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MIL-STD-1235C establishes standard procedures for the selection and implementation of single- and multi-level continuous sampling plans, such as CSP-1, CSP-F, CSP-2, CSP-T and CSP-V. CSP-V is a single-level continuous sampling procedure which provides for alternating sequences of 100%inspection (either at full or reduced clearance number) and sampling inspection. It requires a return to 100% inspection whenever a non-confirming unit is found during sampling inspection, but provides for a reduced clearance number upon demonstration of superior product quality. The CSP-V procedure serves as an alternative to the CSP-T procedure where a reduction in sampling frequency has no economic merit. In this paper, expressions for the average outgoing quality, the average fraction inspected and the operating characteristic function are derived using a Markov chain model. Four tables are given to enable the selection of CSP-V plans when the acceptable quality level or the limiting quality level and the

average outgoing quality limit are specified.  相似文献   

Lieberman and Solomon (1955) introduced multi-level continuous sampling plans and Derman et al. (1957) extended them as tightened multi-level continuous plans. MLP-T plan is one of the three tightened multi-level continuous sampling plans of Derman et al. (1957). In this paper, we restrict our discussion to MLP-T plans with two sampling levels. Using a Markov chain model, expressions for the average outgoing quality, the average fraction inspected and the operating characteristic function are derived. Four tables are given to enable selection of MLP-T plans with two sampling levels when the acceptable quality level or the limiting quality level and the average outgoing quality limit are specified.  相似文献   

Procedures and tables are givenfor construction and selection of continuous sampling plans of the type CSP-2 for a given pair of conditions.  相似文献   

This paper presents procedures and tables for the selection of conditional sampling plans, viz. conditional double sampling plan, chain-deferred sampling plan, link sampling plan, and ChSP-4A chain sampling plan for given acceptable quality level (AQL), producer's risk, limiting quality level and consumer's risk giving minimum sample size at AQL under the conditions of the Poisson model for the operating characteristic curve.  相似文献   

Procedures and tables are given for the selection of chain sampling plans of type ChSP-1 for given acceptable quality level, producer's risk, limiting quality level and consumer's risk. Selection of ChSP-1 plan is discussed for both proportion nonconforming and the number of nonconformities per unit.  相似文献   

Three tables for selection of double sampling plans each for the cases when n2 = n1and when n2 = 2n1with anyu one of the following combination of entry parameters are given :

1) the indifference quality level and the average out-going quality limit;

2) the indifference quality level with relative slope of the curve at that quality level and

3) the quality level corresponding to the inflection point with relative slope of the OC curve at that quality level.

Two tables enabling the transition from one set of parameters to match the OC curve of other similar sets are also given.  相似文献   

This paper presents tables based on the Poisson model, for the selection of skip-lot sampling plans of type SKSP-2, with a single-sampling plan which has a zero acceptance number as a reference plan. The indifference quality level (IQL) and the maximum allowable per cent defective (MAPD) are the criteria used for fixing the plan. Procedures for the selection of plans for given conditions of (IQL, average outgoing quality limit) and (MAPD, average outgoing quality limit) are also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a quick switching sampling system for the inspection of attributes quality characteristics for resubmitted lots. The optimal parameters for both fraction non conforming items and fraction non conformities of the proposed sampling system are determined using an optimization procedure so that producer’s risk and consumer’s risk are simultaneously satisfied. Tables are also constructed for the selection of parameters for specified AQL and LQL. The advantage of the proposed plan over the existing plan is discussed and illustrate. An economic design of the proposed sampling system is also discussed and shown that the proposed sampling system has minimum total cost and average total inspection compared to other existing sampling plans.  相似文献   

Three tables for selection of single sampling plans with any one of the following combinations of entry parameters are givens.

1) the indifference quality level and the average outgoing quality limit.

2) the indifference quality level with relative slope of the OC curve at that quality leve land.

3) the quality level corresponding to the inflection point with relative slope of the OC curve at that quality level.

