmetry. In these cases, it is useful to have simple statistics to summarize the strength of dependence in different joint tails. Measures of monotone association such as Kendall's tau and Spearman's rho are insufficient to distinguish commonly used parametric bivariate families with different tail properties. We propose lower and upper tail-weighted bivariate measures of dependence as additional scalar measures to distinguish bivariate copulas with roughly the same overall monotone dependence. These measures allow the efficient estimation of strength of dependence in the joint tails and can be used as a guide for selection of bivariate linking copulas in vine and factor models as well as for assessing the adequacy of fit of multivariate copula models. We apply the tail-weighted measures of dependence to a financial data set and show that the measures better discriminate models with different tail properties compared to commonly used risk measures – the portfolio value-at-risk and conditional tail expectation. 相似文献
Piotr Jaworski 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2014,43(16):3402-3428
We study the semigroup action induced by univariate conditioning of copulas. Based on this, we give a new characterization of bivariate copulas in terms of flows generated by solutions of ordinary differential equations with not necessary continuous right side. Several applications, related to concordance ordering of copulas, illustrate the usefulness of this result. 相似文献