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In this paper, we propose a new augmented Dickey–Fuller-type test for unit roots which accounts for two structural breaks. We consider two different specifications: (a) two breaks in the level of a trending data series and (b) two breaks in the level and slope of a trending data series. The breaks whose time of occurrence is assumed to be unknown are modeled as innovational outliers and thus take effect gradually. Using Monte Carlo simulations, we show that our proposed test has correct size, stable power, and identifies the structural breaks accurately.  相似文献   

Based on the maximal invariant principle, we derive two ratio tests (locally best invariant test and point optimal test) for a unit root and compare them with previously proposed ratio tests. We also show that our ratio tests tend to have better powers than the Dickey-Fuller test and the modified Dickey-Fuller test.  相似文献   


In this article, the unit root test for the AR(1) model is discussed, under the condition that the innovations of the model are in the domain of attraction of the normal law with possibly infinite variances. By using residual bootstrap with sample size m < n (n being the size of the original sample), we bootstrap the least-squares estimator of the autoregressive parameter. Under some mild assumptions, we prove that the null distribution of the unit root test statistic based on the least-square estimator of the autoregressive parameter can be approximated by using residual bootstrap.  相似文献   

We consider the bootstrap method for the covariates augmented Dickey–Fuller (CADF) unit root test suggested in Hansen (1995 Hansen, B. E. (1995). Rethinking the univariate approach to unit root testing: Using covariates to increase power. \ Econometric Theory 11:11481171.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) which uses related variables to improve the power of univariate unit root tests. It is shown that there are substantial power gains from including correlated covariates. The limit distribution of the CADF test, however, depends on the nuisance parameter that represents the correlation between the equation error and the covariates. Hence, inference based directly on the CADF test is not possible. To provide a valid inferential basis for the CADF test, we propose to use the parametric bootstrap procedure to obtain critical values, and establish the asymptotic validity of the bootstrap CADF test. Simulations show that the bootstrap CADF test significantly improves the asymptotic and the finite sample size performances of the CADF test, especially when the covariates are highly correlated with the error. Indeed, the bootstrap CADF test offers drastic power gains over the conventional unit root tests. Our testing procedures are applied to the extended Nelson and Plosser data set.  相似文献   

A Bayesian approach is considered for identifying sources of nonstationarity for models with a unit root and breaks. Different types of multiple breaks are allowed through crash models, changing growth models, and mixed models. All possible nonstationary models are represented by combinations of zero or nonzero parameters associated with time trends, dummy for breaks, or previous levels, for which Bayesian posterior probabilities are computed. Multiple tests based on Markov chain Monte Carlo procedures are implemented. The proposed method is applied to a real data set, the Korean GDP data set, showing a strong evidence for two breaks rather than the usual unit root or one break.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a unit root test for short panels with serially correlated errors. The proposed test is based on the instrumental variables (IVs) and the generalized method of moments (GMM) estimators. An advantage of the new test over other tests is that it allows for an ARMA-type serial correlation. A Monte Carlo simulation shows that the new test has good finite sample properties. Several methods to estimate the lag orders of the ARMA structure are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

We show that the Lagrange multiplier (LM) unit root test exhibits size distortions when a break in the innovation variance exists but is ignored. We develop a modified LM unit root test that is based on a generalized least-squares transformation of the original series. The asymptotic null distribution of the new modified LM unit root test is derived. Finite-sample simulation evidence shows that the modified LM unit root test maintains its size and has reasonable power against the trend stationary alternative.  相似文献   

In this paper, a bootstrap test based on the least absolute deviation (LAD) estimation for the unit root test in first-order autoregressive models with dependent residuals is considered. The convergence in probability of the bootstrap distribution function is established. Under the frame of dependence assumptions, the asymptotic behavior of the bootstrap LAD estimator is independent of the covariance matrix of the residuals, which automatically approximates the target distribution.  相似文献   

The power properties of the rank-based Dickey–Fuller (DF) unit root test of Granger and Hallman [C. Granger and J. Hallman, Nonlinear transformations of integrated time series, J. Time Ser. Anal. 12 (1991), pp. 207–218] and the range unit root tests of Aparicio et al. [F. Aparicio, A. Escribano, and A. Siplos, Range unit root (RUR) tests: Robust against non-linearities, error distributions, structural breaks and outliers, J. Time Ser. Anal. 27 (2006), pp. 545–576] are considered when applied to near-integrated time series processes with differing initial conditions. The results obtained show the empirical powers of the tests to be generally robust to smaller deviations of the initial condition of the time series from its underlying deterministic component, particularly for more highly stationary processes. However, dramatic decreases in power are observed when either the mean or variance of the deviation of the initial condition is increased. The robustness of the rank- and range-based unit root tests and their higher power results relative to the seminal DF test have both been noted previously in the econometrics literature. These results are questioned by the findings of the present paper.  相似文献   

In this paper we evaluate the performance of three methods for testing the existence of a unit root in a time series, when the models under consideration in the null hypothesis do not display autocorrelation in the error term. In such cases, simple versions of the Dickey-Fuller test should be used as the most appropriate ones instead of the known augmented Dickey-Fuller or Phillips-Perron tests. Through Monte Carlo simulations we show that, apart from a few cases, testing the existence of a unit root we obtain actual type I error and power very close to their nominal levels. Additionally, when the random walk null hypothesis is true, by gradually increasing the sample size, we observe that p-values for the drift in the unrestricted model fluctuate at low levels with small variance and the Durbin-Watson (DW) statistic is approaching 2 in both the unrestricted and restricted models. If, however, the null hypothesis of a random walk is false, taking a larger sample, the DW statistic in the restricted model starts to deviate from 2 while in the unrestricted model it continues to approach 2. It is also shown that the probability not to reject that the errors are uncorrelated, when they are indeed not correlated, is higher when the DW test is applied at 1% nominal level of significance.  相似文献   