A table enabling the transition from one set of parameters to match the OC curve of other similar sets is also given.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a method of planning and determining the optimum parameters of a SkSP-R skip-lot sampling plan by using the attribute double sampling plan as the reference plan. The SkSP-R plan is a new type of skip-lot sampling plan which has a provision for re-inspecting the submitted lots. The optimal plan parameters of the suggested sampling plan are estimated with the target that the average sample number be minimized and satisfying both the specified producer's as well as the consumer's risks simultaneously. In order to obtain the optimum parameters, tables are also built for different combinations of the acceptable quality level and the limiting quality level in conjunctions with different producer's and consumer's risks. An illustrative example is provided for the implementation of the suggested plan. The advantages of the suggested plan over the existing conventional sampling plans and other existing skip-lot sampling plans are also described.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a variables quick switching system where the quality characteristic of interest follows a normal distribution and the quality characteristic is evaluated through a process loss function. Most of the variables sampling plans available in the literature focus only on the fraction non-conforming and those plans do not distinguish between the products that fall within the specification limits. The products that fall within specification limits may not be good if their mean is too away from the target value. So developing a sampling plan by considering process loss is inevitable in these situations. Based on this idea, we develop a variables quick switching system based on the process loss function for the application of the processes requiring low process loss. Tables are also constructed for the selection of parameters of variables quick switching system for given acceptable quality level and limiting quality level. The results are explained with examples.  相似文献   

A set of tables is presented enabling one to design multiple (Group sequential) sampling plans when various entry parameters are given. Table yielding item by item sequential sampling plans indexed by (AQL, AOQL) is also presented.  相似文献   

In this paper, procedures and tables for the selection of a variable-lot-size attribute sampling plan for continuous production are given, and the advantages of this plan relative to a fixed-lot-size plan are also discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, skip-lot sampling plan of type SkSP-2 with group acceptance sampling plans is proposed when the lifetime of the product follows the Burr-type XII distributions. The optimal parameters of the proposed plan are determined when two points on operating characteristics curve namely acceptable quality level and limiting quality level and the number of testers are specified. We also considered the Burr-type XII distribution to find the plan parameters. Several tables are given for practical use. We compare the results of proposed plan with the existing plans. Results are explained using real-world examples.  相似文献   

Repetitive group sampling procedure for variables inspection   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper introduces the concept of repetitive group sampling (RGS) for variables inspection. The repetitive group sampling plan for variables inspection will be useful when testing is costly and destructive. The advantages of the variables RGS plan over variables single sampling plan, variables double sampling plan and attributes RGS plan are discussed. Tables are also constructed for the selection of parameters of known and unknown standard deviation variables repetitive group sampling plan indexed by acceptable quality level and limiting quality level.  相似文献   

A simple method of analyzing the MIL-STD-105D double sampling plans by ‘normalizing the OC curve’ is presented. Among a set of competing double sampling plans, procedures are given to select a particular plan when costs are unknown. Necessary tables are constructed and examples given.  相似文献   

In this article, a new attributes double sampling plan for three-class products (ADSPTP) is presented, and the corresponding operating characteristic function is constructed based on the given procedure of performing ADSPTP. Average sample numbers (ASN) for complete inspection and curtailed inspection of the second sample are derived and the extreme point is discussed on the three-dimensional ASN surface. In addition, the differences arising from different parameters are studied. Sampling plans are designed by a nonlinear optimization model. Finally, numerical examples and discussions are given to illustrate the obtained results, and tables of the designed plans under various conditions are provided.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a multiple deferred state repetitive group sampling plan which is a new sampling plan developed by incorporating the features of both multiple deferred state sampling plan and repetitive group sampling plan, for assuring Weibull or gamma distributed mean life of the products. The quality of the product is represented by the ratio of true mean life and specified mean life of the products. Two points on the operating characteristic curve approach is used to determine the optimal parameters of the proposed plan. The plan parameters are determined by formulating an optimization problem for various combinations of producer's risk and consumer's risk for both distributions. The sensitivity analysis of the proposed plan is discussed. The implementation of the proposed plan is explained using real-life data and simulated data. The proposed plan under Weibull distribution is compared with the existing sampling plans. The average sample number (ASN) of the proposed plan and failure probability of the product are obtained under Weibull, gamma and Birnbaum–Saunders distributions for a specified value of shape parameter and compared with each other. In addition, a comparative study is made between the ASN of the proposed plan under Weibull and gamma distributions.  相似文献   

This paper presents tables and a computer program for determining single sampling plans for given AQL, producer's risk and AOQL for the case of nonconforming units and nonconformities. Comparison with Soundararajan's (1981) procedures for selection of single sampling plans for given (AQL, AOQL) is also given  相似文献   

A common approach to the design of an acceptance sampling plan is to require that the operating characteristic (OC) curve should pass through two designated points that would fix the curve in accordance with a desired degree of discrimination. This paper presents a search procedure for the selection of double sampling inspection plans of type DSP - (0, 1) for specified two points on the OC curve, namely acceptance quality limit, producer's risk, limiting quality and consumer's risk. Selection of the plans is discussed for both the cases of fraction non-conforming and the number of non-conformities per unit.  相似文献   

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