Previous literature has shown that the addition of an untested surplus-lag Granger causality test can provide highly robust to stationary, non stationary, long memory, and structural break processes in the forcing variables. This study extends this approach to the partial unit root framework by simulation. Results show good size and power. Therefore, the surplus-lag approach is also robust to partial unit root processes.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper, we propose Phillips-Perron type, semi-parametric testing procedures to distinguish a unit root process from a mean-reverting exponential smooth transition autoregressive one. The limiting nonstandard distributions are derived under very general conditions and simulation evidence shows that the tests perform better than the standard Phillips-Perron or Dickey-Fuller tests in the region of the null. We would like to thank conference participants of the Pfingsttagung 2005 in Münster for their helpful comments.  相似文献   

The nonlinear unit root test of Kapetanios, Shin, and Snell (2003 Kapetanios, G., Shin, Y., Snell, A. (2003). Testing for a unit root in the nonlinear STAR framework. Journal of Econometrics 112:359379.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) (KSS) has attracted much recent attention. However, the KSS test relies on the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimator, which is not robust to a heavy-tailed distribution and, in practice, the test suffers from a large power loss. This study develops three kinds of quantile nonlinear unit root tests: the quantile t-ratio test; the quantile Kolmogorov–Smirnov test; and the quantile Cramer–von Mises test. A Monte Carlo simulation shows that these tests have significantly better power when an innovation follows a non-normal distribution. In addition, the quantile t-ratio test can reveal the heterogeneity of the asymmetric dynamics in a time series. In our empirical studies, we investigate the unit root properties of U.S. macroeconomic time series and the real effective exchange rates for 61 countries. The results show that our proposed tests reject the unit roots more often, indicating that the series are likely to be asymmetric nonlinear reverting processes.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the new prior distribution on the Unobserved-Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (ARCH) unit root test. Monte Carlo simulations show that the sample size is seriously effective in efficiency of Bayesian test. To improve the performance of Bayesian test for unit root, we propose a new Bayesian test that is robust in the presence of stationary and nonstationary Unobserved-ARCH. The finite sample property of the proposed test statistic is evaluated using Monte Carlo studies. Applying the developed method, we test the policy of daily exchange rate of the German Marc with respect to the Greek Drachma.  相似文献   

A common financial trading strategy involves exploiting mean-reverting behaviour of paired asset prices. Since a unit root test can be used to determine which pairs of assets appear to exhibit mean-reverting behaviour, we propose a new Bayesian unit root to detect the presence of a local unit root vs. mean-reverting nonlinear smooth transition heteroskedastic alternative hypotheses. This test procedure is based on the posterior odds. For simultaneous estimation and inference, we employ an adaptive Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo scheme, which utilizes a mixture prior specification to solve the likelihood identification problem of the smoothing parameter and the autoregressive coefficient with a unit root. The size and power properties of the proposed method are examined via a simulation study. An empirical study examines the mean-reverting behaviour of price differential between stock and future.  相似文献   

Panel data unit root tests, which can be applied to data that do not have many time series observations, are based on very restrictive error and deterministic component specification assumptions. In this paper, we develop a new, doubly modified estimator, based on which we propose a panel unit root test that allows for multiple structural breaks, linear and nonlinear trends, heteroscedasticity, serial correlation, and error cross‐section heterogeneity, when the number of time series observations is finite. The test has the additional perk that it is invariant to the initial condition.  相似文献   

The Perron test which is based on a Dickey–Fuller test regression is a commonly employed approach to test for a unit root in the presence of a structural break of unknown timing. In the case of an innovational outlier (IO), the Perron test tends to exhibit spurious rejections in finite samples when the break occurs under the null hypothesis. In the present paper, a new Perron-type IO unit root test is developed. It is shown in Monte Carlo experiments that the new test does not over-reject the null hypothesis. Even for the case of a level and slope break for trending data, the empirical size is near its nominal level. The test distribution equals the case of a known break date. Furthermore, the test is able to identify the true break date very accurately even for small breaks. As an application serves the Nelson–Plosser data set.  相似文献   

We consider an exact factor model with integrated factors and propose an LM-type test for unit roots in the idiosyncratic component. We show that, for a fixed number of panel individuals (N) and when the number of time points (T) tends to infinity, the limiting distribution of the LM-type statistic is a weighted sum of independent Chi-square variables with one degree of freedom, and when T tends to infinity followed by N tending to infinity, the limiting distribution is standard normal. The results should contribute to the challenging task of deriving likelihood-based unit-root tests in dynamic factor models.  相似文献   

In this paper, we derive the asymptotic distribution of Popp's (2008) innovational outlier unit root test for trending series with a break. The results of Zivot and Andrews (1992) are applied to provide the limiting results of these new test statistics. We tabulate their asymptotic and finite sample critical values, and illustrate the use of the new statistics with an application to the unemployment rate series for 23 OECD countries.  相似文献   

We compare the ordinary least squares, weighted symmetric, modified weighted symmetric (MWS), maximum likelihood, and our new modification for least squares (MLS) estimator for first-order autoregressive in the case of unit root using Monte Carlo method. The Monte Carlo study sheds some light on how well the estimators and the predictors perform on different samples sizes. We found that MLS estimator is less biased and has less mean squared error (MSE) than any other estimators, and MWS predictor error performs well, in the sense of MSE, than any other predictors’ methods. The sample percentiles for the distribution of the τ statistic for the first, second, and third periods in the future, for alternative estimators, are reported to know if it agrees with those of normal distribution or not.  相似文献   

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